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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Health experts decry Trump's shunning of virus rules
Can't fix stupid.
Derek Grebe
What an egregious abuse of a federal building this was. Using the People's House for a political propaganda parade of shameless Bizarro-world untruth, with a horde of maskless cultists jammed up together in the garden Melania just got through stripping of a century of history.
An utter disgrace.
but no one other than the hardest core Trump supporters believed the statement because Trump, most in his admin and most involved in his campaigns (see Roger Stone, Paul Manafort etal) have been 'alt news' spreaders and even convicted criminals.
The Trump admin have flip-flopped on so many statements related to the virus that most Americans have little if any understanding what Trump thinks today about how to deal with it. Most know tomorrow he'll tweet something different while playing golf at one of his properties on taxpayer's moneys.
Herd immunity is the only hope left for the US. Over 5000000 cases...
With 5 million cases, they’ve had 180,000 deaths.
To achieve herd immunity, assuming its possible, you would need about 200 million infections. At the current mortality rate, that would lead to more than 5 million dead.
Hope they come up with a better idea than that, though the current administration seems OK with that outcome.
Graham DeShazo
That was an event for which there will be hundreds of infections and multiple deaths. All to sooth Don’s ego.
And what’s wit the leaning while at the podium?
Love to know if the "health experts" are Blue or Red?
Dr Maybe
He's never been one to are about rules or the wellbeing of anyone but himself, and (possibly) most of his family, so it came as no surprise that he would organise the show that he did. And to give him some credit, he may be a moron but he does know how to stage a spectacle that pushes the desired buttons in his target audience.
The circular thing ("presidential seal", is it?) placed behind the head at just the right height to frame his head, for example, reminiscent of so many images of Jesus, guaranteed to get evangelicals coming in their panties. The countless flags with the eagles on top of the staffs (when in doubt, order another few dozen flags...100 might not be enough). Eerily reminiscent of those nights in Nuremberg in the 1930s. Melania in her faux military outfit. You just know her husband is dying to wear a uniform too. He wasn't going to be made to wear one to Vietnam obviously, but now that he can order others to do the shooting for him, he's probably spending the time between holes on his golf courses daydreaming about the design he'd like best.
Dr Maybe
*care about rules
Despite trump's speech was mostly lies, there was some honest coming from him!
Trump accidentally says the U.S. 'pioneered the fatality rate' — among other verbal slips
LOL..................Be Best!
I doubt that. The virus has various strains. It might become seasonal like the flu with or without the vaccine. This will be the new norm.
COVID-19 reinfection reported in Nevada patient, researchers say
Graham DeShazo
Trump Believers are the personification of stupid. In the face of facts, reason, science and the public good, they gather tightly distanced, no masks. All to worship a sociopath. Why don’t they play Russian Roulette with a semi-auto and do the rest of us a favor?
Hervé L'Eisa
I wonder what these "health experts" opinion on the march in DC by the Sharpton-organization is. No masks nor social distancing whatsoever.
Hervé L'Eisa
"Few in the audience wore masks when virtually all leading public health professionals, including the administration's, say face coverings play a big part in slowing virus transmission."
Hmmmm. Europe's leading health experts seem to have a different opinion.
Who should we believe? The current WH administration with history of lying lead by a criminal or the facts. It doesn't really matter if one day all the protocols were in place. It was four days total.
After the last major trump event, Herman Cain died of COVID-19. Later, trump's brother passed away of COVID-19. How many people will die from this super spreader RNC event and the Sturgis Bike Rally?
Audience members at Pence's Republican convention speech weren't tested for Covid-19 even though they mingled with the vice president and Trump
The rest were considered expendable.
Yep, but as long as you are marching against "systemic racism"- which is supposedly a public health emergency- the coronavirus risk becomes insignificant.
@Herve L Elisa
You are being quite dishonest, or you simply don't read! Both are bad qualities!
Remember when you said:
I am not sure how Danish health officials turned into Europe's leading health experts!
LOL! This is a very nice old article!
Dr Maybe
Love to know if the "health experts" are Blue or Red?
Health experts are health experts. They care about health... you know, keeping people healthy. Yes, they vote, but they believe in doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. It really is that simple. Some people still have a conscience.
Health expert very concerned about the White House event, March on Washington, all good. Worth the risk, the health expert says. Who is this "unbiased health expert"? See below.
Davidson, an emergency room physician as well as a 2018 Democratic congressional candidate (a fact that, as one critic pointed out, CNN did not disclose on-air), took a very different tone toward the March on Washington, where an estimated 50,000 people commemorated the 57th anniversary of the iconic "I Have a Dream" speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Most of the protesters walking around are wearing masks, while the The Sturgis Bike attendees, WH attendees, and Kyle, the thug carrying an illegal AR across state lines killing people, did not wear a mask.
Which of the four groups are more likely to spread COVID-19 to their friends, family, and coworkers? When they raise the death tolls above 200,000 before November, which of those four groups will be complaining because lockdown measures are in place?
My guess is the people on the Right who are mostly responsible for its spread!
And freed, pardoned because they weren't except for Manafort.
As did Fauci Cuomo and other Democrat leaders.
Bob Fosse
I’d like to think of them as health experts. You choose your doctor based on his political preferences?
Dr Maybe
I can understand why you would say that. But the marchers have a pressing need to do something. Blacks ARE being shot by police on a regular basis. They DO have a reason to feel severely pissed off at being targeted by police. They can't sit back and do nothing until the pandemic is over. This could last a year or more yet. Most of the marchers at least wore masks. The RNC attendees mostly didn't.
As stated in the article:
"Few in the audience wore masks when virtually all leading public health professionals, including the administration's, say face coverings play a big part in slowing virus transmission."
What a shambles - the RNC Convention was an absolute disaster....
Might as well have called it the Trump Parade of Felons and Sycophants...
Each Trump kid goes up there to try to prove their Trump's favorite offspring - and looks ridiculous in the process. Only Barron had the good sense to decline....
Then Don Jr's girlfriend goes out and auditions for most unhinged rant of the year...
And Crazy Rudy gives us yet another example of his deep dive into dementia...
Pence shows he can bend over farther than Simone Biles...
And Donald finishes it up with a one hour and ten minute "leaning speech" full of lies and disinformation...
All the while the crowd sits together with no masks doing their best to infect one another...
Yes Repubs, this is what your pact with the Devil in 2016 has brought you to...
We have met the enemy and it is us.
When did Fauci become a Democratic Leader? When you call people out of their name, the moderators say nothing.
So now we can call you dishonestly? And call trump Dawn?
And in other news Trump stumbles and nearly falls walking up to the podium at his COVID rally today...
He's not going to make it until Nov. No wonder Nikki Haley was at the convention...
Wonder what it will be - Pence/Haley or Haley/Pence....
My money is on the latter...
But maybe we'll get a surprise - may it will be Pence/Falwell Jr....
When the left propped him up and made him one.
Toasted Heretic
Why do the far right get away with making stuff up all the time?
Dr Maybe
Rubbish. The New York Post? Breitbart? Get serious.
Strange how the article you refer do doesn't supply the supposed "video" in question. You just choose to believe it because you like the sound of it.
Oh, if that were true. Fauci is the Dems Czar, follow him or suffer the consequences.
Of course liberals do that's why they're ok and silent on these thugs, but when it's someone defending their property, they are pointed out as being racists for doing so, they are the aggressors for not allowing the mob to destroy their properties and businesses.
Toasted Heretic
I tend to follow science, rather than cult leaders. But feel free to ditch your mask, stop washing your hands and don't observe social distancing. Just stay away from the rest of us, there's a good lad.
Not being a liberal, I wouldn't know. Just amused how on one thread you're claiming that BLM is radical and on another that the likes of Malcolm X wasn't. LOL.
Thugs is far right code for the Agatha Christie word that why people are so sad to see go. But you know that.
Rioting is a legitimate form of protest against armed thugs and militia (in uniform or otherwise) who teargass, shoot, murder and clear protesters so the cult leader can pose outside (oh, the irony) a church.