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Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump


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Haha how many of those are you hiding there Rudy!!??!!???

19 ( +20 / -1 )

IMHO the sooner Trump is gone the better!

23 ( +24 / -1 )

It's astonishing how low this guy has sunk. He was a national hero post 9-11. Now he's a disgrace.

26 ( +27 / -1 )

It gets better and better!

Rudy should check for buses lining up outside the site of any Trump interview by Mueller.

Giuliani told "Fox News Sunday." ''Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead."

Trump's lawyers don't do well when they are near buses.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Trump is a pathological liar and limited intellectually.

Guiliani knows this.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

This is a fight to the death between President Trump (government for and by the people) and the Washington swamp (government for special interest and liberal elites).

Give 'em hell Rudy.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Trump is a pathological liar and limited intellectually.

Guiliani knows this.

I agree. No smart lawyer would let Trump be questioned if they can stop it.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

I can't believe I use to like this man. Talk about selling your soul.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Concerned CitizenToday  07:45 am JST

This is a fight to the death between President Trump

with support from Trump's Russian friends https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2018/12/16/new-report-russian-disinformation-prepared-senate-shows-operations-scale-sweep/?utm_term=.9d756f7d6a10

and the remaining bits of the US system of democracy.

Indeed, it's become a war between Trumpistan, backed by the .01% 'elite' (in the US and abroad), oil and gas industries, big war industries, their banking backers, and the US.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Giuliani: "disgusted by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference"

You mean like "not leaking", "obtaining dozens of indictments", "getting multiple guilty pleas", "not losing a single case they have brought to trial", "making a sincere effort to find the truth" . . .

Those tactics, Mr. Giuliani?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

another user said:

if you refuse to take a breathalyzer when the cops pull you over, chances are you've been driving drunk.

in this analogy, trump is the suspect and mueller is the police officer.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Everyone already knew Trump would never talk to Mueller. He's too stupid to keep his story straight.

Some of his fans said he would talk a while back, but they were duped.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

''Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead."

Too true! For me 9-11 was the last straw when the last shred of decency left in the man was extinguished along with the lives of so many firemen whom he dispatched with faulty radio devices and ordered them into the towering inferno on a kamikaze mission. Then with the help of a corrupted fourth estate's fake news he deftly covered up the botched operation that had cost so many brave firemen their lives by declaring them "heroes" and anointing himself the "heroic" mayor. This is who Giuliani really is, a veritable Nosferatu who has emerged from the bottom of Trumpinocchio's rotten barrel of dirty deeds. America deserves better than this and Robert Mueller is now coming to the rescue of the republic as the true hero who put out the fire storm engulfing Washington that started in New York's Trump Tower.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Not shown in this report but Giuliani also said they would trick Trump into lying.  There would be no need to trick him.  If you want to catch him out lying just let him talk for 30 seconds or so.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Perjury trap. Mueller already trying to imprison Trump for his sex life. Looking forward to the Dems self defeating impeachment hearings next year. Should be entertaining.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Giuliani has argued the payments were made to protect Trump's family, not to influence the election.

Except that Cohen's testimony is now corroborated by American Media Inc. who have admitted that their "catch and kill" payment was to help Trump's election chances.


It was not a break-in.

And yet Cult 45ers continue to believe that their Lord and Savior is a truth teller and wise man.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Trump will blame him and he will be sharing a cell with Cohen.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

@Simond. It is physically impossible to catch trump lieing because he always talks in front of a roaring helicopter, so he just needs to say you can’t say I said that because the noice.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

all his lawyers left him because they knew he would purger himself in 2 seconds and he can't take any word of advice. What Giuliani is doing is basically obstruction of justice

8 ( +9 / -1 )

This is a fight to the death between President Trump (government for and by the people) and the Washington swamp (government for special interest and liberal elites).

Hahahahaha! When you have zero substance, make up a conspiracy theory.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Perjury trap. Mueller already trying to imprison Trump for his sex life. Looking forward to the Dems self defeating impeachment hearings next year. Should be entertaining.

Hahaha! If the person being interviewed isn't a compulsive liar trying to hide something, there is no need to worry about perjury. It's funny hearing conservatibes scream at the top of their lungs anything they think will help defend Trump.

What's it like to not have any integrity?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

I don't know who's more unhinged, the man-child or goon face! Having Giuliani as your lawyer or spokesperson is like the kiss of death!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

And how old is Giuliani ?

Giuliani sarcastically said that the only thing left to ask the president was about "several unpaid parking tickets that night, back in 1986, '87 that haven't been explained."

His mental faculties, as well as that of the man he is defending' are visibly on decline. He should step down and save himself any further embarrassment.

I think I know what the truth is.

This, and then

Unless you're God, you'll never know what the truth is.

This man was once a decent lawyer and now he's reduced to these deranged rants.

Proves how toxic Trump is!!!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Back in April when Crazy Rudy joined Trump's team, conservatives assured us that Rudy would have Mueller dealt with in a manner of months. So much for that prediction. HAR! ROFL! Smh. Oh my . . .

7 ( +8 / -1 )

he mentioned "disgust", should look at himself in the mirror first.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Dodgy charities, scam universities, ties to murderous regimes and corrupt governments, Trump just oozes criminality. He can’t even have sex without breaking a law or two.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Love Giuliani, that’s what a good lawyer does in the eyes of injustice. If Mueller wants the President, he should get a subpoena, other than that, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near the corrupt cop.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

bass4funkToday  11:06 am JST

Love Giuliani, that’s what a good lawyer does in the eyes of injustice. If Mueller wants the President, he should get a subpoena, other than that, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near the corrupt cop.

Of a $25 million investigation, it has netted over $48 million, so it's actually made money. Multiple people in jail. More to come as well. Oh, so many more

Corrupt cop? Mueller? Utterly unjustified slander. I suppose that's all the Trumpkins have left

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Love Giuliani, that’s what a good lawyer does in the eyes of injustice. If Mueller wants the President, he should get a subpoena, other than that, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near the corrupt cop.

You were one of the conservatives assuring us Giuliani would have Mueller sorted in a manner of months. That, like your baseless accusations against Mueller, was just pure speculation. That, like your baseless accusations against Mueller, was driven by your knee-jerk hyperpartisanship, which disallows you from engaging in a conversation in any meaningful way.

What's it like to give up any capacity for critical thinking simply to support a politic position or politician?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Rudy Giuilani has fully morphed from able NYC Mayor to Saul Goodman...

He's even using crime family language...

But he won't be able to protect "Individual -1's" crime family...

Trump-word is going down, just like John Gotti...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Call the Funeral parlor. One ex New York Mayor is about to expire. Trump will eventually be interviewed.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Today on As The Trump World Turns...

Season 2 - Episode 694 - "Over My Dead Body"

In this episode lawyer Giuliani and Prez Trump stage a fake accident in order to fool special counsel Mueller in to thinking that Trump has met his demize thereby eliminating any need for further investigations. Little do they know that Mueller and his team are aware of their imbecilic treachery. Team Mueller catches them red handed and snds Prez Trump into a tirade of epic porportions.

Stay tuned...


4 ( +5 / -1 )


another BS twitter lie from Pinocchio in Chief, seriously this moron has no morals.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

 Looking forward to the Dems self defeating impeachment hearings next year. Should be entertaining.

nobody is expecting Trump to be impeeched, since its highly unlikely theyd get the 2/3 majoirty in the senate. what is expected is that all Trumps dirty secrets will be exposed to the public with Muellers report, well let the voters decide come 2020.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

In that interview you can tell Wallace still stings from Hillary's loss.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

President Trump put his hand up for election with no other motive other than using his business acumen to help the working man prosper after being shafted by a succession of swamp politicians. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose. Now, in spite of the country prospering under his administration, his vicious enemies will stop at nothing to bring him down. "How dare he usurp our authority!" My, how the hit dogs are howling.

I hope that the president continues to fight the swamp creatures on behalf of the working class and hands them more humiliating defeats.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

I think it will be tough for President Trump to survive the sheer might of the Washington swamp/media cartel. If he does it will be a victory of David vs Goliath proportions.

But I sure admire him for being willing to get in there and fight for the 'deplorables', the flyover country citizens whom the elites deplore.

I hope he leaves them with egg on their faces. May he and the little guys win!

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Trump went on record saying he would happily do a face-to-face interview with the Mueller team. What happened to that?

As for business acumen, his father seems to have had some while also being a crook. President Swamp inherited the crookedness but none of the business acumen. Every venture failed and had to be bailed out by Friedrich. As we now know from the unchallenged and incredibly detailed NYT article on the sources of Swamp's "wealth".

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I guess Rudy knows something. Something not good. Something really really bad.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

In that interview you can tell Wallace still stings from Hillary's loss.

Yes, Faux News was rooting for her all the way....

President Trump put his hand up for election with no other motive other than using his business acumen to help the working man prosper after being shafted by a succession of swamp politicians.

You know, all those swamp Politicians (and their cronies) like Manafort, Gates, Flynn, Papadapolous, Zinke, Pruitt, Cohen, the "Mooch",  Omarossa, Bannon, Price, whew, I could keep going....

He had nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Just lots of Russian cash....

Now, in spite of the country prospering under his administration, his vicious enemies will stop at nothing to bring him down. "How dare he usurp our authority!" My, how the hit dogs are howling.

Well, here we go with dogs again...Trump and his supporters just can't help themselves....


I hope that the president continues to fight the swamp creatures on behalf of the working class and hands them more humiliating defeats.

You know, like that humiliating defeat when he got Mexico to pay for the wall....

I think it will be tough for President Trump to survive the sheer might of the Washington swamp/media cartel. If he does it will be a victory of David vs Goliath proportions.

Should read Trump/Putin vs Amercia....

But I sure admire him for being willing to get in there and fight for the 'deplorables', the flyover country citizens whom the elites deplore.

You know, all those poor folks that no longer have a job because of his tariffs and no health insurance because of his legal challenges...

I hope he leaves them with egg on their faces. May he and the little guys win!

Yep, little as in there's very little chance he won't get sent to jail....along with Don Jr and Jared....and given recent news maybe Ivanka...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I think it will be tough for President Trump to survive the sheer might of the Washington swamp/media cartel. 

Dont lose heart, there are plenty of rats left in the Trump sewer, I am sure they will try to put up a fight.

May he and the little guys win!

His Russian friends will be more than happy to step in, I am sure.

For the first time in history we have a President who was elected by Russia.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

President Trump put his hand up for election with no other motive other than using his business acumen to help the working man prosper after being shafted by a succession of swamp politicians. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose.

What are you talking about? He had everything to gain. With the presidency, he leads the nation with the strongest economy on the planet. By not relinquishing power over his companies, he has been able to manipulate the economy to his benefit, as well as set up deals that help his company specifically. He has spent his presidency removing legislation that limited profits for his companies. The idea that he had nothing to gain by becoming president is as ridiculous as any ever.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

But I sure admire him for being willing to get in there and fight for the 'deplorables', the flyover country citizens whom the elites deplore.

Trump, an elite, is willing to fight for those who the elites deplore. So which is it, is he fighting for them, or does he deplore them?

And whom exactly are these elites you are referring to?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

FOOLiani needs to be locked up in an institution for the criminally insane!

He and trump have no concept of reality or morals!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

In that interview you can tell Wallace still stings from Hillary's loss.

Har! Nothing of substance, but I just have to comment. Oh my . . .

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Once this "bait and switch" of a con job (presidency) has run its full course, Trump will only have one word in his mind... "pigeons" ... or maybe six words (if that's possible) "There's a sucker born every minute."


4 ( +5 / -1 )

RIP then, Rudy?

Mueller already trying to imprison Trump for his sex life.

Nobody cares if he sleeps around. It's the lying about it, the misuse of funds, the bragging about assaulting women, the obstructing justice, the nepotism, welching on deals, the supporting dictatorships and arming terrorist states... to name just a few things that might be cause for concern.

A terrible human being.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Maybe he'll get his wish earlier than we think. I mean, the guy has to stop and take in large breaths mid-lie, during which his eyes seem about to shoot out of their sockets, and he turns red and gets all flustered and upset when you post him saying the opposite in the past of what he just said.

In any case, he's only proven with his comments yet again how much of a coward Trump is. Giuliani should have just said, "Over my dead body! You have as much chance of him sitting down with an interview as you had of him going off to fight in Vietnam."

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Mueller doesn't need an interview, he has subpoena power. It would be fought to the Supreme Court, but if Mueller issued it, you can be guaranteed he has convincing evidence to support it.

Even assuming Mueller is corrupt, which he obviously is not, he was still smart enough to fool all his fellow Republicans/conservatives for a long time. This means he's smart enough to know he's dealing with a president and conservative Supreme Court.

Mueller irrefutably understands the level on which he is operating. As many untethered conspiracy theories as you want to push and no matter how hard you disparage him, that does not change.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Make no mistake, this is a war for power and political and cultural influence. It's not about how bad Trump is personally, Russian influence or what's good for the country. Trumps enemies don't give a damn about that. If this was really about criminal behavior then no one in Washington would be immune, least of all the Clintons.

They used to love him when he aligned himself with Democrats and Hollywood types. The minute he switched to the conservative side he suddenly became a criminal traitor in their eyes. And his worst sin is to have roadblocked their liberal agenda and stripped them of their corrupt power by winning over the working class and defeating their girl Hillary Clinton.

Elite liberal progressives hate the conservative agenda with such rage that they will stoop to the lowest of the low to derail anyone who gets in their way with bogus allegations like this Russian collusion lie. Around 2 years and still not a shred of proof. Pathetic!

Many Demotratic elites care absolutely nothing for the poor. Their policies have absolutely wrecked many of the cities they control. Republican controlled cities/states generally prosper.

So choose America....

Common sense economic, security and social policies that made your country great in the first place via Trump with all his flaws

Globalism, failed economic and chaotic security and social policies that will drive the country further into ruin
-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Corrupt cop? Mueller?


Utterly unjustified slander.

SNL joke?

You were one of the conservatives assuring us Giuliani would have Mueller sorted in a manner of months.

No, I said, that now Trump has someone pound for pound an attorney that can match the weasely antics of Mueller and all of his wicked ways.

That, like your baseless accusations against Mueller, was just pure speculation.

Unlike your baseless accusation of the president without any substantial merit whatsoever, no charges have been brought, no arrest, no incarceration....come on...

Unlike your baseless accusations against Trump, was driven by your knee-jerk hyperpartisanship, which disallows you from engaging in a conversation in any meaningful way.

What's it like to give up any capacity for critical thinking simply to support a politic position or politician?

I don’t know, I’m still waiting for A liberal to give me a rational and acceptable argument without the emotion. It does help....really.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Unlike your baseless accusation of the president without any substantial merit whatsoever, no charges have been brought, no arrest, no incarceration....come on...

Many, many posters here have backed up the growing evidence against America's shame, this corrupt and criminal President. They have done so on an almost daily basis.

But everyone else is wrong, right? Everyone else is telling porkies and besides... the liberals are to blame, all Trump's victims are liars etc...

I’m still waiting for A liberal to give me a rational and acceptable argument without the emotion.

Can't help you there, not being a liberal, but do you think that calling 9/11 collateral damage, wanting your own coastal cities nuked and laughing at children being locked up is rational and acceptable?

Giuliani doesn't want Trump interviewed because he's afraid the truth will out.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Make no mistake, this is a war for power and political and cultural influence. It's not about how bad Trump is personally, Russian influence or what's good for the country. Trumps enemies don't give a damn about that. If this was really about criminal behavior then no one in Washington would be immune, least of all the Clintons.

Keep flailing around grasping at straws if it makes you feel better.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Make no mistake, this is a war for power and political and cultural influence.

Look outside your window, there's no war. All we have is a corrupt and morally bankrupt President trying to hoodwink his gullible base with his daily spout of lies. The day the right wing haters realize it, the war in their minds will stop.

They used to love him when he aligned himself with Democrats and Hollywood types.

Very few people loved him before, and the only ones who love him are the ones who see a non-existent race war.

that they will stoop to the lowest of the low

The right wing haters have fallen so low, that you need to stoop to talk to them.

Many Demotratic elites care absolutely nothing for the poor.

Thats rich coming from the bleeding hearts haters.

So choose America....

Donny boy seems to have chosen Russia.

 I’m still waiting for A liberal to give me a rational and acceptable argument without the emotion.

ROFL, when the blind followers of the Pied Piper of Paranoia use the word 'rational', its like Saturday Night comedy.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Readers, please stop bickering.

I think it will be tough for President Trump to survive the sheer might of the Washington swamp/media cartel. If he does it will be a victory of David vs Goliath proportions.

When the President of the United States, the world's most powerful man, it's compared to David, the biblical underdog, you know you've heard it all.

If you were going to use this biblical myth, Trump is Goliath - the giant fighter, who is eventually taken out by a small stone from one weaker and less powerful than himself.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Donald and Rudy clearly remember the road to authoritarianism:

1) degrade free media;

2) neuter civil society;

3) undermine rule of law;

And do all this "for the people".

5 ( +6 / -1 )

A good lawyer doesn't commit a huge blunder within days of taking on the job. 

Normally with Trump lawyers, it takes about a decade or so. Rudy is something else!

I can't take all this winning and hiring of terrific people...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

This is all they have?

"Not one person from the White House ever said, 'Don't lie,'" Davis said.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

BlacklabelToday  09:13 pm JST

This is all they have?

"Not one person from the White House ever said, 'Don't lie,'" Davis said.

Why, is that what you would like to think?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Trump On Mueller Interview: "I Would Do It Under Oath"


REPORTER: Mr. President, you are going to do it under oath?

REPORTER: To reach a higher standard, you would do it under oath?

TRUMP: Oh, I would do it under oath.

REPORTER: You would?

TRUMP: Absolutely.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

bass4funkDec. 17  03:18 pm JST

No, I said, that now Trump has someone pound for pound an attorney that can match the weasely antics of Mueller and all of his wicked ways.

By keeping Trump away from any interviews with him. Yes, that's some pretty hard-core lawyering. Running and hiding is indeed the best way to defeat weaselly antics and wicked ways.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Mueller is setting up Trump to be the most thoroughly vetted incumbent in U.S. presidential history.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Mueller is setting up Trump to be the most thoroughly vetted incumbent in U.S. presidential history.

And hopefully this will set a precedent, so future leaders of the country will no longer be able to operate on such a vast criminal level and court dictators with such aplomb.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

And hopefully this will set a precedent, so future leaders of the country will no longer be able to operate on such a vast criminal level and court dictators with such aplomb.

Yeah, but he totally skipped the previous eight years, looked the other way so I’m not holding my breath, political hack these corrupt cops.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

but he totally skipped the previous eight years

Default answer.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I think spot on. Mueller, don’t walk past that rock.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Mueller, don’t walk past that rock.

It's orange, it's volatile and could go off at any moment.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"And hopefully this will set a precedent"

It's gonna set an example of how not to conduct a witch hunt.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

He's being investigated, and as he's now been implicated in criminality, so he should be.

And that’s pretty much it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

In response to Trump's tweet, former FBI Director James Comey tweeted, "This is from the President of our country, lying about the lawful execution of a search warrant issued by a federal judge.

LOL. Comey is a proven liar who as head of the FBI deliberately leaked information of ongoing federal investigations. His FBI agents conspired to undermine the Presidential campaign. Comey should be in prison. Only a true Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer would believe anything that liar had to say.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

^ People still believe Trump's words, don't they? People will forgive anything as long as that someone is their means to an end

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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