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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Hungary says it is willing to take back some migrants from Austria
By PABLO GORONDI BUDAPEST, Hungary©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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the previously villified hungarian leader is now looking intelligent and prescient, oh heck - it was really just common sense - now that we see what many predicted is coming to pass in europe.
@Outrider Yeah
A drop in the ocean. To reverse Merkel massive 1-million-per-year influx, you would need mass deportations, not some symbolic individuals. And the fumbling and PC-addled Eurpean governments are not willing to do that. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is financing the building of Wahabi mosques in Germany at a furious clip.
Open borders was planned by the EU and UN so as to create a New World order. Everything has been done on purpose and each nation has politicians who are really globalists who arrange force through the elite dictators wishes.
It's good to see Austria and Hungary protecting the Germans from the actions of their idiot Chancellor Merkel, even though she won't thank them for it.