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Gingrich's campaign in tatters as top aides resign


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Bad news for us Democrats is that his staff are said to be joining Rick Perry's team.

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Gingrich has ZERO chance of being elected, ZERO chance of securing the Republican nomination, and ZERO chance of winning any state in the primaries. (IMHO) It's all about securing as much money as he can and siphon off as much as he can, and keep his name out in public so ignorant saps and the media will continue to fawn over his ignorant drivel!

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Bad news for us Democrats is that his staff are said to be joining Rick Perry's team.

I don't think the US will be ready for another Texan in the white house for a long time... Especially a Texan who's threatened in several previous rants that he wants his state to secede from the US.

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I don't think the US will be ready for another Texan in the white house for a long time...

You should know that the person putting forth the "bad news" also predicted that Newt Gingrich would "eviscerate" Barack Obama. He's a total joke.

The staffers returning to Perry obviously didn't have very good judgment when they joined up with Gingrich.

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My early take on this was that Newt told them he wanted to take it easy and have fun, and everyone bolted. It kind of fits with his little Tiffany deal.

Is that how it played out? Anyone know?

Oh well. Newt was the brains of the GOP (LOL!), so now it's just a beauty contest or something. I predicted GOP implosion because of the tea party dagger to their heart. They kept moving right and Obama took the center. I think everyone realizes that now. Even the GOP can't get serious. The tea party never was serious.

Bonus News: Trump has apparently stated for the record that "Republicans are stupid." Not just because they don't like him, but because he just thinks they are generally dumb. So...

Is it Bachman and Palin and Perry? The GOP is going to have to dig deep to find somebody who can just state the party platform correctly.

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No really. I have a GOP friend who told me in all honesty a couple of years ago that Newt is a GREAT MAN. A visionary. Basically, a prophet (he did not actually say prophet, but...). I laughed out loud.

It does not matter how far you go back, you find philandering, hypocrisy, deceit, etc. with this guy. Despite that, he has spouted off like Pat Buchanan whenever he got a chance.

It would have been a fun campaign with lots of fireworks. Too bad.

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Lieberman2012: "Bad news for us Democrats is that his staff are said to be joining Rick Perry's team."

Recent polls showed that Obama has a double-digit lead in people who would vote for him over EVERY Republican candidate -- declared or potential. The Republicans don't stand a chance. True, Newt stands far less one than others, but still.

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Recent polls showed that Obama has a double-digit lead in people who would vote for him over EVERY Republican candidate -- declared or potential.

Polls taken in the DNC cafeteria don't count.


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Perry would never translate outside of Texas. My guess is the nomination will go to Jon Huntsman.

Read an interesting analysis a while back stating that the wisest thing a Republican could do would be to run in the primaries and come in second; that way, he (or she) wouldn't have to lose to Obama but would be the presumed frontrunner in 2016. Funny that, despite that sizable carrot, so few candidates of stature have emerged. Must be that they're terrified of the Tea Party and are simply hunkering down.

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Obama is at this point running not against any one Repub but against an economy he and his ideologues on the far Left have all but destroyed.

Smithinjapan: "Recent polls showed that Obama has a double-digit lead in people who would vote for him over EVERY Republican candidate -- declared or potential."

this kind of voter - the Barack is My Facebook Boyfriend and I Won't Have a Bad Word Said Against Him - are in for quite a shock. "Polls" also had DEmocrats suffering minor losses in the mid-terms.The establishment media still won't admit that the reversal was historic. Likewise, we are told unemployment is at 9 percent.But most Americans sense it is closer to 16 percent.

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a Texan who's threatened in several previous rants that he wants his state to secede from the US.

Nothing wrong with that if the people want it too. Quebec voted not to leave Canada. Its called democracy. Besides, look how Texas came to be a U.S. state rather than a Mexican one anyway!

But as much as I support Newt's right to float such a notion, everything else about him just seems like pure evil and opportunism. At a time that Democrats won't stand up to support Anthony Weiner like they did Mark Sanford, I suppose its a little fresh air to know that this witch hunting, lying, hypocritical moral policeman and pretender is out of the running. While he was leading the investigation on Clinton's affair, he was having one himself! Nobody draws hypocritical scum quite like the Republican party!

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Newt's campaign is not the only thing in tatters! The Rs also seem to be in tatters!

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Gingrich's campaign in tatters as top aides resign

Thought it was be pretty much in tatters before he even announced myself.

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I wonder if Newt will send them farewell gifts from Tiffany's.


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Newt's campaign is not the only thing in tatters! The Rs also seem to be in tatters!

Yeah, and after all this, Newt's still in the running! More than ever, the Republican convention is shaping up to look like a casting call at Night of the Living Dead.

Nobody draws hypocritical scum quite like the Republican party!

Yes, we Democrats can be scum, but not hypocritical scum. We do have some standards, after all.

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The Republicans don't stand a chance. True, Newt stands far less one than others, but still.

Heh, so funny. Does anyone else remember 2 years ago, when so many of you guys were prophesying the death of the Republican party, and here you are, the Republicans have control of the House, are knocking on the door of the Senate, and will beat Obama for the House.

Perry would never translate outside of Texas. My guess is the nomination will go to Jon Huntsman.

Sorry, despite the libs desperation to see another Bush in the House, Huntsman isn't going to get the nomination. In all reality it will go to either Romney or Pawlenty. Either one of whom could beat Obama. You are right about Perry though. He won't translate outside of Texas, and we're a bit gunshy about another governor from Texas.

But as much as I support Newt's right to float such a notion, everything else about him just seems like pure evil and opportunism.

lol. Thats because he's a Republican. Thats what makes him Evvilllll! If he was a Dem, then he would be a great guy right? Heh, so funny the hypocrisy you guys show.

Yes, we Democrats can be scum, but not hypocritical scum. We do have some standards, after all.

Really? Thats big news. More details please. When did you guys stop being hypocritical scum? I thought that was what the Dems stood for! Race baiting, and class-warfare is what I see whenever I think of Dems. Did that change? I mean obviously the race-baiting is still going on, what with the DNC chair just last week...

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the Republicans have control of the House, are knocking on the door of the Senate, and will beat Obama for the House.

As soon as the Republicans revealed themselves and went after Medicare, they've gone into full retreat. NY-26, a heavily Republican district, just went for its first Democrat in many decades. The Tea Party is decimating the Republican Party from within. The Dems now have a better than 50-50 chance of winning back the House.

Either one of whom could beat Obama.

Only in your dreams. Or, as Lewis Black put it, where can I get a drug that would make me so delusional.

Race baiting, and class-warfare is what I see whenever I think of Dems.

This is funny. There are some non-sequiturs that are halfway intelligent. This one doesn't even move the meter.

If he was a Dem, then he would be a great guy right? Heh, so funny the hypocrisy you guys show.

Uh, no. The Dems have had their share of Gringrich-like scummy-ness. Traficant, Rostenkowski and Kanjorski immediately come to mind. So funny the idiocy you guys show.

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You want to know why President of the United States Barack Obama will be reelected?

All our problems will be handled by prayer under President Perry.

Law will only be three pages long under President Cain.

We can get our services through Google under President Pawlenty.

We'll want em stupid if we expect them to pay for Grandma's Medicare while not getting any for themselves under President Ryan.

I'll be leaving the country under President Bachmann, and I won't be alone.

President palin....Bwahahahaha.

That's why President of the United States Barack Obama will be reelected.

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Lieberman2012: "this kind of voter - the Barack is My Facebook Boyfriend and I Won't Have a Bad Word Said Against Him - are in for quite a shock. "Polls" also had DEmocrats suffering minor losses in the mid-terms."

Hey, dude, use your personal hair-drier to try and dry your pillow all you want, it doesn't change the facts.

Molenir: "Heh, so funny. Does anyone else remember 2 years ago, when so many of you guys were prophesying the death of the Republican party, and here you are, the Republican"

Ummm... you mean the party that is DYING for a show-down between female nitwits in the tea-party, and those trying to separate themselves from said nitwits in the more left GOP, while still yet trying to differentiate between religious and medicare differences?

Dude... PLEASE to do not do that when I have coffee in front of my computer!

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But Molenir, I do have to thank you... whenever you comment seriously about the tea-party of the GOP I just have to click on links to the comedy pages of quotations from 'up-and-coming' GOP members for the absolute, and I mean this 100%, funniest quotations of the entire English language and modern Western history. So thank you.... said pages give me quite a number of laughs. Bush still takes the take, but a number of tea-party candidates are catching up, most notably the dolt. Maybe when Alaska releases her emails soon and points out she tried to white-out her monitor....

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The whole Republican field is a liability period.Gingrich's implosion is just the start.

You're right, and the simple reason for that is they believe that there's a 19th century solution for 21st century problems.

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This is funny. There are some non-sequiturs that are halfway intelligent. This one doesn't even move the meter.

Sorry Yabits, but after I read this, I went back and watched the video of the DNC chair pulling out her vile race-baiting rhetoric. After listening to that, my thought was, how is she different from David Duke precisely? Just sickening listening to her, and no one even gives it a second thought. Certainly no calls for her to resign over her comments.

You want to know why President of the United States Barack Obama will be reelected?

Taka, you should get a job as a comedian, seriously you're good. You left out Romney though. You're wrong of course, as pretty much every single candidate would have a better then even shot against Obama. Particularly with the country in the situation it is.

Maybe when Alaska releases her emails soon and points out she tried to white-out her monitor....

lol, come on smith. Still with the hate mongering towards Palin? Come up with something new will ya. She's not an idiot, and anyone who thinks she is, obviously needs their head examined. Heh, still, was funny... White-out her monitor. I admit I laughed at that one.

You're right, and the simple reason for that is they believe that there's a 19th century solution for 21st century problems.

And Obamas answer is to shift to European style socialism... Except thats failed, as Spain, Greece, Portugal and so many other countries can attest. Its simply not sustainable, and it isn't the solution to the US long term problem. And his other suggestion, more state controls, and a managed economy went out with the Soviet Union.

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I had to leave out Romney because I didn't know which Mitt is running? There are SO many of them!

And thanks, I have done a little stand-up in my day. I'm just going by what these guys say though. Cain said: "No laws longer than 3 pages." He forgot the Constitution is 4 pages. Tim-meh said the Google thing forgetting you can Google "mercenary." Ryan...well that speaks for itself. As does Bachmann and palin. They are beneath serious.


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After listening to that, my thought was, how is she different from David Duke precisely?

Are you kidding? The DNC chair was speaking out against the efforts by Republicans, in the guise of preventing "vote fraud" -- which is so rare as to be close to non-existent, are erecting obstacles for the poor and minorities to vote. Duke, like any right-winger, is staunchly in favor of voter ID laws, and any law that would make it more difficult for non-whites to vote.

The party of Gingrich depends upon a base that is 90% white. Since they can't attract many poor and minority voters by attracting them with their policies, their only recourse is to try to make it as difficult for them as legally possible to vote.

And Obamas answer is to shift to European style socialism..

I don't know if the person I'm replying to has Down's or some other mental disability, but the above statement is completely divorced from reality. Case in point: Obama did not support a single-payer system for health care. So much for your ludicrous claim.

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I like the fact that Newt (and who's going to vote for a newt?) declared himself in the race and then took a two week trip to Europe.

Nothing says I want the job like a two-week trip with the trophy. I wonder if he bought his travel agent any gifts from Tiffanys.


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lol. Thats because he's a Republican. Thats what makes him Evvilllll! If he was a Dem, then he would be a great guy right? Heh, so funny the hypocrisy you guys show.

A pretty silly comment. I look at the man first of all, then latter note the letter beside his name. Newt Gringrich is a liar and a hypocrite. This I know by comparing is words to his deeds. He is evil because on top of the lying and hypocrisy, his deeds are evil not matter what words come out of his lying mouth. He was the first Speaker of the House to ever be sanctioned for ethics violations, and that was for feeding false data to a congressional committee. His desire to drag his brand of Christianity back into American politics is also disgusting. He covers it by using the word "religion" but his focus is his warped view of Christianity.

But what really gets me is his unflitching willingness to attack others on sexual grounds. I would hate him for that even if were not such a hypocrite about it, which he is. He went after others for sleeping with pages. He went after Clinton for having an affair. Meanwhile what was he doing? Having an affair with a page! The man is scum. I have no problem with his affair per se, but attacking others full bore for it PLUS doing it himself? Scumbag.

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Latest reports say Gingrich's control freak wife alienated most of the staff. If you google this woman you can see why she is a serious obstacle to a politician.Intense, scary-looking woman.

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Why Democrats like yabits and I have to worry about Perry throwing his hat in the ring:

Texas created 37 percent of all net jobs produced in the U.S. since the "recovery" began.

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have to worry about Perry throwing his hat in the ring

Electing a not-so-bright, cowboy governor of Texas as president?

What could go wrong?

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Are you kidding? The DNC chair was speaking out against the efforts by Republicans, in the guise of preventing "vote fraud" -- which is so rare as to be close to non-existent, are erecting obstacles for the poor and minorities to vote. Duke, like any right-winger, is staunchly in favor of voter ID laws, and any law that would make it more difficult for non-whites to vote.

Really? Every single election there is voter fraud. Every single one someone votes who should not have voted. Every election someone cancels the vote of someone who has a right to vote, and who did their civic duty by voting. That to me is wrong. But go back and listen to what she had to say. Are you going to seriously try to tell me she wasn't race baiting? When she outright says Republicans who want to protect the sanctity of the ballot are really pushing for Jim Crow laws? Is that what you're going to say?

Whats even more amusing is the obvious hypocrisy of the woman. First she alleges and complains about massive voter fraud in the 2000 election, then she insists that any attempts to address that very issue is in fact racist, and an attempt to reinstate Jim Crow laws, as if demanding someone provide proof that they are who they say they are, and in fact have a right to vote, is intimidating to someone who actually does have a right to vote.

Electing a not-so-bright, cowboy governor of Texas as president?

Heh, I actually agree with yabits on this one. Well not about the 'not so bright' crack, but electing another Texas governor...

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Every single election there is voter fraud. Every single one someone votes who should not have voted.

What fraud? Are you saying that if one out of every 10,000 votes is an "irregular" one, that it mandates that every single voter submit to the time and expense of getting a government-issued ID card? Especially when the majority of irregularities is found with absentee ballots -- which ID cards do nothing to resolve.

Exposed for what it is, the time and expense forced upon the poor, the disabled, and minorities is nothing less than a return to Jim Crow-style poll taxes.

First she alleges and complains about massive voter fraud in the 2000 election

The DNC chair never alleged or said anything about voter fraud in the 2000 election. I can only attribute the claim to a defective mind that does not know how to read, listen, or reason.

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What could go wrong?

Another fundie trying to out fundie the other fundies? Oh yeah, I see that going well.


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Exposed for what it is, the time and expense forced upon the poor, the disabled, and minorities is nothing less than a return to Jim Crow-style poll taxes.

Excuse me? Asking for an id somehow puts an unreasonable burden upon the poor, disabled, and minorities? Really? What were you saying the other day about some mystical drug that enables you to live in a fantasyland? Think you've been doing a bit too much of it. Do you honestly mean to say, that minorities are so incompetent and stupid, that they can't go and get an ID? Really? Wanna talk racism, thats what we call implied racism. See I think that everyone can handle getting an ID. Those who can't handle even that simple task, well should they even be voting if they are so mentally deficient?

The DNC chair never alleged or said anything about voter fraud in the 2000 election. I can only attribute the claim to a defective mind that does not know how to read, listen, or reason.

Oh I'm sorry, did you need to listen to that clip again?

Getting back to this thread now... I don't think Gingrich was ever serious about running for President. His actions demonstrate that pretty conclusively. Think he realized there was no way he could win, but by running, he gets his name out there, and can make himself more money giving lectures etc. Is a lot more money to be had by a recent Presidential candidate, then by a man who was speaker of the house more then 10 years ago. By doing it, he will seem to have more relevance also. His aides leaving him, is simply that they all realized the truth. That he is in this for the money. Not that I blame him. Everyone has to make a living somehow.

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Asking for an id somehow puts an unreasonable burden upon the poor, disabled, and minorities?

Asking the poor, disabled, and minorities to stand in line to pay for a government-issued ID card only for the purpose of voting does put an unreasonable burden upon them.

Do you honestly mean to say, that minorities are so incompetent and stupid, that they can't go and get an ID?

That is you projecting your twisted ideas onto other people yet again. I made no such statement or implied anything of the sort. An ID that must be paid for in order to vote is identical to a poll tax -- a remnant of Jim Crow. Whatever proof that the person would have to present in order to get the ID card, should be sufficient to prove themselves eligible to vote.

Again, the ID card would do nothing to alleviate the number one source of voting irregularities: absentee ballots. But like most conservatives, you display hypocrisy in this matter. No conservatives who cynically proclaim the "sanctity of the ballot" lose one minute worrying about the thousands of people wrongfully removed from being able to vote because their state or local government has its records screwed up.

I see Gingrich as an arch-contributor to this kind of vile cynicism. Conservatives simply loathe government, and the more that government works effectively, the more they hate it.

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Yabits:"Electing a not-so-bright, cowboy governor of Texas as president?"

Perry rose to rank of Captain, and in the Air Force no less.We Democrats slander achievements like that at considerable risk.He would be a formidable candidate. I hear he can actually address crowds (okay, they're Texans...) without a teleprompter.

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yabits: "Asking the poor, disabled, and minorities to stand in line to pay for a government-issued ID card only for the purpose of voting does put an unreasonable burden upon them."

As a "minority" myself I always resent being indiscriminately lumped in with "the poor" (far more likely in America to be obese) or any other group.When can we get away from identity politics??

You complain they would have to "stand in line ".This sounds positively Gingrichian to my ears, as if you too believe any agency set up to provide voter ID would just be yet another government agency that will fail the American public, forced by the federal govt to support with another tax burden etc etc blah blah.

You should show more faith in government agencies.

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Perry rose to rank of Captain, and in the Air Force no less.

LOL! From O-1 to O-3 in five years. Not very impressive. Plus, he was also a cheerleader in college just like another not-very-bright governor.

We Democrats slander achievements like that at considerable risk.

I'm sure you Republicans who are products of the Donald Segretti strain are naturally a drawn to someone with a degree in animal husbandry.

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There are no fewer than 7 declared Republican presidential candidates, and a few more, including Sarah Palin, may jump in. Gingrich is in for the fight of his life here.

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I think Gingrich has the fork in him....

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Your in favor of voter ID?

I thought you types wanted the government out of your lives. Aren't you injecting more govt. into it?

I wish you guys would make up your minds.


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