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Germany confirms most mob attack suspects were asylum seekers


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Civil war is coming this year to Germany and most parts of Europe, Well done Merkel. Friends in Germany have told me that German people are arming themselves anyway they can for what's coming. These immigrants will be destroyed or forced back to their cesspits of countries.

0 ( +12 / -13 )


You would destroy 1.1 million people because a small percentage went berserk?

-4 ( +8 / -11 )

"Have you ever been in prison?"


"ok, Next"

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Among the suspects are nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians

@Madverts . . . See. Told ya'. The German authorities have conducted their investigation and what everyone speculated was true.

Looks like Germany needs to speed up that deportation process for the rejected asylum seekers who are constantly roaming the streets making germans on their own soil panic.

Germany has reacted with shock to news that women had to run a frightful gauntlet of groping, insults and robberies in an aggressive and drunken crush of around 1,000 men.

"SHOCK?" -you don't say. . . .rise up Germany!

7 ( +13 / -6 )

It is up to migrants to act in accordance with the laws of the country they have fled to. It seems strange that up to a thousand people would orchestrate this sort of incident having just arrived in Germany. Having been a migrant of sorts myself, it has never crossed my mind to rob or rape people in Japan. It suggests that there is some sort of hand behind the scenes orchestrating these attacks?

11 ( +14 / -3 )

No surprise here.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

The devil makes work for idle hands. When I was in Egypt 20 years ago, many female members of our entourage were groped so often everywhere we went that they refused to leave their rooms for the remainder of the tour.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

it is good to be nice, but think of the consequences first.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"....because a small percentage went berserk?"

They weren't "berserk" The police are describing a planned and fairly coordinated act. And it's bigger percentage than you imagine....1,000 in one city alone. Swarming vulnerable non-Muslim women is common among Muslim men from the ME and nearby regions.

I've been reading and hearing about it for years, so I instantly knew who was responsible when I first the initial report. Unlike like the pro open-door folks who are left flustered and confused by it.

It happened in Tarir square a lot during the "arab spring" (LOL) and also on NYE eve in Helsinki, Zurich, STuttgart, Hamburg and other European cities with lots of Muslim newcomers. Even bargirils in Bangkok told me about this scourage many years ago! LOL.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I hope the Germans make an example of these people and put them in jail with some neo-nazis. I also hope the Germans make an example of Merkel and vote her out at the next election.

10 ( +11 / -2 )

And the obama administration says we shouldn't be afraid of widows and orphaned children. . . .The 2 recent arrest in CA and TX proves that some of these "refugees" are sympathetic to ISIS and are extremists of islam.

What next? Grant them asylum in the US where they'll probably assault women there too?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Unlike like the pro open-door folks who are left flustered and confused by it.


Not just Cologne. Zurich and Helsinki as well.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

This is trouble for both Merkel and the honest asylum seekers.

8 ( +7 / -0 )

When I first heard about this on my drive to work the other day, my first reaction was, "this should come as a surprise to no one."

9 ( +10 / -2 )

You would destroy 1.1 million people because a small percentage went berserk?

No, I wouldn't "destroy" them, I would deport them. There should be a zero-tolerance standard for misbehavior, commit a crime as an immigrant, and you are instantly deported without fanfare, just as it is done here in Japan.

17 ( +17 / -1 )

It suggests that there is some sort of hand behind the scenes orchestrating these attacks?

People reach for conspiracies when reality doesn't conform to their preconceived notions. This sort of stuff is not new among crowds of young men from the places these migrants came from. Sweden is already the rape capital of Europe thanks to its new demographics. That you would never consider that behavior yourself is irrelevant.

This is what happens when you bring in large numbers of people with moral values that are diametrically opposed to the host country's moral values.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

This is what happens when up to a million muslim men come from places where women are dressed in tents and those that aren't are considered "uncovered meat for the taking". Bad times coming to Germany.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Why am I not surprised?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

This is just crushing the EU's position on migration to little bits. You can't have freedom of movement in an economy with people who just don't care about the basic rule of law in western countries. Merkel's blunder is of historic proportions, and we are just beginning to see the horrors it will bring.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

They brought the worst, would be silly to expect the best. All these liberal "adventures" of flooding an otherwise civilized country with individuals who never reached a basic level of civilization is going to end badly. VERY badly.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

The peoples of Europe have lost faith! Their arrogant political elite have despicably and systematically conspired in acts of collusion to conceal the true scale of what amounts to a tyrannical avalanche of illegal immigrants indulging in an orgy of aggravated robbery, indecent assault, rape, extreme violation of the law, devoid of moral principles, committing violent brutal acts as of thuggery, stretching across the continent, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Holland etc.

From the off the authorities position has been a cynical pattern of denial. Within days of establishing migrate camps and reception centres, thousands have just disappeared and remain unaccounted for, many leaving without registering with German processing centres.

Ingo Decker, the spokesman of the Potsdam's Ministry of the Interior was forced to admit that 600 weekly are leaving. The state government in Brandenburg have finally released a statement that over 6000 migrants out of over 15000 in camps and centres are 'missing'. That is just one region/state. NGO/Migrant organizations are reporting daily reports of sexual assault, enforced prosecution, and drug smuggling.

‎Schengen must be scrapped immediately, law and order must be restored without fail, secure detention centres must be effective enough to imprison migrants that refuse to cooperate with immigration officials. Angela Merkel and Leaders of the European Commission must take full responsibility and resign. Europe's hard fort freedoms of western values must be defended without the hand wringing wailing accusations of “Islamophobia”

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Among the suspects are nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians, two Germans and one citizen each >>from Iraq, Serbia and the United States, ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said.

Not very representative of the "so called" refugees fleeing ISIS usually painted as undercover terrorists, this is a mix of Asylum seekers for lot of different reasons here and why would a US and 2 Germans citizen joined ?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Even with permanent residency in Japan, if I break the law, they can kick me out.

Not sure if that is true for citizenship though. Can it be revoked?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Months ago I said that this was going to be a huge problem for Europe with all these so called refugees invading not emigrating into Europe. Now look at just the beginning of Europe's demise. If I was a citizen of Germany, I would take up arms and put every one of those law breakers out on the next flight to the ME after they are fingerprinted, photographed and DNA samples taken and if they show up in Europe again its prison for life with hard labor like a Gulag, no prayer time, no TV, radio or anything to read, in other words you will work until you drop dead.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

"Months ago I said that this was going to be a huge problem for Europe ...."

I did too. The people on the forum who called us bigots and idiots are strangely silent now.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Not me. I'm still calling bigotry.

Kick these guys out for sure. But painting them all as bad due to the actions of a few is exactly bigotry.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Merkel should apologise and resign for inviting these animals into Germany. The next step should be to deport all those who break the law and assualt others, no matter what the jail sentence might be. I say "should" because I know that once all the huffing and puffing is over the invaders will still be living in Germany as European states lack the will to deport them.

The EU should be enforcing border control in Greece and sending people who land there straight back to Turkey. I'm very disappointed at the lack of action by the EU, so much so that I'm starting to think it might be better if the UK left. If we don't leave all those invaders invited in by Merkel will eventually gain the right to live in the UK and we'll be stuck with them. Germany can keep them or deport them, but I don't want them anywhere near me.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

in other words you will work until you drop dead.

Why, because Arbeit macht frei?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Many of the countries these refugees come from have very strict laws with severe penalties for such crimes which is a strong deterrent. In additional, the local communities will not tolerate such behaviour and a perpetrator could find themselves confronted by a lynch mob. When they arrive in their host country they seem to think it's a free for all. There may well be those who wish to abide by the rule of law and respect the host countries generosity, but I fear these are a minority rather than the majority. Most will simply abuse the government programs to the max and give very little back which is very evident in many of the European countries which began accepting so called asylum seekers years ago and are now suffering for it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It is a mystery why so many politicians in Europe support immigration. Immigration might bring some cheap labor and cheap kebab restaurants (enough already), but the rest is all troubles. Why are leftist so blind? What good does this crazy immigration bring? Once again, nation states are not charity organizations. They exist to protect the interests of their citizens, not the interests of Africans or Syrians. I always thought Immigration issues should be handled through referendum. It is the perfect case of non-technical issue that does not require representative democracy logics. I'm positive every european country would display a 90% or so vote against immigration only if people were allowed to directly express their will.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

It is a mystery why so many politicians in Europe support immigration

It's not like it could be human decency to help people who have no home because it's been destroyed by war. Couldn't be that.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Not me. I'm still calling bigotry.

So am I. And I'm still calling for US Americans to clean up their own domestic messes, let Europeans solve their own problems, (even though the refugee problem Europeans are trying to sort is largely a result of the various US invasions) and bring their armies home.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Did they do it because they couldn't control themselves when they saw women wearing Western clothing and not burqas or a hajib in Germany? Isn't the reason that many Muslim women wear those clothes so that men don't get aroused? So when they saw these girls and women in Germany, they thought they must be asking for it? And also Muslim men can have four wives because men basically need multiple partners and having four wives is a very convenient (and absolutely sexist) way of being able to say that he is faithful.......but to four different people!. If it is true, then that way of thinking is an embarrassment to the male species. Time for those of the Muslim faith to move into the 21st century.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Dusseldorf is taking action

Following the mass attacks on women that occurred on New Year's Eve in Cologne, Düsseldorf residents decided to take initiative into their hands. The activists created a Facebook group "Dusseldorf on alert!" which attracted over nine thousands of people within few days. The main idea of the group is to organize special security groups and establish joint patrols of the city during various events.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Serendiptious Isn't the reason that many Muslim women wear those clothes so that men don't get aroused? So when they saw these girls and women in Germany, they thought they must be asking for it? And also Muslim men can have four wives because men basically need multiple partners and having four wives is a very convenient (and absolutely sexist) way of being able to say that he is faithful.......but to four different people!.

You're overgeneralising; there are 1.6 billion Muslims with a range of types little different from any other large population so there are bound to be exceptions. Universities in every Muslim Arab country (except Saudi) that I'm aware of hire western female lecturers and professors who wear western clothes and who teach Arab men. I know many women who have done this and who say they were treated with the utmost respect by their male students and staff.

Re polygamy, you can find polygamous communities in North America. There are even exceptions among white Christians.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Strangerland ,

"It's not like it could be human decency to help people who have no home because it's been destroyed by war. Couldn't be that."

I understand compassion as a human thing, but again states exist for the interest of their citizens. They are not charity. Immigrants are often a liability and a source of problems.

In addition, human misery is endless. Should we pay for all Africa's poverty?

And again, if these people flee from their country, who will fight for rights and freedom? Did europeans flee when monarchs and popes made people's lives miserable? No, they fought and that's why today we have freedom.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Women in Saudi Arabia are caught in a system of gender apartheid....

No professional or vocational training, no visits to the doctor, no lawsuits without male approval: Yemeni-Swiss political scientist Elham Manea bemoans the plight of women in Saudi Arabia


5 ( +6 / -1 )

What I mean to say is that there are different degrees of adversity in various war scenario. So for example states differentiate between war refugees and economic migrants, but probably they both suffer a lot because of their condition. So where do you draw the line?

Regardless, you cannot force someone to be compassionate. That is why I believe immigration policies should be resolved democratically trough plebiscite. I believe people should be free to chose when and who to help.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So where do you draw the line?

I don't know where you specifically draw the line, but I do know it's pretty clear when that line has been crossed. And when three rival factions have destroyed your country, it's pretty clear that the line has been crossed.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Ok. And so that's your opinion. Someone else might say they should stay and fight or no-one (certainly not Putin) will fix things.

And ultimately the point is that some people don't care enough about these wars – not to the point to import troubles and also pay more taxes for it. Is it so hard to understand?

As for Immigration being a resource or a liability (economically) is often a matter of math. I doubt, for instance, that thousands of uneducated Africans on social security could be a resource more than a liability for a continent experiencing economic slowdown and trapped into an ubiquitous welfare state. And this is just about economy. I will not even touch upon the long term consequences of incompatible cultures forced to coexist, the crime, the fear, etc.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Right. So while now we agree that we disagree on the criteria allowing refugees to flood Europe, do you agree/disagree that:

1) Immigration policies should be decided by the people 2) Economically immigration is more of a liability than a resource in the case of A) uneducated migrants and B) recipients countries with a huge welfare state and a bad economy (e.g. Italy) 3) Socially/culturally immigration is often a source of problems

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Immigration policies should be decided by the people

Immigration policies are decided by governments, who are elected by the people to represent them. If you start giving the people the say in everything, your country falls apart through inability to take action.

If the people don't like the immigration policies, then they need to vote in a different government at their next election.

As for the rest of your points, you seem to be one of those people who have fallen victim to the spin that the Syrians are economic migrants, and not fleeing a country that has been ravaged by war.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

As for the rest of your points, you seem to be one of those people who have fallen victim to the spin that the Syrians are economic migrants, and not fleeing a country that has been ravaged by war.

Apart from what I "seem to be", my questions are still valid. I don't care much about the status or label we put on Syrians. As I've pointed out, to me extreme poverty is as bad as war. So the point is, regardless why they decide to come, are they a liability or not?

As for your comment, I agree that a state cannot run on direct democracy because people are not enough educated to decide on complex policies (eg. fiscal/monetary policy). However, when it comes to simple, ethical issues, I think people know very well what is good for them. The problem of representative democracy is that I might want to vote for a certain party for many reasons but disagree with its agenda on other issues. So, instead of being forced to chose a party you don't like just for a few points in their agenda, referendums come as very useful tools.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Europeans and EU member nations were using as lab and lab's animals by Angela Merkel. EU members will be broken up soon because of Angela Merkel's policy open door for asylum seekers. Angela Merkel's open door to refugees will cost EU dearly financially and socially.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Not sure if that is true for citizenship though. Can it be revoked?"

It certainly can here in the UK, specifically if "conducive to the public good"; as per British Nationality Act 1981, s.40.

I would expect Japain to have something similar.

To cut a long story short, any foreigner involved in activities which seriously damage/endanger their adopted countries’ vital interests can be deprived of their acquired nationality.

I believe they should be stripped of it and then expelled.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

".... governments, who are elected by the people to represent them."

In my home country, the three major parties are pro-mass immigration. The two minor parties are....pro-mass immigration. The voters are simply denied choices on this key issue. And when occasionally someone raises this for debate, they are smeared by the slimy tactic of being branded a wacist.

The problem is the consensus among the power elites across the spectrum: the business sector is pro, because it wants cheap unorganized labor, and the left is pro for what they see as "humanitarian" grounds. That explains why these critical policies are widely conducted with zero public consultation, leaving significant numbers of those in the middle out of the picture.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

In my home country, the three major parties are pro-mass immigration. The two minor parties are....pro-mass immigration. The voters are simply denied choices on this key issue

It sounds like your priorities are out of line with the rest of your country then. If there was a sizeable portion of the population they felt the way you do, you can be assured that a party would back it. So a referendum on the matter isn't likely to go your way. Time to find a new country I suppose. Trump is looking for supporters I hear.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )


" Many of the countries these refugees come from have very strict laws with severe penalties for such crimes which is a strong deterrent. In additional, the local communities will not tolerate "

What crimes? Crimes against women who are not covered from top to bottom and thus are consindered "sluts" (and insult often heard against German school girls by immigrant children too). Really? You should read up on what happened in Tahrir Square in Cairo during the Arab Spring.

Well, thanks to Angela Merkel, the Arab Spring has now arrived in Germany. You can literally take a Tahrir Square report and replace it with Cologne, Hamburg, or Berlin.

All this has been predcited, and the only people who are surprised are the arrogant European elites.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Asylum seekers must obey the law. If they commit such an act, they should be sent back from whence they came.

That much is clear.

It gets a bit murky when we dive into what crimes get you that one-way ticket home, but for now, I think we can all agree, surrounding people at a train station to mug them, or grope them, is in that box.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


" Not just Cologne. Zurich and Helsinki as well. "

Scores of other German towns too. Lots of reports in local newspapers, but the big national news continue to whitewash it. ALso all over Sweden, but in Sweden the media control is even stricter than in Germany. You have to read between the lines.

The traditional Carnival in Cologne will be interesting. Traditionally lots of partying with tipsy, Western women in immodest clothing. Well, this year it will collide with Germany`s Arab Spring. The mayor of Cologne has already made a pathetic appearance, asking German women to keep "strange men at an arms length". Well, good luck with that.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The mayor of Cologne has already made a pathetic appearance, asking German women to keep "strange men at an arms length". Well, good luck with that.

If the sexual assaults and rapes were committed by frat boys they would be up in arms over this. But since the perpetrators are Muslim men who view women more as property - than as equal citizens of the nation that took them in during their desperate flight from war - then it's up to the victims to ensure that they protect themselves. It makes no sense to normal people but if you immerse yourself in political correctness and multiculturalism it seems perfectly rationale.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If the sexual assaults and rapes were committed by frat boys they would be up in arms over this.

They beat up a couple of unrelated Pakistanis, and a Syrian over this the other day, so they are up in arms over it.

But since the perpetrators are Muslim men who view women more as property... then it's up to the victims to ensure that they protect themselves.

I can't speak for Cologne, but you regularly see warnings for university girls to not get too drunk and go with strange guys, aka telling them to ensure they protect themselves.

It seems that your biases want to blind you to the realities.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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