Japan Today

Georgian opposition leader detained by police and beaten unconscious, his party says


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Reuters could not independently verify whether Gvaramia had been beaten or not, but he appeared to not be moving as he was carried down the steps in the video released by his party.

The substance of the allegation is unable to be verified. Good on them for adding that quite important caveat.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

there were elections.

there are results.

so accept results.

as simple as is.try better next time.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Peace with russian characteristics.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Important to observe many of the law enforcement actions outlined here relate to investigations of and compliance with the foreign agents law - which is far less strict than the US FARA act it is based on. Basically, these entities are obligated to disclose and be transparent about foreign funding and the actual sources. It doesn't make it illegal however, but they are required to be honest and truthful about such matters.

That shouldn't be hard for political movements to be sincere about. If they aren't, it raises more questions than answers.

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