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Growing number of Americans incorrectly call Obama Muslim


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—The Democratic Party is seen as friendly to religion by 26%, while 43% say the same about the Republicans. That’s a 9 percentage point drop for Republicans since 2008, and 12 points lower for Democrats.

—Fifty-two percent say churches should stay away from politics, a reversal of the slim majorities that supported churches’ political involvement from 1996 to 2006.

What would Jesus do?! The Democratic Party is now becoming more like New Yorker Republicans, and the Republicans smell like Likud :(

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Well, at least they're not up to the 70% mark yet, lest we forget that 70% pollled 2 years after 9/11 erronously believed Saddam Hussein to be personally implicated in the attacks.

The Fredumb of the press is to blame. And all those screaming right-wing radio nob-jockey's.

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Well, on youtube BHO admitted that he was Muslim. (Obama: "My Muslim Faith") The key question is, "So what?" Can he do the job as President, that's the real issue, or should be.

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For goodness sake! religion is a personal choice. Who cares anyway? I don't

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In other words, one in five Americans are just plain stupid. I am ashamed.

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I'd rather see a smart Muslim in the White House than a dumb Christian.

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It doesn't matter WHAT religion he is so long as he isn't trying to force others to adhere to it (like bush, with some of his policies). I just find it interesting that people are changing their minds about his religion, in line with the increasing dissatisfaction of his performance. Goes to show how fickle and downright stupid a lot of people are.

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For goodness sake! religion is a personal choice. Who cares anyway? I don't

Spot on. The only thing is, most of us didn't choose our religion - it was basically inherited. That is one of the million silly things about religion. As long as Obama keeps doing the job in the Oval Office - and he seems to be doing the business (in attempting to rectify years of disastrous Republican government) who cares which "God" he worships or doesn't.

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Religion is a way of vote-pandering in the US (I'm betting Obama's more than likely a non-believer) - yet another reason it should be excluded from politics completely and banished to the privacy of one's home or designated areas for the sects to congregate.

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3,003 randomly chosen adults" They might have called a few who proudly claimed him to be muslim for all we know. And, one shouldn't get so upset about it in either direction. There are logical reasons why some would think/mistake that he is Muslim.

they should do a better job at polling.

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Who says that these people are incorrect? Obama wouldn't be the first wolf in sheep's clothing.

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"they should do a better job at polling."

Aw c'mon, it has more to do with those polled than the pollsters, Skip.


"Who says that these people are incorrect? Obama wouldn't be the first wolf in sheep's clothing."

You'd have as much credibility claiming Obama was an extra-terrestrial!

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Whether he is Muslim r not, I do not know. I have trouble considering him to be a Christian, though. Do Americans really know anything about their Great Leader?

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I wonder if Rome was as embarrassing to watch during its decline as America has been? The economy is in tatters, they're in the process of losing a war in the "Graveyard of Empires", their overall level of educational attainment has dropped to among the lowest of all industrialized nations, yet what concerns them is the fear that the President might be a secret Muslim (He's not, but who cares?). Way to keep your eye on the ball guys. They must be laughing out loud in Beijing.

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I doubt they're allowed to laugh out loud in Beijin Irock. What Mark Twain said over 100 years ago is as true now as it was when he said it. "Democracy is the worst form of gov't....except for all the others."

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He's Christian? I suppose I'd guess that if I had to make a choice, but in reality I'd be part of the 43% who couldn't really say with any certainty. Religion just isn't important to me. Hopefully we'll get that 43% number higher in the future if more people simply don't care.

As for the 18% who think he is Muslim, I'm guessing a certain percentage of that is from people who want to make that claim whether they know it to be true or not. It's not uncommon to see radicals insist he really is Muslim. If they're polled I'm guessing they'll use their standard political answer to try to score points. I'm growing more and more skeptical of opinion polls seeing as some people try to be political commentators on everything instead of saying what they really feel.

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Boy does this make America look like morons. This would be a wonderful case study for psychology/sociology.

Even if he was Muslim, what would be wrong with that? I thought America was about freedom, right? I thought there was freedom of religion in America, right?

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I'd usually question as to if this story was true but... hey, America? Isn't the thing that makes America unique and interesting and such a great project in history is that you meet vulnerability not with this kind of terrorized anxiety, but instead by actually opening yourselves up? What a crazy bunch of wacos you're turning out to be, the lunatics truly are taking over the asylum! Stop before it's too late and become 'normal' again and not so (bi)polarized.

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Hilarious. The same folks that call Obama a muslim just by his name alone are most likely the same folks that insist he's not a US citizen. There are still nutjobs out there that insist on seeing his birth certificate as proof, when its already been shown who knows how many times. His father was muslim, and according to muslim ideals he was born muslim, but he's considered an apostate by muslims since he claims he believes in christianity. Well this has been going on well before the mosque contraversy so w/e will be will be.

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@Beezlebub. nice. i loled

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Meh. There are nutjobs in America. Who knew? A practicing Muslim will reveal themselves in their daily prayer sessions while facing Mecca. You'd think someone would have noticed something like that about Obama by now, ne?

This "poll" is highly suspicious, getting released right after Obama was force to comment on what should have been only a New York City government and zoning issue. The mosque isn't going to be built ON "Ground Zero" (a name, BTW, that I absolutely hate), just NEAR it. The ENTIRE island of Manhattan is "near" the site of the 9/11 attacks. Should they ban all Islamic activities in Manhattan? No. And they should let the mosque be built anywhere it is legally zoned to do so.

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Maybe radical muslum sympathizer, not muslum.


Who says that these people are incorrect? Obama wouldn't be the first wolf in sheep's clothing.

I agree...

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Well the republicans are working this one up. It's their only way of doing business. They are depressing. But I'm not surprised.

This is no different then george bush being the Son of Satan. < :-)

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Agreed adaydream. These are the Devil's own tactics of misdirection and lies.

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"Boy does this make America look like morons"

Amazing how all Americans correctly knew George W. Bush was not a Muslim. Must be something Obama Hussein Obama has done for so many to have this impression.

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Sorry, Barack Hussein Obama, LOL.

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"Must be something Obama Hussein Obama has done for so many to have this impression."

Something done by screaming right-wing pundits you mean....

Why am I not surprised you do not grasp this?

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"Something done by screaming right-wing pundits"

Heh, heh, yeah, that must be it, all the screaming right-wing pundits. I be graspin' it, Madverts, heh heh.

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"Who says that these people are incorrect? Obama wouldn't be the first wolf in sheep's clothing"

So going to church all his life was some sort of undercover job to fool everyone? Right

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"So going to church all his life was some sort of undercover job to fool everyone? Right"

He went to a church for 20 years, listening to a racist, America-hating preacher. Can you believe that?

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Even if he was Muslim, what would be wrong with that? I thought America was about freedom, right? I thought there was freedom of religion in America, right?

Actually, it would tell more about the character of Obama rather than reflect badly on Americans. We do have freedome of religion in America, and if Obama was an Muslim but keeps it hidden that just shows to some that he can't be trusted. If you could lie to the public about something that defines your beliefs and values such as your religious choice, then how can you expect the public to believe in you and your policy and decisions if you can't come clean about what you really believe in. THe argument of "if he told he would never get elected" still doesn't work in my opinion, since all that tells me that he is willing to compromise his beliefs just to get ahead. That is fine if a person wants to do that on a personal level and the outcomes only affects him. But if someone is responsible for the lives of 300 million persons, I would at least want them to be able to stand on principle on issues. I may not like his stand, but at least one would know where he is coming from.

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If Pres. Obama is a muslim, I guess that makes all those people (hello sarge) who tried to tie him to Rev. Wright wrong.

Can't have it both ways.


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" I be graspin' it, Madverts, heh heh."

I fail to see how you've grasped anything when you've claiming President Obama has done something to make the Americans polled in this article be that ignorant.

Like I said. No surprise.

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Taka313 said: Can't have it both ways.

You can if you are intellectually dishonest. These people have no integrity.

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"If Pres.Obama is a muslim, I guess that makes all those people ( hello sarge ) who tried to tie him to Rev. Wright wrong. Can't have it both ways. Taka"

I reckon Obama isn't a Muslim. If he is, he been lyin.' But he sure went to that church and listened to that racist, America-hating preacher Rev. Wright for a long time. What's up with that?

Next headline: Growing number of Americans realize what a disaster Obama is.

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Wright isn't any more racist than you and he does not hate America any more than you. You will NEVER realize that.

This whole thing is about stupid people with opinions giving politicians ideas, which in turn gives other stupid, selfish, greedy, unAmerican, and dishonest a bandwagon to ride in hopes of winning an election. The Devil's own.

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I'm less inclined to think this is outright stupidity (though there certainly is enough of that to go round) than willful ignorance. 1 in 5 believe he is a Muslim becasue they want to believe he is a Muslim; that way, they have that much more excuse to hate him.

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The same people(non-Muslim)who accuse Islam of hate preach their version of hate.

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The quicker each nation has leaders who don't believe in the supernatural, the better. I would hope Barrack is an atheist over anything else and THAT would be a giant leap for mankind.

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It's all the republicans have time to do. Attempting to discredit anyone who is not republican no matter how weak a rumor is. Sarge has no problem proving that point, since they can't get Obama for being a muslim, they tried to make him into a person that is not a natural born US citizen, when that didn't work they go back to his Rev. Wright and try to attach Wrights character to Obama to once again discredit him. Of course if that doesn't work then they go back to blaming Obama for the mess that GB.jr Administration left for the country to clean up. If that doesn't work they discredit Obama for not fixing it fast enough, or fixing it the wrong way since everyone knows that economic downturns can easily be turned around in a few months instead of years if not decades. sarcasm of course

Trust me no true blue muslim would fake being in another religion even if it were for al-taqiyya let alone congregate in a christian or judaic place of worship. Because they'd have to listen to the book and not enough time meditating on the qur'anic verses and it would cause their mind to wander away from and question Islam since some people still wrongly assume the 3 religions all believe in the exact same god.

Prez. Obama is president. I like some of the things he's doing and I don't like other things he's doing. I've never seen a president that can appeal to everyone on every single decision they make. Yes, he's put his foot in his mouth quite a few times and it may cost him any chance at a 2nd term if he wants it, but there were always a lot of presidents in the past that had low public opinion but the decisions they made accomplished great things in the future that took 10-20+ years to reap benefits.

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@paulinusa what do you mean (non-muslim)? There are only 2 types of people in the world, good people and bad people. By saying non-muslim you just automatically segregated the rest of society into those that believe in Islam and those that don't in spite of the fact there are more religions out there than just Islam. I'm sure you have a hard time debating your Islamic "hate" accusations with the humanist/athiest/agnostic/buddist/hindu/etc. ex-muslims that were born as muslims. Good luck trying to defend the intolerance of Islam there.

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Breakdown of the 18%

Growing number of people think he's a closet Muslim even though they know he's Christian. Totally clueless people who actually believe Americans do elect Muslim people as Presidents. Totally clueless people who given a choice, chose Muslim because of his name.
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So going to church all his life was some sort of undercover job to fool everyone? Right

Why not, I went for twelve years to fool my parents, until they stopped making me go and admitted that they really didn't believe much of that nonsense either.

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Same here Tigermoth. lol once I hit 13 I had enough of the church. My mother is still a devout christian, but I'm not disowned or fear persecution because I don't believe in christianity.

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@island: That is an awful post. Do you actually mean that? The quicker each nation has leaders who don't believe in the supernatural, the better. I would hope Barrack is an atheist over anything else and THAT would be a giant leap for mankind.

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There are only 2 types of people in the world, good people and bad people

if you give it a moments thought that's not quite true is it?

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americans are so funny

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When Obama dedicates the mosque near ground zero, then what will they think?

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Intuitively, I believe Pres. Obama is a secularist having no deep conviction for any religion other than going through the motions of a person of Christian faith. Nothing wrong with that as religious beliefs are a private matter and not necessarily requiring politicians to wear them on their sleeves. Many Americans tend to conclude that if you don't look American, you're a foreigner or not cut from the same cloth and the President with a Muslim name can only have them conclude that he is of Muslim.

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i love silly news about the US.

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In the end, this isn't a problem, it's the symptom of a larger problem; that Americans are myopic, intolerant, and easily mislead. The rightist American posters on this very forum are Exhibit A.

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I quite actively dislike Obama as president and I find this talk of his religion to be ridiculous. If he says he's a Christian, he's a Christian, and what is truly in his heart is no business of mine.

There are plenty of good reasons to dislike the guy without inventing one (see also: birthers).

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At core, all religions provide a path, if you will, to organize and focus one’s thinking and behavior, necessary tools for making one’s way in life. Traversing of such a path does require practice and discipline, not what most people want to hear. Want to lose 20 pounds in a week. Want to acquire discipline in one week. Folks, all the clever excuses will only steer you farther and farther away!

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Only republicans believe this. Or they know it's incorrect, but they like spreading the same lie. < :-)

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Only republicans believe this. Or they know it's incorrect, but they like spreading the same lie

Quiz time:

Obama's middle name is Hussein: True or false?

Obama went to muslim schools when he was a kid: True or false

In his interview on ABCs "This Week", Obama said, "my muslim faith": True or false?

Obama has described the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset": True or false?

Gee, why would anyone think he's a muslim?


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But even among his supporters, the number saying he is a Christian has fallen since 2009, with just 43% of blacks and 46% of Democrats saying he is Christian.

This is the real meat of this article. Obama and his handlers can't even get a majority of those who're willing to lap up his brand of kool-aid a mere two years ago to believe their "messiah" today.


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@LIBERTAS at 04:54 PM JST - 19th August

Well, on youtube BHO admitted that he was Muslim. (Obama: "My Muslim Faith") The key question is, "So what?" Can he do the job as President, that's the real issue, or should be.

I can't agree more on doing the job as President. However, please view the uncut video form ABC. That was a mistake. He corrected himself. There was so much 'u r a muzlim' going on during the campaign that I gather that he started believing it himself.

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*please view the uncut video form ABC. That was a mistake."

No true christian that I know of would ever had mistakenly said "My Muslim Faith"; especially on national TV when said person was running for the highest office in the land.


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Obama went to muslim schools when he was a kid: True or false

Another way of putting it would be: "Obama when to school in Indonesia while living there as a kid: True of False"

The information and the questions you posed simply suggests you are regurgitating someone else's anti-Obama propaganda.

For what it's worth, I also think the call to prayer is beautiful. I spent about a month in Turkey and really grew to love it. I can assure I am not a muslim.

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No true christian that I know of would ever had mistakenly said "My Muslim Faith"; especially on national TV when said person was running for the highest office in the land.

I have viewed the clip. He obviously intended to say Christian. I presume that Islam had been discussed at some point immediately prior to this.

Anyway, even as a Christian, is not worrying that the world's most powerful man actively believes in a fairy tale?

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Romeo Ramen:

" Quiz time: Obama's middle name is Hussein: True or false? "

Just to nitpick: The middle name is BARACK Hussein. And Barack (which I am sure our pundits around here know...) was the name of Mohammeds horse.

Anyway, the article is misleading. There is nothing "incorrect" about calling Obama muslim, it is simply a question of the perspective. From the islamic perspective, OF COURSE he is muslim. It is simply a matter of shariah law. Amazingly, many people who comment about it don´t have the faintest idea about Sharia.

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The Obama's problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name. It's obvious that Obama has renounced the prophet Mohammed, and he has renounced Islam, and he has accepted Jesus Christ. That's what he says he has done.

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" It's obvious that Obama has renounced the prophet Mohammed, and he has renounced Islam, and he has accepted Jesus Christ. "

Can you point to any reference where he has "renounced the prophet Mohammed"? Thanks!

Of course, if he has done that, that makes him an apostate from the islamic viewpoint, which means under Shariah he should be punished with death. As you probably know, there is no such thing as an ex-muslim in islamic teaching. There are muslims, and there are apostates.

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I have no idea what "religion" Obama is. I know he has Marxist tendencies, and I know that he says he is a "Christian." I would love to know what his definition of a Christian is. Somehow, I dont think it is the same as the Bible@s definition. I know that he goes out of his way to denegrade America to the Muslim world, and he talks nonsense about Islam`s "!contribution" to the United States. I dont trust him, and I beleive thye sooner he vaxates the White House, the better for America and the World.

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