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Global Muslim population hits 1.57 billion


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Global Muslim population hits 1.57 billion

"Hits" 1.57 billion? This implies that the Muslim population is growing. What was it before it "hit" 1.57 billion? We don't know.

The global Muslim population stands at 1.57 billion.

Which is it? Hitting or standing? Please make up our minds.

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Does it mean we shall all turn muslim in the future?

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the article didn’t tell the cause of growing. I guess one of the main causes surely comes from high birthrates rate rather than conversion.

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You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile...

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Their goal is to make it 7 billion.

Well we're not anywhere near that yet.

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MrUSA: you are dreaming their goal is to make it 7 billion.

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This is news? The only thing I'd prefer to know is how many of them are extremists or have an extreme ideology about their beliefs.

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Polygamous marriages, high birthrates and the generous welfare benefits in western countries are surely not slowing this by any means.

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Two-thirds of all Muslims live in 10 countries. Six are in Asia (Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Iran and Turkey)

Was quite surprised to find the people from the above countries faithfully married to Japanese and helping in increasing their population in Japan. Very interesting.

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The report provides further evidence that while the heart of Islam might beat in the Middle East, its greatest numbers lie in Asia

Dude get an atlas.

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One also has to remember that being muslim is pretty much considered to be placed on you from birth if you're born in an Islamic family. Easy way to make the numbers add up if your baby can't say anything close to a choice that an adult makes upon them.

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as another factor, I would ad that being born in a muslim background makes you automatically a muslim, and trying to change is strongly countered. I have friends who are muslims on paper, but couldn't care less about religion

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another thing to take into account. Here's a shocker. .... In general, the world's population is growing!

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Ugh, your headline is misleading and stupid.

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And for this reason as well, unlike those who want all Muslims dead (won't mention handles, but you know who you are!), we must try to learn to live together instead of constantly warring.

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Surprised that they didn't mention that despite being such a small % of the US population, American Muslims have some very powerful positions.

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MrUSA: you are dreaming their goal is to make it 7 billion.

You're right. By the time they reach 7 billion, the world population will be much larger. So their goal by that time will be more like 10 or 11 billion.

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One also has to remember that being muslim is pretty much considered to be placed on you from birth if you're born in an Islamic family.

The same is also true for other religions.

I know of many people who have converted to Islam, such as Cat Stevens.

Anyway, I'm delighted that the number of Muslims is growing, its a great religion of peace and respect for others. Its unfortunate that a few rotten apples, alleged to be Muslims, give this religion a bad name.

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I'm proud to have a president who declared he would stand with this group of people, 1.57 billion strong, who are STILL being oppressed at airports and being mischaracterized as intolerant, misoginist and opposed to democracy or modernity.

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all religions resist change (and stick to traditional values) because religions are founded on belief and not on proof or investigation

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smith and his code words...."we must try to learn to live together instead of constantly warring." I think you need to direct your statement in the other direction. You are fooling no one here. We know you mean us, the infidels, MUST learn to live together. Why? I'm not trying to immigrate to any of their countries nor am I trying to change their ways. I prefer not to live with a group of people who find it hard to live amongst others. I prefer not to live amongst a group that have no problems circumcising their daughters, killing their daughters in honor killings, being proud of committing terrible acts with the promise of having a group of virgins, prefer not to let their women get an education and in many cases, not allow their women to get their breasts removed should they have been found to have cancers (they even ran a story about that the other day).

Since you are going to think what you want and prefer to slam me, let me sign off with a question: Give me one really good reason why I should be happy to live amongst Muslims and remaining an infidel with the belief that my daughter one day marry a man where she is his only wife?

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I know of many people who have converted to Islam, such as Cat Stevens." Sure, I have too. I lived in Chicago for a while. Nation of Islam has a very strong presence there. I have no objection to anyone wanting to become a muslim - its their choice. Its when its not their choice I have a problem and should they find that they don't fit, be allowed to step out of it.

This one got me: "Anyway, I'm delighted that the number of Muslims is growing, its a great religion of peace and respect for others. Its unfortunate that a few rotten apples, alleged to be Muslims, give this religion a bad name." Yet you would be the first to call Americans as a whole bomb crazy people and the Jews, with such a number so low in the world, as trying to take over the world. Its not a few Sabi. That is like saying the KKK is only a very few of white guys in the south!

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I'd like to know why the veteran lefties seem so willing to live and be happy about a very right wing culture/religion growing. You know all those things you despise about the American right/Christian things like anti-abortion, suppression of some, war, etc.. is really no different than those of most Muslim countries.

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all religions resist change (and stick to traditional values) because religions are founded on belief and not on proof or investigation" Hey, I like that. Mind if I use that in another argument?

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Sabiwabi, of course it is true. the only difference is that if you want to change or quit your religion that was forced upon you when you were a few months old, Islam is one of the very few I know that condemn you to death. let Cat Stevens try

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and I've just notice: "meaning 1/4 of population practice Islam" is not true. as I can exemplify with my friends who never pray, eat pork and drink beer, but they are registered as muslims by birth and are afraid of changing that

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Aside from quaint (but thats relative)dress codes for their women, occasional honor killing (mostly because of cross cultural misunderstanding), violent imagery in their holy book (Bible has lots too) death penalty for gays and those who leave Islam(it is an Abrahamic faith , after all), and strictures against Muslim womens marrying non Muslim males,and arranged marriages instead, I dont see why people should fear the growing number of Muslims in Europe and America and so on.Most of the progressive crowd I hang with certainly dont. A few of my artist friends sometimes wonder about the lack of artistic freedom in some Muslim countries.Okay, there is also the stuff about the Koran forbidding music and alcohol,and the fatwa against Rushdie was a little over the top, but I'm waiting for MediaMatters verdict on these things. Can't trust xtian or non-Muslim 'experts' you might find on the internet or in books.

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I think this report has lots of errors. For example, the Muslim Population in the US is way more than 2 Millions. There are more than 2 Millions alone in California, may be 2 Millions in New York, VA...etc. So, in the US, it is way under estimated. Same thing in many other nations.

According to Muslims estimates, there are at least 10-15 Million Muslims in the US.

Those who cannot accept it, do some research. Muslims are dominating the World! Why? Because what they practice, means somthing. Many Researchers, Doctors, Scholars, Scientists, Priests, Christains, Jews are all converting to Islam almost everyday despite the negative porpagandas by some government and Media Networks around the World. There is nothing shocking!

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Over 1 million people killed in Iraq are not killed by Muslims. Peopl lets understand that too.

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all converting to Islam almost everyday despite the negative porpagandas by some government and Media Networks around the World. There is nothing shocking!" Well, then maybe that would explain why there is an issue with crosses commemorating veterans, flight attendants wearing crosses..... Let's see how big and bad the ACLU will be against Islamic law!

second largest religion behind Christianity, which has an estimated 2.1 billion to 2.2 billion followers." I refuse to believe there are 2.2billion Christians. Where they hell are they? I don't even think I know any "real" Christians except on Christmas time.

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Global Muslim population hits 1.57 billion I doubt that. Nobody can tell how many Muslims in every country, as most countries do not ask nationals about their faith. How can you tell that Japan has 183,000 Muslims, while nobody in Japan tells about the faith. Though I respect everybody who has an opinion with/against religion, I doubt if those who attack Islam or any other religion have read a book about it.

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You're right. By the time they reach 7 billion, the world population will be much larger. So their goal by that time will be more like 10 or 11 billion.

They can put up a sign like McDonalds - over 10 Billion served.

I've put up this quote before, but it still remains my favorite i.e. organized religions. It was Napoleon who said 'Religion was invented by the rich to keep the poor from killing them'. I think that seems more true of Catholocism and Christianity in general, but overall is univeral. Religion is too often the shield of cowards, an excuse for murder and a crutch for those who should empower themselves.

I'm all for a general system of mutual understanding, respect, peace, etc. The problem is that most religions only want that if you accept their interpretation. Makes the whole thing hopeless and dangerous for the rest of us.

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Any Muslim I have met regardless of where they were born are Muslim first and i.e Canadian second. The Muslim influence out ways the political and societal influence of their birth country. The same goes for Jews.

Christians and Buddhists however at least have a strong sense of identity related to their home country. This I can respect but I cannot respect some guy born in Canada feeling some kind of kinship with the Palestinian cause or even going as far as supporting Hamas or Hezbollah because the people that live in those lands share the guys same religion.

To me that is completely insane and extreme. What the hell do the Palestinians have to do with a guy born in Canada who has not even a drop of Arab Semite blood?

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By the time they reach 7 billion

if the present ratios endure, that would mean a world population of more than 21 billion. i really can't see that happening. we're already staring down the barrel of a population time bomb (to somewhat mix metaphors)

in the long run, not much to fear from muslim extremism. they hate each other at least as much as they hate everyone else. thus their goals are fundamentally flawed. pardon the pun

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Too many people.

Spread them people out.

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This I can respect but I cannot respect some guy born in Canada feeling some kind of kinship with the Palestinian cause or even going as far as supporting Hamas or Hezbollah because the people that live in those lands share the guys same religion.

Please realize that many who support the Palestinians (and to some extenct Hamas and Hezbollah) are not Muslim, and might not even be religious at all. Anyone who is both informed and has compassion will support the Palestinian people.

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1.57 billion Muslims and even if they all joined forces they still would not have the money or resources to match American military spending and armament. But we are supposed to be wary of them Muslims.

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