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© 2024 AFPFrance votes in snap polls as far-right eyes historic win
By Anna SMOLCHENKO PARIS©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2024 AFP
When you promote a far left agenda that promotes immigration, alternative lifestyle and promiscuity you can easily end up with people getting fed up and voting to the extreme in the other direction.
Macron, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I am curious to know if the French “far right” is similar to the Italian “far right” and Argentinian “far right”.
I am guessing they are not promoting genocide or other obvious far right behaviors.
Mr Kipling
Far right now means wanting to spend your countries tax money on your own people and not on immigrants and promoting unnecessary wars overseas.
Can we not call them the far commonsense party?
The current wayfright is used is to describe anyone who doesn’t want to follow a far left agenda. If you don’t want men in women’s sports or bathrooms you’re a transphobe and far right. Want immigration laws tightened, racist and far right.
Hope the far-rights win.
The usual whining about the label ‘far right’.
These types often call anything outside their Daily Mail/Rightwing North American podcast world ‘far left’.
So easily led. So predictable.
Not to be taken seriously.
Macron may have the remit of foreign policy but the other people will control the purse strings.
He who controls the purse strings ultimately controls everything.
The usual whining about the label ‘far right’.
These types often call anything outside their Daily Mail/Rightwing North American podcast world ‘far left’.
So easily led. So predictable.
Not to be taken seriously.
The above quote shows willful denial or just simple out of touch with reality.
Sven Asai
Spare us this irrational hysteria. It's too late anyway, and everyone with eyes and a clear mind knows that. Also a few rights or far rights cannot and will not change anything, because the damages have been done for years or decades to be more precise. It doesn't play a significant role, if now punctually some elections or majorities are won, increasing wokeness is a bit slowed down or a very few of the usually left people in power positions, universities, administration offices etc are now replaced by a few center or right wingers due to some election results. Face the situation as it is and remains, it's too late everywhere, not only in France.
The Le Pen party is an extreme right-wing group. The National Rally.
The government has banned some extreme right-wing parties. Those who are anti-Muslims or anti-Jews.
France’s slide to the extreme right is the stuff of both farce and tragedy.
The neighbours of France must be a little more than worried.
In Europe and America the Overton Window has been so propagandized and out of whack that this is the 'far left'.
For those who believe in such fictions as 'cultural Marxism' which is a creation of a conservative corporatatic controlled media.
Pushing Islamicization and unrestrained immigration is not 'leftist'.
Pushing identitarian pinkwashing is not left.
Neo-liberal corporations and their media outlets love this and push it incessantly.
The left are the ones fighting the police in the streets, making flaming barriers to clog up the supply chain; until the government gives the people higher wage guarantees, maintains social benefits and backs down from 'reforms and deregulation designed to dis-empower people and cement corporate hegemony.
There are a bunch of useful 'tools', to put it politely, mainly among the boomer generation who are shaped by these ideas and entrench corporacratic power and drive down living standards amongst workers.
Reminds me of Reform in the UK where we have seen party members and supporters talking about things such as picking up guns and using the people on the boats as ‘target practice’. A large number of Reform candidates are Facebook friends with an openly fascist crackpot who likes Oswald Mosley and has activists called ‘blackshirts’.
These groups do seem to attract certain types.
Why would that be?
There is the view that while these parties will obviously attract racist/fascist trash, decent people can be attracted to these parties through exasperation with the mainstream parties on immigration in particular.
It’s up to the reasonable parties to get a grip on this.
It’s an observation. The types who moan about being labeled ‘far right’ often dismiss those who disagree with them as ‘far left’.
You can read it on the comment section right here.
It's going to be a long time that Putinists will be see Macron's smiling face at world leader gatherings. Even the National Rally does not directly commit to reducing the amount of aid sent to Ukraine.
Funny how when these rightists ascend to power you still see LGBTQ pride parades and large influxes of immigrants and media promoting alternative lifestyles.
The only thing that changes, in the US and Europe guaranteed is the erosion of worker rights, deregulation allowing more corporate abuse of workers rights and benefits and the environment and centralization of power with business interests at the forefront.
Funny innit?
With the rise of right-wing parties there probably be an increase in hate and racial attacks.
Cards fan
Well yeah, even the far isn't stupid enough to run on a platform of "elect me and we'll" commit a genocide. Kind of an odd critique to make.
Rise in hate and racial attacks vs WW III? Not a hard decision.
We had to save the French once from the Nazis. Do we have to do it again?
Bob Fosse
How is Macron going to start WW3 or more importantly how is le pen going to stop it?
Let your imagination run wild.
Rightist solidarity is simply the solidarity of superficial sameness. It’s Durkheim’s mechanical solidarity. We are all the same here and we police each other to make sure. We bring up our hates and prejudices as soon as possible to see if our interlocutor is one of us. Woke is the hate du jour. But it could be simple racism or homophobia or anti-green or anti “liberals”. These rightists define themselves in opposition to something because they don’t want to look inside at what they really believe, and face their emptiness. They work on hate and fear.
Yep. But it’s all good. Biden is the best candidate and he is sure to beat the orange guy! JT readers seem to tend a little to the left on these issues and are seemingly led on that way by the media.
So doesn’t it this strike you as odd that there is Seemingly a global wave of “far right” politicians coming to lower recently?
Or is it perhaps that the “far right” moniker is perhaps just nonsense propaganda?
As a reader, I just want the news.
I want that.
I don’t want some slanted political commentary.
This is how democracy is supposed to work - through the wisdom of the crowd. Not thru the type of propaganda tactics that the Nazis used.
Sheesh o Pete’s!
Where have you been?
Are you saying you’re not aware of Macron wanting to drop French troops into Ukraine? Or are you just not aware of how it can play out?
People complain about the rise of the 'far right' and yet they don't really understand why they are rising. Could it be a reaction to something? Could it be because the traditional left (or what is seemingly left) has been hijacked by warmongering neo-libs and neo-cons, using virtue signalling to justify their holier than thou attitude and deflect attention, and most importantly of all, putting the interests of America and Israel before the interests of their own people who actually have to fund wars which have nothing to do with them? People want their governments to put their welfare first. Is that too much to ask?
Both of which emerged from the right, very clearly. Neo-cons are the shoot 'em up, shock and awe cowboys of American exceptionalism and neo-libs the economic fundamentalist capitalists about as far from the left as you can imagine. So either you have a distorted view of left and right OR they really are disguising themselves as leftists and people are stupidly falling for this subterfuge.
Personally, I think that radical American ignorance of terminology is partly behind the confusions and epithets, after decades of unremitting capitalist propaganda.
I was discussing with an LLM about this now, and got something good out of it:
i must have promoted it appropriately to get it to produce this common sense output.
Bob Fosse
Rather than being led on that Biden didn’t actually beat him last time?
The last and only time a US President came back for a non consecutive second term was in the 19th Century.
The only people being ‘led on’ are those thinking 45 will be 47. He didn’t want to win last time and definitely doesn’t want to win this time. He just likes the attention. And the donations, especially the donations.
Bob Fosse
If you think voting for le pen is somehow relevant in preventing an inevitable WW3 you are not someone capable of discussing this further.
With Russia's war against Ukraine in its third year and energy and food prices much higher, support for the anti-immigration and eurosceptic National Rally (RN) party has surged despite President Emmanuel Macron's pledges to prevent its ascent.
France for the French!
Since the Gaza War, there has been a disturbing increase in anti-semitism in France and other European countries.
Security experts are warning about an increase in Jihadist attacks.
"France for the French"
And anyone from all the other EU countries.
There's a reason why anyone from all the other EU countries can't vote in the French elections.
Who are the French?
"All persons born within the country to at least one French national or foreign parent who was born in France automatically receive French nationality at birth. All persons born abroad to at least one French parent are automatically French from birth."
People who have nationalized.
So the French are not, as you claim:
I didn't claim other EU citizens were French. You claimed, "France is for the French." But any EU citizen can live and work in France and vote in some elections.
Gene Hennigh
Far right here, far right there, far right over yonder. WWIII. Prepare for it.
Setting limits for Putin is absolutely in the interests of France.
Certain quarters should read the article (third last sentence).
Says right there the masters of the purse strings plan to do things differently.
France has a chance to make amends for past infractions, and help themselves at the same time.
But it doesn't say the purse will be closed completely. And what "infractions" has France committed of late? Certainly nothing on the scale of Russia.
Good question. Let's look at the article:
And there's your answer. The "far right" moniker is fully justified.
Read the sentence. It means it will go down.
People are sick of funding the proxy while their own energy prices skyrocket. People want a focus of the home-front.
Macron's ensemble came in third. RN first.
Second round coming up.
Only if you assume missiles won't be replaced with something else.
Sounds like a fine assumption there and it is still Putin's War.
The French voted for themselves and against Atlanticist collaborators.
France has always lagged behind other European countries in support of Ukraine. Putin's criminality is very likely to focus minds if Russia manages to move any further westward.s
In northern France, one of the most prominent figures on the French left - the head of the Communist party (PCF), Roussel - has been knocked out in the first round by the NR candidate, Florquin.
French voters/taxpayers understand that Moscow wants a reasonable, defensive buffer zone and no blocs on the European frontier Le Grand Armee advanced on. This means a sensible truncated rump state west of the Dnieper fully neutralist.
Not a threat to anyone in France or elsewhere.
Very democratic of him.
In other countries when you lose an election you hand over leadership to the winner soon after.
But not Emmanuel Macron.
He wants to cling onto power.
He took a gamble and is losing it.
Gareth Myles
@Jimizo The Reform "racist" has now been revealed to be an actor whose website claims he specializes undercover work. He coincidentally volunteered for Reform on the one day the Channel 4 were filming an undercover documentary. Reform have submitted a complaint to the Electoral Commission that he was planted to embarrass the party and that this constitutes interference with the electoral process. If this complaint is eventually proved to be true, then it is a frightening development in the political process of the UK. A left-wing broadcaster paying a plant to be a racist to discredit a legitimate political party? It could not be worse.
Said no one ever. A few might be afraid of Russia but only the traitorous spout its talking points.
If the Constitution allows him to defend France from its internal enemies, no one should say he should just step aside.
Bad day for the French.
sorry, yes,
naturalized citizen
You think?
I don’t
Maybe you might have missed the multiple rapes,stabbings,drug dealing, no-go anreas and the icing on the cake perhaps was the Christian priest’s grisly beheading.
Warped violent ideologies dating back to feudal times is the cause of much of it.
All this in recent history.
Does it make sense now?
Le Pen represents conservative and populist ideas, and nothing "far right". The misuse of these labels by the mainstream media is getting tiring.
That is very true, I think leftists don't understand the definition or they really feel or think that these (so-called far-right whatever that means ) people will take us back to 1933 nowhere near anything close to reality, ignorant and ill-informed
To understand Le Pen, look at her family history and her personal history. Her policies on the main points. She is far-right and proud of the label. She makes Trump look like a centralist.
She wants a bigger government with nationalized industries. Leave NATO and maybe the EU. Remove dual nationalities. Remove the right to birth citizenship. Ban the Muslim head scarf.
"The RN is considered part of the radical right and does not oppose democracy. The party was founded in 1972 to unify the French nationalist movement. Jean-Marie Le Pen founded the party and was its leader until his resignation in 2011."
Founded by a racist, fascist, and anti-semitic.
France’s slide to the extreme right is the stuff of both farce and tragedy.
It was the headline of the linked Guardian article.
90% of the French Muslims are law-abiding citizens.
What is wrong with being far-right? Why is it good to be far-left?
I don't think the last part is that bad of an idea actually.
Dual nationalities, don't know about that one, but the rest, I agree with.
Not everyone who is a member or who is or believes in some of these policies is racist. I am not a racist, and I don't want millions of illegals in my country, I want them all out and if they commit crimes as so many have done recently, I believe they should be a candidate for the death penalty if they are legalized citizens and commit crimes should have their citizenship revoked, seem fair.
Lovely! What kind of crimes should they be executed for? Different ones to US born citizens?
Statistically, immigrants commit far less crime than citizens, such as yourself, and are far less likely to be incarcerated than US born individuals, such as yourself.
You are proof of this.
"The RN is considered part of the radical right and does not oppose democracy. The party was founded in 1972 to unify the French nationalist movement. Jean-Marie Le Pen founded the party and was its leader until his resignation in 2011."
Founded by a racist, fascist, and anti-semitic.
You do not know the members of RN. You don't live in France and you are not a member of the RN. It's not about your country. It is about the French elections. The RN has a reputation for being racist and anti-semitic.
Your views and beliefs are irrelevant.
The RN are trying to rebrand their image but their history cannot be revised.
"The undercurrent of division suggests that the decade-long effort by Marine Le Pen to soften the image of her party has been for the most part superficial – a view backed by French media outlets Libération and Mediapart. Recently, they published lists of 45 RN candidates who had expressed racist, antisemitic or homophobic views on social media, including one who called for the abolition of a law that makes it illegal to question the Holocaust and another who claimed that some civilisations remain “below bestiality in the chain of evolution”.
Rape, Murder
I heard that, but it seems the stats do not match up, and second, I am an American citizen, not an immigrant.
So far that theory is not holding up.
No, I grew up in a society where daily killings are a way of life.
Mr Kipling
Apart from leaving the EU, which they don't actually want., whats not to like about her? Those are all excellent policies for France.
I don't need to live in France, but that doesn't make all French people who are a part of RN racists.
And Europe.
You think?
Ahh, but you Chime in American politics every day, your opinion is relevant?
I think they have legitimate arguments.
What is wrong with having any opinion you want? Right or wrong, I think people should be allowed to think any way they wish, as long as they don't violate another person's civil rights or physically hurt a person, it is perfectly reasonable that people can believe or think as they wish.
The French voters for Le Pen/RN will be voting for the "whole package" and not just the policies they may support or agree with.
There has not been a far-right government since WW2.
You do not know the members of RN. You don't live in France and you are not a member of the RN.
Many of the members are. The party was built on racism and antisemitism. The history of the RN is years not weeks. "they published lists of 45 RN candidates who had expressed racist, antisemitic or homophobic views on social media."
It's not about your country. It is about the French elections.
The article is about the French elections. You have made numerous posts stating you have no interest in Europe.
The RN has a reputation for being racist and anti-semitic.
I don't have to "think". It's based on their history and facts.
Your views and beliefs are irrelevant.
They are irrelevant to the French elections and the RN when you post about what you want in your own country.
The RN are trying to rebrand their image but their history cannot be revised.
What are you basing your personal on?
"The undercurrent of division suggests that the decade-long effort by Marine Le Pen to soften the image of her party has been for the most part superficial – a view backed by French media outlets Libération and Mediapart. Recently, they published lists of 45 RN candidates who had expressed racist, antisemitic or homophobic views on social media, including one who called for the abolition of a law that makes it illegal to question the Holocaust and another who claimed that some civilisations remain “below bestiality in the chain of evolution”.
Do you support racism, antisemitism, and homophobia like the RN?Do you support the attacks against the French Jews?
Mr Kipling
She wants a bigger government with nationalized industries. Leave NATO and maybe the EU. Remove dual nationalities. Remove the right to birth citizenship. Ban the Muslim head scarf..
Racism, antisemitism, and homophobia.
Pretending like France doesn't need NATO and the EU are not excellent policies for France.
blue in green
People worldwide, have had enough of WEF/Globalists and their agenda
to sink in every way, common patriots.
Pack your kit, Macron, you're done.