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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Over 100,000 protest in France against vaccination, COVID passes
People have the rights over their own bodies, but to participate in a society, rules and restrictions apply.
Good news Bass4funk, there are 3 vaccines approved by the FDA. More than 6 months ago for all three. If that was a show stopper for you, get one now.
Wrong on both things, vaccines are not gene therapy (else many classic vaccines would be, including the first one), this concept is a lie coming from antivaxxer propaganda. And there is no hysteria, if you have some secret data that proves the scientific community is wrong by treating COVID as a dangerous pandemic you should present it, else they are much more likely to be correct, which would make your misrepresentation false.
What "civil liberties" are you giving away exactly?
How do you "abandon your bodily autonomy", exactly?
How about "you don't get sick, you don't die, and you don't kill people around you"? Does that sound like a good return on the investment of two synringes in your arm?
You should ask polio what it thinks about. Wait, you can't, it's been eradicated by vaccines.
So basically a gathering of right-wing trash and a lot of bored people.
Hysterical. Too much Fox News.
And you would rather die from a preventable lung disease suffocating in a hospital bed than peacefully of old age? That's just weird.
And by not getting vaccinated, people like you increase the chances of a vaccine-resistant variant to appear at some point, killing millions and starting this whole pandemic again. Why do you want people to suffer so much?
I'm sure the over 4 million dead people around the world would disagree with that opinion.
And if facebook had existed some 26 years ago, your mother might have read that the diptheria vaccine turns people into radio towers or that polio is "just a flu", and right now you'd probably be dead, you silly woman.
The vaccine is a new type of vaccine. Technically it is gene therapy. That doesn't mean it doesn't work or is necessarily dangerous. It means other things but most won't actually read about it further than the first page of google search results (all of which are paid for, btw). The fact is that it only really works to reduce the severity of symptoms. It only
...protects the innoculated.
No it is not, it does not modify the genome of the cells, nor it changes the expression levels of the genes, that means it is not valid to call it gene therapy. Mistakenly thinking it is gene therapy just because some antivaxxer propaganda lie about it would also mean you think all attenuated vaccines would also be "gene therapy" because they do even more than mRNA vaccines, this includes the prototypical one.
Vaccines "only" help reducing the rates of infection, complications, transmission and death... exactly the purpose of a vaccine they also protect other people by making less likely for the infected to transmit the disease, and on population level by reducing the likehood of variant appearance. This is like saying that antibiotics "only" help preventing problems from bacterial infections, and can't guarantee full recovery in 100% of the cases.
Unfortunately it also makes a lot of people keep asking the same questions even when properly answered, just because the actual answers are not what they want to hear.
Extremist stance.
And nobody has the right to endanger people around them. Nobody has the right to be a 'Typhoid Mary'.
Of course in some US states you can't use that reasonable logic on those gun-worshipping idiots who are always looking for excuses. It's all a case of irresponsibility and gross immaturity.
Looks like a super spreader, do they really want to die?
You are of course aware that we already have a form of forced vaccinations and that you probably have been "force-vaccinated" yourself.
You're right, let me rephrase it:
So basically a gathering of right-wing trash, left-wing dum-dums and a lot of bored people.
Because only 40.4% fully vaccinated. It's right there.
Vaccines very efficiently reduces this, so this is not an argument for lack of gain from the vaccines.
Using false information, even after knowing is false, and reaching obviously false conclusions is what can make a person appear as an antivaxxer, for example the "gene therapy" false argument. Everybody has the same rights of being protected against the infection, people that are in close contact with others have the responsibility to reduce this risk.
The vaccine is important for anybody that is at risk, for anybody that want to protect others of risk, for anybody that wants to avoid the appearance of new variants, for anybody that wants a population to achieve herd immunity as fast as possible and with the least amount of deaths.
Also, informing yourself about the topic you want to discuss can help you avoid making huge mistakes, you can begin for example by looking at the fatality rate of polio.
It says you will have much, much, much less chances of dying and most importantly of transmitting covid to other people than without the vaccine.
We all die someday so why bother with curing any disease, right?
Oh yeah, it's perfectly self-righteous to assume that 4 million people who died from covid... didn't want to die from covid. Great argument. How many do you think were perfectly happy to get sick and die? About half of them?
4 million dead, but yeah, lets listen to 100.000 confused "living people", some of which were there to protest the fact that France wasn't a monarchy anymore.
They do, your ramble around with false information and invalid reasoning to make the point they should be able to do that without any consequence, which is what is not true.
COVID is not a non-issue, the same way that polio was not just a fever, something that you could have known if you tried to inform yourself better. An EUA is irrelevant for the vaccines safety and efficacy, because changing the type of approval would have absolutely no effect on the evidence already collected about it, COVID vaccines are one of the best vaccines both in terms of safety and efficacy, so refusing it (even if it is a free choice to make) is still an irrational choice that can be proved scientifically. You think COVID is something with risks that can be ignored? that means you think vaccines also are the same, because they have much less risk than the infection.
If people want to behave irrationally then can do it (people die refusing scientifically proven treatments that could save them every single day) what they can't do is to demand those irrational choices to be fully free of consequences. For that they would need scientific evidence that the vaccines represent a risk at least comparable with the infection, like the people with valid medical exceptions do.
Christopher Glen
Fantastic to see. Coercion of any kind to take the jab must end.
The Avenger
The French always protest anything. What's different is they are doing it in July. I can't imagine there is much enthusiasm. July and August are for holidays. Protests are always in the fall.
Thankfully. At least it helps to make us more aware and to ask lots of questions.
And the numbers are still going up, why is that? Unless there’s more transparency, more debate the questions on the vaccine will never stop coming.
What do you get in return for giving away civil liberties? What do you receive in return for abandoning your bodily autonomy? No government or "greater good" guarantees anything in return. There is no scientific basis to assume diseases can be eradicated and death avoided. If rights exist and we agree we all have them, then we have to accept that people will behave within the scope of their rights. Being afraid of covid doesn't afford anyone the right to dictate what others choose to do with their bodies. Assuming there's such thing as a scientific "greater-good" is the most dogmatic stance one can take. Most are too blind to realize that.
Would you agree that Salk's willingness to release his vaccine patent-free is what led to the huge success in eradicating polio? Wouldn't you agree if the covid vaccine is as effective and proven as you say, that would be the best course of action? Especially given that you and so many others are convinced that everyone is going to die without it. You're the expert so I trust your opinion as to why that's not the case for covid. And EUA versus approval is exactly what guarantees safety. That's why regulatory agencies like the FDA exist. So pharmaceutical companies can't make billions off the suffering and death of millions without the proper regulation.
Nowhere in the vaccine program does it say I won't die from covid. Nowhere does it say that I will be guaranteed a long healthy life. To believe it does is what's weird. People in France want to have a say in how they're governed. A democracy is not contingent on a disease being deadly or not. It's also hilarious how self righteous you are to assume to know the opinions of 4 million random dead people. Ask the 100,000 living people protesting their rights to live as free citizens about their opinions. Or just keep virtue signaling online and shilling for fascism.
The topic at hand is people having the right to refuse vaccination. Covid is a complete non-issue for most people regardless of the constant propaganda from private media and health organizations. However some people are at risk. Others aren't. There's more evidence to support that stance. You're trying to pose the argument as vaccines save lives. Yes, they do. But the particular one in discussion is under EUA and therefore not fully approved the way many others are. That doesn't mean it's bad or people shouldn't take it but it does mean that people shouldn't have to, or be punished for not taking it. Mandating all people in given field must take it is anti-democtratic hence the protests. That is a position that goes against your and many others' feeling that it's "the right thing to do". Once the state of emergency is lifted and the mRNA vaccine has full approval via regulatory agencies and the data is peer reviewed, I think a lot of people will take it.
When big government pushes you to do something especially when it comes to an experimental vaccine in your body without FDA approval and won’t allow for questioning, dissent or opposing viewpoints you start to breed skepticism and resistance to wanting to take it real fast.
Is this not a true statement?
No, not exactly. The article refers to “separate protest marches by the far-right and the far-left.”
Commodore Perry
I respect the French for their peaceful protest; contrast that with the far-left extremist 'protestors' in the US last year, with their helmets, facemasks, body protection, and a collection of various weapons to be used against civilians, business owners, and anyone else who disagrees with their view. All in the name of social justice!
And once again is this vaccine approved or just under emergency authorization?
You can still get sick. You will die; everybody does. And if the people around you want to be vaccinated, they can be. I think you're confusing the support of having the same rights to live regardless of vaccine status as being anti-vax. The vaccine is important for people who are at risk. Covid is nowhere near as deadly nor endemic as polio once was. People who want or need the vaccine should have access to it. The speed with which it was produced in many places is a marvel. That should be celebrated. But people who choose not to take it should not be punished. Covid is not the end of the world nor a death sentence the way many other diseases are.
I will wait, thank you very much.
France has a new president?
Commodore Perry
Government pushing people to get vaccinated is one more step towards fascism.