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Global diabetes rate has doubled in last 30 years: study


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Global diabetes rate has doubled in last 30 years

A correlation of this to the degree that American factory produced junk food has been replacing traditional food in the various societies would be interesting. The study seems to have forgotten that aspect.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

increasingly borne by low-income and middle-income countries

No kidding. Many of those countries are hot and humid, where outdoor activities can be a real ordeal. Kids sit inside with the air con on with their noses to screens.

They’re also developing a strong sweet tooth. I saw a woman at a buffet in Vietnam who poured herself an orange juice and then put in three tea spoons of sugar.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

 Kennedy said he would seek to “get toxins out of our food,” remove corporate influence from government agencies and ban pharmaceutical advertising.

NBC News reported last week Kennedy could head an initiative sources described as “Operation Warp Speed for childhood chronic disease,” speculating Kennedy may target obesity and diabetes in children.

There could a rare positive from this RFK /Trump union. If Trump lets him off the leash to target the one group who benefits from obesity - drug cartels.

But really; Eat real food and exercise - the answer is right there.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

A correlation of this to the degree that American factory produced junk food has been replacing traditional food in the various societies would be interesting. The study seems to have forgotten that aspect.

And just how does blaming the US diet correlate to the more than 100 million people in India having the disease?

Some haters are just gonna hate!

0 ( +7 / -7 )

There could a rare positive from this RFK /Trump union. If Trump lets him off the leash to target the one group who benefits from obesity - drug cartels.

In your post you quoted the following

NBC News reported last week Kennedy could head an initiative sources described as “Operation Warp Speed for childhood chronic disease,” speculating Kennedy may target obesity and diabetes in children.

So how do drug cartels manage to be the blame for obesity and diabetes in CHILDREN!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

A correlation of this to the degree that American factory produced junk food has been replacing traditional food in the various societies would be interesting. The study seems to have forgotten that aspect.

The article mentions countries where this relationship is not maintained, like Japan. Rates have not gone up even when it is impossible to deny the influence of americanized food.

The article is not focused on any of the many different factors that affect obesity rates (cultural, geographic, economic, etc.) it is enough to reiterate that obesity itself is the factor closely related with diabetes.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

And just how does blaming the US diet correlate to the more than 100 million people in India having the disease?

Zaphod is exactly right.

Indian urban kids have preferred McDonalds, KFC, Dominos, Pizza Hut and Subway over traditional snacks for a few decades now. Add a sedentary lifestyle to that and there is no surprise that India is the diabetes capital of the world.

Kids from rural areas where these American behemoths are not present fare much better. But not for long.



-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Each time I return to the UK, I am amazed how obesity is basically the new norm, especially among young women. No wonder diabetes is also rising fast.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

So how do drug cartels manage to be the blame for obesity and diabetes in CHILDREN!

Don't be so obtuse. The pharmaceutical cartels need reigning in, they are profiteering from obesity. Mostly adult but also children! Children are being prescribed obesity drugs now, as well as adults.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Don't be so obtuse. The pharmaceutical cartels need reigning in, they are profiteering from obesity.

So you think pharmaceutical companies are forcing people to be sedentary, eat cheaper unhealthy food etc?

This makes as much sense as pharmaceutical companies are also manipulating people to get more bacterial infections to sell antibiotics, or cancers to sell more chemotherapy drugs. Completely irrational.

Blame food companies if you want, but eliminating drugs that control diabetes will not make the problem disappear, it will just make the patients die sooner.

Children are being prescribed obesity drugs now, as well as adults.

Opposite causal relationship, children are getting diabetes, this causes a need to treat the disease. There is no conspiracy where pharmaceutical companies are manipulating parents to make their kids diabetic so they can sell more treatments.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

These companies have no incentive for people to get healthy, eat well, and exercise. They are content to peddle their wares. Doctors are incentivized to prescribe their drugs, Doctors in the USA get one lecture on nutrition ( or something extremely pitiful) Sure, in extreme cases, the drugs are useful. Not the first port of call. I am not saying eliminate drugs, that is ludicrous. People are looking to drugs as the cure all to obesity. Eating better and exercising are. Drugs is a last resort.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Since my cancer I have borderline diabetes type 2 for a few years. My doctor prescribed drugs in the beginning but we stopped on his advice. Control with diet and exercise. Cut out all alcohol. Weekly blood tests and three monthly at the hospital.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Control with diet and exercise. Cut out all alcohol. Weekly blood tests and three monthly at the hospital.

That, and a lot of daimoku to keep the life condition high.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Do activities a lot and you should never get diabetes.

Eat too much and too much industry food and you will get diabetes.

The onea in my family with health issues are the onea eating 30% more and doimg little activities.

It is not called magic !

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Everyone is warned but takes no responsibilty about what is happening to them, like smokers.

That is the nowadays issue.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If Trump lets him off the leash to target the one group who benefits from obesity - drug cartels.

His supporters have these weird blinders on and post the most clueless comments.

Just that one group?

Not like a huge industry of fast food which is the favorite repast of the Dear Leader contributes to it?

Get people on low cost healthcare, metformin and nutrition control and diabetes can be tackled; but won't happen with this gang coming in.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


And just how does blaming the US diet correlate to the more than 100 million people in India having the disease? Some haters are just gonna hate!

Are you seriously unaware of the growing presence of US junk food products in India? How about visiting one of these healthy establishments, like here: https://mcdindia.com/

And yes, I hate it when I see populations ditching real food in favour of overprocessed junk. Call me a hater.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Are you seriously unaware of the growing presence of US junk food products in India? 

Are you seriously unaware that there are plenty of other problems here in Japan that concern us here.

This forum is JAPAN today, not India today.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I'm surprised diabetes isn't a bigger problem in Japan. Women here love sweets and sugar is found in practically everything. Even the bread here has a ton of sugar.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I'm surprised diabetes isn't a bigger problem in Japan. Women here love sweets and sugar is found in practically everything. Even the bread here has a ton of sugar.

I understand diabetes is increasing here, but still nowhere near the levels in the West. It is not all junk food here (even Japanese fast food chains like Yoshinoya or Sukiya still serve things that are food and not pure junk like the American chains), and school/kindergarten lunches are made in kitchens and not factories.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

American factory produced junk food 

The biggest junk food phenom in Asia in particular has been instant noodles: a styrom container of chemicals. That's a Japanese invention.

I personally find it easier to healthily in the West due to the availability of salads, ie, raw vegetables, which Asians tend not to eat, as well as reasonably priced raw fruit and more diversity and options in supermarkets and restaurants. Never have problem getting plenty of fiber and nutrients. Japan, however, with its volumuous portions of polished white rice (starch bomb) in almost every meal is harder work.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

These companies have no incentive for people to get healthy, eat well, and exercise.

So what? that does not mean they are actively promoting bad habits on the people, that is still a completely baseless claim you are making, It would apply to all an every type of drugs such as other obviously false examples I gave.

Doctors are incentivized to prescribe their drugs,

Yet the first line of action for every patient is always lifestyle changes, with drugs as a supporting role. Once again this is in no way producing the problem as you mistakenly claimed.

Doctors in the USA get one lecture on nutrition ( or something extremely pitiful)

So are doctors in many other countries, this is no problem since it is extremely easy to get education after finishing medical school (the same as every other specialty) or refer the patient to another doctor that has this training.

Sure, in extreme cases, the drugs are useful. Not the first port of call.

You are describing how diabetes is treated, and again, this in no way means the drug companies are promoting the disease the same as not promoting infections or cancer.

I am not saying eliminate drugs, that is ludicrous. People are looking to drugs as the cure all to obesity. Eating better and exercising are. Drugs is a last resort.

You are saying drugs companies are causing the problem, this is nonsensical.

Do activities a lot and you should never get diabetes.

Unfortunately this is not the case, it does reduce the risk but there are many people with very healthy lifestyles that still develop the disease, in health not everything depends on things you can have control of, things like genetics or the socioeconomic level of the family you were born in can also have a role.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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