Japan Today

UK raises terror threat level after explosion outside Liverpool hospital

By Paul BARKER and Jitendra JOSHI

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There was prompt praise for the taxi driver, named locally as David Perry, following reports he locked the male passenger inside the cab after growing suspicious about his intentions.

Thanks to the actions of a quick thinking cabbie, a worse atrocity was avoided.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Bombing a women’s hospital or a remembrance service is the mark of a particularly cowardly group. I hope they are found, detained and convicted with haste.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Islamists trying to start a war in the UK-maybe they will succeed one day?

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Johnson, who convened a government emergencies and contingencies meeting in response,

A day late and a Pound short Bojo.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Of course none of this wouldn't have happened if 32-year-old Emad Al Swealmeen was NOT in the country in the first place.

Meanwhile, Ali Harbi Ali, the 25-year-old accused of murdering David Amess last month as he met constituents in Leigh-on-Sea, east of the capital, will go on trial next year.

Prosecutors have said the murder "has a terrorist connection" with "religious and ideological motivations".

Had a known terrorist connection.... yet allowed to freely live in the UK?

Can anyone else see the problem here?

7 ( +16 / -9 )

Had a known terrorist connection....

Did he? They didn't claim it was known before the fact, nor even what the connection was. And yet you already concluded there is a problem that should have been known ahead of the fact:

yet allowed to freely live in the UK?

Way to sow the seeds of divisiveness.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

The quick-thinking and acting taxi driver put politicians to shame, another example of how ordinary people have to clean up the mess their leaders leave behind: "home-grown" terrorism planned and committed by psychologically "unstable" persons is the DIRECT consequence (blowback) of inhumane government foreign policy and military force that time and again have led to the multiple killing of innocent civilians in faraway countries and have fed wave after wave of desperate refugees fleeing from bombs and missiles raining down on them.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Dont look back in anger.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Can anyone else see the problem here?

Could it be that People are facing problems today which can be traced back to the British, French, Ottoman, Russian, US American, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Belgian, Japanese and other empires that invaded countries and pillaged them. Today people watch as China's Belt and Road and the Russian Federation's 'Eurasian Economic Union' expand.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Can anyone else see the problem here?

Could it be that People are facing problems today which can be traced back to the British, French, Ottoman, Russian, US American, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Belgian, Japanese and other empires that invaded countries and pillaged them. Today people watch as China's Belt and Road and the Russian Federation's 'Eurasian Economic Union' expand.

It's the same intolerance for and fear of the non-English that brought the world Brexit.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

The AvengerToday  07:14 am JST

There was prompt praise for the taxi driver, named locally as David Perry, following reports he locked the male passenger inside the cab after growing suspicious about his intentions.

Thanks to the actions of a quick thinking cabbie, a worse atrocity was avoided.

Those initial reports were incorrect. As video evidence on several news sources has confirmed, the car was still moving when the device exploded and the driver, though injured, is lucky to be alive.

6 ( +7 / -1 )


Had a known terrorist connection....

Did he? They didn't claim it was known before the fact, nor even what the connection was. And yet you already concluded there is a problem that should have been known ahead of the fact:

Not the taxi guy but the one who killed the MP. Not an isolated case, the London Bridge attacker was also "a known terrorist supporter" on the police radar.

yet allowed to freely live in the UK?

Way to sow the seeds of divisiveness.

I fully understand the the results of colonialism, the West's oil wars and support for M.E dictatorships, however, the UK doesn't need to take any of these people from the fall out. Selfish? Sure.... Maybe the UK should offer to take the same number of refugees as Saudi Arabia?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Johnson, who convened a government emergencies and contingencies meeting in response,

A day late and a Pound short Bojo.

I have zero time or respect for Johnson, but what is he supposed to do? We’ve had jihadi attacks for decades.

The security services can’t monitor all jihadi threats - they have admitted they are overwhelmed. I suppose you could argue for a huge increase in manpower for the security services, but the UK isn’t exactly rolling in cash after the economic effects of the pandemic and Brexit.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Good on the hero taxi driver. He realized the threat, locked this evil terrorist in, and the result was wonderful.

It is beyond belief how many innocent people this animal could have killed if he hadn't been stopped. It is great that he died.

Hope the hero cabbie recovers fully. Give him a medal.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Assigning blame to everyone except the perp! I really wonder about some people.

And of course the perp did what he did for what singular reason?, at least from the perspective of a far rightist. But I know the far right abhors considering an issues' complexities, a KISS approach is appropriate sometimes, but most often ignores factors that should be considered. Not surprising the far right's sense of apportioning blame is if an 'other' was anywhere near a problem, 'the 'other did it' will be their typical response.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

All of those taking the opportunity to stir up xenophobic hatred against refugees should consider that stuff like this is nothing compared to the IRA campaigns of the 70s-90s. In 1996 they detonated a 1500Kg lorry bomb in the centre of Manchester. In the 1984 Brighton bomb they very nearly took out the entire cabinet.

I don’t know if playing the numbers game is useful here, but incidents like the London Underground attacks of 2005 weren’t just a nutter with a bread knife.

One thing with the IRA was that they were an organisation with tangible political goals. They basically bombed and shot their way to the negotiating table after years of back channel communication.

This is a very different situation to jihadis popping up all across the UK. How do you deal with that?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

The majority of Muslims live in England: 2,660,116 (4.3% of the population). They are peaceful people and this Jidahist attack affects them too.

Muslims make up 4.8% of UK population (2016) BUT 15% of the total prison population. In London prisons the figure is a staggering 27%! So yeah...really peaceful.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The UK has not done a good job in handling immigrants over the years, and the mistreatment of and racism towards Muslims in particular often leads to these such homegrown incidents.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

zichiToday  01:17 pm JST

This was to be an attack against a Remembrance Service being held at the Liverpool Cathedral but the police had closed off the roads. He told the taxi driver to take him to the city center then saw the hospital. I don't know if he knew it was a women's hospital where among other needs women go to give birth.

He intended to use his suicide bomb but only the detonator blew reducing the blast and saving the life of the driver.

Another tragic event but less than others have been.

The majority of Muslims live in England: 2,660,116 (4.3% of the population). They are peaceful people and this Jidahist attack affects them too.

It must be noted too that all of Europe has had to suffer Libyan terrorism over the decades and that had zero to do with religious fabaticism or 'Islamism.' The terrorism Qaddafy sponsered was for his sick jollies alone.

That heathen scumbag was overthrown 10 years ago. Possibly this vile act could be from somebody vengeful and pissed about the 'Great Arab Leader' being overthrown and killed in 2011.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There's a lot of speculation about this.

He told the taxi driver to take him to the city center then saw the hospital.

Reports I've read say he asked to be taken to the hospital.

There are various reports that he had converted to Christianity. Also that he had some mental problems.

The four people who were arrested have now been released. The police say they are satisfied with their accounts.

The police are being cautious about drawing conclusions about the motivation, and we probably should be too.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

zichiToday  03:03 pm JST

The bomber, Emad Al Swealmeen was not "homegrown" he was from Syria.

That's exactly the tyoe of attitude I described in my original post!

RegBilkToday  02:44 pm JST

*The UK has not done a good job in handling immigrants over the years, and the mistreatment of and racism towards Muslims in particular often leads to these such homegrown incidents.*

Well, Emarl did not hop on a plane at Damascus International Airport this weekend and head to Liverpool.

He's been living in England for about 8 years. These homegrown incidents will likely continue to grow, according to British police officials.

The British government has ignored the depth and nature of anti-Muslim prejudice in the UK for decades. Physical or verbal abuse on public transport, discrimination in the workplace are just a few examples of the daily norm for many British Muslims. A shame and very unfortunate the Brits do not make more sincere efforts to stamp out this horrific behavior.

The first step, though, is acknowledging the problem.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

BungleToday  03:44 pm JST

The point, I feel that needs re-iterating, is that migrants are not compelled to pick up their bags and drop anchor in any given country. Neither are they held hostage in their adopted countries; if Emarl thought that living in Great Britain blew hard, he could have packed his bags (again) and relocated somewhere more in keeping with his sense of well-being.

That point is re-iterated in the daily life of immigrants as I mentioned, and also extends to minorities in the UK.

So if blacks who are born in the UK and find tht living in Great Britain blows hard, they can pack up their bags and relocate too---it would be easier for UK citizens to actually do so compared with migrants, for a variety of reasons.

The message you would convey to these victims of discrimination then is basically "If you don't like it go back to your own country."

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


Those figures are not accurate.

26% of the prison population, 22,683 people, are from a minority ethnic group.

Ethnic minorities are more likely to receive a prison sentence.

The figures I gave are for the Muslim prison population NOT all minority groups.

Latest figures 18% of the prison population are Muslim. So hugely over represented. Meanwhile the Sikhs and Hindus are under represented.

So not ALL ethnic minorities are more likely to receive a prison sentence.

Check for yourself... Google

UK Prison Population Statistics House of Commons library

0 ( +3 / -3 )

zichiToday  04:11 pm JST

The term "homegrown" means a person born in the country or one who has become a national of the country. The term is not applied to immigrants and asylum seekers living in the country.

*HOMEGROWN TERRORISM.—The term ‘homegrown terrorism’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or vi- olence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian popu- lation of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.*

The UK has not done a good job in handling immigrants over the years, and the mistreatment of and racism towards Muslims in particular often leads to these such homegrown incidents.

Ignoring the reality of the discrimination only allows it to grow,

Why would anyone want that?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

The UK has not done a good job in handling immigrants over the years, and the mistreatment of and racism towards Muslims in particular often leads to these such homegrown incidents.

Ignoring the reality of the discrimination only allows it to grow,

Why would anyone want that?

I think you are getting a bit hysterical over the level of racism in the UK.

It has its problems, but it’s doing a decent job overall. The shortcomings are admitted.

We all want the walls to close in on it.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

JimizoToday  04:45 pm JST

I think you are getting a bit hysterical over the level of racism in the UK.

Hysterical? In what way is my comment anywhere near hysterical? I am only asking because I have never heard that word used in this context. Because it would seem every comment could be called hysterical; but that would diminish the effect of it.

Actually, you are the only one here so far to even admit racism and discrimination in the UK is a problem.

Imagine if others had a hysterical response against those issues, as opposed to ignoring it.

Good on you though for your honesty.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )


I posted a link to a parliamentary document.

Im looking at the very same document...

Go to page 15... Religion

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

99% this is an alarmist attack -the news that the offender converted to Christianity means absolutely nothing.


Because there aren’t bomb-making Christian factions across the UK -pure and simple!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


Many Muslims won’t touch alcohol but they will engage in drug dealing and the other offences that come with that.

Personally, I’ve seen drug dealing by Muslims in the UK

0 ( +4 / -4 )

there aren’t bomb-making Christian factions across the UK -pure and simple!

The IRA did their share of bomb-making in their time, and they claimed (mostly) to be Christian.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

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