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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.Gunman kills 9 people in South Carolina church
CHARLESTON, South Carolina©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Where did he get the gun??????
Steve Crichton
South Carolina. Lethal injection in 35 years time. You will see.
...he probably just bought it at Wal-Mart or somewhere similar?
America's gun society makes the unfathomable unfortunately quite fathomable: Reach down, and there it is: Guns.
The US's second Civil War continues, easily more killed in the US annually than the US militaries casualties in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.
I can already predict what some will be saying... "if only the priest had kept a revolver inside a hollowed out bible or an AK-47 behind the pulpit".
Frederic Bastiat
Why not let the authorities investigate the crime a bit before jumping to conclusions. It's a heinous crime by any definition.
This is one person whose hatred overwhelmed him to the point of taking the lives of innocents ... not representative of our society at large. Wildly permissive gun laws passed and signed by gutless politicians.
Gun shots seem like car accidents in America!
Racial tensions, easy access to guns, and mental health issues. America in a nutshell.
Guys, this isn't about guns or about race -- the guy could just have easily killed as many people with a bag of peanutes or a book of sudoku, so long as he had the will. And... it being an African-American church targeted by a white guy? SURELY just a coincidence!
kwatt: "Gun shots seem like car accidents in America!"
Sadly, far, FAR more common.
Nine more victims who sacrificed their lives for our guns.
Yet again. May the victims rest in peace, and their loved ones comforted.
A mental case, must be. Probably never get executed because of it.
Well, another day in the USA. Guns make it so easy.
Hide Suzuki
A weekly mass murder continues in America and this will not change anything
Terrible shame! Sensless evil crime. The shooter will likely be found by self inflicted wound. The cowards way out.
Is this going to be Rodney King all over again?
Danny Bloom
R.i.p., America. This heinous crime is the nail in coffin. Cnn just released cctv phtot of the guy. Good looking blonde guy driving fancy black sedan. Could a race war ensue?
Michael Craig
A crime against both humanity and God!
Cue the steel phallus fetishist denouncing the deranged...
I wonder why he could have felt he had been treated so bad by blacks to feel he had to do this??? Maybe he or his family was caught in some of the recent black riots and wanted some retrubtion. Hope we learn more!
'The cowards way out.'
I've got nearly as much disdain for the cowardly politicians who don't have the guts to stand up to those who make fortunes by making these filthy devices so easy to obtain.
Because of this and the Charleston police murder, a protest and riot may ensue.
Last year, 6309 African Americans were killed by other African Americans. That is about 17 murders per day. Only a few real people bring this to peoples' attention. Most others just sweep it under the carpet and focus on what the media feeds them. Riots and race tension brings fear and people tune into the news to watch every move.
A white gunman
He looks more Mediterranean skinned or olive-toned to me, maybe mixed race. Definitely not what we normally think of as 'white.'
Wow. Lots gun haters in the thread. What everyone doesn't realize is the the 2nd amendment of the constitution is almost as old as the constitution itself. The 2nd says, "the right to bear arms". It's basically what won american independence, saved the union from the confederacy and won the western frontier all the way to the pacific.
I love my 92FS Beretta, Remington 870 and AR-15. I would never go out and kill anyone tho.
'Lots gun haters in the thread.'
Disliking things which are designed to kill people seems to be an indication of a healthy mind to me. Loving these things is perverted.
More like designed to protect life and property. Too bad, guns, fall into the wrong hands. People kill people and their malice aforethought is merely transferred by use of a gun. Guns don't kill. People kill.
I love my guns because if "others" know that I am armed, then I'm less likely to be screwed with. Lots of americans have obtained CCW Licenses, allowing them to "Carry Concealed Weapons" (in this case a firearm). So there is nothing perverted at all for law abiding americans to admire their guns and the lawful privilege to carry them in public when they get a CCW.
People with guns can and do kill more.
The perverted logic that comes from living in a land peopled by gun freaks and thinking it's normal. Everyone knows I and others around me are all unarmed, and no one screws with us, or shoots us, or even raises their voices to us. American gun-lovers seem to be telling us it's not guns that are the problem, it's Americans.
We're better than China. What a sad claim to fame that is.
You said, "we're better than China" not me. I'm just saying there are opportunities and the cities are melting pots. So of course tensions are there.
True. But for the most part, not law abiding americans who obtained both firearms/ CCW's lawfully.
'More like designed to protect life and property. Too bad, guns, fall into the wrong hands. People kill people and their malice aforethought is merely transferred by use of a gun. Guns don't kill. People kill.'
Guns are designed to kill living things more efficiently. That's why soldiers are carrying guns rather than broken bottles, sharp stones, axes, baseball bats or chair legs. That's why this individual didn't charge in to the church armed with a potato peeler or a wok.
He could've used a knife too. What's your point? Outlaw guns? Not gonna happen.
'He could've used a knife too. What's your point?'
A knife is a less efficient means of killing a large number of people. That's why soldiers in battle carry assault weapons rather than knives. That's also why you slept with a firearm rather than a butter knife to be ready for when the crap hit the fan.
'Outlaw guns? Not gonna happen'
Certainly not while a culture which glorifies and inspires love of these appalling things still has a stranglehold and makes lucid, commonsensical points unpatriotic or an attack on freedom. I'm an optimist. The amoral people who peddle these things under the cloak of the second amendment could one day be exposed as people lower than heroin dealers.
I don't like reading this kind of news. My friend lost a daughter back at the Virginia Tech gunman massacre. Not all gun owning americans are savages like the AP news portrays.
The root cause of this incident may lie in the media attention to police handling of criminals lately. The president and the former attorney general should share some shame with racial comments and support following the media's inaccuracies. And to top it off....Rev. Al Sharpton. Since Trayvon Martin was killed their has been increasing racial tension supported by our leader.
This scumbag sounds like a loner white racist. Sitting in his room at home with growing hatred as he watched news media cover the recent violent protests which were supported I must add.
LoL, cause they're in a real battle.
9 people ain't a large #. (Unfortunately sad that there were 9 victims nevertheless). But rather hundreds or thousands are large #'s when "You" mention assault weapons.
So true. But it depends who they peddle the guns to. Submit a background check, CLETS / NCIS, livescan fingerprint to FBI, pay all the fees, wait 10 days . . Then the gun is legally & lawfully yours. Heroin sucks.
Vernie Jefferies
My heart goes out to the family friends of the victims of the senseless tragedy. This happened in my home state of South Carolina, and we lost a great spiritual leader and State Senator, Mr. Pinckney. My daughter goes to school there, and I can't imagine myself if something bad happens to her while I am in Japan (scares me to death to even think about it). But Charleston is descent, caring, and strong community, and they will get through this selfish act of hatred. I am glad that they just caught him now, and hope they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
LoL . . . switzerland. A tiny alp country who remained neutral in WW2. Cause they were afraid of tyranny, Germany and their southern neighbors- Italy.
Wc....professing you love for guns in a thread where 9 people got shot shows a level of disconnect, if you ask me. You might want to take the cheerleading down a notch, although you obviously aren't required to.
Personally, I wonder what happened to a person when they are too afraid to leave their house without a loaded gun. You aren't born like that, so somewhere along the way you are fed a special type of paranoia that most people don't have. I think once you enter the gun culture it perpetuates this fear and you are forced to walk everywhere with the ability to instantly kill or else you won't go outside your door.
& I'm sick of all the anti-guns and US bashers on the thread.
Professing my admiration for the lawfull ownership of guns by responsible citizens makes sense in the thread. Since everyone and their mother are trying to discredit america in this thread.
I've already expressed my regret about the 9 victims.
See. There it is right there.
The white gunman targeting Black church-goers, killing several, is most likely mentally ill, and unrepresentative of society as a whole. A Muslim woman on a plane asking for an unopened can of coke is most likely a threat, since she could use the can as a weapon.
Vernie Jefferies
This gunman was arrested in March on drug charges. Mental problems? No. This kid was full of hate and he acted upon it. He is a full grown domestic terrorist. He said "I have to do it. You rape our women, and you’re taking over our country" recounted by one of the survivors.
He also posed for a Facebook photo wearing a black jacket adorned with the South African flag flown during the apartheid era and a second patch bearing the flag of Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Both patches are symbols of white supremacy groups.
Not normally symbols of white supremacy in this country, though, and combined with a Dutch sounding name I wonder if those flags of nations ruled by whites are the countries his parents identified with.
But you've already won. Hundreds of millions of guns are on the streets and we can't even get common sense safety laws passed with a majority of Americans approving. Shootings like this are a part of life in America and they will continue to be part of life in America. I'm sure you're a responsible gun owner, but what I'd most like to hear is honesty from gun supporters, which is saying what I just said: American will continue to have gun violence, especially against children, and that's just the way it is because we want to have our guns. The end.
"He looks more Mediterranean skinned or olive-toned to me, maybe mixed race. Definitely not what we normally think of as 'white.'"
He looks very Black to me!
Black Sabbath
Jim Jefferies - US Gun Control
If you haven't seen this, you are in for a treat.
"I'm sick of all the anti-guns and US bashers on the thread." - comments
The loss of nine people in Charleston doesn't bother the poster? The savage slaughter in a church doesn't bother the poster? The fact a deranged killer easily possesses a gun doesn't bother the poster?
Comments which criticize gun laws make the poster "sick"?
Clearly the audience has confirmation of one source of gun violence and slaughter in the States.
The greatest fans of gun slaughter as a 'freedom' cannot stand the comments made in a Japanese news source thousands of miles from his 'freedom' and love for his guns, (which he lists for some reason).
It might seem there is much in this horror show story from Charleston that may sicken.
How is it direct questioning of America's slaughterhouse gun laws is the cause of physical distress in an individual?
This seems one root of mad acts, valuing guns over human life and having no stomach for the discussion. This is the America the NRA has paid for to sell more guns. Nine human beings lie dead in Charleston and a flawed impermanent amendment is the professed cause. But, in fact, the cause is greed.
No, the problem as in this case is, the cowardly idiot that gunned these innocent worshippers down. Been over this a million time with you libs and Europeans. If you people don't understand it, fine. I just don't think it's Obama or the governments business to stick their nose into our lives and lecture us what we should or should not have. The laws will never change and the president can't do anything about it as well. The only thing he can do is ask each state to put stricter gun control on the legislative ballad box and if the people outright reject it, you not see a reduction on any guns in the public.
He recieved the gun from his father as a 21'st birthday present
^^ Damn that was a good video.
Just another Wednesday in America. Carry on.
This is an utterly meaningless fortune cookie statement that can be dragged out when convenient, then put away when it's not.
'The laws will never change and the president can't do anything about it as well.'
Triumphalism is a bit distasteful when people are being killed every day by these disgusting devices. There are decent people out there fighting hard to at least put sane controls on this ludicrous and sick state of affairs.
Oh bass, bass, bass. You say you disagree with me and then go on to produce a post that illustrates exactly what I'm saying.
this is not about guns. some of you totally mix the point here. you have no clue, yes blacks kill lots of blacks, not lots of whites or any other race for that matter. this guys just received his props by killing these people.
their religion has no power to stop this type of non-sense.