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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.GOP purges Cheney for 'unity,' but Trump bent on retribution
Its funny that they have completely re-organized that party into nothing more than a fealty test for a guy that loses everything from elections to Twitter accounts.
No, wait, funny isn’t the word for it. Sad! Its sad.
Politik Kills
I hope she treated this comment like the pathetic joke he is, by claiming it as a compliment coming from him. That this evil clown is still running the GOP says more about republicans than about him really.
Got to love this. Partisan propaganda mislabelled as "news" these days.... it is like reading the Global Times.
“Whatever the rest of the country thinks or whatever his opponents in the news media think, he believes that he lost the White House illegitimately, and that’s a pretty big grudge, so I don't think he's going to give up that sense of grievance very easily,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a longtime Trump friend and informal adviser.
Six months after losing reelection, Trump has emerged more emboldened than ever after House Republicans voted Wednesday to remove Cheney — the Wyoming congresswoman and a daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney — from her post as the No. 3 Republican over her repeated criticisms of the former president.
I suppose the Republicans want to become the party that does not recognize elections unless they win. I wonder where that could lead...
Trump once again projecting his feelings about himself.
Desert Tortoise
Then tell us a nice bed time story about what the eff the Republicans and Mr. Trump are up to then by voting Ms. Cheney out of her leadership position. Us normal people can't for the life of us understand what is going on with the Republican party.
I’ll fix that headline to your liking. How’s this:
GOP removes Cheney for lack of conservative principles and moral integrity; Trump promises to continue healing the nation
You can, but when you have over 78 million people following the former President and Cheney making threats like that, the end result is, you will lose votes. Right now the House looks better than good for the GOP and they need to be laser focused and Cheney can’t stop or change the minds of the people supporting him, he’s not going anywhere and her threats are ineffective and a huge distraction for the country. So the only real solution is, get rid of the distraction problem and that’s what they did, she basically became a liability.
And that’s why she’s gone. She failed in that mission, miserably.
The Republicans know not wot they do by having let the orange cuckoo into their cozy nest ("self-destruction" may be the word that occurs to the more perspicacious, like Liz). But from now on Trump will need eyes in the back of his head to watch out for having made the malevolent Machiavelli of the GOP, "Dark Side" Dick, his mortal enemy who, to avenge his daughter's honor, may soon slither in to administer a poisonous bite. Meanwhile the number of natural enemies circling the Donald grows by the day. Popcorn palooza! Enjoy!
Bob Fosse
The GOP and the ex president. Brilliant stuff. The gift that keeps giving. It’s easier than shooting fish in a barrel, more like looking at fish in a barrel.
But from now on Trump will need eyes in the back of his head to watch out for having made the malevolent Machiavelli of the GOP, "Dark Side" Dick, his mortal enemy who, to avenge his daughter's honor, may soon slither in to administer a poisonous bite.
Do not mess with a someone who shot a guy in the face with no consequences.
To be fair, Biden did not improve a single bit of the US people lives now that he is in office. Instead it just has gotten worse in my opinion.
Republicans are leaving the party in droves. No wonder the former guy is popular. Everyone who hated him has left.
Yeah. ThTs great election strategy. No wonder they need to suppress voters.
Ahhh, I didn’t say that, I said the opposite. Leave the emotion and please go back read what I said, please.
I’m sure Liz thought it was funny as well until she got her discharge papers.
No, that’s her opinion, but 78 million don’t think so, if she wants to try and take Trump on, she’s more naive than I thought and it’s amazing to me how liberals and Democrats are putting Liz on a Saint’s Pedestal when over the last 4 years they had nothing but contempt for this woman. You guys are funny. Lol.
As is Joe Manchin, looks like the filibuster will stand and the Senate will be 50/50 body, glad he didn’t follow the party line either, so I hope Democrats can tolerate people within their own party having their own critical ideas and beliefs, Joe has his and it’s not with a lot of his parties big power grab.
The Avenger
Congrats, Republicans. Though I'm no fan of Liz Cheney by any stretch of the imagination, the inmates are now truly running the asylum. For all their bluster and faux machismo, what a weak, cowardly bunch the Republican Party has proven to be.
Bob Fosse
Oh, I’m laughing alright. Thank you.
I guess you didn’t get a $1,400 check or extended unemployment benefits.
To the extent that Joe has not achieved his promise, he has a reason. Two words: (A city in Russia) Mitch.
BTW, 63% approval. When did the former guy get that? Oh yeah, never. He never broke 50.
GOP is now an antidemocratic fascist terrorist organisation!!!
Trump has destroyed the GOP. They cannot be trusted, if they've ever supported ex-President Trump.
Don't we all prefer when an Ex-President goes off and works on his library and book, leaving politics almost completely? I do.
It was 74 million and Joe got 81 million. 81 is more than 74. And after January 6th he wouldn’t come within spitting distance of that figure
Toasted Heretic
45ism has almost destroyed the GOP. This can only be a good thing. But, like any disease, it will take some time to completely vanish.
In the meantime, enjoy as the insurgent party implodes slowly and painfully. I'm speaking metaphorically, in case some of their crazed supporters fail to comprehend.
Toasted Heretic
Nobody is doing that. Rather, she is to be commended for having a spine for opposing the leader of the insurgents.
Simon Foston
Whatever the rest of the country thinks.
I wonder if he realises just what he's said there.
@GdTokyo, giving out money doesn't solve problems. It merely give people more insentive to not work while the whole industry in crumbling down. Everyone is waiting for the next check. And fraud is happening constantly. Also this cause them to keep printing more money which is intensifying the inflation. The after-effects are gonna be bad. I have some contacts in US of some friends who had their own business there. They hate how the democrats are running things because they are shielding the antifa while causing many business owners to fear for a uncertain future. And conservatives all around US now are being silent and are suffering from attacks. You can't even express your own views anymore in public without being attack. My friends told me many of the good police men are leaving the force because they are sick of being mistreated by the democrats and are fearing for their lives for doing their job.
Trump should leave a legacy of some good policies but recognise that his persona turns people off.
GOP can win Congress and also 2024 if they find someone who is less obnoxious to carry the party forward.
‘what is whataboutism?
Some of the comments above are plain silly. No party in the US is fascist or a terrorist organisation.
The old Neocon GOP needs to be burned to the ground and Liz needs to tell her fellow Neocons that.
Not really, they cut out the cancer so the prognosis looks good for 2020. :D
Lester Karaive Rodriguez
How many Antifa have been arrested and charged for the deadly Jan 6th insurrection??
The party of white supremacists and COVID deniers.
Oh, yea they are.
As Joe Manchin is showing one.
I meant 2022 typo.
Representative Chaney and I agree on virtually nothing politically. I don’t agree with her on tax policy. I don’t agree with her father’s unitary executive theory. But we agree on one thing: opinions are opinions and facts are facts.
Kevin and the former guy are lying. He lost. Joe won. It’s a proven fact. And for telling the truth, she is cast out. Like that is going to stop her. Perhaps the former guy has not met the Chaneys?
Lol Do you think that takes anything away from the fact that Trump is a corrupt crook? Hint: it doesn't.
He exposed how cowardly the GOP is, that's for sure. He showed how power hungry they are.
Not the narrative. That's what happened. Biden smoked Trump at the polls.
Simon Foston
P. SmithToday 08:44 am JST
According to Newt Gingrich everyone in the country possibly believes Biden won fair and square. I seriously cannot see all those 2020 Trump voters clinging to this delusion of his or sticking with him right through to 2024.
The GOP had the choice of going with what was their principals from the days of Reagan in the people who represented Republicans for the standard of the party. McCain, Romney, Bush and Cheney were among those who touted GOP principals and condemned the lies and insurrectionist ideal of Trumpian followers.
The GOP is now a cult. Simply, the Trump followers...QaNon, Proud Boys, insurrectionists, liars...they're the one's that dictate what the GOP now is. They could have chose one way or the other, but they chose to boot out the people who want some truth and democracy for the lack of humanity, the nationalism, racist tendency and misogyny of which Trump is.
Anyone who is a staunch conservative who approves Cheney's dismissal is an enemy to democracy and truth. They'll dismiss such a statement, but they're mentally sick, no doubt about it.
The split in the country just got worse, but the new cult party of the GOP will fail. It should also no longer be called the GOP or Republican, as it has little to nothing to do with democracy.
Now is a good time to remind everyone that Trump has dismal numbers even in republican's own internal polling:
The polling data showed Trump's favorability ratings underwater, with his unfavorable ratings 15 points higher than his favorable numbers, according to The Post.
In the districts that were polled, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris had better numbers than Trump, The Post noted.
This is therefore a full-fledged cult of personality. It also means that republicans would rather base their platform on hanging on to an unpopular loser rather than proposing actual policies to the american people (because they don't have any).
Amazing how Trump has made conservatives make screeching U-turns. You and your still unnamed non-partisan historians regard neocon Bush 2 as a successful president, and you defended the Iraq invasion long after it had descended into complete failure.
Why burn it down when this produced a successful president like Bush 2?
Peter Neil
The right wing press insists on regurgitating Trump's comments as if they have great relevance. I'm not sure people really care what he says, but the press keeps pushing it.
The press and Republicans continue to spin up divisiveness in the US. It accomplishes nothing positive for the society.
This is how nations end. The Chinese and Russians must be laughing ever day.
Toasted Heretic
Sigh. I left panto behind as a child, so there's not much point in trying to "debate" this.
Cheney is GOP, so generally, I'd oppose any of that rabble. That said, she's been cancelled for having the audacity to criticise the biggest threat to the US since Bin Laden. For that, I commend her.
It is amazing how much the spineless GOP is willing to debase itself , all to appease a barely literate blogger in Florida!!!!
People can change. I mean, the Dems went from being the party of the working man to the party of the rich elites, while embracing the ideologies of Marxism. Times definitely have changed.
or a successful Carter?
The Eunuchs of King's Donald's court have, Liz Cheney, are hereby banished for speaking the truth...
In our Repub Party, free speech is not tolerated, only praise may be directed at our King, and the world is always orange...
If our King says that Clorox is a COVID cure, windmills cause cancer, and that Colorado is on our southern border, then that is to be believed and defended as "fact"...
No dissent is allowed - or you'll be "cancelled"...
I do.
Lol, ok
Well, you’re just angry that Trump’s support is not faltering, in fact the opposite, so yeah, we do think for ourselves because We all see Biden is taking the country apart. By the way, I heard Nancy might bail as House speaker knowing the results will be devastating. No one wants to be leader of the minority. 2022
So you now think neocon Bush 2 wasn’t a successful president? Do you know if your still unnamed non-partisan historians have changed their tune too?
An unsuccessful president. He was kicked out after one term.
That is a pretty good metric for judging whether a president has been successful.
Toasted Heretic
Which ideologies in particular?
You can, but when you have over 78 million people following the former President and Cheney making threats like that, the end result is, you will lose votes.
actually polls show that Republicans are leaving the party in record numbers, now less than 50% of republicans actually support Trump, an it was 74milliom votes, Bidens got 81million. if you think Trump is coming back in 2024 youre delusional, hes got to survive a mountain of litigation first, and then the gop have got to pull off a miracle to block the voting rights act and expanding the supreme courts to to 13, gop are desperately blocking and its just going to destroy the filibuster
no please dont give us any of your predictions, your 2018 midterms, Georgia senate runnoff, 2020 president election and the Trump wall were way off.
People can change. I mean, the Dems went from being the party of the working man to the party of the rich elites, while embracing the ideologies of Marxism.
lol that was a great laugh, bit like te GOP actually the party of the rich giving them a trillion tax cut in 2017 and embracing the ideology of fascism
Toasted Heretic
Who are you speaking for and how is he taking the country apart?
We are talking about Trump, but with Bush it depends.
If you were that unsuccessful he wouldn’t be so popular right now and growing. The Dems had 3 chances to take him out and missed….miserably.
Judging by the lefts failed attempt to oust him and that he’s still a force to be reckoned with tells them he’s very successful as a post-President, his wall is going back to being constructed, another failure for Biden.
The House 2022
Joe Blow
Between this and their total rejection of Critical Race Theory the GOP has finally grown a spine. DeSantis looks plum for 2022 and a run in '24 either on his own or on the Trump ticket. Meanwhile the Biden admin is like the JV team trying to play first string.
Dems going to be taking Ls for a while.
You can't unify the party and be honest at the same time?
Guess not.
I think you're confusing the number of people who voted for Trump vs the number of Trump voters who believe The Big Lie. The second number is smaller.
Alfie Noakes
How on earth can the Dems be rich, elite and Marxists at the same time?
I almost agreed with you for once, if you had just stopped writing a little bit sooner.
I do agree that Dems have gone from the party of the working man to the party of the rich elites, as they have been pushed increasingly to the right year after year. It is why I cannot in good faith identify as a Democrat anymore, nor am I registered as one any longer.
However, embracing the ideologies of Marxism? As an actual socialist, I wish, but the Dems are as far from Marxism as any other country's right-wing nationalist party.
The US doesn't have a mainstream leftist party, they have a center-right and extreme-right party. Closest would be Greens, who don't have that much standing outside local elections.
Toasted Heretic
None of this is true. All 45 has done is sow the seeds for further insurgency by doubling down on his lies about the election and launching a rubbish site where nobody can comment on his falsehoods.
And the wall is not being continued. Funding is being re-directed.
I loved the 'hot mic' incident involving Kevin McCarthy. So well acted, he deserves an Oscar.
Boy am I glad the fat guy chose to represent the GQP when he entered the presidential election. Couldn't have happened to a better party. Here's to a three party system!
If you were that unsuccessful he wouldn’t be so popular right now and growing. The Dems had 3 chances to take him out and missed….miserably.
tax and rape charges are still coming along nicely
The House 2022
suppose you got to get a prediction right eventually,
cant do anything without the senate or presidency, youre also assuming Biden doesnt get his policies through before then. lol
To be a liar, you have to:
A) Say things that are not true
B) Know they are not true
C) Say them anyway
The Former Guy, Kevin, and the vast majority of the GOP House are liars.
I actually think Trump believes the election was stolen. It's easier than accepting he simply got beat.
In early Jan, McConnell, McCarthy, and almost all Repubs condemn Trump for inciting the Jan 6th insurrection...
Trump tells them that if they don't knock off the criticism, and get on-board and support the "Big Lie", he'll bolt and start his own Third Party, splitting the Repubs and cementing a Dem majority for decades...
So McCarthy tucks his tail between his legs and slumps off to Mar-A-Lago to beg forgiveness and pledges the Repub soul to the Devil...again...
Liz Cheney says not so fast, I won't be neutered and I'm going to tell the truth - and won't be a shill for the Big Lie...
McCarthy is desperate to dodge talking about Trump and the 2020 election so he decides to "cancel" Liz and hope that with her gone, Trump will remain quiet and McCarthy can continue with his lies about Biden's policies (just 6% of the Jobs Bill is infrastructure, etc.).....
Trump remain quiet? You'd think after dealing with him for four years they'd know - Trump will never remain quiet because you can't fleece the flock if you don't keep them riled up...
And as we all know, that is Trump's No. 1 goal - not to run n 2024, but to grift as much money as he can from his supporters to pay his lawyers for his upcoming trial on tax and insurance fraud, and to use to pay off his $800 million in personal loans to "someone" that are due this summer.
What a disaster, the Repubs can't rid themselves of the cancer that is killing them...
Joe gets things done, tells the truth, and is empathetic.
The GOP embraces a cult of personality, tells obvious lies, and obstructs things that are in the interests of their own constituents.
Yeah, they (the GOP) should totally run on that in 2022. I am sure that a majority of independents and Democrats (About 70% of the electorate) will think that is an party they can get on board with.
Fun Fact: Biden is sitting on a 63% approval rating.
Because the truth doesn't matter and randomly throwing all possible insults at the opposition is much easier than actually having real arguments. Welcome to the modern GOP and its supporters!
So what you're telling us is that you do not understand how polls work.
I love how the GOP passed it on a voice vote. Apparently Kevin didn't have the confidence to take a secret ballot as it would have revealed much less support within his caucus. If he had overwhelming support, he would have taken a secret ballot and used the numbers as evidence. He didn't because his support was marginally above the majority.
The sedition party, long operating unofficially, is now formally born to replace the Republican Party. Congratulations to you all who believe a big lie because a big liar tells it to you over and over again. Wow, amazing how truth truly does not matter any longer for the right wing folks. They want to destroy themselves and take the country down as well.
Glad to see Cheney gone. Im sure she isnt "really" gone, she will be quite active in her political war against Trump. book deal, CNN paid contributor in her near future.
Now that its done- the focus can go back to the performance of the Biden Administration.
And the Pubs try to pretend they didn't invent cancel culture and perfect it (therefore leading to the rise-up of the hated "woke left").
America is about to become a three-party nation. This Republican civil war is awesome!
Have you ever seen the Chaneys? I don't like her or her dad, but one has to admit that being out of leadership does not silence them one bit. She is going to sink her teeth into the former guy's leg and not let go.
Which has been pretty good so far. He's got 60% approval, pretty amazing.
Simon Foston
GdTokyoToday 12:23 pm JST
Right. It's not as if she has anything to lose, is it. Besides, "determined defender of truth and free speech" is a much better look for a politician than "spineless Trump lackey."
Peter Neil
Let's distill this down to one, undeniable fact:
The Trump Republicans are traitors to the United States of America.
Simon Foston
StrangerlandToday 12:20 pm JST
I respect Republicans who would rather leave the party than kowtow to a demagogue and compromise on their beliefs. Meanwhile others start off sounding principled, saying they've had it with Trump and that he was responsible for what happened in Congress, and end up going grovelling to Ma-ra Lago, bleating that they can't win without him. That kind of moral cowardice shouldn't be forgotten, but some people are obviously quite forgiving of the shortcomings of politicians on "their" side.
I said this before, and Jeff Flake said the same thing a couple of days ago: Voting Cheney out won't get the GOP a single new voter, but it will make them lose voters.
And I'm fine with that.
Great analogy, Einstein.
I can't understand why anyone still supports this insufferable half-wit.
Liz Cheney is one helluva woman! The lady’s got balls.
“The lady’s got balls!” . . . Bon Scott
Earth to Kevin - the guy you went groveling to in late Jan after blaming him for the insurrection? He put this on his blog just two days ago...
*In a statement as recently as Tuesday, Trump referenced the "rigged and stolen" election. The day before, he called on Republicans to fight the election outcome, writing, "If a thief robs a jewelry store of all of its diamonds (the 2020 Presidential Election), the diamonds must be returned." On Friday, he referred to the election outcome as* "the greatest Fraud in the history of our Country!"
Kevin, you look like a fool...
Go get 'em. We enjoy the current GOP Civil War. Burn them to the ground.