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© Thomson Reuters 2024.Germany's Scholz lobbies Xi to improve market access, pressure Russia
By Andreas Rinke BEIJING©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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This is the disinformation in the article. Russia is not invited to this summit. It was Zelensky's demand not to invite Russia. Russia could "make clear it wouldn't attend" if it were invited.
Scholz is losing touch with reality - seems to believe it is his job - and within his rights - to urge China to loosen its ties with Russia as well as to support the West’s unrealistic proposals for ending the war in Ukraine without acknowledging that Russia is winning it, exclusively blaming it on Moscow while totally absolving Kyiv of any responsibility. How delusional.
Fortunately, Xi can look him in the eye and educate him on the root causes of the conflict which kicked off with a coup in 2014 and give him a dose of reality on ending it. Furthermore, he has miscalculated: as long as Germany offers a spectacle of unquestioning and irrational obedience to Washington, no one will be interested in his advice on how to cooperate, let alone bring the conflict to a conclusion.
Xi doesn't have that much time for these obsequious types. When Scholz's plane touched down in Chongqing, he was greeted by the Vice Mayor of the city. This was widely interpreted as a diplomatic panning and rightly so.
Tanks only rolled one way on Feb. 24th, 2022.
Xi can make an insane self-interested claim but he won't because China pretends like it still respects territorial integrity.
Xi also tried to play emperor with the US. Then his economy crashed and he had to go hat in hand to the US again.
Precisely. This is the narrative Scholz is peddling, which completely omits the coup and the civil war which provoked foreign intervention. That is why he will get nowhere because people want truth over narrative.
Xi also understands that a hostile military block is surrounding Russia and him.
The problems with the China economy are much exaggerated in the western media. Sure, there is some overstretch in the real estate sector but that's about it. Growth is predicted at 4.6% whereas the German economy is almost zero.
The truth is that Russia pretended to recognize Free Ukraine for eight years before launching an illegal invasion of conquest. People that are able to speak for themselves know this.
Oooooo, hostile. Kind of like the wolf warrior nonsense and ultranationalism the dictatorship brigade are peddling.
China needs to grow by 3x to catch the US per capita. Simply ain't going to happen before it grows old.
So, as a key takeaway we can deduce from this that Xi doesn't see any merit in the Switzerland meeting and the "Zelensky peace formula".
Most sensible people see it as hollow and divorced from reality.
The 12-point peace initiative proposed by China in February 2023 is the clearest and most viable to date, because it is based on an analysis of the reasons for current events and seeks to address the root causes. This is a basic fact.
funny scholz. Whoever else wants to put pressure on Russia, let them try. Russia will withdraw troops from Ukraine when it no longer exists at all. Look who's Talking. Germany has an eternal debt to the Soviet and Russian people. for the war of 1941-1945. In Russia, every family has a person killed or tortured by Nazi Germany. Therefore, Scholz, stay away from Russia, you are always guilty before the Soviet people, remember this all your life
A plan with no reference to how Ukraine's territorial integrity is to be respected. Some plan.
So the plan is genocide, huh? You learned well to emulate your enemy in WW2.
No, Russia has a debt to Germany for still unreturned Konigsberg. The other messes Russia caused are even harder to untangle and may not be possible. Then there is the cost of 45 years of occupation and I'm sure other damages.
Not family members that are alive today.
Russia should stay away from Germany by going back across the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine.
Beijing understands this: there was a signed plan with territorial integrity called the Minsk Agreements. That ship has sailed and won't be coming back.
The territory loss was also the result of the Russian approved KFOR over the years. There was no such justification for Russia's rank aggression in stealing Ukraine's land before the Euromaidan had even completed.
Peking understands that Russia and its proxies had no intention of ensuring the Minsk Agreements were fulfilled.
No. KFOR is quite different to a settlement imposed on Belgrade by the west unilaterally - which Russia didn't participate in. That is conflating and distortion.
What will also be distorted is the new Ukraine's new borders as everyone will have to purchase a new atlas to properly reflect territorial realities. Good for the printing houses out there.
Russia certainly didn't object to KFOR. They didn't even abstain. The attempt to use Kosovo to excuse all manner of barbarities against Ukraine will not fly among reasonable nations.
Or they will just remain unrecognized Russian stolen property like everything else on Russia's borders.
If KFOR can change borders, so can RFOR.