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© 2024 AFPJudge warns Trump over juror intimidation; 7 jurors picked for trial
By Gregory WALTON NEW YORK©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2024 AFP
Don fell asleep, AGAIN.
Per a pool reporter in the room, “Trump’s head slowly dropped, his eyes closed. It jerked back upward. He adjusts himself. Then, his head droops again. He straightens up, leaning back. His head [droops] for a third time, he shakes his shoulders. Eyes closed still. His head drops. Finally, he pops his eyes open.”
Maybe if he weren’t rage-posting at 3 AM?
Trump said it. We must believe it.
That judge is very "bias".
We know Cohen went to prison for it, so it is only fair that the instigator should too.
The social media posts read in court mocked Trump. He had to listen to those for hours on Tuesday, and probably again on Thursday. Nobody mocks him in his presence. He cannot sit still for it.
Trump fans will either deny this or claim that it is because Trump is so bored by the whole thing he has fallen asleep. Neither of which it's plausible.
For a guy that made his whole campaign about how old and decrepit Biden is, the guy can’t stay awake for his own trial?
Should defense counsel petition the court for a binky and a cot?
Maybe everyone should talk in a quiet voice during nappy time?
Peter Neil
he and his sycophants on fox news are hilarious, whining about him being denied to attend barron’s high school graduation, when the judge said he hadn’t decided yet.
oh, by the way, trump never attended the high school graduation of any of his other four children.
6+ weeks of this will push him over the edge. entertaining. and now, the $175 million bond is going to get bounced again after the company failed to provide the correct documents again. and they do not have the excess equity to support the bond. ha!
going to be a wild time the next couple of weeks.
Trump has to be careful here. His attitude in court cost him big-time in the E. Jean Carroll court case. The jury turned against him because of it. Now the stakes are higher.
I'm not sure if Trump can suddenly conjure up any amount decorum or self-control, since he has never had to in the past.
Trump likes to denigrate elites, but he has been an elite all his life.
Lock him up in general quarters for a day to get some sense into him.
Peter Neil
Oh, and it was soon after the birth of Barron, Melania looking after Barron at home, that Trump's indiscretion with Stormy occurred.
If it gets boring again, why not?
Sounds like the makings of a Stone screenplay.
As an American, he can do this, the left sure does. Lol
He’s never attended ANY school function of any of his kids.
There is No way on God's green Earth that you would know this. ROFL!
Only about one-third of U.S. adults say Trump did something illegal in the hush money case for which jury selection began Monday. And they're fairly skeptical that Trump is getting a fair shake from the prosecutors in the case – or that the judge and jurors can be impartial in cases involving him.
3 in 10 Americans feel that any of the prosecutors who have brought charges against Trump are treating the former president fairly. And only about 2 in 10 Americans are extremely or very confident that the judges and jurors in the cases against him can be fair and impartial.
Oh well in that case, case dismissed!
I mean, why bother having a trial with documents and fact witnesses if an opinion poll says otherwise?
Yeah, Americans aren’t really supportive of this nonsense trial.
wait until Cohen or Stormy try to testify, the voting public are not going to believe a word they say.
A potential juror: heeee looked at meeee when I was speaking bad about him.
judge: witness intimidation!
All this is so getting overturned in a non rigged appeals court with a non biased judge.
Is that the same 2/3 that say the charges are serious?
Or the 2/3 that say they want trials held before the election?
Yes, when Stormy gets on the stand and describes sex with mushroom man while his wife was home with his newborn son, I’m sure they’ll just love him that much more.
And when Cohen gets on the stand and talks about the documents entered into evidence, and Hope gets called and the Pecker tells about catch and kill, boy THEN the DA will be sorry…
Reckonings for over-privileged , incompetent oligarchs take place in small steps.
No fan of judges but have to give props to Judge Juan Merchan for his probity, you could even say he is too kind to Trump.
You know MAGites are getting agitated when every single expression is another bleating of "the left, the left, the left".
Interesting considering the case hasn't started and evidence hasn't been produced.
These polls are meaningless.
The voting public don't determine the outcome of the case.
I’m especially interested about the one his lawyers filed saying Trump had no involvement in any of this.
not a crime. and her signed document said it never happened. 5 different denials.
Don't you mean juror intimidation?
The judge is experienced, so I would trust him to determine juror intimidation.
There is no evidence that the judge is biased.
Also, isn't it a bit early about talking about appeals - let's wait to see how the case plays out.
You don't need to be Trump supporter to question the validity, the political motivation in this horror show media circus, of blatant misuse of the US Judiciary.
It's gross, its undemocratic, it is unconstitutional. it is focused on removing a candidate from the democratic process.
Let the people decide who stands for government, honest debate is the hallmark of a healthy free society.
Not some unelected politically motivated prejudiced Judge.
So basically none of this is about actual crime- it’s about the left trying to make Trump look worse than Biden.
they wanted to play the Hollywood tape and show the crazy cat lady deposition and have the gfs testify and look it’s a porn star during baby time, blah blah. He fell asleeeeep! It’s all just a hit job.
we are hiring a President to do a job that we’ve seen Joe can’t do well. 60% disapproval.
So of course the left wants to avoid job comparison and just claim it’s “good guy” Joe va “the personification of evil” Trump.
People fell for it once during COVID but just aren’t that dumb anymore.
Have a look at how Trump's DOJ interfered with Michael Cohen's case on the same matter. They pushed the prosecutors in that case to remove sections of the 2018 charging document that implicated Trump.
Now that's evidence of using your power to influence the DOJ for your own gain.
There is no evidence of political influence in this case though.
Nope. It is not. There is no link to politics at all.
They can decide who stands for government in November. This has nothing to do with that.
Again. The judge is not politically motivated or prejudiced.
The left aren't involved.
And if Trump is eventually convicted of the crime, how he looks is a fair reflection of reality.
If anything the trial is developing exactly as the media (specially comedians) expected it to do. I wonder if its importance will merit for it to be included in elementary school history textbooks in the US, it may be interesting to see how teacher are going to explain it in class.
DA who decided to pursue the case after federal government declined: elected Democrat who ran on getting Trump.
judge: Democrat donor whose family members are employed by and profit financially from current Democrat politicians, including the VP.
the left is definitely involved.
2020hindsights, there is a clear political agenda in play to this sorry excuse of a "trial" to remove Trump from not only campaigning, but whole democratic process.
Judge Merchan should recuse himself.
There is a clear pollical conflict of interests, Merchan family have links to lobbyists on behalf of democratic candidates.
Merchan was politically compromised day one.
Wonder what he was "muttering"?
Probably "Bing, Bang, Whoosh, (unintelligible), Ding!"
Maybe he was wondering why "Mercedes" wasn't there supporting him...
Or he could be complaining that this prospective juror looked like an "illegal adleeitathin"....
Welcome to MAGA-I'm-Going-to Prove-I'm-A-Clown-World...
Nope. There isn't.
That isn't even close to a conflict of interests.
The case has nothing to do with politics, so he can't be compromised.
And yet a grand jury indicted him. That’s strange…
Her testimony will be that she sign the denials under duress.
And just how thick does one need to be to think that A man who’s made a life out of cheating people paid 130k for something that “didn’t happen?
So yeah, go with that. I’m sure that’ll be a great political and legal defense, lol
He must be beside himself; having to be quiet for hours on end.
Thats about as heavy a lift as moving a pen in zero gravity. They don’t need a trial for that. Just play his speeches.
Better stock up now for your 6-8 week pity party.
Thank God he has that assistant who uses her wireless printer to print out supportive statements or he might need a new diaper to go with his binky and blanket.
Only about one-third of U.S. adults say Trump did something illegal in the hush money case...
Trump will be tried by jury, not opinion poll and if found guilty by his peers, will be sentenced by Judge Merchan, not Foxy judge Pirro.
Trump was out in the streets to cheers and large crowds outside the bodega after court today.
what would be hilarious is after seeing Trump for 6-8 weeks every day that New Yorkers realize he’s actually…..not that bad as the leftist media tries to make him to be.
and when Cohen is asked what he promised to say/do to get released from actual prison early.
And when Stormy is asked why she hasn’t paid Trump the 400k the other courts ordered.
Be there- it’s Gonna be wild!
All I see is a fat old man holding up his tiny fists to tiny crowds.
As if lifetime NYC resident Trump had ever entered a bodega.
The danger of these court proceedings is not some very tardy pushback for all Trump's crimes but the toxic influence of the cult of celebrity and media attention.
I was promised that “All Hell is going to break loose!” On Friday.
I didn’t have “Old man falls asleep at the defense table while New Yorkers go about their business” on my “All Hell breaks loose” BINGO card.
Agree to disagree, 2020hindsights.
Keep this in mind, if Trump/ Biden rematch, November this whole supposed judicial media monstrosity could well come back to haunt Bidens promised second term.
Biden has alleged health concerns, Trump is snapping, this is before the proposed Biden/Trump head to heads
Judge Juan Merchan red mist of Trump phobia, could have opened a can of judicial worms.
As long as he doesn’t speak. He’s a gibbering wreck these days - his confused word salads are getting worse. Only cultists don’t or choose to see it.
Best keep him out of the public eye as much as possible.
As large as the Muslim crowds he said he saw cheering on 9/11...
After insulting the judge's daughter, they'll think he's worse...
In jail for working for Trump...
The same reason he hasn't paid E. Jean Carroll....or Rudy...
It's going to be a MAGA-comedy-fest...
Some MAGA-warriors are saying that Trump is the new OJ know, the "Orange Juice"...
Cards fan
Yeah, he's not that bad. He just breaks the law repeatedly, wants to suspend the constitution, and make himself dictator. That's not that bad. ;)
Cards fan
Stormy won't be asked that in court, because it's irrelevant.
Bob Fosse
The judge didn’t deny his request to attend the graduation. But of course baby defendant is lying and whining about it.
How many of his family attended his first day in court to support him?
she owes money to the defendant in this case.
From two lost court cases against him.
You think she can testify and that doesn’t come up?
Cards fan
Yes, because it's irrelevant to the case. I'm sure a "billionaire" like Trump isn't sweating over $400,000.
What is serious?
How about after? I mean, he’s not a flight risk.
You make it as if Trump was the fist human to have had an affair?
When the last judge called Cohen “a serial liar” that should give pause and bit of ease that whatever comes out of his mouth is unbelievable. Trump should take a nice nap through that joke of a testimony. I would, not to mention, I’d be giggling my butt off.
If I may....Question a questionnaire all perspective jurors were asked to reply honestly...
* “Do you have any strong opinions or firmly held beliefs about former President Donald Trump, or the fact that he is a current candidate for president that would interfere with your ability to be a fair and impartial juror?” *
Now think about this carefully, say if Judge Juan Merchan task, reflecting the comments opinions on this thread how could there be any possibility of impartiality?
More people were hanging out on the street in front of a bodega in NYC to support Trump than attended a Biden campaign event in his own hometown.
A prosecution witness refusing to pay a court ordered financial settlement to the defendant they are testifying against is definitely and obviously relevant.
Ask Melania if it's serious...
BINGO! Thanks for admitting he is lying about not having the affair....think he'll perjure himself when he takes the stand?
Sure, why sweat the guy you employed for 8 years as your "fixer" spilling his guts in court...
One thing is for sure, there's not a better expert on serial lying than Trump...
Bob Fosse
He’s the first US President to be defendant in a criminal trial over his handling of an affair. Mr ‘christian family values’ indeed.
Did she say something recently? Hillary never did, nor Anthony Wiener's wife?
I never said, nor implied that.
That depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Who is a habitual liar? Now he is credible? ROFL! Liberal logic. Lol
Oh, I have a list of 327 Democrats that cut Trump to the quick on that.
Former New Yorker here. I learned about Trump in the early 80s from the news when I was a kid and I knew something wasn’t right with him then. I suspect New Yorkers know him better than anyone else. He wasn’t partying it up in South Dakota in the coke-fueled 80s, that’s for sure.
What crime?
Ok, so another Dem witch hunt brought on by a two-tier justice system that keeps Trump in the courts during an election year and who is Biden's chief rival. Yeah, political all the way.
Can Trump win if he’s a convicted?
Cards fan
lol Yes, I'm sure it's very relevant. I'm also sure it means he didn't file the fraudulant paperwork his signature is on. :)
Sure he can win as this case result is predetermined and the whole thing is irrelevant as far as changing any votes.
Bob Fosse
That’s still all you have? Pretty poor bass, pretty poor.
That is a very pertinent question stormcrow.
Never has a former President been subjected to such persecution, ok rightly or wrongly, every possible means to prevent Trump from Novembers ballot box.
Bob Fosse
Actually you can blame 45 and Barr for the reason this trial didn’t happen years ago.
Two-tier justice system, weaponized DoJ. Yeah it happened, but under 45, not 46.
A- He paid them. Just like the fake supporters at his golden elevator announcement. He’s so popular that in a burrow of 1.6 million people, Trump got 85,000 votes!
B- There’s more people in NYC than Scranton.
Yea, "don't call me Mercedes!"....
You not only implied it, you admitted it - Bass: You make it as if Trump was the fist human to have had an affair? By the way, what's a "fist human"?
Dozing Donald...
Might want to research what "cut to the quick" means - you just self-owned...
We’ve never had an adjudicated rapist, adjudicated fraud, and insurrectionist run for or be elected before.
You’re going to have to adjust.
Cause Justice is coming for this soon to be felon.
Cards fan
Nope. A felony, if so. :)
So what’s the state specific felony that makes supposed “falsifying business records” not a simple misdemeanor like the law says?
"and intent to commit another crime"
So now it's a felony.
"But hush money payments alone aren’t illegal. And falsifying business records is only a misdemeanor. Here, the charges go further; Trump is charged with falsifying business records to conceal an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election. Trump’s alleged criminal intent to influence the outcome of the election would make the hush money payments illegal campaign contributions and elevate the misdemeanor to a felony — 34 felonies, to be exact.
So how will the district attorney’s office seek to prove Trump’s criminal intent to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election?
First, via witness testimony. The district attorney’s office will call witnesses to testify that Trump intended to influence the outcome of the election. Look for Cohen and David Pecker, then-chairman of American Media Inc., to testify about their agreement with Trump to catch and kill negative stories about Trump to assist with his campaign, including discussions with Trump about killing stories from Daniels and Karen McDougal. In addition, Hope Hicks, then the Trump campaign press secretary, may testify about her conversations with Trump and Cohen about the “Access Hollywood” tape, as well as Trump’s anger that it would hurt his campaign.
The district attorney’s office will also use Trump’s own words. Trump’s own words will help establish his intent to unlawfully influence the election. A 2016 audio recording shows that Cohen ran the hush money payment arrangements by Trump, including the amount and method of the payment and the need to open a company to make it. The recording demonstrates not only Trump’s knowledge of the payments, but also his concern that personal information (like divorce records) not be disclosed before the election: “All you’ve got to do is delay.”
Moreover, Trump initially denied knowing about the hush money payments when they were first reported — a provable lie. Only after law enforcement searched Cohen’s premises — and Trump realized he would be caught — did Trump acknowledge that he knew about the payments and had reimbursed Cohen for them. Trump’s lie exhibits his consciousness of guilt. Why would he lie if he thought he did nothing wrong?"
Get your orange MAGA crying towels ready...
opinion piece on Yahoo News? Is this 1995 now? Rofl
Nixon was tremendously persecuted for interfering with investigations, destroying evidence, paying hush money, Watergate etc.
John, some of the accusations directed at Donald Trump are indefensible.
I certainly wouldn't defend such behaviour.
What for me is questionable, is political motivation, how we judge who should stand trail and for what reason is another matter altogether.
Perhaps 2024 for the US electorate will be a year of unprecedented soul searching.
Both Trump and Biden are worlds apart on just about every level.
This trial is descending into a media circus where the verdict has been decided in advance
Cards fan
No. It's called an indictment. Actual barred attorneys, went before a grand jury to charge Trump with felonies, and they agreed.
It's you that is claiming it's "only" a misdemeanor, based upon nothing but the fact that you support Trump.
So you can't refute any of it...
Might want to re-read your own post on deflections...ROFL..
So they found seven people who lied about being able to be impartial. Love him or hate him, and everyone does one or the other, no one can be impartial towards him.
a state has no prosecutorial jurisdiction over a federal election. No “other crime” exists to make it a felony. Much less 34 felonies.
the article author (who used to work hand in hand with Alvin Bragg) won’t tell you that.
2020hindsights, yes indeed I have lost count of the occasions I have viewed All the President's Men
I think we are witnessing a use of the Judicial process to influence Novembers election. Such action could have huge ramifications.
Trump must be stopped at any cost, could that not be the case?
I did not, but keep trying, you might win a nugget.
The Judge
Biden would top that, 50 years of it.
Hardly, you shoot and kept missing...
Better do a little more studying before you post - Trump's lawyers made that claim in one of their many failed attempts to delay the trial - it was shot down. That's why the trial is currently ongoing....
As your MAGA-cohort likes to say, "try again"...
So you can't refute any of it...
Of course "another crime" exists. Federal election law, state election law, or tax law could all fit the bill
Just like Nixon!
I blame the Dems, but laugh at them.
Not nearly as with what they are doing to Trump now.
Gag order-Can't defend himself
Key witness-A serial liar
Key witness-A former porn star
Judge-Biden donor
Daughter-political hack worked on the the Kamala staff
Anway, if this were reversed the Dems and the left wouldn't be quiet, they would lose their minds, so excuse me if I laugh at this lib tow-tier farce.
Then explain what "You make it as if Trump was the fist human to have had an affair?" means...
And once more, what's a "fist human"?
Self-own X2...
It’s called “the law”.
We use it to adjudicate criminal behavior regardless of political affiliation or power.
a state has no prosecutorial jurisdiction over a federal election. No “other crime” exists to make it a felony. Much less 34 felonies.
wrong states run their own elections both local and federal, Trump paid off Daniels via Micheal Cohen who pleased guilty and went to prision for it. Trump use campaign funds to pay Daniels via Cohen, both illegal in NY state.
heres a list of the 34 felony indictments against Trump, yes theyre prision terms associated with those felony.
In the US, juries are almost always free to ignore the judges instructions.
The prosecution needs for all of them to find Trump guilty.
Trump needs only 1 juror to refuse to find him guilty so he will get off.
I hope they are all truly unbiased and let their conscience and the evidence lead the jury to a ruling.
The world needs to understand that trials in the US aren't about finding the truth. They are about finding fault in the oppositions case and preventing as much of the evidence from being presented to the jury as possible.
Truth seldom is found in court cases against wealthy people.
This is turning into a disaster for Trump. He'll be in jail for contempt before the trial is even over at this point.
It's enjoyable watching a man who has gotten away with flouting the rules being in a room with someone who isn't Trump that has absolute control over the situation, and isn't taking his crap.
No one who matters cares about political motivation, or thinks that's even real.
John for many, Donald Trump represent unprecedented unacceptable change, they would rather the US electorate was not left to have a final say, all in the midst of two wars.
A change of US government in November could have a striking effect on global politics.
So may I be forgiven for questioning how and who and when “the law” could be weaponised to hide behind?
Kennedy, Clinton, Wiener, Johnson, King...all had affairs.
First, typo.
Keep trying, aim higher
According to Democrats.
Being from California, I must say that the left was very creative in creating laws that suited their political self-interests.
The law can certainly be weaponised, but no evidence that any is happening.
The same cannot be said for Trump's DOJ, who pushed prosecutors to remove references of Trump from the Michael Cohen case, which comes from the same hush money payments:
bass4funkToday 07:57 am JST
Don fell asleep, AGAIN.
If it gets boring again, why not?
If the selection of the twelve (plus six alternates) people that will decide your fate in a criminal case bores you, you are an idiot.
Strangerland, I think the realty of another Trump presidency is enough to frighten many to pursue an agenda to remove Trump from the ballot.
I frankly don't blame you, but I am suggesting there could be a cost.
Bob Fosse
You’re all about opinions. It’s your thing,
Except it’s not, and that’s not just me. A wide swath of legal scholars, former prosecutors and legal commentators from across the legal and political spectrum say the charges are legitimate and Trump should face them.
This “weaponization” of the law is a deflection by his cult to rationalize and/or demean what are serious criminal charges.
And you’re enabling them.
They weren't in your quote, Trump was: "Trump was the fist human to have had an affair"
You admitted it...he had an affair with Stormy...
You sure?
I guess I cut you to the quick....ROFL..
Yeah, but we know this is a faux, sham trial, so in the words of Hillary Clinton "What difference does it make?" That is like saying, no matter how much food I eat today, I will get hungry again and will eat, that is going to happen no matter what. So yeah, I would doze off.
I know what I meant, like I said, Kennedy, Clinton, Wiener, Johnson, King...all had affairs.
I didn't say that, the left thinks Trump was supposedly the only human on earth to have had an affair
As the sun rises and the tides flow.
I wonder where these trials are leading, and how they will have a detrimental effect on the US November elections. I think I am not alone in that assumption.
Trump, martyred at the alter of illiberal intolerance of "democrat" need for a second Biden term.
In the weeks and months ahead Donald Trump and his legion of advisers will extract their pound of political flesh.
Orange is the new black?
A cost for something people made up?
This is like a repeat of the 2020 election claims, that weren't based in any kind of reality. How about we stop with the the baseless conspiracy theories that have zero evidence.
The right has tried to paint Biden as being unfit to serve office, for not having enough energy to do the job, while pretending that Trump, who can't even stay awake for a trial that will decide whether or not he's imprisoned, has the capacity to lead the country.
Yeah, right.
All of the indictments were decided by grand juries. It has nothing to to with Democrats need for a second Biden term.
Wanna know how desperate and depressed our MAGA-friends here are?
First they clearly post in black and white admitting that Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels, then when pointed out that conflicts with Trump's denial, they try to deny what they said and is still posted above!
Then they are so rattled they say; "I have a list of 327 Democrats that cut Trump to the quick", failing to understand that "cutting to the quick" means to "deeply wound or cause distress"....
Lastly, they get so desperate they try to defend Trump by trotting out a failed legal argument that Trump's lawyers tried three months ago and were slapped down...
Welcome to MAGA-We're-Beyond-Desperate-World...
They’re leading to a verdict, very likely a conviction because he is documented to have done exactly what he is accused of.
And the effect on the election (if one believes the polling) is that a statistically significant portion of the electorate will say “Nope. No felons in the White House.”
If that’s detrimental (it’s not) then so be it . It’s infinitely preferable to having a sociopath accountable to no one and no law in control of the nuclear codes.
So enough with the bad-faith expressions disguised as “concern”.
No one is depressed.
No, he wasn't the first human being to have an affair.
No, it means, you got checkmate
No, the fact remains it is a sham and a two-tier system, but Dems do what Dems do, I mean, they really don't have much of a choice considering what they have. LOL
No desperation and no reason or need for it.
Not just the right, even in his own party, but go on...
See Biden's schedule.....very open, and takes a lot of naps.
Why should Trump stay awake in some BS trial that is purposely trying to take him off the campaign trail and find him guilty, anyone would fall asleep, the guy can't speak out and defend himself, and the only thing he can do is let these bozos talk and catch a few winks.
The odds of Trump winning all four of his criminal cases are stacked against him. Probably he will be found guilty and fined.
Donald Trump, would have gone missing on some far away golf course if the media world let him.
Events have brought Trump to every global newspaper front page. His insatiable ego would never let him simply fade away into obscurity.
There have been debates in the EU parliament of the dangers of the return of Trump,
Both Macron and German chancellor Olaf Scholz, are having collective palpitations just in the mention of his name.
Now tell me that this media circus is not a mean to lock him up and hope he will go away.
He won't.
We know, we know, you said this yesterday. yawn...
And still true today. Your mediocre efforts to hid your discomfort notwithstanding.
No discomfort, just wondering about the left's sick obsession, odd, creepy, but at the same time, funny AS.
A majority of Americans, meanwhile, say Trump should not be allowed to serve again as president if convicted in the hush money case (51%) — a number that includes 16% of Republicans. Just 34% of Americans say he should be allowed to serve again if convicted in the Manhattan case.
Finally, the number of Americans who say Trump should not be allowed to serve again if convicted of any serious crime (57%) is rising (from 55% last month) while the number who say he should be allowed to serve again (29%) is falling (from 31% last month).
A full 65% now say it is important “that voters get a verdict in Trump’s trials before the 2024 general election” — versus just 25% who say it is not important.
With the rule of law. Fascist-adjacent Trump lovers have no such obsession.
If you quote Yahoo News, you might as well use Mother Jones, msnbc, or PBS!
Not just the right, even in his own party
Democrats and the left are very, very strongly aligned behind Biden. Look at his primary numbers compared to Trump's. Nicki Haley is STILL getting primary votes...
I did not so don't post fake comments. Easy to check my archives. But I will say it every day If I care to.
Lib rule of law in Lib-controlled NYC, yes, you were saying?
No, not with Biden, I just want him voted out, nothing more.
Thlaib, AOC, RFK jr. yeah...uhhh
Nationally, they're not, especially when it comes to the economy and border or crime.
What lie?
More than you.
Well, you know what they say about opinions, we all have one. ROFL
How is any of that on topic or related to Trump being in court???
Sadly, there are no unicorns for you today.
Your boy gets confused about who he's running against, too.
Just sayin'.
If he had just slunk off into the sunset, perhaps, but what did he do instead? We may forgive at some point because that is who we are as Americans, but we will never forget.
petulant child
How so?
Saying what?
Uhh, I think you should look in the mirror before blurting that out.
Looks like a majority of the public believe in the kind of ideas the GOP used to believe in before Trump debauched it and forced people to humiliate themselves by making excuses for his conduct.
Not really, nothing has changed, what really made them gravitate towards Trump were the empty promises the GOP made by NOT putting America first and and focusing more on domestic and social issues, something the old establishment GOP and the DNC have not done, Trump is an anti-globalist and is an American first President, but those are the reasons why he is so liked.
According to the Dems, no one is listening to that garbage.
The speculation, this whole thread, revolves around a trial that is in danger of becoming a free PR Trump election campaign.
Whatever the conviction, it will be a Trump win.
Trump is guilty in the eyes of the Judge, the jury, the court of democrat public opinion.
It is a sham, however with severe political consequences come November.
The Republican nominee for President threatened with prison simply for being Donald Trump.
You fools
Had he not attempted to overthrow the government in an illegal coup? Perhaps.
Now, we see the danger of letting deviance slide and this, while not part of his unlawful coup attempt is still a serious criminal case and now he gets to face justice.
Condolences to the “can’t we all just get along?” Crowd.
No. We can’t. You don’t just waltz off to the golf course after this.
Another predictable b4f comment.
Can the lazy “Ditto” be far behind?
Not lazy, but you punch me and I can't? You think Republicans are bad, I think Democrats are worse. What you say, I can have the opposite feeling on any issue, we call that opposing viewpoints. Be tolerant and relax.
Had American voters known about Mr. Trump's affairs, I have to wonder whether he would have won enough electoral votes to become President.
Not according to the very clear post regarding public opinion kindly provided by open-minded at 11:53.
Do you have something substantial in response to it?
I think so. I couldn't care less what they do in their private lives. I care more what they can do for the country
Difficult one.
I find some Trump supporters find a kindred spirit in Trump in terms of dishonesty.
The more dishonest he is they more they like it. These are the people who make excuses for him skimming off charities.
Pretty depraved.