Japan Today

GOP presidential field praises health law ruling


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High praise. No alternatives.

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"Romney, who as governor implemented a heath overhaul with similarities to Obama’s plan, has been a steadfast critic of Democrats’ law..."

Mitt is such a twit.

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"Romney, who as governor implemented a heath overhaul with similarities to Obama’s plan, has been a steadfast critic of Democrats’ law"

ha ha, :-) I think he's their top contender, too.

Pity that Mitt's not a Christian like the current president.

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Romney, Gingrich, Huckabee - go away.

Actually Huckabee, keep your show. You're a funny guy.

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Real conservatives are no fans of "flip-flop" Mitt.


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Actually Huckabee, keep your show. You're a funny guy.

I like Romney the best out of the field so far. Least favorite is probably Huckabee. If we'd had Romney in the previous election instead of McLame, there'd be a Republican president right now.

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molenir - I can understand your point, but respectfully disagree. I think all 3 are useless as legislators, but on a personal level Huckabee is quite funny.

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