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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.GOP frustrations with Trump mount as allies weigh options
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The Donald is sinking faster than the Titanic.
Nutshell info. Interventions don't work when dementia is the problem.
"Manafort dismissed reports of a so-called intervention by Priebus, Gingrich and Giuliani."
What a brain trust.
The great thing is that as he falls he takes the republican party with him. The question everyone is asking how could 12 million republicans vote for this disaster There is something deeply wrong the republican party and even now republicans can see it. The party of dog whistle racism is now full on racist. The part of speak softly and carry a bit stick is now yell all the time and have no stick at all. The party of family values is now lead by a man married three times and who is completely seen in attacking a gold star family. The country will be better off with the republican party out of power and pretty much destroyed, no question about that.
Zurcronium. It sounds like you are for one party rule with no opposition? This has never worked out well - as much as I despise Trump I know many Republicans that are not racist. I for one appreciate checks and balances
This is not a problem of strategy, trajectory, etc., Trump is fundamentally unfit to be a candidate let alone president.
Joe Scarborough's "scoop" this morning that Trump can't understand why we don't use nuclear weapons since we have them should (I hope) be the last straw.
Country must come before party. Trump must be defeated.
And now he claims he could have prevented 9/11 with a Muslim ban....
His health is severely declining. Kind of starting to feel sorry for him.
The mournful honks of The Last Post.
Thank you for the spectacle, Donald and supporters.
Thank heavens you couldn't quite Make America Grate Again (no typo).
They want to use Trump's adult kids? Like the on who just said that women "invite sexual harrassment"? Maybe adult was supposed to be in scare quotes: "adult" kids.
Easy. Trump puts America first. He said it himself. What part of that do you not understand?
I predict Mr. Trump will quit like a spoiled child unexpectedly then blame everyone else because it is never his fault. The Republicans will scrambled to find some pathetic candidate who will definitely lose.
We might even a get a third party candidate like the libertarian party that will collect both the Republican voters who don't like losing and the disgruntle Bernie supporters who want to stick it to Hillary..
Trump stepped on the third rail.
First of all, please everyone, let's understand that Trump's way of doing business is to sucker banks into supporting his schemes. Then he screws up the scheme and asks for more money while taking his own money out of the deal. Then he crashes the venture and blames everyone else and walks away. That is exactly what he is doing now.
The banks are the Kochs and the GOP. He went in with a lot of flash and promises and got good ratings for GOP products. So he gets some support while talking about how he is doing it all with his own money. Now he is bored and he wants out. The Kochs withhold funding. McCain and Ryan withhold endorsements, so Trump has his excuse. He will quit and blame it all on a rigged system. OR He will negotiate with the GOP and get more and more money for himself and his cronies, and swindle everyone later on for a whole lot more.
Now back to the third rail. What Trump has done now is started to undermine the downticket Senators and reps running on the GOP ticket. He started with Ryan, and now he is doing it to McCain and at least one other Senator. Now that everyone can see that Trump is a liability, they are dissociating themselves from him. Once anyone figures out that they have more to gain by dumping Trump and concentrating on their own campaign, the snowball will start rolling. And once that gets going, nobody needs Trump anymore for anything.
He will hang around and get as much money and publicity as he can. Then he will set up his lawsuits. Then he will get out.
The GOP was conned by a master. I sure saw it coming.
Poll..... Hillary 59 % Trump 49 % Hillary is gaining powerful Republican members'' support two by two.
Easy, they were tired of the system and this president ruling as a monarch. They wanted a person that would send a message to Washington that the people were going to take No more and demand that the they listen to the very people that put them in the office.
Not just the RNC, don't go there. When you have the DNP systematically undermining a popular candidate and sabotaging his chances of being the nominee because they want and think it's time for the first woman president or that they are afraid that Trump could beat them is just an eye-opining reality that the DNP has a lot of internal problems that they need to seriously deal with because they are not immune to the implosion that has hit the GOP.
Using Khan as bait to tempt and agitate Trump was thoughtless, calculating and racist as well as playing the race card, that's racism in itself and liberals are masters of the race card.
So what if Trump was married three times. Obama smoked weed, did coke, Clinton cheated on his wife before they got married and then as president of the US. Don't be partisan, these people are human and they all make mistakes, the bad thing is for Democrats, Trump already was honest about his past and that sucks for liberals, because that is something that they can't expose the public to because he already threw that egg out and this is another reason why the Dems are not pulling any punches and getting as nasty as they can. Trump pretty much opened his life to the public, there's not a lot of shocking revelation to go around on the man anymore, so they have to change their tactics, get him to say something to put his foot in his mouth and to be fair, Trump did that, but that is the only way, the Dems can stick it to him.
I can't speak for Zurcronium, but I as a proponent of the two party system I am also eager to see the current GOP destroyed. For the two party system to work, there needs to be two functional parties - the Republican party, however, has been severely dysfunctional for a very long time. Reagan's Big Tent has long since collapsed and the former occupants remain at each other's throats. Fiscal Conservatives, Big Business, Evangelicals and Theocons, Neocons, Libertarians, Tea Party insurgents - none of these groups are working together, and party "leaders" have been completely ineffectual in providing anything resembling leadership or direction. Instead, we have paralysis. The only thing keeping the GOP together is gerrymandered congressional districts and a (ridiculously exaggerated) shared hatred of Obama (a.k.a the "worst president ever"); the result has been an untenable level of obstruction which has made governing at the federal level increasingly impossible. So, the current GOP has to die; it's the only way that the party can be reborn - hopeful as functioning party with actual vision and direction - a party that actually stands for something rather than merely against everyone else. The establishment is a insurmountable impediment to that rebirth, so it has to go. In that sense, Trump is doing the party a big favor. However, Trump, and the cancerous, rage-fueled opposition he represents cannot be allowed to win either. There is no direction there, no vision - only reactionary bile: the dying last gasp of an aging, largely white and male (and often bigoted) class slowly losing its grip on power. Fortunately, I don't believe Trump can win, and it is my hope that he takes down the last decaying, culture-war entrenched remnants of the old GOP with him.
I consider myself to be a libertarian and an independent. I hold liberal views on some issues, conservative views on others. However, find myself increasingly forced to vote Democratic because the Republican party is utterly incapable of offering a viable, serious alternative. I, and voters like me, have been poorly served by the current GOP. I suspect the more conservative voters they profess to represent feel the same. (If it were otherwise, Trump would not be the current Republican nominee). A new Republican party is possible: the right has natural allies in the conservative black, latino, and asian populations, if it would only shed the mantel of the "party of racism." Libertarians and fiscal conservatives are here too, if only the paleocon "culture warriors" would put down their swords (or more-likely fall on them). Am I being too idealistic? Perhaps... but what I am sure of is that none of this is even possible until the old GOP dies. So, let it die, I say. We will all be better off for it.
I've only heard that expression used by people who back an agenda supportive of segregation.
96 days to the election. Trump does not have the resources or a good team. He has surrounded himself with family and sycophants. They are not sophisticated, modern people. Ivanka, who might be the most educated of the bunch, thinks that "laxadaisical" is a word. Obama really nailed it yesterday when he explained, calmly and in a manner that a six year old could understand, that Trump cannot do the job.
Now the GOP, all of them, will have to admit that Obama was right. A bitter, bitter pill after all these years.
And Hillary? Well, she is being presidential. She has a crack team of experienced people going to bat for her. They are quietly working, earning their salaries and doing their volunteer work. They have the ground game locked up. She has been running around securing her funding and supporting downticket candidates. It is a disciplined group. Bill, Biden, Bernie, Barack, Kerry and Kaine. Look at the Bench she had at the convention. She can delegate all kinds of tasks to a loyal experienced team. That is what she does. She is an excellent manager and a modern technocrat. She is exactly the kind of leader America needs.
A revolt by GOP Senate candidates openly stating that they are voting for Hillary will pretty well sew it up. For McCain and Ryan, it might be the key to getting them re-elected.
I think Barack Obama would make a great Supreme Court Justice, don't you?
Well, since the DNP roots are embedded in racism, created it, nurtured it, embraced it, then that is the party No one should support.
Thoughtless and calculating, at the same time no less. "Calculating" I will grant you, but I'm at a loss to understand the assertion that allowing the man to speak was "racist"; is that because he isn't white? Is giving a platform to non-whites considered "playing the race card" now? I imagine this is the reasoning given that - as with Obama and the recent police shootings - the current trend seems to be accuse anyone attempting to address preexisting racial issues "racist" agitators themselves. Better to sweep it all under the rug, eh? Got to maintain that status quo - I mean, it was all working so well for everyone, wasn't it?
Black Sabbath
The GOP ran the con: buddy up to racist and (religious) bigots to take control,; then use the control of govt to destroying govt regulation of the 1% wealth (destroy unions, no taxes on corporations, corporate welfare, no regulation, NAFTA, etc etc)
That was the con.
I want to hear more from Trump supporters. Here is a challenge. Try to support him without mentioning Hillary or Obama at all. What exactly does he think he can accomplish given the structure of the world and the US government today?
This is a lot like the Tea Party of a few years ago. All these angry people get into government and figure out that they can't do anything. They won't do committee work or form caucuses. They have no idea what is going on, and in the next election cycle they are out, after accomplishing exactly zero.
Hillary will get in there from day one to do her job. No orientation. No pep talks. No learning the ropes. She has seen it all and done it all. She has a rolodex with everyone on it. She can pick up the phone and talk to Merkel or Putin or Paul Ryan, and they will not put her on hold. You think Kim Jong Un would put her on hold? You know, I doubt it. He sure won't do it twice.
The choice is so clear to me. At the very best, Trump will be ineffective for a year, maybe two. At worst, he will have to be replaced just to keep the ball rolling. He is modern in the sense that Paris Hilton is modern. In every other way, we are looking at Honey Boo Boo here. Disorganized, plagued by scandal and silliness.
I have always failed to see the appeal. Voting against Hillary does not make Trump a better candidate. I am surprised that anyone can really SUPPORT Donald Trump at this point. What is his appeal? His supporters need to make a strong appeal to the GOP to keep his campaign going.
It's only August. November is a long way away. Just because you don't like Trump does not mean he is going to lose. I don't think the Trump haters realize that Hilliary has a lot of haters too. This election is by no means decided. Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama. American voters historically don't like one party to be in power for too long. Obama has had a turbulent two terms. People aren't going to just hand this thing over to Hilliary automatically. Voters say one thing when being polled but on the day, at the moment they walk into that booth, decisions can change quickly.
Look at all things he has said. Theoretically, his numbers should be way down. But they are not. It's not a wide margain seperating them. And traditionally there is a bump in numbers after a convention and the Dems just finished. What is most telling is after a convention bump and all the crap Trump has said, Hiliiary is just barely ahead. This is not over by any means.
"Using Khan as bait to tempt and agitate Trump was thoughtless, calculating and racist as well as playing the race card, that's racism in itself and liberals are masters of the race card"
Just for the sake of argument, let's say that this was not simply a bereaved father and mother who had their son killed during Bush's first term. Let's say Trump WAS baited.
Who wants a President who will fall for that hook, line and sinker? I mean, wow! Trump not only shot himself in the foot. He did it while he had his foot in his mouth. Amazing. Such a smooth guy and you have to admit, either he has terrible judgment, or he is just a terrible individual. That really exhausts all possibilities. Either way, he is not fit to be president, as many have observed.
Triumvere, I said LACKSADAISICAL, didn't I? Please note spelling. Don't change the spelling and then try to contradict me based on your misunderstanding. Ivanka has appeared many times on Trump's shows, and many people might call her a "ditz." I certainly would not, because hey, she was educated at some Ivy League school or other. She actually called a group of contestants LACKSADAISICAL and my jaw dropped. The finest clothes. Ivy League pedigree. Touted as an excellent manager and protege. Not only did she say it, but it was NOT caught by anyone OR edited out. I mean, in whose interest would that be, right? And her step mom is apparently a plagiarist. Wikipedia says she lied about graduating from college too, which means that Steve-O is more educated than Melania.
Anyway, Triumvere, you win the prize. Of course lackadaisical is a word. My point, which I expressed clearly, is that LACKSADAISICAL is not. You can go sit with Ivanka if you like.
Sabbath, we will see. From where I sit, the GOP is amazed at this point that they let this happen. Trump, on the other hand has set his trap. When it all falls apart, Trump will be in a lot better shape than the GOP. You can bet on that. If you doubt that, go read some of Trump's books and a heaping pile of newspaper articles from the 80s and 90s to show the typical pattern of Donald Trump business ventures.
I find it very frightening that such a terrible candidate is still within ten points of Hillary. Anyone with his lack of qualifications should be polling at ten percent or less.
Holy crap, dude, calm down!
You seem to be implying that because the woman mispronounced, misspelled, or otherwise misused a word that she is stupid. Regardless of her level of intelligence - which I make no comment on - that seems pretty uncharitable.
Only according to MSM establishment lies. Want proof?
Exhibit A
Yuuuge crowd at Trump Daytona rally
Exhibit B
CNN reports it as "big, boisterous crowd" in Omaha for Hillary and Warren Buffett.
So you see, Trump is not sinking. The credibility of our media is gone. CNN has proven they will lie to get Hillary elected. And you bought it.
Yeah right. According to who? Clinton's News Network? Rigged media too. There was more drama to bee seen @ DNC compared to RNC. Sanders, sanders supporters, the wikileaks. There's where ur low morale is. Righ democrats??
"Using Khan as bait to tempt and agitate Trump was thoughtless, calculating and racist as well as playing the race card, that's racism in itself and liberals are masters of the race card."
Hi, Bass.
What a comment. Ignoring the fact that Islam is not a race and so the racist tirade is misplaced, you seem to be backing up what Hillary said - Trump is far too easily wound up and easily agitated. He went for the bait as he always does. Do you think this thin-skinned, petulant manchild has the right temperament to be leader of the US?
I honestly think Khan was put there to agitate Trump and it worked a treat. Keep baiting this spoiled schoolgirl and he'll be like the cartoon Tasmanian Devil by November if he lasts that long. It's easy, just too easy.
96 days, people. I have never been a Trump hater. On the contrary, I think he represents his voters' values extremely well. I think HATE is a term that other people have brought into the discussion.
No. I am serving up my criticism cold. I was reading news articles on Donald Trump before most people here were born, and I have immediate family members who have worked for him.. I have another immediate family member in the bay area who has been featured in the news at events with Bill Clinton. So. I just go on immediate hearsay and scuttlebut, along with a long view of people like the Kochs, Manafort, Ryan and all of those people.
What does it mean that the party cannot control Trump? Does it mean that he controls the party? I think Trump supporters need to look at that honestly. What kind of blank check have you given this man to speak for you and act on your behalf? When is enough going to be enough? McCain and Ryan have had trouble drawing that line, don't you have the same trouble? If not, why not?
As far as I can tell, Democrats don't have that problem. The platform and leadership are clear. People are not ashamed or surprised at anything that comes out of Obama's or Hillary's mouth. That is not just good leadership. It shows that Barack and Hillary are more in touch with what Dem voters want all the way down the line.... to the zipcode level.
If Trump supporters really want to help Trump, they need to get out there and show the GOP that they support ideas like deporting people based on religion, and keeping them out of the country. They need to demonstrate in favor of building a wall between the US and Mexico. They need to picket the VFW for having the gall to support families of deceased veterans. They need to ridicule mothers with young children and people with physical disabilities. These are all part of the MAKE AMERICA GREAT campaign.
In other words, I think Trump supporters need to be willing to communicate to the GOP party leadership what they really stand for so that the GOP can be reorganized to reflect what GOP voters really stand for. Trump supporters also must realize that, if they simply chuck the party or ignore its leadership, then if Trump has gone too far or will go too far, there is no mechanism to stop him from going further. None. The party is not functioning properly. Save Trump or save the party. Good luck on that.
This story should have been about
"Despite the unethical MSM negative attacks, and the GOP questioning his comments, Trump still draws thousands of supporters at the Ocean Center in Daytona".
You see, that's why Hillary, the puppet MSM and posters here continue to push the GOP reaction to Trump, with big names like Ryan, McCain, Reince Priebus, etc, because that's all they've got. You won't see a lot of stories about the average Trump supporter because there are just too many compared to the average Hillary supporter.
It's OK Hillary supporters, we ALL know you don't like Trump, but I wouldn't begrudge you the opportunity to parrot the corrupt establishment line.
Everyone makes this slander of the current president. Anyone remember King George?
It was like taking candy from a baby's small hands. It couldn't have been more planned. Expect more well executed plans to show Trumph's unfitness. This is no "swift boating". Trumph is doing it to himself.
There is almost no reason to bring personal lives into politics. The only time I could see it is if their personal life contradicts their policy agendas.
You are talking about the early 1800's. Two hundred years ago. If you want compare parties of that era with this one, then it is clear the Democrats of 2016 are acting more like the Republicans of the 1800's, and the Republicans of 2016 are acting like the Democrats of the 1800's.
"You seem to be implying that because the woman mispronounced, misspelled, or otherwise misused a word that she is stupid."
No. Again you have misunderstood me. Not only is she stupid, but all the people in the room with her were stupid, the writers and film editors were stupid as well. She was at the center of a maelstrom of dumb. Either she made the error personally, or it was scripted. Tell me, which is worse when the error is not caught?
But let's leave my particular standards out of this because I find mistakes in the New York Times on a regular basis. I mean daily.
The real problem here is that Ivanka is the very best educated among all of them. She is their best and pretends to be better than any of the people she "fired" on the show. Of course, she isn't. And everyone around her is either too sycophantic to question or correct the error, or they are too dumb to even know it is an error. Melania is not as academically accomplished as SteveO. Donald himself has bankrupted 4 times, which is essentially walking away from debts while maintaining a lifestyle better than yours or mine. He is a deadbeat. None of these people are what they appear to be.
Well, pardon me for being judgmental, but I know about 30 people who have higher standards they set for themselves than Trump or anyone in his family. I want to make the point that these "you're fired" people are fake and pretentious. I know real people who take responsibility for what they do and say. They are humble. They are competent. They are leaders. They are like me, and we are like Hillary.
Ivanka, on the other hand, is content with mediocrity in her professional work. Georgetown, U. Penn. Wharton school, and she can't speak English properly. Wow. I bet her programs were rigorous. Like her dad, she represents some glaring flaws in Americana.
I typed this quickly and nobody edited it. Please report any errors to my writer, publicist, film editor, and director. TIA.
No, the people chose Trump. The GOP was quite content with the status quo, and the Dems are as well, the difference is, the people decided NOT anymore, the liberals tried it, but the Dems thought otherwise to squash that effort and get all their ducks in line.
That was the con.
Interesting: liberals are voting for a racist party that believes in institutionalized racism and as long as they can get votes and the sheep religiously and loyally do their part. Secret ransom payments to Iran, Hillary using her foundation as a giant slush fund and the Dems outrageous attempt to use a man who's son fought and died for the nation and to use their religion as bait to smear Trump. Interesting. Khan is on the side of Clinton, but they are against war, the war where their son died, the same war which Clinton voted for. You just can't make this stuff up and Trump is the one with a screw loose?
Sure, I agree, but having said that, I know that Hillary equally has a very bad temper, controlled, but nevertheless, the woman is a volatile. Now of course the MSM will paint a very bad picture as bad as they can and I get it, that's their play, been through it more than enough times.
Perhaps to a point, but I wouldn't expect nothing else from the dishonesty tactics that are deployed in this campaign. Not surprised at all.
Mike L
The constant coverage of this farce is annoying, but that said, I watched a few videos of Trump to see what the fuss is about. Wow, American politics have reached an all-time low.
Trump's answer to any question is to start attacking anyone else regardless of the question. How can some Americans even consider voting for this airbag?
People keep asking how Trump can be only 10 points behind Hillary despite all the incompetence he's displayed. And we see the demonstration of how that can be in this very thread. Trump's hard-core supporters reject any information they disagree with as a construction of the "Mainstream Media" while accepting every conspiracy theory they want to be true about Hillary (or Muslims, or blacks, or any identity that's scary to them) without the slightest bit of critical thought.
Trump even bragged about it at an earlier time in his campaign: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," he claimed. And to a degree, he's right. To this core of supporters, it doesn't matter what he does, because in their minds they double-think their way into believing whatever they want to have happened is what really happened.
The good news for the rest of us is that that core of supporters were never enough to win the election. Trump never learned how to gather the undecided middle, and now he's actively pushing them away. The bad news is we're probably going to have a minimum of another 3 months of Trump supporter excuse-making and conspiracy-claiming, likely lasting well into Hillary's presidency.
Now I don't want Trump since he's interested in using nuclear weapons.
"Swiftboating" became a word because of Republican's dishonest tactics. Granted, it was by a PAC group.
Trumph and the words he speaks are fair game. The Kahn family had something to say, and the Dems gave them a forum to say it.
Trumph created the controversy by speaking his mind. And what comes out of his mind was disturbing.
(So called) success in business is the same laying your life on the line in defense of the country.
Insulting a grieving mother whose son died in services of the country and while saving troops under his command.
Later accepting a purple heart, which must have been a set-up in my mind, but he fell for it, and saying he always wanted one but didn't want the effort it took to get one.
Comparing prep/military school for rich kids with serving in the military.
Dodging the Vietnam draft and lying about it by saying his lottery number was too high and not called. He got out of the draft on a medical excuse for heel spurs, I believe.
It is no wonder Republicans are constantly having trouble dealing with the things he says and want to distance themselves from him.
I'd pay money to witness such a spectacle! Do they sell beer and hot dogs?
Trump? No thank you. I prefer living. Trump is crazy.
As if Hillary wouldn't. Hillary is THE most Hawkish Democrat out there, and on that, I have no qualms she wouldn't hesitate to blow ISIS up....or Russia for that matter.
As if Hillary wouldn't. No, she won't. And there are no reports of her saying anything crazy like that. One more.....
I was thinking that Trump might be OK for me since under him the US's healthcare system will speed up to Medicare for all single payer, etc. But after his suicidal comments here Trump is 100% off my list.
@Mike L
Wow. Take a look at the world. Politics around the world are at an all-time low.
For example: Brazil, Japan, Sweden, most Middle Eastern countries, several African nations, several other countries in Europe, Venezuela and guess what, the list is just getting started...
Man, I'm almost tempted to believe the theories about Trump being a Clinton plant. It would explain why he would so needlessly sabotage the lead he had. But I guess being a petulant man-child with no self control explains it pretty well too...
Erm.. the years 1931-1945 would like a word with you.
The Trump nuclear weapons comment was a secondhand comment. It's more MSM spin to Shepard the sheep. It's working too.
Clint Eastwood was right 4 years ago and he is on target this year too. It's a shame where we are in this nation. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves at the drowning pool we have permitted to grow.
agreed. its time for MSM to "divorce" tabloid journalism and restore some credibility.
Simon Foston
bass4funkAUG. 04, 2016 - 11:15AM JST
Oh for heaven's sake. Who cares? If you want to moan about Hillary Clinton find an article about her with a comment thread. She is NOT the issue here. All this shows is that you're desperate to avoid talking about Trump because you know he's also totally inexcusable but you'd look stupid if you admitted it.
I was going to come on here after reading this and ask how on earth the GOP/Trump supporters could now spin this one and claim they are united, that there are no problems with Donald, etc., without imploding since even they cannot deny he is ripping apart the GOP, but I see the usual denial has kicked in and the "whataboutobamahillarythelibs...?" comments are out in full staccato force.
I think some of these posters are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, as the GOP is now experiencing in general.
@Triumvere - Thanks for your feedback on my one party state comment. Actually I agree with much of what you say. If the Republican party does in fact self destruct I do not see anything ready to take its place in line and I think we are headed for a very dangerous situation - a one party system.
I am an independent and really have found no reason to align with either party (I guess this is where we disagree - I cannot support the Democratic party either). As you are, I am also very much a libertarian and a fiscal conservative and somewhat liberal on social issues. Serving in the military and some of the work I did led me to realize that both parties have much more in common with each other than they are different. I do not think the Republican party is full of racists. I also found it interesting you made reference to Reagan's "big tent". I do not think that Reagan was as great of a President that many in the Republican party have made him out to be, however he did seem to be able to get people having different ideologies to meet somewhere towards the middle.
I think a Trump presidency would be a disaster. I think a Clinton presidency would further damage the U.S. I also think the press is extremely biased against Trump and if the reason for the bias is they think he would damage the country they should just come out and say this and get on with it.
Immigration is a big issue; both economically and from a national security point of view. And those legitimately concerned about it are not racist. Adding more people to the work force when the labor participation rate is dismal will not help. There are numerous Companies (like Disney, Southern California Edison, etc.) hiring H1B replacement workers (mainly in IT) and forcing American citizens to train their replacements. I think wanting to maintain the sovereignty of the U.S. is not "racist". Also, what is going on in Europe is undeniable and this could also happen (has happened) in the U.S.
The U.S. economy is also not good. The number of people not participating in the work force is at an all time high and continues to grow. Meanwhile both parties point fingers at each other, while they accept money from corporations and continue on with business as usual. People claim the stock market is so high and that is indicative things are good...but it is not really indicative things are good for the middle and lower class.
Absolutely!! The Republican party has issues and problems and is very bad at this point in time, however I do not think the Democratic party is any better. Numerous members have enriched themselves while claiming to "fight for the poor"...Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and yes even the Clintons are prime examples.
Trump says he stands for putting more Americans to work and taking a hard look at immigration. As for me - I DO NOT BELIEVE HIM for a minute. As every day goes on I become more convinced that he is not in this to win but to ensure the status quo remains in power - he is not a stupid man but the things he has been saying are stupid beyond belief.
Our country and our system is messed up and it needs a good enema. Americans are divided beyond belief (just look at the comments on these comment boards) and I worry that the American citizenry is divided to the point of no return (perhaps this is done by design by the 1%).
Finally take a look at a video where Ms. Clinton says she wants to raise taxes on the middle class (this is probably a mistake on her part) however what really bothers me is the fact that the crowd applauds in agreement and Warren Buffet nods his head in approval, while the U.S. middle class is being decimated.
I am getting up there in years and have seen a lot but I have never felt that the U.S. was divided beyond repair, which is how I feel now. For the sake of my kids and other younger folks I truly hope I am wrong on this one.
Have a good day or evening - wherever you are and again thanks for your thoughtful reply.
This is the kind of stuff that is more than likely a complete lie. Lot's of good reasons to be against Trump, but a Democratic aligned "journalist" claims Trump asked an "unnamed source" 3 time why he can't use nuclear weapons. No context, no names, just the hearsay of a very subjective reporter. Could have been a rhetorical question, but without context we will never know. More likely a complete fabrication anyway.
This is the equivalent Rush Limbaugh saying an unnamed source told him Hillary said (insert outrageous lie here). Any responsible news organization would ignore that sort of hearsay - not that there are any responsible news organizations. If there were, though.
The number of Republicans publicly repudiating Trump is growing, but most have been pundits, money-bundlers, or politicians on the verge of retirement. Without a few active, younger politicians willing to take the plunge into #NeverTrump, others will hesitate to do so. Yesterday, though, Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, a former Air Force pilot, had this to say:
Watching the ménage à trois between Trump, Paul Ryan, and Ted Cruz has been interesting. Cruz wants Trump crushed so as to shatter the party and leave him to pick up the pieces. Ryan wants Trump beaten but only by a little, both so that he can retain his House Speakership and assume party leadership. Trump apparently has decided that he holds all the cards now and demands obsequience from GOP members as a price for him to refrain from attacking. Kinzinger's defection, I expect, will have a great effect.
Next Tuesday is Ryan's primary, which he'll likely win. After that, he'll be free to act with more defiance towards Trump. A typical finger-in-the-wind politician, much will depend on how many others follow Kinzinger's example, but if enough do, Ryan might turn, and if he does, that opens the floodgates of GOP opposition to Trump.
The Trump nuclear weapons comment was a secondhand comment. No, there are two of them and one is 100% confirmed (and I do believe the comment that is secondhand if he says crazy things like this):
Want to live and not be destroyed by nuclear holocaust? Go Hillary. OK, Hillary will make the unemployment rate 100%. Fine! She is the evil witch lady of the west. You win the argument. But at least I'm still alive. Trump is crazy!
This is one reason why Japan hates Trump with the history they experienced. And they are afraid of him.
This is the equivalent Rush Limbaugh saying an unnamed source told him Hillary said (insert outrageous lie here).
I will insert that she did not think her husband was getting lucky with a young intern until the truth obviously came out in the news. Yes, I'm sure that lie would kill me. I'm sure that lie is a lot more dangerous than launching nuclear weapons.
Commanteer, you clearly don't know anything about Scarborough. He was a Republican Florida Representative from 1995 to 2001 - not a Democrat. He was suspended by MSNBC for two days without pay for making contributions to political candidates without prior notification and approval after had donated $4,000 to Republican candidates in Florida. His media shows are quite conservative.
He also has a reputation as a solid journalist, considered one of the most influential journalists in the world. Regarding his remarks on Trump and nuclear weapons, whether he misunderstood, was lying, or was in fact telling the truth remains unclear, but with him, I'd bet on the latter.
Louis Amsel
So they endorsed him and now they don't really 'kind of' do that? This party has been having a massive identity crisis. Forget about Trump, he's chance of winning is going down every time as his mouth opens. Its time to sit down and think about a party reform to have a clear vision that works in the modern world. Adapt or die, the history teaches this lesson repeatedly.
A while back I said let Christ Christie be the Republican nominee. How in the world did Trump get the nomination over someone clearly competent and level headed as Christie?
Grate Expectations (no typo)
That is quite correct, but it has been for a long time. What the Republican party establishment clowns in the GOP do not understand, is they will NEVER be liked by the DNC-affiliated mainstream media, yet they try again and again to appease the media, an approach that fails every time. Like some abused wife returning to the abuser, irrationally hoping that it will all be OK if she is just nice enough.
Trump is in effect fighting against 3 sides; the Hillary/Soros/Goldman-Sachs/Saudi establishment, the mainstream media, and his own party.
In effect, it is a revolt against the corrupt establishment. And one that goes across party lines. A lot people have woken up to that, but (as this site shows) not enough.
I agree to a certain extent, but Clinton has some of the few people who actually speak up and fight against the establishment (Sanders and Warren) on her side. Trump isn't anti-establishment, he's simply anti anything that isn't Trump. He owes everything he has to the current establishment and media. If you're being honest about your anti-establishment beliefs, go Libertarian. You'd be doing the world a favor.
Still, I hope he doesn't quit too soon. This is the best comedy on TV (except for Big Bang Theory).
It is astounding how few people seem to get that simple fact, and rail on about Trump's deficiencies as though that will make a difference. The Republicans brought this on themselves by repeatedly ignoring the people who voted them into office.
That would be a good idea, if the Libertarian candidate had even a tiny chance of winning. He doesn't, and probably will not for many years yet. That leaves the corrupt Republicans, who just might be shaken enough by the Trump phenomenon to reevaluate their positions. That said, I see little sign that they are.
Simon Foston
WilliBAUG. 04, 2016 - 02:42PM JST
Fanciful nonsense. Trump would gladly go along with the corrupt establishment if he got everything he wanted from it.
Mr. Bum
I no fan of the guy himself, but I am not even sure what your comment is supposed to mean. He cuts through PC and addresses real issues. I agree with that.
I didnt mean "anti establishment" in the flower-power hippie way. I mean the corrupt conglomerate of big finance, military-industrial complex, Mid dle East money, and globalist ideologues. Trump is obviously not connected to those, and he is obviously ruffling some feathers. Yes, obviously Trump has made money with media, but he is not financed by Ge orge Soros and Sa udi Ara bia like C lin ton is.
Sounds nice, but they do not have party machine, do they.
Totally meaningless statement.
It hasn't meant the "flower-power hippie way" since the 1960s... Time to update your information. Minus the drugs, the hippies were against a lot of the things you mentioned though.
Isn't that what makes them less susceptible to the corruption you're so against?
"He cuts through PC and addresses real issues."
What do you mean by "address"? As far as I can see he rails against a lot and offers very few practical solutions. Make the Mexicans pay for his wall? Round up over 10 million illegal immigrants?
I "address" plenty of things every day. My coworkers and wife call it "bitching".
Sorry, but they're both targets and both are running for the highest position in the free world.
Both are the issue.
No, I can criticize both and I do. Funny, when Obama ran for office, experience and knowledge didn't matter, now Trump is running, all of a sudden it matters. Lol
Actually,the GOP managed to rip themselves apart by themselves with their infighting, but how about the Dems? 3 people were fired because of the leaked email controversy, also, what about the Bernie bros that about 40% of them won't vote for Hillary? Point is, don't think the Democrats are having a life full of paradise and mojitos. Trump needs to stay on message, I agree, but at the same time, it's inexcusable libs as well as the general media to trample all over Trump when their own backyard has a lot of junk in it.
WilliB: "Like some abused wife returning to the abuser, irrationally hoping that it will all be OK if she is just nice enough."
You're equating the GOP with abused women now?? It's little wonder that along with blacks and Latinos you guys have alienated THAT group, too! Classy as always, Willi.
bass4funk: "but how about the Dems?"
And agin, off-topic and deflecting.
using Khan as bait to tempt and agitate Trump was thoughtless, no what was thoughtless was Trumps anti Muslim antics. The Democrats were showing Trump that Muslims are also patriotic American who have made sacrifices for the love of America. Yet Trump still cant seem to get his head around this and his insults keep flowing all the while digging his hole that little bit deeper.
Simon Foston
bass4funkAUG. 04, 2016 - 05:40PM JST
I don't see you shooting off anything in Trump's direction, and this article is about him.
Really? Go on, then.
experience and knowledge didn't matter He was a senator and Harvard graduate
Trump needs to stay on message Nuclear war?
And the GOP chairman Priebus, 'appealed to the NY businessman's adult children to help.....'
If that's not desperation, I don't know what is! Hoping that his kids can save the day? Is that the best idea they can come up with?
Can you imagine the conversation?...... 'Hey kids, um, Dad is really making a mess of things, think you could come up with a nice speech to take the heat off him for a little?'
Disregarding the fact (FACT) that Obama had more experience and knowledge when he ran for the presidency (BY FAR), let's flip your statement. What do you think of this:
Funny, when Obama ran for office, experience and knowledge mattered, now Trump is running, all of a sudden it doesn't matter. Lol
Has Trump released his tax returns yet?
Americans deserve to know how far into debt he is to Mr Putin.
Matt Hartwell
He is going up a candidate who many, many people really, really dislike. Makes me wonder if Sanders was up there what the results would be. The democrats took a risk with Hillary and against a more moderate Republican she would be in serious trouble.
Wipeout, I don't entirely agree. Remember when Reagan was losing it and talked about his acts in WWII, when in fact he was an actor in the US at the time? Trump came out today boasting about seeing "secret" video purportedly filmed in Iran of a planeload of cash handed over to the Iranians in exchange for the release of those misguided Marines who had sailed into Iranian waters.
Now, aside from the fact that the narrative is entirely false, he was incorrect in identifying the location and what was happening in the video and seems to have mis-remembered where he saw it in the first place. Likely more will be reported about this in the morning; the evidence points to dementia.
beautiful and full of material about contemporary politics. Although I think that Trump is the worst thing that could happen to America. If he wants to succeed, he has to deal with things like this
(Sorry - my bad above. The 10 wayward Marines were released with a stiff warning not to do it again; the purported exchange of "cash for hostages" was for four or five others detainees. This does not affect my above statement.
Lynda Hogan
This is total BS! Can't believe folks believe everything the stinking media says! This is a MOVEMENT and people are sick and tired of the same ole, same ole phony, plastic, GMO politicians! I've never in my life seen a man so persecuted over every little thing that comes out of his mouth! It all started at the first debate when everyone watching was stunned by that ridicules stupid humiliating question and raise of hands! Trump has gone above and beyond to do everything right ,to even signing he would not tun on third party! Trump has exposed corruption in both parties$$$$ the cameras won't move at his rally's that are drawing thousands and thounds of people but we can sure hear them yelling USA! USA! USA! BUILD THE WALL! This country is in a mess and Trumps the only one to clean it up! I've heard Japan doesn't even allow illegal immigrants in! I may be moving there!
I read an article last night that was very conspiratorial but somehow seems to make more and more sense.
Basically Donald Trump is a shill for the Democrats. He will run through September and then drop out so the Republicans will not be able to get another candidate in on time. The result will be the destruction of the Republican party, which, by golly, I see happening right now.
Makes me chuckle.
Question: Why didn't Mr. Khan ask Hillary if she had ever read the Constitution or what sacrifices she has made except for voting for the war that killed her son?
"Has Trump released his tax returns yet?"
Has Hillary released her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts yet?
for a great description of Trump on youtube watch?v=CceQISThDYQ
Gee, Serrano, do you think it might be because Hillary has not called for restrictions on movement to and within America simply based on religion - a policy which clearly violates the Constitution? You might want to read the transcript of what Khan actually said if you ask that question.
The outcome of election will be decided by Electoral College. Not by dishonest media as Trump,said. When Trump started as candidate for GOP, media bashed Trump will not make it. Trump will drop out from the race sooner than later. However it has become other way around.
Trump is not sinking as Titanic. It is moving under water as Sub Marine. When the time and tide are right, Sub will prevail his fire power with Lightening Speed. Next President of USA is unlikely Former First Lady,
Mr. Khan spoke at the Democratic convention. The Republicans also held a convention. They could have arranged to have speakers ask the question of Hillary. Why didn't they? Are Trump's supporters so weasel-y that they have no recourse than to argue like this?
Another perfect example. First, did Mrs. Clinton speak to Goldman Sachs as a public official? Or had she left public office, and was a private citizen? Certainly a person with a grade-school intelligence would understand about contracts and confidentiality agreements that private citizens enter into. (When Cheney was VP, he refused to release minutes of meetings he had with oil executives. Do the apologists for Trump see no hypocrisy there?)
Moreover, Trump promised to make his tax returns public. Hillary never made such a promise. For Trump not to release them would be Trump lying to the American people. Are these the depths to which the defenders of Trump are willing to lower themselves to?
"Gee, Serrano, do you think it might be because Hillary has not called for restrictions on movement to and within America simply based on religion - a policy which clearly violates the Constitution? You might want to read the transcript of what Khan actually said if you ask that question."
Gee, Laguna, you might want to do some research on the Constitution which places no ban on religious tests for immigrants. What Trump wants to do would be legal and perhaps prevent attacks on U.S. citizens.
It would be interesting to hear what Mr. Khan thinks of gays and alcohol.
Quoted source
This shows he's a good president. I guess most of the people who don't like him feel this way because he's black. What else can it be with all those people thinking he was born in Kenya and he faked his Harvard degree?
I am not sure why Khan's views on any number of issues would be relevant, unless Trump's apologists thought it would excuse their efforts to belittle and demean the family's sacrifice to the United States. In so doing, they would be following their leader down into the cesspool of their own making.
Well the next time he speaks about his son dying in combat you can raise your hand and ask him what he thinks about gay people.
Sure Lynda Hogan, you are more than welcome here in Japan. Just because you are a Republican doesn't mean that we are going to ban all of you republicans here in Japan. No, as far as I'm concerned you are most welcome here.
But considering your narrow view of politics, your support of someone as racist, sad and delusional as Trump and your apparent obsession with walls may I suggest that, in the extremely unlikely event you move next door to me, you build a big wall between our houses? Oh and you won't be able to make me pay for it either.
Khan's commander in Iraq wrote a beautiful op-ed talking about his admiration for Khan. Democrats might want to read it for inspiration. Republicans, his name is attached to the op-ed so you can start digging up dirt on him.
Black Sabbath
I don't read their posts, but something tells me its a day later, and none of our little right wing friends took you up on that challenge.
Just like none since Fizzy has taken me up on my bet. Y'know, the one where I bet HRC is gonna stomp all over Trump (322 ev or more).
Moreover, the Republican party must be destroyed.
No chance of a mere "businessman" being elected by the American voters. American business is now the ENEMY.
Reports are emerging that Trump's trophy wife infringed immigration laws. Heh, you couldn't write this stuff. The tough on immigration candidate. Lol.
The implosion continues. It's beautiful...
Black Sabbath
There is no implosion. Most Republicans and 'independent conservatives' will vote for Trump.
Hell, they'd vote for a cement bag as long as it had a red R painted on it.
All this stuff that makes us jeer -- they don't care. Look at them here. They don't care about the race-baitingh, the bigotry, the con artistry, the ignorance. They don't care about the dishonesty, and certainly not about the hypocricy. 'Cause, y'know, woodie liberals have sold the country out to lazy blacks and foreign brown people.
Fer Chrissakes, they don't care about insulting genuine war heroes who cross them. ' They care about one thing, and one thing only: POWER.
And that is why the Republican party must be destroyed.
So, please understand: They don't care. Trump is not sinking. The rats are not gonna jump ship. They're going down with the USS Trumpanic, because they don't know any better, and don't care.
But Trump will get clobbered. Not because Republicans and 'independent conservatives' are gonna flee.
But because there are not enough of them to win.
That's because it's illegal.
Black Sabbath
A followup -- Polling supports my view offered above:
In the poll, only 14% of Republicans less likely to vote for Trump. My take: meaning: they will vote for him anyways. see Republican, Cement Bag. And many are MORE likely to vote for him.
His blood and soil nationalism is NOT a bug. Its a feature.
Respectfully, I think the rats may indeed leave the ship Dan. Not because they will make a principled stand, but when Trump's ridiculous candidacy threatens their own existence, the instinct of survival will kick in.
The Republican party is insane. Shame on them for descending this far into insanity.
Black Sabbath
Respectfully, I agree! :)
Anyways, you may be right. I hope so. Still, you know i follow the axiom.
Never, and I mean never, underestimate the depravity of movement conservatives.
This is interesting: "AMAZING Donald Trump Biography Video Played at the RNC (7-21-16)"
Hillary for prison!
I'm going to be glad when this whole election is all over! I might have to shed a tear or two afterwards for the Republicans. :(
Not sure what type of visa Trump's 3rd wife came to the US on, but considering she may have been in breach this is good material for journalists. Trump, being the man with the short fuse he is, will of course explode, meaning journalists will dig even deeper to find out the truth.
Should it be true she has been in violation, well.. that would be the end of his entire hard line stance on immigration, being 99% of his policies. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, first.... beers and snacks it is while we watch this story unfold.
Black Sabbath
Kinda. Let's be honest with ourselves: even though, she with her dripping Transylvanian Bloefeld muuuhaaa haaaa HHHHHHAAAAA accent,
she's white, got long legs and looks good naked.
And, let's be honest, for most men, that's feature, not a bug...
"Reports are emerging that Trump's trophy wife infringed immigration laws. "
Madverts posted that and it is interesting. A full explanation is available at POLITICO.COM. This is interesting and topical because Donald Trump has advocated deportation, strict regulation of illegal immigrants, etc. His wife might have committed a felony by making false statements related to her visa status.
It goes like this. Melania came to the US and performed work for pay in 1995. She has admitted this in writing in a biography and there are, well, nude photos taken in New York to prove it. That fact is not disputed.
Did she have a work visa? Probably not. She has stated that she had to leave the country and re-enter multiple times in order to come to the US to work. She would not have been required to do that if she had been granted a work visa. Did she have an O type visa? Probably. That would explain her constant re-entry into the country. And that visa allows no employment of any kind.
Now, she is a naturalized citizen, but she apparently violated the terms of her visa, which is a felony. And making false statements during naturalization voids the process.
Of course nobody cares and yadda yadda yadda, but let's remember that her husband is spearheading an effort to take people like this and throw them in jail or over a wall because they are criminals.
Most people on this site will either sympathize with her, or they will be amazed at how this has been overlooked. Or both. I will hasten to add that we DO KNOW that Melania has made false statements about her educational background. This has been vetted and posted on Wikipedia. So making false statements is not something Melania does not do.
Black Sabbath
Sheeriouslee? Downrating good lookin' naked?
I mean, c'mon. Its a talent.
so you're saying, he should deport his legal wife? And even if the article is true, what's wrong with Trump changing his position on illegal immigration? Let's wait and see how this story develops before jumping on the candidates wife (don't understand the significance of it) and making rash judgments, remember, she is not running for office, sure, she's more appealing to the eye than Hillary, that's for sure.
I don't feel sorry for him at all. He ran on rhetoric and grandstanding. I do feel sorry for what's happened to Lincoln's party and how far it's fallen from it's original standards. Too many greedy rich old men...
Simon Foston
bass4funkAUG. 04, 2016 - 05:40PM JST
Followed by...
bass4funkAUG. 05, 2016 - 08:29AM JST
Pfft. This coming from the person who continually condemns liberals and democrats for not criticising Clinton, Obama and other Democrats? "Liberals won't say a bad word about the anointed one," etc etc. Where's the criticism of Trump? Oh hang on, didn't you say something to the effect that going after Hillary Clinton somehow works out better for you financially? I suppose that would explain it.
The guy who talked to the empty chair for 20 minutes is you reference? Well, it's an improvement over Trump but lets face it Eastwood as great as his career has been is out of touch with reality when it comes to politics. Chachi may be a better choice for you to cite.
get him to say something to put his foot in his mouth and to be fair, Trump did that, but that is the only way, so it doesn't matter that Trumps policies ae racist, hateful, discriminatory!. You support this loon just because he's republican? LOL Trump is a control freak and a recalcitrant, certainly nota traits that have made good presidents
Please remind me what percentage is the black vote for Trump?