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© Thomson Reuters 2023.G20 summit avoids condemning Russia for Ukraine war
By Nandita Bose, Sarita Chaganti Singh and Katya Golubkova NEW DELHI©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
G20 becoming toothless like the UN and the former League of Nations?
More appeasement of PUTAin and associates?
Of course China sending only the second in line .... they're waiting for their chance (see Taiwan).
Ukraine prevails!
They shouldn’t blame Russia and rightly so because they were the ones who poked the Russian bear that started this war. Many do not know that Ukraine for ten plus years has been bombing Eastern Ukraine. The IMF even warned Ukraine that spending billions in rockets and artilleries is not sustainable. They were the ones who commit atrocities against civilians. They destroyed Nordstream pipeline, the Crimea bridge, the dam, etc. independent journalist from Redacted are on the ground reporting and interviewing the local residents that it was Ukraine who attack the market place. The local residents were requesting the West not to send anymore support and money and weapons because they are being used against them who are not military targets.
Finally, someone with reasonable common sense gets and understands this. Spot on, 100% agreed.
I would never side with Putin, I wouldn’t side with Zelenskyy either for that matter.
If Russia weren't a zero press freedom country this proposition could have been verified.
You know what also isn't sustainable to a country? Letting Russian troops in to your capital to remove your government.
You do know that power plants and ports are essential for civilian survival, right?
I believe some proofs are in order.
A legitimate military target as Russia has also targeted bridges across Ukraine.
I believe some proofs are in order.
Isn't that convenient how you can just claim that any war crime is from the other guy than your own poorly trained and motivated forces?
Surprise, surprise, some of the residents in the east are going to be traitors who are not happy about having been found out as such. Some other residents have said that Russian Nazis have been worse than German Nazis.
G7 can condemn the war as much as they want in their summits.
G20+1 consists of countries which see the war as a local, European conflict which, while unfortunate, is not something that affects the wider world more than the other pressing issues of the day.
No matter how much the West wags their fingers at the rest with their moralistic sermons.
I would, I just don’t think this administration knows its head from its rear to properly implement that. After what happened in Afghanistan, I don’t have a lot of hope in their dealing when it comes to geopolitical issues.
I think pushing for the failure of your country based on the guy in charge is the opposite of patriotism.
I’m absolutely not pushing for failure, I want them to win and be successful, but so far that’s just not happening, so they’re not making it better and yes, I’m a patriot, even if I have the deepest distrust for this administration.
Why not?
And you seriously think Russia is a victim who was provoked into war?
Keepyer Internetpoints
Since every last thing being called a "U.S. national security interest" is thousands of kilometers or even miles away from America, why would you expect ANYONE to?
America is protected by an ally to the north, two great big oceans to the east and west, and has only one questionable border to the south. How did America's national security interests get to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Somalia, Iran, Nicaragua, Laos, Korea, etc. etcc???
Ukraine is LITERALLY on Russia's border, and over the border there live ethnic Russians who want their lands to be part of Russia but Kiev wouldn't let go.
How did America's national security interests get to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Somalia, Iran, Nicaragua, Laos, Korea, etc. etcc???
Ukraine is LITERALLY on Russia's border, and over the border there live ethnic Russians who want their lands to be part of Russia but Kiev wouldn't let go.
Spot on.
clown world
The G20 has no relevance anymore. BRICS is the new boy in town.
Hervé L'Eisa
"And you seriously think Russia is a victim who was provoked into war? "
Apparent lack of knowledge about the conditions that led Gorbachev to accept the reunification of East/West Germany. NATO communicated clearly(though not in official treaty that NATO would not advance "not one inch" into the then-Soviet breakaway republics.
We all know that NATO never intended to keep any such promises. Putin is very aware of the NATO-led encroachments.
Western Europe is a US national security interest and has been since WW1. Most likely even before that but there was no test of this.
Because keeping the ugly face of Russia and China in their borders and away from our allies is our national security interest. Particularly since Russia likes to expand their borders arbitrarily.
Boy it would be a shame if forcibly removing territory from a country were completely illegal under the UN charter and the Budapest Memorandum.
They cannot condemn Russia without the head bully of this show being condemned far more for its more numerous illegal invasions of greater length and severity.
Plus everyone knows that if Mexico was in a situation mirroring that of Ukraine, that the U.S. would invade it and bomb the hell out of it instantly, not wait 8 years like Russia did.
Cards fan
"Communicated?" lol That's not a contract, or a treaty. This is pretty pathetic, even for right wingers.
Here's an actual agreement that both Russia and the US agreed to and Russia broke: Budapest Memorandum - Wikipedia
Bob Fosse
Now in its 3rd decade. New boy in town? Are they keeping their achievements secret?
Keepyer Internetpoints
And keeping the ugly face of America stepping all the way across the world to shove its mug directly in their faces from just outside THEIR OWN BORDER is not in their security interest??
No. I do not believe that you believe what you say is sound, reasonable, fair or anything good. America is simply provoking both of them, and you know this and you approve of it. There is no other remotely rational explanation for what you say.
Even if I accept that it was (and I don't because Britain used to be a bitter enemy) Ukraine is not remotely in Western Europe. America never had any legitimate military or security business there.
Attacking citizens seeking independence of their region is just as illegal, and that is exactly what Ukraine did in 2014.
I would love for peaceful for solutions to be reality instead of scribbles on paper, but since all our top leaders are greedy for money and power it can't ever be.
This is a farcical claim in the face of the history of U.S. expansion. Russia's borders have been more stable between 1400 and 1900 than America's were from 1776 to 1959 when Hawaii, the stolen islands, were made a state.
Cards fan
I'd say the honoring the terms of the Budapest memorandum is "legitimate security" business.
Oh don't tell just half the story here. Tell the whole story. Ukraine wasn't just murdering civilians in cold blood. Russian backed separatists were actively engaged in warfare in Eastern Ukraine. And Russia was arming them. Besides, civil unrest in Ukraine doesn't justify Russia invading and stealing Ukrainian land.