Japan Today

Giuliani struggles to help Trump with his defense


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Trumps legal representative, good luck with that.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I have to give Giuliani this: he has been HILARIOUS! Now, I want to see what bass4funk, who says about himself "I never deflect and am straight as an arrow", thinks after saying that bringing on Giuliani was pure genius, among other things.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

With both Trump and Giuliani changing their stories every time they open their mouths it's difficult to know what to think, other than that they are a pair of idiots. Maybe that is their cunning plan.

I do know one thing. There is only one reason Trump would pay Ms Daniels: to buy her silence after his affair with her. There is no other plausible explanation. If Trump is in the habit of paying hush money to people he didn't have an affair with then I want to know where my payment is.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Yes, Rudy, when you douse your client with gasoline and then hand him a lit match, that tends to get people's attention. Keep up the good work.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Giuliani sounds less like a Trump lawyer and more like an agent of the prosecution .

Has me wondering if he's really a Trojan horse.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

wouldn't rule out the president asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in the Russia investigation. 

"The mob takes the Fifth," Trump said. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"

If Trump does plead the 5th, is he thereby admitting the Trump-Kushner syndicate is mob connected? Kushner's father is a convicted criminal. Both families have long been connected to criminals in the US and abroad.

Why won't Trump release his full tax forms (not the ones he scammed Maddow with)?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

And here it is again. This must be the only thing liberals have left. You do realize anything Rudy says on TV isn’t legally binding right?

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

You do realize anything Rudy says on TV isn’t legally binding right?

You do realize that no one has actually claimed that's what you're rallying against, right?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

But now that I think it through a little further, I wonder what you even mean. Legally binding... to what? Are you trying to indicate that Guiliani's comments cannot be used in court? Why not? What exactly excludes them?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

You do realize anything Rudy says on TV isn’t legally binding right?

Oh. So Giuliani can spout off on Fox to his heart’s content and Trump should crank call them more often.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Then why the multiple articles over how Rudy is supposedly “hurting” Trump? Nothing he says matters legally.

what Rudy is doing is this. He is saying what the law is. Then we can compare what can be proved that Trump did and compare it to the established law. The law is the focus.

What liberals do is speculate first what Trump might have done. then try to make illegal whatever they can prove or speculate he did. Getting Trump is the focus this way.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Case a: is lying against the law? Nope. So even if Trump did lie, it’s not illegal. Law focus.

Case b: Trump lied! What laws can we find to make what he lied about illegal? What if we call it a campaign finance violation? Oh that kind of lying about that topic would be illegal, so it’s that!! Get Trump focus.

case A is what Rudy is rightfully pushing. Without considering Trump at all, what are the laws.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Then why the multiple articles over how Rudy is supposedly “hurting” Trump? Nothing he says matters legally.

Court of public opinion. You know, that one you keep trying to call on when you incorrectly claim that people are sick of Mueller's investigation?

Case a: is lying against the law? Nope.

You go lie in court in front of a judge, and keep trying to make that claim.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

so who lied in front of a judge?

Proving my point. It’s why you won’t identify an actual crime. You want to just investigate everything about everyone for years then decide what things you found that can most likely be turned into “crimes”.

You are losing the court of public opinion. People are tired of all this and starting to lose in the courtroom too. Can’t have a sympathetic judge every single time, and you struggle when you don’t have one.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )


Only 16 percent of Republicans view Mueller favorably, as do 35 percent of independents.

Even 20 percent of Dems now view mueller unfavorably, that’s up 9 points in a month.

Wrap it up.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Trump and legal team fighting a lost battle, might not be text book legally but its pretty obvious that he has stretched protocol to snapping point. How many previous Presidents have had such a scebby administration. I thought George W Bush was an idiot but I'm Trumped with this one.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

so who lied in front of a judge?

No one claimed that a judge was lied to. It was simply an example to show your claim that lying is not illegal is not entirely correct.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Only 16 percent of Republicans view Mueller favorably, as do 35 percent of independents.

Even 20 percent of Dems now view mueller unfavorably, that’s up 9 points in a month.

You skipped the most important number from the article:

A Monmouth University poll released Tuesday found that 54 percent of voters support continuing the investigation

But as we know from the election, to Republicans, 46% is a majority.

Wrap it up.

Why? The people are clearly interested in continuing the investigation.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Cherry picking. Fewer people say it should continue and more people think it should end. What’s the trending here? More people disapprove of Mueller and only 45 percent think the investigation is even fair.

“ A Monmouth University poll released Tuesday found that 54 percent of voters support continuing the investigation, down from 60 percent in March. Meanwhile, 43 percent said the investigation should end, compared with 37 percent two months ago”

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Only 16 percent of Republicans view Mueller favorably, as do 35 percent of independents.

Even 20 percent of Dems now view mueller unfavorably, that’s up 9 points in a month. 

Wrap it up.

I didn’t view the policeman who pulled me over for speeding very favorably.

Trump’s clean. No need to wrap it up. He’ll wipe the floor with Mueller. Trump will then get on Twitter and show his usual humility and grace in victory.

It’s going to be an utter humiliation for Mueller.

Why on earth would you want this wrapped up now? Trump himself will deliver the coup de grace. He’s not a mob-type who would take the 5th.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

It’s why you guys won’t say the crime is lying, for example.. You gotta find someone that lied to a judge first then go back and make “ lying (to a judge)” the crime.

thats called show me the man, I will find you a crime.

you didn’t care about illegal campaign donations and it was never part of any of your impeachment nonsense 15 months ago.

Now, illegal campaign donations (by paying a porn star to obviously influence the election) , that’s a “crime” to you. But the law says otherwise, it’s a fine just like obama paid for his million dollar violation.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Cherry picking.

I'm surprised you admit it.

Fewer people say it should continue and more people think it should end.

What? In what world do you live in that 43 is fewer than 54?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

you didn’t care about illegal campaign donations and it was never part of any of your impeachment nonsense 15 months ago.

Hmm, you seem to be saying the democrats should have cared about something they didn't know about, 15 months before they found out.

And the right claims that the left is living in unicornland.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

You gotta find someone that lied to a judge first then go back and make “ lying (to a judge)” the crime.

I'm pretty sure perjury was a crime long before the Mueller investigation.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

You only found out that there might be a campaign finance violation by investigating everyone for everything. You never identified that as what you were looking for. But now it’s your most important “crime” now that you lost collusion and obstruction.

The “cherry picking” was you by the way. I’m simply saying everything is trending the opposite direction of what you want. 54 percent is barely half and it’s down from 60. So while 54 is more than 43, it was 60 and 37 before your latest Stormy insistencies.

So your “public opinion” isn’t working. Trump approval up on every poll while this is negative downturn is happening to your things.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Exactly my point. There was no crime when you started looking.

Hmm, you seem to be saying the democrats should have cared about something they didn't know about, 15 months before they found out.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Yes perjury is a crime. That’s why Mueller and his team will use any tactic they can and make up any potential crime as an excuse to question someone and set the perjury trap.

yet comey and McCabe have perjured themselves and it’s fine, cause it’s just perjury unrelated to a “crime”. We still don’t know what crime Flynn and the papa guy actually did that caused their supposed perjury to actually matter.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

I have to give Giuliani this: he has been HILARIOUS! Now, I want to see what bass4funk, who says about himself "I never deflect and am straight as an arrow", thinks after saying that bringing on Giuliani was pure genius, among other things.

I never, but calm down buddy. Here is what you don’t understand. Giuliani made some gaffes, agreed, so now what? What do you think Mueller can do? Nothing, that’s about it, how are you going to prove that something happened between him and Stormy? No Blue dress, no physical evidence and let’s say they have a receipt, even if Trump’s name is on it, then what? Giuliani and the rest of Trump’s lawyers can make the argument that no contact was initiated and that she was extorting him, after all, this is going back 12 years, but in the seriousness of this and now with Judge Ellis tearing into Mueller calling his witch hunt exactly for what it is, you know have a federal judge on record that believes this entire investigation is pure BS, that means, either way, it’s not a sure fire, open and shut case or that anything will happen except a slap on the wrist.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Yes, and liberals and the liberal media seem to get great enjoyment from being the cause of all this pain for Trump’s family.

It’s sad considering this was from 2006 and had nothing to do with his Presidency. Yet for Dems to score partisan points because you can’t prove anything else, I gotta see that washed up porn star and her money grubbing lawyer in the news.

every.single. day.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Whatever the legal and civil aspects of the case there is a toll on the Trump's marriage. FLOTUS sleeps in her own bedroom.

There is absolutely NO WAY you would know that.

Takes breakfast separately from Donald. Has her own very different daily routines and schedules. Melanie rarely visits the West Wing swamp.


She is trying to protect their son from all the very public humiliation over his dad's affairs and sex with a paid porn star. FLOTUS has decided to devote all of their White House time to children. Donald can't win the next election without her. They are often apart even during their free time even when at the Mar-a-Lago.

Ok, I had a good laugh, I’ll give you an “A” for effort on the funny side.

A very sad marriage without life.

Which you or anyone else know nothing about.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Yes, and liberals and the liberal media seem to get great enjoyment from being the cause of all this pain for Trump’s family.

Wouldn't it have been better if the pain was not caused.

It’s sad considering this was from 2006 and had nothing to do with his Presidency. 

Looks like you are still at Giuliani speed of grasping facts. The issue has less to do with what happened in 2006, more with what happened in 2016.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

BlacklabelToday  04:33 pm JST

Then why the multiple articles over how Rudy is supposedly “hurting” Trump? Nothing he says matters legally.

I think this a great thing to point out, given how much Giuliani appears on a particular network. They could even make it their slogan for his shows:

"Next on Fox, we interview Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer who says nothing that matters legally."

Honestly, it could be the whole network's slogan.

"Fox News: Nothing said here would hold up in court"

Thank you Blacklabel for you cutting insight!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

She is trying to protect their son from all the very public humiliation over his dad's affairs and sex with a paid porn star. FLOTUS has decided to devote all of their White House time to children. Donald can't win the next election without her. They are often apart

Disgusting comment. It's like you woke up yesterday and saw the news and your knee jerked.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Yep he had the nerve to actually run for President and defeat the chosen heir to the chosen one.

So let’s go back to 2006 and pull up a porn star who he slept with once at the most if she isn’t lyimg to get paid. Let’s give her 3 month of airtime on CNN and her own 60 minutes “special”.

That will teach future candidates to try and make our country better. You shall not interfere with our line of succession.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

So Trump is a simple man

Some people see that as a blessing, not a curse. There was a guy who ate a Big Mac everyday for 10 years. He showed no signs of health problems. The HFCS could be a problem but my 85 year old dad hasn't freaked out yet. Maybe your just st too sensitive to the MSM scare and fear BS.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Song, The Specials, 1979,bass4funk will enjoy this one

Naw, when I think a fitting song for Mueller, I think about The Special’s song: “Gangster”

But I do, since I just read it in a Washington Post article published 8 hours ago. Go and read it!

Ok, so because they printed it, it has to be true. Gullible are the left....tisk, tisk, tisk.....

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

So Trump is a simple man, who likes to enjoy mac's in bed. A Big Mac and coke and a McDougal. He alway's paid for both even if he managed to wiggle out of his massive business debts. How many Big Mac's did he eat during their 10 month affair?

10 min.? McDougal would say they were all night together. Also, what’s wrong with a Big Mac? They taste good....with fries...Funny, the left in their deepest, darkest desperation want to indict the President over something that happened as a private citizen 12 years ago....you just can’t make this stuff up. Lol

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

So will liberals and the liberal media even feel any remorse at all if these unproven allegations are found to be untrue or can’t be proven?

You do know none of this has been proven yet, righ? Nah, the orange dotard deserves it anyway, cause “reasons” and stuff. Right?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Nah, the orange dotard deserves it anyway, cause “reasons” and stuff. Right?

Sexual assaults, a history of racism and lying, oh and that Russia thing.

If it was a Democrat you'd be all over him like a rash.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

With friends like Giuliani, who needs enemies?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Sexual assaults,


Not alleged - caught on tape and admitted to Billy Bush. Zod only knows how many other nasty moments have yet to surface but yeah, you can call what is to come allegations.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Yep for something I could prove he did. Not taking joy in ruining his family life over alleged porn star sex allegations that might end up just being a money grab.

Sexual assaults, a history of racism and lying, oh and that Russia thing.

If it was a Democrat you'd be all over him like a rash.


-10 ( +0 / -10 )

First arrive in the States 22 years ago as a model to becoming First Lady and one of the most-photographed women in the world. She's craving her own history.

I still haven't made my mind up about her, tbh. I don't wish to patronise her but I do feel she's in a tricky situation.

I hope she survives the coming onslaught with dignity.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I hope she survives the coming onslaught with dignity.

She took up with him when she knew he was already married to one woman and carrying on with at least one other, married him knowing exactly what kind of man he was and stays married to him knowing that the whole world knows what kind of man he is.

She has no dignity.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

She has no dignity.

I'm trying to be positive about the whole sorry mess. Unless she turns out to be Claire Underwood, I feel genuinely sorry for her. For now.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

All of these sex porn scandals have enhanced Melanie Trump, FLOTUS, and is actually more popular tax her husband.

A lot of Presidents wives are, I remember a long time ago when Hillary was.......never mind.

Sort of like becoming the "Princess Diana" of America.

I doubt that and I like Melania. Spreading it on a little thick, eh?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

BlacklabelToday  07:05 pm JST

So will liberals and the liberal media even feel any remorse at all if these unproven allegations are found to be untrue or can’t be proven?

LOL, when has a complaint about Trump ever been proven false?

He was found to have lied about the Central Park Five. He was found to have lied about Obama not being born in the US. He was found to have lied when he claimed that people in New Jersey celebrated 9/11. He Called Mexicans rapists. He mocked a disabled reporter for having a disability. He bragged about sexual assault. He called on Russia to hack a US political candidate. He was found to have lied about his initial position on the Iraq War. He was found to have lied about the crowd sizes at his inauguration. He was found to have lied about the number of illegal aliens who voted for his opponent. He claimed the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville where one of his supporters straight-up murdered a peaceful counter-protester in a terrorist attack had good people "on both sides". He then was found to have lied about the state of permits being given in the protests there. He supported a suspected pedophile running for Senate. He has been married 3 times and has been known to cheat on every one of his wives.

And that's just a tiny selection of the hundreds of confirmed lies by Trump on Politifact and some of the most famous contemptible things he has done. Your question might be meaningful for a normal person who has a record of sometimes telling the truth, but I see no reason it should be asked of a serial liar and conman like Trump.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Paying someone off and potentially lying about the reason isn’t a crime.

this was pulled up from 2006 to try to hurt the president, to try to embarrass him and hurt his family, including a child.

But it’s backfired on you all in the public opinion.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Blacklabel: "You do realize anything Rudy says on TV isn’t legally binding right?"

Never heard of slander?

"Lying isn't a crime"

Never heard of perjury, either, I see.

"The cherry picking was you, by the way"

Says the guy who conveniently skipped the most important statistic in the statistics he provided as "proof". When the majority -- not less than fifty percent, but MORE -- want it to keep going, it is not at all time to wrap up. You cherry picked, then got caught in the hypocrisy of saying someone else did. It's a Republican flaw, like when bass calls minority-filled neighborhoods "White Supremacists and racists", but Trump neither of them. Then saying he didn't say that.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Every time a liberal news outlet has retracted fake news. Lack of recognition of this just indicates the irrational hatred.

LOL, when has a complaint about Trump ever been proven false

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

With millions of Americans suffering joblessness and poverty, not to mention countless others suffering due to alcoholism, drug dependence etc. why is anyone wasting time and effort on Trump's supposed relationship with Ms. Daniels?

Let's judge him on what he does/doesn't do about the real issues facing the country. The job he was elected to do.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Paying someone off and potentially lying about the reason isn’t a crime.

It is if it's determined to be equivalent to a campaign contribution.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Blacklabel: So even if Trump did lie

Do you think Trump is lying?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So once you prove it’s a campaign contribution then he can be in line behind Rosie O Donnell to get punished.

but liberals already said it’s not a problem, but just for her. her money can just be refunded to her and it’s not a violation. So that makes it not a problem for Trump either. Equal justice and all, you know?

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

It doesn’t matter if he is lying or not, I’m focused on what the law says. Morals went out the window when Dems defended Bill Clinton.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

I’m not focusing on his lies and the law. I’m asking you, personally, if you think Trump is lying to you.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I think he is telling the truth, as no one has shown any evidence to the contrary.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

OK, so you are taking Trump at his word. Fair enough.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If you guys hadn’t started to try to impeach the guy from the night he won, it might have helped people to believe you don’t have motives behind every new accusation. You had your desired result (removal) and just got to work trying to make it happen.

If other side people would get punished for things Trump supposedly did, people wouldn’t think it is a witch hunt and might be interested in seeing Trump punished too.

if you hadn’t started making up things, something he actually did might have actually stuck to him. Nothing sticking despite everything you throwing.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Thanks for the advice.

Most of my comments are directed at Trump’s character, not his legal standing. I think he lies a lot, especially about things that are easily verifiable, and I think his base has a lot to do with that as they won’t stand up to him.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trumps base isn’t going to hold him accountable for anything until it is somehow made clear that the “other side” is interested in doing the same. Mueller’s one sided investigation simply won’t work.

Trump gets sympathetic treatment from his base as they see him being “unfairly” trashed every single day for more than 2 years while others escape accountability. Right or wrong, that’s what it looks like because of biased media. There is a reason for the motto “and justice for all”.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

BlacklabelToday  08:32 pm JST

LOL, when has a complaint about Trump ever been proven false?

Every time a liberal news outlet has retracted fake news. Lack of recognition of this just indicates the irrational hatred.

You can't even name one!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Two weeks ago, Brian Ross of ABC News falsely reported that Donald Trump had instructed Michael Flynn to contact Russian officials during the presidential campaign. His blockbuster collusion news ignited a media frenzy and sent the stock market tumbling.

Hours later, ABC News “clarified” that this had actually occurred during the transition and, therefore, had nothing to do with foreign influence on the 2016 election. Ross was suspended for four weeks and barred from reporting on Trump ever again.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )


On Friday, CNN falsely claimed that Trump, his son and others received access to stolen DNC emails nine days before WikiLeaks released them online. Once again, CNN was forced to correct the record when they learned the campaign only received the documents after they were made public to everyone.

(that’s 2. Which is double of the 1 that I supposedly can’t name)

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Can you point to any Trump retractions?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Giuliani is doing an excellent job!

trump needs to let him keep on going, with him on the case trump will hopefully be in PRISON before xmas. :-)

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Both of those are “trump retractions”.

“CNN falsely claimed that Trump....” and “ABC News falsely reported that Donald Trump....”.2 things media said he did that he didn’t. Or are you wanting more personal things?

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

I was actually wondering if Trump has ever issued a correction to anything he's lied about.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

No he has not. Individuals don’t issue corrections or retractions. But to your point, he has no interest in apologizing which I think he should, when appropriate. But based on how he is treated, I can see why he doesn’t.

More lies about him:

Trump refused to shake a disabled boy’s hand. He has Demetia. He dumped all the fish food in the koi pond. He removed the MLK bust. Trump the only president to not take media questions in China. Trump selling Trump brand wine at national parks. The fake dossier.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I was actually wondering if Trump has ever issued a correction to anything he's lied about.

Would birtherism count?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

No he has not. Individuals don’t issue corrections

So Trump doesn't have the same safeguards in place that our media does. He can lie without consequence.

But based on how he is treated, I can see why he doesn’t.

Herein lies the problem. Because you feel the media treats Trump unfairly, you forgive his lies to you and me.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

We can all assume he begged for forgiveness from Melania over his sex adventures as did with his other two wives. Promised like hell to be a good little boy.

Trump doesn’t strike me as the begging type. As if Ivana is the poster child of truth and honesty.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Why would he apologize to his wife? According to Trump this is all about a porn star threatening him with lies so Trump paid her $130,000.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

either way, it’s not a sure fire, open and shut case or that anything will happen except a slap on the wrist. nobody really expecting Trump to be impeached , but what they are aiming as is airing all of Trumps dirty laundry, (and there is a lot of it) for all the world too see. Nobody except Trump and any idea the depth of his depravity before last election, come November well see if sanity prevails. It only takes and extra 1 or two extra senate seats and Trump is neutered until 2020

2 ( +2 / -0 )

As if Ivana is the poster child of truth and honesty.

Is this because she retracted the rape allegations?

Or is it because ALL women in Trump's sphere are liars?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I get the feeling Melania must be in for one hell of a divorce settlement for agreeing to stay married to Trump while he’s in power

Nobody is wishing Mueller well more than Melania.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Giuliani struggles to hold on to what's left of his sanity

6 ( +6 / -0 )

ScroteToday 03:58 pm JSTWith both Trump and Giuliani changing their stories every time they open their mouths it's difficult to know what to think, other than that they are a pair of idiots. Maybe that is their cunning plan.

I do know one thing. There is only one reason Trump would pay Ms Daniels: to buy her silence after his affair with her. There is no other plausible explanation. If Trump is in the habit of paying hush money to people he didn't have an affair with then I want to know where my payment is.

> Promised like hell to be a good little boy.

Trumpy Traitorboy is so embarrassed that Stormy spilled the beans about him loving to be SPANKED by her. He's a rotten uncouth douchebag - the worst thing to ever happen to America. An embarrassment like no other. Treasonous, woman abusing, bullying, immature, loudmouth SPANKY BOY. That's why he's been raising all these hissy fits about Mexico, Syria, Iran.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

either way, it’s not a sure fire, open and shut case or that anything will happen except a slap on the wrist.  nobody really expecting Trump to be impeached , but what they are aiming as is airing all of Trumps dirty laundry,

Ok, so just wasting time, gotcha.

(and there is a lot of it) for all the world too see.

Actually, no more than anyone else’s, it’s just the media is digging whatever they can t9 embarrass Trump, if he were just another citizen, we wouldn’t know any of this. Seriously, 12 years ago? ROFL

Nobody except Trump and any idea the depth of his depravity before last election, come November well see if sanity prevails. It only takes and extra 1 or two extra senate seats and Trump is neutered until 2020

And the way it looks, the GOP could pick up 4-8 seats in the Senate.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are my responsibility. Two sides of the same coin, in my book.


It becomes my cause, however, when whoever of those parties becomes PotUS. It becomes everybody's cause because their actions have consequences across the world.

But you’re not American, so it shouldn’t make a difference actually.

Same with the alleged affairs

Yes, alleged and the left is having an uproar about it.

and proven sexual assaults. It becomes everyone's business in the case of the former when he's found out to be a liar.

Gosh, I wish every person would think like that about every politician. Too bad.

When it comes to the latter, every decent human being should be concerned that a sexual predator holds office.

Oh, well if people only felt that way about Clinton, Kennedy, LBJ

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Melania is the only person Trump worships more than himself. He will have begged and begged and begged and besides he also knows he won't win the next election without her, unless she become Melania Trump America's 46th President.

We don’t know if he begged and I don’t think he needs to have Melania by his side, we didn’t vote for him because of Melania. I mean, I didn’t vote for Bill Clinton because of Hillary.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

This is the kind of liberal media nonsense that helps Trump. trump is such a liar!!! he said 13 democrats on Mueller team!!! liberals say.

He’s a liar because Actually there are “at least” 17 that have contributed money to Dems but it’s UNCLEAR about their political leanings? How stupid are we supposed to be?

Mr. Trump has previously railed about 13 “hardened” Democrats on the special counsel team. At least 17 of the attorneys on the team have contributed to Democratic campaigns, according to records maintained by the Federal Election Commission. And three of the attorneys are registered Democrats, according to reports in the Washington Post and PolitiFact. But the political leanings of the other 14 are unclear.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I thought this was pretty good at showing the guy bass4funk says is clean, admirable, moral, and a genius:


Just a question, though... was he married to his cousin when he spent NY's tax money providing a driving service and security to his mistress? Or was that when he left his wife whom he left his cousin for, without telling the wife until he broadcast it on live television? Had to love his run for president though... sold his soul and still got ZERO delegates. No wonder he's "qualified" to "help" Trump.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I call Trump a liar because he lies.

Actually there are “at least” 17 that have contributed money to Dems but it’s UNCLEAR about their political leanings? How stupid are we supposed to be?

What would be stupid to believe is that declaring a political party makes you unable to work as an investigator. I suppose you think that the FBI, CIA, and NSA only hire people who have never expressed an opinion for any political party? Have never donated to a political party? Have never married, worked with, or been in a relationship with anyone affiliated with a political party?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

"I'm going to walk him into a prosecution for perjury like Martha Stewart?" Giuliani asked,

Giuliani is about as much of a lawyer here and Judge Judy is a judge on TV.

It's all for show. And so, as far as the civil and criminal claims against Trump go, as about as relevant to the ultimate resolution of those claims and possible charges as any political advisor.

And that is why you see what you see: Not a legal defense, but political spin. If that wasn't apparent to you already, re-watch the various interviews on FOX and CNN. It's all really rather obvious: Nothing To See Here.

Which, when translated into the Republican Brain: 'Nothing to Hear, See!"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Giuliani knows that extra-marital affaires and non-disclosure agreements ( i.e. paying hush money ) are perfectly legal. Many members of Congress of both parties paid hush money to people and no one is calling for their prosecution. The difference being that the members of Congress may have actually committed crimes and settled out of court by paying “hush” money to their victims.

Giuliani just needs to worry about Trump lying under oath. But even that wouldn’t be enough to have him removed from office because Bill Clinton did that and he wasn’t kicked out of office for perjury either.

So the collusion case is going nowhere and the Stormy case is going nowhere. Wonder what else the deep states got? I’m sure they will come up with something equally feckless next time.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

There's no alleged affairs, they happened

No, you don’t know or do you have some tangible proof? No, you don’t, you just have someone else’s word against the other. Unless there’s another blue dress with a stain floating around somewhere all you have is an allegation nothing more.

Who the American president is, what is personality like, his history, the ghosts in the cupboard, his weakness, are of concern to every people living on the planet and maybe even other plants too.

In 1998 every liberal said, what happened between Clinton and Lewinsky was a private matter and every other woman that accused him of sexually abusing them was ridiculed, shunned, mocked, the fight that ensued to keep his private life secret even during this scandal while he was a sitting President was astounding. Now with a Republican, the left now thinks we have the right to know what their private lives are about? The left have completely left the building.

This is the guy who walks around with a nuclear suitcase and does not need the permission of anyone to push it.

Thank God!!!!!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Trump, instigator of peace on the Korean peninsula and unemployment below 4% for the first time in 18 years, doesn't need all this aggravation.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

From "America's Mayor" to "America's Crazy Old Uncle" in just a few short years.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Wonder what else the deep states got?

A. There should be an apostrophe in "states", as it's a contraction of "state" and "has".

B. The deep state isn't actually a thing. It's like chemtrails or trickle-down economics.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Republicans bleat about Trump's cheating being 12 years ago, so it doesn't matter.

Republicans then bleat on about President Clinton, and his incident 20 years ago.

Republican consistency strikes again.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump, instigator of peace on the Korean peninsula

There's peace on the Korean peninsula?! Why isn't this all over the news everywhere?!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Weird. Most people have the mental capacitye to work, and to contemplate other stuff.

Yes, when it comes to issues that are important and that affect my daily life, you know, mortgage, bills, kids education, traveling costs, payroll etc.

BTW, what are the other 2 cesspools? (And, have you lived in any of the them?)

Most Chicago and most of California and No, I never did.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

BlacklabelMay 7  09:45 pm JST

Two weeks ago, Brian Ross of ABC News falsely reported that Donald Trump had instructed Michael Flynn to contact Russian officials during the presidential campaign. His blockbuster collusion news ignited a media frenzy and sent the stock market tumbling.

Hours later, ABC News “clarified” that this had actually occurred during the transition and, therefore, had nothing to do with foreign influence on the 2016 election. Ross was suspended for four weeks and barred from reporting on Trump ever again.

So a thing that was found out to be false was retracted, the journalist who didn't practice due diligence was punished, and nobody is talking about it anymore (apart from you).

It would seem you've adequately demonstrated why your anxieties about what would happen in the exceedingly unlikely case that Trump's legal woes turn out to be empty are just pointless hand-wringing.

I do find it interesting though, that you demand the rest of us treat Trump according to the standards of a court of law, yet applaud Giuliani for not following those exact same standards.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

You cannot call it a "witch hunt" -- no fewer than FIVE PEOPLE have already pled GUILTY!!! Nobody is buying it!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

What is it they say, about birds of a feather?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election"

Oh my...

Mueller on the defensive after a bad week in court?


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"If you are innocent, why would you ever take the Fifth?" -- Donald J. Trump

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"From "America's Mayor" to "America's Crazy Old Uncle"


Trump, instigator of peace on the Korean peninsula

"There's peace on the Korean peninsula?! Why isn't this all over the news everywhere?!"

The MSM report on any good things Trump's done? Hahahahahahahahaha

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The similarities with Clinton are very clear. Clinton also had an affair and later denied it. Despite hopes that it would bring him down, he weathered the storm.

I think that this will blow over eventually, but until then we should just sit back and enjoy the show.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

SCHNEIDERMAN is the news now.

Sick man.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

zichiMay 7 07:37 pm JSTAll of these sex porn scandals have enhanced Melanie Trump, FLOTUS, and is actually more popular tax her husband. Sort of like becoming the "Princess Diana" of America. First arrive in the States 22 years ago as a model to becoming First Lady and one of the most-photographed women in the world. She's craving her own history.

Some history! She first was smuggled out of Yugoslavia as a teenager and lived in an adulterous affair at the pervert Donnydouche's Italian home, then she came to America as an illegal immigrant, then she posed in bondage porn photo shoots in completely humiliating poses for all to see - and for the pleasure of sick individuals. 'Princess Diana' of America? Don't make me laugh. Or rather, this is a cry. Melania Trump is unsuitable to be FLOTUS just like her token husband is not fit to be even a captain of a Little League team. As for the most photographed women in the world, I don't know why. Daughter Ivanka is Donald Trump's girlfriend and technically, his wife. Disgusting.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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