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Hundreds of fleeing families sleep on beaches and streets after Israel's strikes shake Beirut


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When does defense become offense?

it seems that this is now the case.

Again, the international community has called for a cease fire and after destroying Hezbollah members and Nasrallah’s death,

then the Israelis have surely gained their objective.

However, what the Israelis have yet to realise is that the violence being wrought on hundreds of thousands of innocent people will beget more of the same against them, in the future.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the UN General Debate


Don't, for one minute dare suggest the UN did not see this unfolding in front of there eyes.

Benjamin Netanyahu, has delivered the UN a brutal warning, an ultimatum in the harshest of language condemned the UN a "swamp of antisemitic bile".

Never has such an accusation been levelled at the United Nations.

The United State's will, no matter any fork tongued weaselly words from the Biden/Harris administration, back Israel by any means, militarily, logistically, land sea and air, until Israel is satisfied Hamas/Hezbollah is irradicated.


Because it simply in the US vested interests to do so

Iran could be next, if this war escalates to an all out regional end game.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Bibi is no different from the leader of the party of god,it will only bring retribution on the people of Israel,how many of you would like being surrounded by 100 of millions of radicalize Muslims and be overrun

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Israel a US backed and enabled monster killing with absolute impunity now.

How has history generally dealt with the unhinged?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

I hope everyone understands that this will just keep escalating. There will always be another front that needs "defending".

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It's rough sleeping on a beach though a lot better than staying in your home so that Hizbollah can turn you and your children into expendable human shields. Its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, was killed while in a Hezbollah headquarters located, that's right, underneath a residential complex.

"the violence being wrought on hundreds of thousands of innocent people will beget more of the same against them, in the future.

Israel's disproportionate force doctrine came about after all its neighbors on several occasions got together to surround the country with the intention of invading and destroying it. The idea is to make the consequences so awful for its enemies that they wouldn't dare do that again. It worked for the nation states. They no longer are interested in invading, with the exception of Iran, which is located too far away to launch a full-on ground invasion and is a recognized terrorist state anyway.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Sadly this is what happens when a non-state terror organization sets up a large private militia and interspersed its leadership and weapons in large population centers.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Through acts of terrorism Israel are ensuring Hezbollah exist for generations to come.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Through acts of terrorism Israel are ensuring Hezbollah exist for generations to come.

They can, but that will take a very long time, so that’s the positive news, the Israelis will have much needed breathing room to live peacefully for awhile, and they will be ready should the time calls for them to take action again

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

I feel bad that the Hezbollah terrorists and Lebanon's terrorist government put these people into this situation.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

the Israelis will have much needed breathing room to live peacefully for awhile,


6 ( +7 / -1 )

They can, but that will take a very long time, so that’s the positive news, the Israelis will have much needed breathing room to live peacefully for awhile, and they will be ready should the time calls for them to take action again

There is no positive news here. Stick to what you know instead of what you imagine.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The Zionists are out of control, these killings are NOT the work of Jews by any means, this is the work of the Zionist migrants who came to Palestine and still are for only one purpose and that is to establish the so called the great state of Israel.

Jews around the world are disgusted by what these war mongers are doing, Jews are now leaving Israel as they do not want anything to do with these war mongers and their crimes against humanity.

The Majority of Jews around the world do not approve nor support these criminals who hijacked their faith and cause.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

There is no positive news here. Stick to what you know

That is why I said what I said.

instead of what you imagine.

And speaking of this administration…

-10 ( +1 / -11 )


And in the end it’s Israel that ends up with the last laugh.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Israel has won a battle but have they won the war? Does Israel still intend a land invasion of Lebanon?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

instead of what you imagine.

And speaking of this administration…

Here we go.

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously at all.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

And in the end it’s Israel that ends up with the last laugh

The last laugh? Whats wrong with you?

Do you understand why any of these organizations exist?

Do you understand why they attack Israel?

So long as the occupation exists Israel will never be safe. An occupied people have the right to resistance, and it is human nature to resist oppression. End the occupation and Israelis can be safe.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The last laugh?


Whats wrong with you?


Do you understand why any of these “organizations exist? 

I do.”

Do you understand why they attack Israel? 

I do, but I also know they can’t win.

So long as the occupation exists Israel will never be safe.

You can’t occupy what was never yours.

An occupied people have the right to resistance, and it is human nature to resist oppression. End the occupation and Israelis can be safe.

Let’s see, Israel is still intact and 10 Hezbollah top leaders are eliminated and 2 more are next. How many top Israeli IDF leaders killed?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Here we go. 


And you wonder why no one takes you seriously at all.

I never, ever wonder that, EVER.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Yep, must be hard denying reality every MAGA day...ROFl...

If that were only even remotely true.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

The kids in Gaza, Lebanon, and Ukraine just need a place where they can Play and Sleep !! not much to ask for and the world can't even provide that.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Anyway, back on topic. Israel will stop eliminating these terrorists if they lay down their arms, but since they won’t. The ball is in their court. If these terrorists want to take this further, the IDF had no problem obliging them. So they need to seriously think what they want to do.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

US is complicit

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Israel will stop eliminating these terrorists if they lay down their arms, but since they won’t

Why would they stop whilst the occupation continues?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

how many of you would like being surrounded by 100 of millions of radicalize Muslims and be overrun

Israel has been surrounded by 100 million Arabs for decades, and has successfully repelled 11 different Arab nations that tried to invade the only democracy in the Middle East.

Good on Israel for taking the high road and trying to make peace with its multiple enemies.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Why would they stop whilst the occupation continues?

That’s on them, fight if they must, they will never remove the Israelis from their homeland

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

However, what the Israelis have yet to realise is that the violence being wrought on hundreds of thousands of innocent people will beget more of the same against them, in the future.

Israel is banking on protection from big brother.

Big brother for its part would like to demonstrate that if you align with him you too can do what you want.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What's really INCREDIBLE is how many Lebanese people are CHEERING for the death of Nasrallah. Lebanon is a very sectarian country (Sunni, Shia, Christian), but if you check out the reddit Lebanon page, you'll get a snapshot of how many Lebanese people are OVERJOYED at his death, because it gives them HOPE that they can rebuild Lebanon free from the influence of Iran (Nasrallah being good pals with Khamenei, and Hezbollah being a proxy of the IRGC). It's also UNSURPRISING to see that this comments section has the usual anti-Israel commenters. Although, I can only imagine that they are in MOURNING over the death of a beloved Islamist terrorist, so I'm surprised they had the ENERGY to post here.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Why would they stop whilst the occupation continues?

Lol Israel doesn't seem to very effective occupiers, considering they returned nearly the ENTIRE Sinai back to Egypt and REMOVED their own citizens from Gaza in 2005 to give the Gazan arabs a chance to build their own state (OOPS! They elected Hamas). Chabbawanga, it's a shame that your understanding of history extends as far as the average Tiktok video...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Jews around the world are disgusted by what these war mongers are doing, Jews are now leaving Israel as they do not want anything to do with these war mongers and their crimes against humanity.

Hardly, I'm a proud Jew and proud Zionist, and everyone I know supports the right of Israel to defend itself from Iranian-backed Islamist proxies who have the death of every man woman and child in Israel as a goal in their charter. One would have to be unbearably naive to feel otherwise.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


And what's more, Woody, not just Jews, but many of the beautiful Lebanese people themselves are CHEERING Israel onwards in their fight against Hezbollah (see Reddit Lebanon to get a sense, or watch the many youtube videos of Lebanese and also Iranian people cheering the dismemberment of Hezbollah). What's almost hysterical, is that it's people such as yourself who mourn the fading into history of organizations like Hezbollah. Try to put yourself into the shoes of the average Lebanese person, who has seen their BEAUTIFUL country ("the Paris of the Levant") torn apart by Islamists. What they want more than anything is to see Lebanon returned to its prior state, before the Islamists.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


When does defense become offense?

Sadly, when Hezbollah has been firing thousands of missiles into Israel for A YEAR, it's time for the poked bear to respond. If Israel had an alternative, rest assured they would implement it (and know, your likely suggestion of "Israel should just sit and take it" ain't the best idea.

Again, the international community has called for a cease fire and after destroying Hezbollah members and Nasrallah’s death,

Funny how the International community calls for cease fire EVERY time Israel defends itself. ONe might even suspect that they don't have Israel's interest at heart, hmmm?

However, what the Israelis have yet to realise is that the violence being wrought on hundreds of thousands of innocent people will beget more of the same against them, in the future.

It's surely a strange coincidence that Islamist Iranian-backed proxies beget more of the same again and again, given that the death of all Jews in Israel is their GOAL. I suppose your advise is to... just die? Unfortunately (for those like yourself), Jews, and Zionists would prefer NOT to die. We will therefore defend ourselves from the relentless onslaught of terrorism.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Israel a US backed and enabled monster killing with absolute impunity now.

Hezbollah, an Iranian backed and enabled Islamist death machine, intent on wiping every last man woman and child in Israel off the map. Hmmm... they should probably be stopped. GO IDF!!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


Through acts of terrorism Israel are ensuring Hezbollah exist for generations to come.

Lol, it's amazing how incorrect this statement is

Corrected: through preemptive strikes, Israel completely destroyed Hezbollah's chain of command, opening the door to a positive future in which Lebanon is FREE from the curse of an Iranian backed terrorist proxy for generations to come.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Israel is out to win this war that was started in Gaza and Hezbollah thought they'd be able to take the Israeli on since they'd be split.

Israel knows that to win a war, you have to make the enemy either choose not to fight any more or be unable to fight any more.

Hezbollah now how something more important to do than try to kill Israelis. I've heard they are famous for their social programs in Lebanon. They can use all those funds to help the people rather than buy weapons which will be used against Israel now. The choice has been made for them.

Hezbollah is a terror organization. Of course the US supports Israel in taking out as many terrorist as possible. It is common sense.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Through acts of terrorism Israel are ensuring Hezbollah exist for generations to come.

Lol, it's amazing how incorrect this statement is 

Do you really believe Hezbollah are finished?

Great. The IDF can stop and we definitely won’t hear anything more from Hezbollah again. Well done.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

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