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Desert Tortoise
Nobody has a right to endanger others. Refusing to wear a mask, use social distancing and refusing to be vaccinated endanger others. It is only the stubborn selfishness of a minority who are making the rest of us suffer and you emphatically have no right to do that. You want respect? Wear a mask and get vaccinated. i have zero respect for selfish morons who are dragging this pandemic out longer than necessary. In fact I have utter contempt for those morons.
Desert Tortoise
It is a non-sensical argument. The chances of suffering any side effects are vanishingly small, orders of magnitude less than the likelihood of an unvaccinated person getting Covid-19. The costs of unvaccinated people with Covid are known and huge. Hospitals in areas of low vaccination rates are out of room for ICU patients for Covid sufferers. Literally millions of people suffer Covid infections and of those many thousands end up in hospitals at great cost for every person who suffers a significant enough reaction to any of the vaccines to require medical care.
Haaa Nemui
Surreptitious justification for murder is disgusting.
It's a total disregard for others, just like those 'freedumb' rallies Spankt Don and friends initiated last year.
Unjustifyable and inexcusable. Just like the rash of Oriental Asian - bashing hate crimes. No excusing it.
It is a worry that as the unvaccinated continue to shrink in number, the hardcore will become even more desperate and hysterical.
The walls are closing in and desperation in minds of the already unbalanced is a real problem.
Seems pretty disrespectful that the unmasked are spread the disease to innocent people. Also seems pretty disrespectful of the unvaccinated to be taking up hospital beds that could be used to treat other people.
If you’re in vaxxed, the most respectful thing you can do is stay the hell out of a hospital if you get sick. You’re a waste of a bed. Innocent people shouldn’t have to die because of your choice. And hey, your immune system should take care of it, right?
I used to argue with antivaxxers, but then I realized that I don’t have to. All I have to do it wait. And the problem will self-correct.
Is there anything more disgusting than an antivaxxer using up a hospital bed and displacing someone responsible?
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Everybody deserves respect and should treat each other with respect.
The anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are disrespecting all of us.
My bleeding heart scarred over a looooong time ago. Nothing will take the ‘tolerant’ out of a ‘tolerant lefties’ like reading story after story of of innocent people dying of treatable diseases because the ICUs are filled with idiots. For a group of people who hate following medical advice, they sure are lucky those medical experts took an oath to not let them suffer the consequences of their actions.
Good thing they did but these antivaxxer CoVidiots are putting a strain and making things much more difficult for them, as well as everybody. It's a matter of common sense.
In Melbourne anti-vax rioters storm around the CBD spitting on an abusing two VAX centres that were forced to close. Now Anti-Vax rioters are now in Melbourne Hospital with Covid. Hopefully the hospital will confuse over the words Non Vaccinated, to Vasectomy.