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Fund for Batman shooting victims hits $2 mil; gun sales soar in Colorado


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wtf... the whole country will surely be shooting up the place now.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

As Charlie Brown would say, I can't stand it...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

my2senseJul. 25, 2012 - 08:55AM JST wtf... the whole country will surely be shooting up the place now.

Maybe. Or the next time a wackjob starts firing he'll be taken down before so many people die. Or maybe he might refrain from such a stupid violent act in the first place for fear of getting shot. It's impossible to tell what the final ramifications will be.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

All very altruistic. Would be way more efficient to ban guns. Similar to subsidising farmers and thenn giving food stamps to those on breadline who can't afford expensive food.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

So crazy. America's answer to protecting themselves from guns is to get guns.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

"Meanwhile, gun sales in Colorado have soared in the aftermath of the shooting tragedy in Aurora, the Denver Post reported Tuesday."

I'll bet the majority of those who bought these guns ALREADY possess another gun. After all, you can't have enough!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Donations to the victims’ fund will go to nonprofit organizations that are offering direct support to those affected by the shooting

So they can get %50 of the donations

Meanwhile, gun sales in Colorado have soared in the aftermath

Its likely the ease in getting weapons that these kinds of massacres more common in the US than other non-waring countries. Kind of counterproductive isn't it?

The documented BYSTANDER EFFECT tells us that the more people there are near some one who needs help, the less likely any one will help. And the RISKY SHIFT principal tells us that once a group of people decide to take action on something, there will be an over the top foolish action.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Since everyone is against the ban on guns...Don't do it! Just ban the bullets!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

American gun owners are full of swagger and braggadocio but unless they have police or military training (helped by combat experience), during a melee involving guns it's more likely they would either lose their nerve and choke up or miss their intended target completely. The fact is, it's not that easy to kill someone, especially when discouraged by the realization one will have to face the consequences of one's actions. So in the end their weapons are little more than pacifier rings that either give them the misguided illusion of security, or enable them to entertain what one writer described as "homicidal fantasies."

8 ( +8 / -0 )

gun sales in Colorado have soared in the aftermath of the shooting tragedy in Aurora

And, how many of these people have the potential to be the next crazed gunman/woman? It is quite an oxymoron. People buy guns to protect themselves from others that have guns. If there were no guns there would be no need, right? Ah, the US! The world's largest armed civilian army.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The world's largest armed civilian army.

If they were an army -- or militia as the Second Amendment calls it -- it would be less of a concern. Mostly we're talking about frightened little people (thanks to NRA propaganda) who have received no real training aside from target practice, if that.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

gun sales in Colorado have soared in the aftermath of the shooting tragedy

American logic at it's finest.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Gun sales up 41%??

It's a (small) arms race!

If only the Founding Fathers could see the epic disaster their Second Amendment has created.....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

the gun-makers must be laughing their way to the bank... free advertising, president support, president-hopeful support, and support from few other commentators above too..

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Is there no end to this madness?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Obviously this is one direction as far as immediate reaction goes, but for balanced reporting there should also be need to cover the other direction of calls for stricter gun control, which I assume should also be soaring (or aren't they?).

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I can not wait till the gun makers and ammo makers etc..get sued BIG TIME, this is all insane! How many of these dorks buying guns illegally may be nutsos?? All it takes is just one idiot fool to bring their guns, etc..at a public place, say next time a CHURCH etc..and let the OK Corral begin but now 24/7 at anywhere USA?? Thanks to the NRA and the lovely 2nd amendment of the good old American Constitution, and for all them fools saying no, this is our god given right etc..sure, so was having a black slave for over 100 years but hey, guess what, people can get educated, VOTE and CHANGE the US constitution etc..

3 ( +3 / -0 )

the gun-makers must be laughing their way to the bank... free advertising, president support, president-hopeful support, and support from few other commentators above too..

Funny thing about the increase in gun sales, in 2010, the EU sent over 1 million hand guns to be sold in the US. That's right, the EU whose member countries have some of the strictest gun control measures has no problem producing them and sending them over.

Austria, where the "Glock" gun is made (kits can be sold to the US and some are made in the USA, but it is an Austrian gun), exported over 431,000 guns ot the US in 2010. This was one of the guns used by Holmes. Not only did he use them, but so did Jared Lee Loughner, the one who shot Congresswoman Giffords and killed others as well as the VA Tech shooter. Not to be outdone, Germany exports guns to the US, (230,000 in 2010) were used in mass shootings that made the news.

So instead of bemoaning the sale of guns in the US, why don't you go after the people who make them and ask why they keep dumping them on the US market. Gee, that sounds almost like those rants we hear about the supposed sale of guns from the US into Mexico.

I don't mind placing a ban on those ammo clips that allow a person to load up to 100 rounds in a gun, but to try and say that all guns should be banned is wrong.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

FYI, the information I quoted about gun sales from Europe to the USA was in an editorial from the Washington Post.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Alphaape@that is like blaming the cocaine farmers in Colombia or the opium poppy farmers in Afghanistan for your own addiction. Nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to buy a firearm.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

ask why they keep dumping them on the US market.

Because there is a huge market of fools willing - eager, even - to part with cash in exchange for a killing device.

And what Virtuoso said. But -

Nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to buy a firearm.

You know, looking at the soaring gun sales in Colorado after the shooting, it seems maybe Mr Joe Average does feel there is a criminal/madman's gun to his head and he is forced to arm himself 'in self-defence'. Crazy.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to buy a firearm.

@ Virtuoso: No one makes you buy a gun that is correct. But those who do decide to buy one should have the right to, just like other countries can restrict their citizens to have guns, but doesn't forbid people in their country from making them.

Because there is a huge market of fools willing - eager, even - to part with cash in exchange for a killing device.

@ cleo: We grew up with a gun in the house back in the states, and we didn't go around playing with it or shooting someone when we got mad. Here's food for thought. I grew up in a city (mid sized city in the south) that from the latest statistics was among the top 10 in violent crime cities in America. In this city, the police force is around 500 (with a population of about 175,00 in the city alone). So you tell me, are you going to feel secure in your home late at night knowing that it will take time for the police to get there? Or are you willing to be able to at least stand by to defend yourself.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

What is wrong with people in America? How many people will it take to die before you chuck that 'right to bear arms' thing out of the window? That was brought in as part of your war of independence, and should have been withdrawn when the war was over. You don't live in a war zone, the West was won - you defeated the Native Americans, you don't need to hunt - go to the nearest shop.... there really is no need for a modern civilised country to allow its citizens to wander about with guns, or to even own a gun.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

How many people will it take to die before you chuck that 'right to bear arms' thing out of the window? That was brought in as part of your war of independence, and should have been withdrawn when the war was over.

America was founded by and remains populated by people who realize that an armed population just as it was back then, is vital to preserving America's way of life and ensuring that Government is firmly held in place by a system of checks and balances as the law of the land as outlined in the Constitution.

The 2nd admendment right to bear arms that is enshrined in the Constitution acts as the last ultimate check on the limits of America's Government reach and power over the governed. It is a right but it is also a statement that simply serves as a reminder and means at its very unique American core to those who wish to Govern over the citizens in the U.S......You only rule by the consent of the governed. We outnumber you vastly. And we are armed.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

You only rule by the consent of the governed. We outnumber you vastly. And we are armed.

What a specious argument. The farmers tried that with the Whiskey Rebellion in 1791 and George Washington led the army to put them down, easily. No violent citizen uprising against the government has ever come close to succeeding in the US since its founding (the war between the states doesn't count). Look at John Brown. Look, more recently, at Waco. Self-righteous rabble is no match for a SWAT team.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

We grew up with a gun in the house back in the states

Did the Germans make you buy it?

I grew up in a city (mid sized city in the south) that from the latest statistics was among the top 10 in violent crime cities in America.

But, but.... having guns makes less crime, not more.....how could it possibly be a violent city, with so many guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens?

So you tell me, are you going to feel secure in your home late at night knowing that it will take time for the police to get there? Or are you willing to be able to at least stand by to defend yourself.

I would not feel secure in my home at night or in the street during the day knowing that any trigger-happy looney could be coming my way packing an arsenal of legally-obtained weaponry. I would defend myself right enough - by getting out of any such crazy hell-hole toot sweet. No way I would live in such a place.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

You only rule by the consent of the governed. We outnumber you vastly. And we are armed.

That would be funny if it weren't so sad.

In grown-up countries, it's - You only rule by the consent of the governed. We outnumber you vastly. And we are backed up by the rule of law.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"So in the end their weapons are little more than pacifier rings that either give them the misguided illusion of security, or enable them to entertain what one writer described as "homicidal fantasies.""

Chuck Norris fantasies more like.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


"the gun-makers must be laughing their way to the bank... "

I saw a report from a gun shop in the US on CNN yesterday showing the arms this nut bought easily, along with a flier with their website glaring in the middle of the guns and ammo. Absolutely shameless behaviour.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Great, just what we need: the more possibilty of accidental gun deaths, like the one just yesterday in Illinois:


Or more injuries like the lady injured after a guy's gun went off accidentally while he was trying to get out his wallet while shopping in a Wal-Mart:


0 ( +0 / -0 )

In grown-up countries, it's - You only rule by the consent of the governed. We outnumber you vastly. And we are backed up by the rule of law.

Ms. Cleo,

America's history is a country that was based on a citizens armed revolution and the foundation for the Government that followed is steeped in that revolution and the rights for an individual to bear arms.

The point simply is this. The United States of America is a country that due to her historical and shared cultural memory is a country that is just never going to embrace a total ban on guns, it would have to be done by force and it would be met by force in return if a future U.S Government was ever inclined to even attempt it. For gun control and gun laws to effectively work in America it has to done in a much different way then in other countries that did not travel the path that America did in becoming a nation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"s. The United States of America is a country that due to her historical and shared cultural memory is a country that is just never going to embrace a total ban on guns"

Anyone with a brain understands that the average citizen should be denied the right to own an assault rifle, or anyhting matching that description. A total ban is as impossible as it is ludicrous.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Anyone with a brain understands that the average citizen should be denied the right to own an assault rifle, or anything matching that description.


To bad that isn't the case though in the U.S or worldwide in some places. If it was it sure would have made the invasion of Iraq go a heck of lot better than it did.

With a gun culture that closely resembles that of the United States, Iraq is one of the most heavily armed societies in the world. Its tradition of self-reliance and hard desert and mountain living puts it on a gun-per-person level rivaling other clan systems in Yemen or Somalia.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

"To bad that isn't the case though in the U.S or worldwide in some places. If it was it sure would have made the invasion of Iraq go a heck of lot better than it did."

Under Saddam the people were already well-armed, that is just another case of the disastrous planning and delusional ideas from the Bush administration.

It's a shame neither Obama nor Romney have the stones to tackle the issue of ridiculous gun laws in the US. This thread is living proof of the paranoid society in which many Americans live.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Actually Romney would be your best bet for the guy that would tackle this in the U.S, after the election and the political posturing was all over with if he won, he said this July 23rd on the issue.

As Massachusetts governor in 2004, Romney signed into law an assault weapons ban that was backed by gun owners and gun control advocates. The Massachusetts law banned the AR-15, one of the weapons that police say was used inside the Colorado theater on Friday.

"Where there are opportunities for people of reasonable minds to come together and find common ground, that's the kind of legislation I like," Romney told CNBC. "The idea of one party jamming through something over the objection of the other tends to divide the nation, not make us a more safe and prosperous place."


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Gun sales soar in Colorado


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

a country that was based on a citizens armed revolution

Two centuries on, and you're still fighting the rebel uprising I mean the war of independence?

Do phrases like grow up, move on, get over it already mean nothing? You think the US is the only country that ever had an uprising?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Back on topic please.

To be fair Sail, I can't blame you for not being able to keep up with Mr Romney's flip-flops - there are so many. He may have been anti-gun back then, but like abortion, immigration, tax-cuts, global warming, same-sex marriage or even on whether he even owns a gun (that changed in a matter of days).

Here's the man who wants to please everybody in April of this year speaking the NRA:

We need a President who will enforce current laws, not create new ones that only serve to burden lawful gun owners.

President Obama has not; I will.

We need a President who will stand up for the rights of hunters, sportsmen, and those seeking to protect their homes and their families. President Obama has not; I will.

And if we are going to safeguard our Second Amendment, it is time to elect a president who will defend the rights President Obama ignores or minimizes. I will.


Though I do realize he has time to change his position again before November.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

OK every one how about a little positive news here. Actor Christian Bale went to Aurora and visited with the survivors.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

INFOWARSJAPANJul. 25, 2012 - 11:39PM JST

Gun sales soar in Colorado


@IN FOR WARS JAPAN, what's so awsome, a MILITIA man?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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