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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Hong Kong police fire volleys of tear gas at protesters
By ZEN SOO HONG KONG©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Unfortunately China has let the world in the know very clearly in the last 2 days what their intentions with Hong Kong are. China promised that the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong would be allowed certain freedoms for 50 years (until 2047). In 1997 I remember many Hong Kong citizens left; many went to the U.S. and Canada and the ones I met said they did not trust Mainland China. We can now see the people I met were correct and China is not keeping its promise. It is one reason I do not trust China on matters related to Covid-19 as well.
Ridiculing those desperate cries of freedom coming from those brave HK citizens, standing up to big bully China, is not a nice reflection on you. This is literally the fight of their lives and people of the free world have a duty to help in any way they can.
At least we know which side you are on.
Black Sabbath
And they are right. The deal is One County, Two Systems. And Beijing is working steadily to end that.
If you like the idea of a China that can throw it's weight around like the US does, then I suppose Beijing's program doesn't disturb you.
If you prefer the status quo, say, if you are from Taiwan, or Singapore. Or Australia. Well, then, well, you may want to support those kid holding those signs in that picture.
Hong Kong police are simply paid puppets of Communist China, as is the government of HK. Hit them hard with everything at your disposal, freedom-loving Hong Kongers, because they sure as hell will be firing at you even if you're unarmed.
Liberate Hong Kong! Stand with Hong Kong!
It's so sad to see Beijing pit Hongkongers against other Hongkongers.
Lam is a total traitor to her own people. Change has to come from within (the mainland). The West got over 1989 pretty quick.
robert maes
We can all help HK by not buying ANYTHING anymore, “ made in China”. And, yes.that can be done. Japanese companies can help by retrieving production to Japan or move it to other countries. China needs the money, Xi needs to keep the economy going to stay in control.
I have not bought anything made in China for years, with some exceptions when there really was no choice. I sadly must admit that but I make a very concentrated effort not too.
We must stop China now. The UK is very silent but they should make up for their shameful decision not to grant HK people a right of abode in 1997.
we can not simply tell the HK citizens we stand with them as it is them fighting in the streets.
China must be stopped now are all of us in Asia and maybe further will find ourselves under the soles of XI.
Black Sabbath
Stand with Hong Kong!
Yes, so long as we stand 6ft/2m apart....
There are many things. Boycott China and all Chinese goods. If you live in a democracy, put as much pressure on ALL parties to act against this outrage, or lose your vote. Support asylum for HK political prisoners. Speak to HK citizens and ask how outsiders can support them. There are likely hundreds of ways.
If you sit on your hands, that's your right, but remember : if democracies do nothing and turn the other way as Communist China tramples the rights of millions - who will they come for next?
Well i'm glad things are going back to normal in China (this is sarcasm, in case some people take this seriously)
And in case you are wondering what is next;
The situation with Taiwan will be much more complex with Hong Kong.
I wonder how far North and East China will attempt to expand.
China is trying to make the most of this opportunity while most of the international media is focused on the pandemic.
Yep. With the CCP in increasing in trouble, expect more saber rattling. This could end very badly.
Charles Smith
So China thinks HK already belongs to them...strength to the protesters
I remember reading in a San Francisco paper back in 1987 that many people were already leaving HK for Japan, SK, Australia, NZ, US, UK. It increased during the next 10 years. In college I ate in a terrific restaurant the owner named 'Hong Kong City' and he changed the name immediately after the HK takeover. And the CCP has been finding excuses little x little to subvert and violate the agreement. And now the true intentions are clear. Tear gas today, what's next tomorrow?
Economic sanctions against South Africa were used by the United Nations to finally end the apartheid regime there, as well to punish Libya for the terrorism committed by Moammar Qaddafy. the sanctions took time but they created some good results. I propose the same for the PRC, to make them stop this oppressive crap. That would teach the CCP a lesson.
Hong Kongers, fight and RESIST!!!!!
This was inevitable when the handover took place. It’s really sad but China is a Socialist one party state and there isn’t anything anyone can do other than economic sanctions. Since China is the manufacturing hub of the world now that is just shooting yourself in the foot. Never should have let them in the World Trade Organization. That’s on Bush I and Bill Clinton.
Personally I think this whole COVID19/WHO issue has shown that if Taiwan did want to declare sovereignty the entire world would support them, and military action to "take" Taiwan becomes far too risky. In contrast, Hong Kong is far easier to clamp down on and ensure that it does not "escape", and that is what we are seeing.
Of course this is the CCP we are talking about so they may be well prepared to take Hong Kong and Taiwan by military force, foreign powers be dammed.
Hong Kong has had it. Ever since 97 the writing has been on the wall, the sad thing is, that they're trapped and can't get out. China doesn't care about the International World - they will do whatever they can to quash dissent, even if that costs them a place at the International table, they care more about keeping the CCP afloat.
One of the recent warning signs from within China, is that you can no longer get a passport renewed for foreign travel - it's not a temporary suspension, but indefinite.
I can see the KFC sign behind them that I so dearly love (and the colonel, rest his soul) and defending that great institution and culinary style. Anyway I think that this province should be able to become their own entity. Same as the Basque region of the Iberian peninsula.
I agree with you, but the communist nation has something the other countries didn’t have and that’s economic might. I deeply feel for the people of HK and I don’t think they should give in, but at this point it’s futile. Just look what the CCP has done t9 their Uighur population, their mosques wiped out, children sent to re-education camps, forced cultural indoctrination, parents kicked out of their native country and many will never see their kids again, based on that what can the people of HK do in all seriousness? If the entire world can unite and completely boycott China then there might be a very good chance the CCP would step back, but other than that, I think sadly this is it for the people of HK, so if it were me, I’d back my stuff and get out while I still can.
I love these brave protestors, DOWN WITH THE CCP!!!
With the sackless, dictator loving moron in the whitehouse right now coupled with Covid, China clearly have a window of opportunity to enlarge their dictatorship, the loot evident.
Boycott China. I've been trying to do bit for years. All the poor quality stuff they make sucks turd anyway.
Bjorn Tomention
Tear Gas or FEAR GAS?
Charles Smith:
That has actually been the consistant CCP position. However, at the time of handover they did make a written promise to respect HK's independent system for 50 years.
Now we see what written promises from the CCP are worth.
It can happen. Apartheid finally ended in South Africa on May 10, 1994. And Moammar Qaddafy paid the survivors of his shenanigans during the 00s and UN sanctions were lifted. However it took the Libyan public with NATO help to get rid of that terror-mongering Macbeth for good.
Still, it can happen for HK or at least it's worth a try.
Socialist doing what Socialists do. Controlling the riff-raff.
The CCP does not care for anything else, other than it's own survivability.
It does not need the rest of the World to Survive - they've blatantly used the period of time they have had with International acceptance, to "steal" what they could, in anticipation of this forthcoming isolation, and at the same time supporting the Globalisation trend by under-cutting even their neighbouring cheap labour Countries, in order to cause a Strategic dependency issue for major Countries upon itself - which the end result would be - it hoped, would give it Leverage to demand anything it wished... which is EXACTLY, what we are seeing playing out in recent months.
Right now, they are in the classic Bullying stages of telling Countries "Do as we say, or otherwise"... but as all Schoolyard Bullies end up, they will be isolated...
But, the point here is, they, do not care one bit about that. They have been preparing for this all along! It should be clearly obvious, when you stand back and take a hollistic view upon their actions of past and present. China - the CCP, no longer needs the International Community - they for some time prove that "We" needed them more, and now, they will be happy to see ties cut.... the only problem to that, to-date, has been Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Hong Kong has been a thorn in the side from the "inside" since '97.... Taiwan, is going to be a Military take-over when they are ready. However now, with Covid-19 (one has to wonder if released on purpose in order to achieve their goals), we are seeing HK being quashed - this will happen within the next few weeks/months. Then, maybe after period of quietness, before they take action towards Taiwan, and complete their initial goals.
After they have done that, who knows what next.
One only has to look back at Hitler's Germany. Had they had the Biological technology back then, that China now has, do you think that they'd have used it to start with to stofen up any resistance ?
It would be interesting to see an objective Modern day Scientific comparison between China's CCP and Hitler's Nazi party.
If you disagree, then perhaps it's time for you to Learn Chinese Mandarin and the CCP's National Anthem.
Except from secessionist I believe that most countries and especially Hong Kong would support laws against -subversive activity-foreign interference- terrorism. As for foreign interference I think America is well versed on this subject, although it cries wolf when countries try to interfere in US politics.
Pretty much over for them, end of story.
I’m on HK’s side, sport.
I just want to know what you mean by ‘stand with them’. You described ‘Abe-san’, ‘Aso-sensei’, President Trump and ‘Michael Pence’ as the the envy of the world and the greatest leaders in the world. They don’t seem to be standing with the HK citizens. What are the lesser leaders of the world and regular people supposed to do? I’m genuinely interested.
What do you mean by ‘stand with Hong Kong’? Do you mean post ‘stand with Hong Kong’ here?
I don't care about the CCP but these protester thugs are not anything I support either.
Who do you want to stand with them? Envy of the world ‘Abe-san’, ‘Aso-sensei’, Trump and ‘Michael Pence’?
They don’t seem to be standing with them at the moment.
Are you going to ‘stand with them’, whatever that means?