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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.House Democrats keep Pelosi as their leader
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Looks like the Republicans have another thing to be thankful.
" Leaders need to pay when mistakes are made in high places."
Heh, from a bush supporter. That's funnier than Tina Fey.
Roll on 2012.
The biggest story of the week (WH desperate to hide from the public) is that the Obama admin has quietly issued a whopping 111 (one hundred and eleven) 'waivers' to various unions and, in true corporatist-fascist style, to favored businesses, allowing them out of ObamaCare. They have essentially admitted the 2000 page bill they forced on the American public is a colossal blunder, of unprecedented scale. And now they are scrambling to placate voter groups. Pelosi should be leader. The more visibility the better. Leaders need to pay when mistakes are made in high places.
Ahhh, but lefties attack the tea party movement for sticking to principles regardless of party. They voted out problem Repubs as well as a huge number of Demos.
Democrats were punished severely this election" Yeah, but remember, repubs were severely punished just a few years ago too... Ever hear the song "Circles, Go round in Circles"?
Nothing is ever going to change until people start thinking about pushing both dems and repubs out of the picture.
you should read her book! 27 other people have.
What does she actually do?
adaydream - make a logical point. Democrats were punished severely this election. Keeping Pelosi just shows how out of touch they are with America.
zdaydream -
You aren't even making sense. take a breath, relax, then think about your responses before you shoot out the elementary school level "I know you are but what am I" response.
The shellacking.
Sounds about as convincing as Richard Nixon:
" We did not lose because of me ! "
"you'll have to pass it to find out what's in it" I lost all respect when I heard that.
To be fair, it is very conceivable things could turn around just as fast. There are some tough choices that have to be made. Choices that the Dems put off in favor of hurting America. Unpopular things that no one wants to deal with, but which must be dealt with. Its not just Europe thats got to deal with the social welfare stuff. Entitlement spending must be cut. Social Security must be reworked. There really is no alternative. And whoever it is that finally has the courage to do what has to be done, is going to pay for it in the following election.
Heh, nowhere close. Boehner is a nobody. Pelosi is the face of the out of touch liberal elites. Of course, look for the media spin to be completely anti-Boehner. They already started trying that before the election, though it flopped as so many Dem ideas do. Still over the next 2 years, that will be the Dem mantra. We'll see how many people the Dems can sucker into believing it.
This is like drinking a slurppy too fast and getting brain freeze...then when the pain stops, you start drinking it again...
Pelosi ... by the way was a great leader.
Now, that's a real knee slapper of a statement. How many 60-plus democrat seats were lost in the House? Yeah, she's a real leader.
House Democrats keep Pelosi as their leader
Proving that the dems still don't get it. This is a great day ... for republicans.
I b et the republicans are just as excited about Pelosi as much as the democrats are excited about Boehner. < :-)
43 defections from within her own party. Christmas has come early for Republicans, Independents and other patriotic Americans who can't wait to see these clowns sent packing.
"In two years the angry (A)mericans will punish the (R)epublicans for failing"
But the Republicans will have a good excuse - they couldn't override Obama's vetoes, and the Democrats were still in charge of the Senate.
dream, dream, dream... LOL! Already you're trying to ignore/forget Americans punishing incompetent Dems just 2 weeks ago.
All I can say is LOL!!! I guess it was between her and Rangel, and she barely won.
The Democrat "leadership" really is out of touch with reality.
Successful? She's the daughter of a political family, and has been nothing but a political operative her entire adult life. She has never had a real job, had to make a payroll, etc.
Bright? She has a BA in political science from a snobby all girls university in (of course) Washington DC. That's all.
In short, she is the classic Washington insider, born into Democratic Party politics and comfortable spending her entire life there, not caring what happens in the real world.
she is the woman that republicans fear as she wiped them up over and over again in the last four years. She actually got things done which the republicans have no idea or will to actually do. She has more juevos than the whole republican leadership team combined and they know it.
The only woman they fear more is Hillary as she knows how to go for the regressives throats. Obama is just too nice to his enemies.
In two years the angry americans will punish the republicans for failing, as they always do. They are at heart simply no more than bush clones destined to screw up the country like bush did for eight years.
Tiresome woman, hasn't she done enough damage already?
I think it is a mistake to keep Pelosi as their leader but I could be wrong. I admit the Republicans have successfully demonized this very nice, bright and successful lady; who by the way was a great leader. Too many of the American people, I am afraid, have bought into the spurious lies that the Republicans have put forth.
There is nothing I would like more than to see her as Speaker of the House again but I doubt that will happen.
The Dems probably should have delayed the vote as Rep. Ryan suggested. The hasty vote for Pelosi for Minority Leader in the next Congress when the party will be significantly more Liberal - if that's even possible - does not do much for the party's image. The woman is so far removed from reality that she actually held a celebration right after her party suffered a huge loss at the polls and she lost her speakership. It just shows how much Liberals are in denial about the failure of their ideogy, economic policy, and about Pelosi's role in depressing the business environment. It's always difficult to beat an incumbent president but it shouldn't be too hard for Republicans to take the Senate in 2012.
And Republicans send fruit baskets and a thank you card to every single Dem who voted to keep her. Nothing better then having her being the face of your party. Well, unless you hope to win.