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© 2023 AFPHardliners on both sides threaten to sink deal averting U.S. debt deal
By Frankie TAGGART WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
i.e. terrorism
We don’t get everything we want, we nuke the world economy.
What nasty little schmucks these Freedom Caucus reps are.
There are no 'both sides'.
One side is funded by massive corporate sponsored Super PACs whose goals are to maximize benefits for their corporate masters and abuse the poor.
Biden will give into a large part of this and both sides will call it a victory.
The real winners-.01% corps
Losers- American people.
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, Fla., openly admitted on Tuesday that his party is approaching the issue as a "hostage" negotiation.
These are not worthy people.
The Freedom Caucus is a morally corrupt organisation.
But I have trust in Democrats providing the votes required to avert the catastrophe that the Freedom Caucus seems happy to impose on America.
Bob Fosse
“Chip Roy, a leading member of the hard-right Freedom Caucus and a member of the committee, called it a "turd sandwich."
But he’ll happily see homeless, veterans and the poor eating turd sandwiches while he keeps his job as professional turd.
You're starting to get it. No one can pinpoint the exact time, but they can take educated guesses.
I know you don't like that reality because it doesn't include one of your "look at how smart I am" conspiracy theories about vacations, but you'll just have to manage.
Desert Tortoise
Just a guess but I fully expect a last minute punt by the Repubes in the form of a hurried, harried vote on a one month extension of the debt limit. After that there will be blood on the floor as the Repubes try to boot Kevin McCarthy from the Speakership and fight among themselves to determine a new leader. Kevin McCarthy may prefer diving head first into the cold raging rapids of the Kern River than what awaits him in his own caucus. The rest of the nation is going to get the economic equivalent of a white water raft ride down that same raging river until the GOP can pull themselves together and figure out what they want and more importantly what they can achieve with the number of votes available to them in both houses.
Bass, May 28: "Obviously they will have to compromise on something. So yeah, I’m definitely good."
Have a good night.
If Kevin sinks his own deal? I must have really short circuited something in your brain by exposing your 180. Take a moment to regroup and start your response with "whatabout." You want to deflect here, not engage in weird, illogical statements.
See above. At this point a more believable post from you would be that someone hacked into your account and posted your flip-flop. Give it a try and we'll see how it goes.
Desert Tortoise
Of course if there is no extension Mr. Biden can claim the 14th Amendment authorized the Executive Branch to issue debt and take his chances with the courts while Congress devolves into an orgy of infighting. Like I said, those cold turbulent rapids I saw last weekend in the Kern River are starting to look kind of refreshing. It would be a quick death :/
BTW the GOP chose the wrong hostage. Their strategy is flawed because, the loons in the Freedom Caucus aside, most GOP representatives know that blowing up the economy not good for anyone, including themselves.
June 5th deadline, tick tock.
The right-wingers are the most dangerous threat to the US.
After one own-goal with the anti-abortion campaign already, causing a default on the debt would sink another nail into their electoral coffin. Don't Republicans ever get tired of winning?
Bob Fosse
Kevin McCarthy: It has historic reductions in spending, consequential reforms that will lift people out of poverty into the workforce, rein in government overreach. There are no new taxes, no new government programs.
The president wrote: “The agreement represents a compromise, which means not everyone gets what they want.” He added, “That’s the responsibility of governing.”
Desert Tortoise
Who says that is the case? The Federal Budget is a complex beast. Where I work our funding is indirect and our organization has money on hand to pay wages for a little while even if the debt limit is not raised. That is because we are on what is called a working capital fund where other Federal organizations pay us to do work for them out of their operating budgets. We operate to a degree like an independent business. The working capital fund sets its prices so over a rolling three year period there is no profit or loss. Other organizations do not have that padding. They are direct funded and if the Federal government cannot pay the bills they shut down. Contractors don't get paid either nor may the uniformed military.
The money to buy equipment for Ukraine was appropriated nearly a year ago and obligated. However the final invoices to the contractors supplying weapons are probably not paid so it depends on the good will of the contractors whether the weapons are supplied or not. Weapons taken out of existing US stockpiles are not affected. They were paid for long ago and would be available for transfer.
I hope that makes sense. Most Americans have no idea how public finance and the Federal budget work.
They’re going to whine and moan and go on tv. And then the majority of them are going to vote for it because there is no other deal. It’s this or Armageddon. And they get blamed for the latter. Can’t have the Freedumb boys reaping the consequences of their actions….
There you have it. They always say the quiet part out loud. It’s not about paying for the bills the US already has, not about fiscal responsibility, not about helping veterans, or defense. It never was. This is what the right has become, obstructionists who will destroy everything before them for a tiny, meaningless political ‘victory’.
True, and in reality we have always known that the nihilistic cult that the GQP has become was rooting for a default so that they would have SOMETHING to run on.
Now they are just in a desperate rearguard action to save face and to try to turn getting a good smack-down into some type of win.
(Passes the still smoking gun to the next rube) "Just pull the trigger! there's bound to be an empty chamber in there somewhere!"
It's just that dumb.
Pretty much as we expected....
Biden and McConnell cut a deal weeks ago, and told McCarthy they would help him with his "Crazy Cabal" when they mutiny....
So the deal is set and we are given two weeks of "Repub theater" where Kevin goes out and "huffs and puffs" about this and that...when the deal is already set...
Then when the deal is announced, we get the expected faux outrage from the far-right Kook Squad - who now have been cornered into a box - if they sink this deal they'll get the full blame for all the after-effects...
But most likely is the RINOs and Dems will come together to pass it - and the MAGA-maniacs get another loss...
Then when they rise up against McCarthy, Jeffries will allow the Dems to vote for McCarthy, giving the kooks another defeat...
Welcome to MAGA-losing...
Seriously these idiots want to destroy the reserve status of USD. Who wants to transact in a currency that gets held to ransom by fanatics on both sides of the fence every two years and unilaterally sanctions anyone they don't like...??
It's a lot like watching a gang of very spoiled children playing Russian roulette.
With a semi-automatic no less, lol.
It cleared the Rules Committee.
So much for Chip and his ilk.
This will pass with a majority of GQP votes and a majority of Democratic votes.
And like much to the Freedumb Caucus, lots of noise, all fluff.
And if the Freedum Caucus want to vote out McCarthy, I would imagine that some Dems will vote to keep him speaker. At that point the Freedum Caucus have lost their power over McCarthy.
This McCarthyism is worse than the original, and the first one was historically ridiculous.
The entire end goal of the GQP was to hand the Democrats a political defeat by default if necessary, so that they would have something, ANYTHING to run on.
Turns out, the non-insane members of the GQP including, at least in this case, The Hair realized that default was not a political winner and neither were their draconian cuts to the needy so that the GQP billionaires could keep their tax cut. And they blinked.
Sleepy Joe, the guy who supposedly cannot put two words together, takes the debt ceiling off the table until after the next election, takes government shutdowns off the table this autumn, locks in his infrastructure investment, keeps 70 billion in new IRS funding to catch tax cheats, and creates enough waivers to expand, not reduce aid to the needy.
In short, he kicked GQP butt and they know it.
Sorry QAnon,
Thanks Joe.
You're welcome, America.
So, deals that are endorsed by more Dems are better deals? Glad you're finally seeing the light.
I would imagine that there is a side deal in place to prevent any attempt to sabotage the deal. This is speculation, but so are machinations to undercut the deal.
I think that this is the deal and that it will pass after the insanity caucus has had their chance to whine and moan.
I am less certain that this is the death of The Hair's speakership as it is unclear who could get 218 to replace him. Perhaps Scalise Perhaps not.
And another 15-20 votes for the "Right" to heard a mob of kittens is not a good look for a cult trying desperately not to look like a cult.
The usual corporate shills work by obfuscation and ignorance.
The rentier, indepently wealthy, investor Republican mega donor pays a little for their conservative congressman and gets austerity for the workers ànd corporate welfare socialism for the rich and tax breaks
That is how it works natch.
Who was it that was bleating about "We hold the purse-strings!"?
If it doesn't pass, that is on the party holding the House, the GQP.
And it is not going to be all Democrats and only a few GQP sanity caucus members because I am pretty sure that the message has been passed, "You try to lay this all on us and we can't promise anything. You WILL own a deal you helped negotiate."
So, in the end, all the huffing and puffing about hostages and "We control the purse-strings" turned out to be just that, huffing and puffing.
A fart in a typhoon if you will.
And about as substantive as well.
Nope. This is up to Kevin McCarthy. He has to get the votes, whether they be GOP or Dem.
I would expect more than half a dozen GOP will vote for it. But I wouldn't be surprised to see som Dems vote for it too.
Well, you would probably guess that the NO votes are from Dems that don't like the bill.
You are totally correct. There is enough tax receipts to cover the debt. And yet there is this pesky law that doesn't allow treasury to make the payments unless congress pass a law to up an arbitrary limit.
First was the closed door negotiations to produce a deal Biden and McCarthy's spin doctors were willing to accept. Now it's the individual factions spin doctors trying to tweak the deal (or at least the conversation about the deal) in favor of their factions (in both the House and Senate)
And they're all shuffling deck chairs while the US steams full speed at not one, not two, but THREE icebergs (domestic revolts due to the ever widening and hardening inequalities that the American political system has been tweaked to protecting, financial crash due to the ever increasing debt and ever decreasing interest by other countries in sacrificing their population's interests to keep America dominant, and foreign revolts against American dominance.
Yeah it passed committee.
with all Democrats voting against their supposed “we are winning” deal.
The whole "debt default" mantra is total BS. Tax receipts are more than enough to cover interest payments on the debt. What needs cutting are the myriad useless programs and give aways (student debt relief?) that are in the budget. Debt ceiling continually being raised shows what a Ponzi the US public finances are.
And 14th Amendment is also a total red herring. My guess whatever happens the debt continues to go up somehow.
I am, but do I like it, I do not, but preferably I would see Kevin go much further.
No, in reality, context and clarification mean everything. But I appreciate the goodwill.
Seems it’s the Democrats who unanimously so far don’t want a deal.
what’s up with that?
so it would be their fault if a deal isn’t signed not Republicans. Imagine that.
nothing prevents every Dem from voting for this and it passes with a half dozen Repubs.
But why are Dems voting NO?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean I love the deal, but if Kevin sinks this, fine.
I can’t influence them to do anything.
No, but nice true
You think?
Kind of wrecked already
Might be better in the end at this point.
No, you didn’t, another gutter ball
You keep swinging and keep missing, love your tenacity though.
Wait…your posts are believable? I would suggest to you that for once think about the country and not focus on your progress ideology that’s not doing anyone good except for this WH, you’ll get there, just try it.
But why? They the ones blaming republicans for no deal and crying about all the horrific things that will supposedly happen.
So How can they vote against their “winning deal” now?
Maybe they didn’t win and actually lost in this deal and Biden gave away too much as they had feared?
It’s Biden’s deal, he and his negotiating team approved it.
Why are Democrats no longer listening to their leader and voting no? That’s a bad sign for his re-election chances.
Is this a good deal for the American people? If so why are only 80-100 Democrats expected to vote YES?
i was told we still have money for Ukraine after 5 June. so it must be ok even after that. Once we have no more money for Ukraine i will start to believe this is an actual problem.
So then June 5th would also be artificial.
which all democrats just voted against. Guess they don’t want to pay our bills now huh?
As soon as I heard Schumer is ok with this deal, means there are more wins to be had before this gets signed off on.
push until 75% of Dems hate the deal and until Biden has to announce he compromised. He is now smugly claiming he didn’t compromise anything. So add more until he does.
Well Biden has contingency plans for after June 5, right?
let’s see how it goes. “Governing” is hard.
They got paid later for not working.
So what’s better for the taxpayer?
work and get paid later or not work and get paid later?
Can you explain then how we have no more money for Americans after June 5 but we can still send money to Ukraine up to and even after that?
Yeah 25 year+ federal employee. Been through the shutdowns where feds don’t come to work but then get back pay later as if they worked.
None of them lose a thing. Teachers went on vacation to Thailand, contractors ran everything without pay, wasn’t a big deal at all.
Thanks for educating others, maybe they will listen to you.
No, your team claiming how you so obviously defeated the stupid Repubs! You didn’t compromise at all and Repubs didn’t get anything at all, nothing!
then why isn’t everyone on team Dem taking the win and voting Yes?
If all Dems vote for this, only need a dozen or less republicans. If it’s such a great deal for you, go for it!