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© 2013 AFPIceland kills first fin whales in controversial hunt
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Whales are Full of Toxins but takes time for poisons to be seen. Keep eating whales and you will see the same effects as minamata disease.
The scandal first came to light in the 1950s, but it was not until more than 50 years later that the state fully recognized the extent of the problem.
Mercury poisoning affects the body’s immune system and the development of the brain and nervous system, posing the greatest risk to fetuses and infants. It's what I've been saying all along about Fukushima
Read the first comment at the bottom..... Hi Zichi ganbatte mate Robert
Mike O'Brien
So why did Sea Shepherd stop taking on whalers there since the whaling is still going on?
Sorry but there are two Interpol red notices and neither one is based on him skipping bail.
Sea Shepherd has 4 vessels. No need to be at two places at once.
Ihope2eatwhales, "I think only group who cares about distinction of "whaling" and "commercial whaling" is anti-whalers, for their propaganda purpose".
There are quite a few groups that care. The Japanese whalers and the ICR insist their whaling isn't commercial in order to justify their hunts. Aboriginal whalers care as they have justified their cultural claims to continue subsistence whaling but don't (shouldn't) sell the meat on the open market. The IWC cares as there's a moratorium on commercial whaling. And you do of course.
Maybe you mean to say some anti-whalers. This anti-whaler finds the Japanese but it's research excuse nothing but a pathetic, mealymouthed attempt to slide past the iwc moratorium on commercial whaling, but personally I want to see it all stopped.
And maybe you could concentrate on the topic at hand, instead of trying to insult anyone who disagrees with your empathy-challenged 'animals are just lumps of meat' stance.
Of course they don't. They're quite happy to have huge harpoons exploding inside their bodies and ripping their guts out so that they can be processed into dog food.
I think only group who cares about distinction of "whaling" and "commercial whaling" is anti-whalers, for their propaganda purpose. Such distinction can be attractive to appeal to the left-wing people who think to make money for providing service to others is a wrong thing.
Non-anti-whalers only care about distinction of sustainable whaling, and unsustainable whaling. We prefer the former, and against the latter.
As for the whales, they do not care at all, I am sure.
Finland? In the past the Finnish authorities have confiscated and a few years ago signed a protest against Iceland's commercial whaling. My country isn't involved in commercial whaling.
Iceland is a great country, now with whale meat is a greater country
Saw a few "Where is Watson and Sea Shepherd?" comments. First, Watson & Co. has in the past taken on whalers as far east as the English Channel. Second, that legal issue he faces came from a corrupt charge brought forth by a shark finning operator in the eastern Pacific. Third, that lead in turn to an Interpol "Red Note" based on him skipping German bail derived from the fishing boat issue. Fourth, and finally, it's hard to be in two different places at the same time.
Yes, "native Americans" do take a few whales off the coastal waters of Oregon and Washington and yes, the greenies have their panties in a wad over it.
@ swisstoni
I disagree, but as the moderators have asked us to stay on topic, I`ll leave it at that ..
"@ swiss toni
I asked you if you we're intimating the stated countries were whaling commercially. You provided an evasive answer
I replied that they were all whaling and that WDCS thinks Greenlands aboriginal whaling is commercial."
Your response was evasive, it's there in black and white. The link was described by you as incidental. The WDC does indeed believe some of the subsistence whaling meat ends up of being sold commercially. They're not the only ones to have reported that either. Sadly it reflects the level of corruption applied to trade in any endangered species, whale meat, rhino horn, elephant tusks and shark fin are all great examples. There's no need to thank me for pointing this out, like opposing whaling, it's my moral duty.
@ zichi
The import of whale meat from Non endangered regional fin whales from Iceland is legal under CITES - look it up. Hvalur will export their 2013 catch to Japan under CITES
From the IUCN (<>)
The Export by Iceland and Import by Japan of the legally hunted Fin whales by Hvalur is legal under the auspices of both the IWC and CITES - even the IUCN states this.
I suggest you stay on the topic of Hvalur and fin whales
Readers, please focus your comments on what is in the story. Posts that do not will be removed.
@ Zichi
Really? I work in three countries and pay taxes in all of them.
I don`t live in Norway, I am not Norwegian or Icelandic or come from a whaling country and I live in the EU thanks, so wrong again :)
You have yet to supply any substantiated links to your sources - so as far as I ( and I am sure others ) are concerned, your claims remain your unsubstantiated opinions. Do your research and provide sources.
The sunsidies went to the JFA & ICR as shown above - if they wish to give a for profit company contracts, then of course they will have to give them money - you claimed that the money went direct to Ks - which is untrue.
They are still paying taxes - you are ignoring this - the import and sale of Fin whale meat from Iceland contributes to reducing your tax burden via the taxes MS pay to Japan - the funding the JFA & ICR recieve from public funds is directly affected by the Seagooons interference - yet you remain silent on that increasing your tax burden .. where I come from, we call that hypocrisy - but be my guest.
Your claim that " The importing of whale meat from Iceland into Japan isn't just a straight forward kind of business transaction " has been proven wrong, bu feel free to keep digging ;)
Readers, please stop bickering.
@ swiss toni
I replied that they were all whaling and that WDCS thinks Greenlands aboriginal whaling is commercial.
I`ll do it again, read my answer to the OP again - I was asking him a question...
= I failed to respond how you wished me to respond to fit your agenda ...
What you suspect in your mind is your problem. It has nothing to do with reality - have a nice day
@ zichi
Are you suggesting that Misaka Shoji will not pay Corporation taxes? Facinating ...
Eyeonwarson, "How you interpret information placed at your disposal is of course, your choice - I made no claims - however it`s plain to see that grasping at straws is your strong point thankyou. So nice of you to tell me how I should be replying to your questions, facinating actually.."
I asked you if you we're intimating the stated countries were whaling commercially. You provided an evasive answer and then told me I should read more carefully. My question was reasonable and you failed to respond properly and i suspect your feigned indignation is all that's left having been caught out.
Zichi`s original posts :
KS however is a private for profit company, who also pay taxes.
It is as shown above.
So Y2.28 billion went to the JFA and ICR as subsidies - thanks for proving my point, it did`nt go as a subsidy to KS.
Nope, no sourced information that KS recieved a ¥2.5 billion grant yet .. ....
Source for this unsubstantiated claim please
Thankyou for confirming that his companies will Pay taxes in Japan, thus reducing your tax burden. I am still waiting for the complaints about Watson and his seagoons increasing your tax burden - if your taxes is your beef as it seems, then anything else is hypocritical.
Factually Incorrect as shown above.
I am happy that you discussed it - however, it does not change tthe fact the KS did not recieve direct subsidies from the reconstruction funds as you claimed. JFA and the ICR are completely different stories - your claim is I`m afraid, wrong.
Thankyou for confirming that JFA / ICR recieves the subsidies - and rents/ charters the boats from the tax paying for profit company KS.
Incidentally, Hvalur have taken another Fin whale, when it´s meat appears on your shelves in a few months or so, be sure to buy it and help reduce your taxes - every little bit helps :)
>Last year Kyodo Senpaku received a ¥2.5 billion grant, not loan which was paid out of funds destined for the Tohoku reconstruction.
The Fisheries Agency said it is channeling an additional Y2.28 billion, about $30 million, to support this year’s (2011-2012) whale hunting mission,....The funds are a part of the Y498.9 billion that was allotted for the agency in Japan’s Y12 trillion third extra budget, passed last month to cover additional costs for rebuilding the northeast region torn apart by the barreling tsunami.*
>the ICR charters the boats and pays for the program - not KS
The government takes the money from the people and gives it to the icr, the icr takes the money and gives it to ks to run the boats.
@ swiss toni
How you interpret information placed at your disposal is of course, your choice - I made no claims - however it`s plain to see that grasping at straws is your strong point thankyou. So nice of you to tell me how I should be replying to your questions, facinating actually..
Precisely - For profit - the vast majority of subsidies goes to the ICR so they can charter the ships from a for profit company. The facts are clear, despite disingenious attempts to paint them other wise. The Refit funding was a loan - which will be paid back :)
On the contrary, anything that Watson & clowns do that reduces possible income to KS ends up costing the Japanese taxpaer money and means that you pay more taxes, plain and simple - I`m not surprised that anti whalers deny this seeing as logic seems not to be their strong point.
@ zichi
Show us the source of this claim please, otherwise, it`s simply an unsubstaiated claim
Which goes to the ICR - the ICR charters the boats and pays for the program - not KS ... you seem to be having trouble understanding this.
Getting back to Hvalur and Icelandic whaling, once again, Misaka Shoji company pays taxes in Japan - be happy and buy fin whale meat from them - it reduces your taxes - as does Kyodo Senpaku when they make a profit.
Eyeonwarson, Kyodo Senpaku is a for profit organisation. It represents Japans remaining deep sea whaling industry. The money that has kept it afloat has been the funds for the JARPA programmes. Entirely taxpayer funded 'research' and distribution of the booty from the hunts. And recently more taxpayer funds wasted to refit the K.S. fleet.
You're being disengenuous to suggest Sea Shepherds activities may cause a greater deficit. K.S. ships and crews are chartered, they get paid their taxpayer funds even if they catch nothing while at sea. Of course, it's fair to say the crews might miss out on their 'bonus' free meat if they catch very little.
Eyeonwarson, " I did not claim they were commercial whaling". "Try reading again it helps with comprehension".
Right back at yer fella. The correct response to my question would have been, "No". Your response was "They are whaling", a clear attempt to derail the discussion.
@ zichi
Kyodo Senpaku is a for profit company - it has two ( now three ) main customers ). The ICR ( a non profit organisation ) and the Fisheries Agency.( JFA ) ( and now Misaka Shoji as well ) The Ships are chartered from Kyodo Senpaku by the ICR / JFA and Kyodo Senpaku handles the distribution of meat from the Permit hunts.
The ICR recieves subsidies from the JFA and the ICR conducts the research.
The only direct ( sort of ) subsidy that Kyodo Senpaku has recieved is when they applied for a loan of ¥2 billion to modernise /refit the Nisshin Maru - the loan was approved with the Japanese government paying 50 to 90% of the Companies operating Deficit for the next three years.
Which raises an interesting conundrum :)
If Kyodo Senpaku has a deficit in any of those three years, it will be in part due to the actions of that buffoon Watson and his clowns - so in fact, Watson will be costing the Japanese taxpayer money in that case.
I await with glee to see those who complain about Kyodo Senpaku show their righteous indignation against watson & co as they are costing the japanese taxpayer money - after all, thats your main complaint against Kyodo Senpaku isn`t it? that it comes from your taxes? :o)
Misaka Shoji company pays taxes in Japan - be happy and buy fin whale meat from them - it reduces your taxes
Article is about Iceland commercial whaling, not Japanese activity. Of course Japan's research activity is somewhat funded by taxpayer money, it is obvious. It is not the commercial whaling. It is the research whaling for public good. Money for it does not fall from the sky.
I do not wish it be so. We hope that Japan would be allowed to do the commercial whaling again, as soon as possible. It is already shown clearly that there are more than 500,000 minke whales in Antarctic ocean. Japan should be given the sustainable quota. Maybe soon, if it does not happen, Abe will have Japan quit IWC and create new IWC for non-anti-whaling countries.
It is quite big investment. I suppose he would not invest such money if he did not have better understanding of marketplace than the crazy anti-whalers, who invest nothing.
@ swiss toni
you wrote
I did not claim they were commercial whalig - I stated they were whaling ( albeit WDCS claims Greenland is commercial whaling )
Try reading again - it helps with comprehension :)
Eyeonwarson, "They are all whaling ."
They conduct aboriginal whaling, it's well recognised the commercial trade in aboriginal whale meat is illegal. Any more diversions?
It is a fact that Japan's whaling industry receives subsidies from Japan's taxpayers, despite all attempts to spin otherwise.
@ yabits
This is a statement by zichi above ... it´s his opinion, nothing more...
My reply to him being :
*Business 101 - when you have a monopoly, you can pretty much charge what you like. When a second player comes into the market, they`ll undercut the monopoly = sell cheaper.
This isnt rocket science - its simple business ...*
Icelandic whale meat is not subsidised by japenese taxpayers - its exported to Japan by Hvalur, in Japan its distributed through a japanese holding / import company, Misaka Shoji, which was also set up with the help of financing by Hvalur. So, in fact, the holding / import company is contributing taxes to the Japanese government ... be happy ! - less taxes for you :o)
Sad to see one side so obviously wrong.
The quote, now somehow missing was "It is not tax payer operation, as you claim. It is commercial operation." But if one reads the original claim, it was as follows:
"The importing of whale meat from Iceland into Japan isn't just a straight forward kind of business transaction which is reflected the retail price of the whale meat sold on the Japanese market. That equally applies to the whale meat caught and sold by the Japanese. To keep the prices as low as possible and try and maintain some kind of market demand, the prices of whale meat are subsidized by the taxpayers living in the country."
It is completely true that prices of whale meat in Japan are subsidized by the taxpayers.
It is make-believe fantasy.
Iceland whalers do not get subsidy from taxpayers in Japan. Japan often has the trade barrier for overseas produced food, this is truth. You claim the opposite with no proof.
Why is it sad for you? You feel sad to play the make-believe?
@ Swiss toni
They are all whaling .. and incidentally
So eyeonwarson, are you intimating that Russia, USA, Greenland, Canada and all the rest are commercial whalers too?
@ smithinjapan
What about Russia, USA, Greenland,Canada and all the rest?
PS.. Finland Doesn`t hunt whales :)
Still horrified to find Icelandic whale meat for sale in my local Tokyo grocery store. Grimly ironic, as Japan whalers can't even sell what they catch, witness the icelockers full of the flesh from formerly living whales. When will this end and the whales be left alone?
Elbuda Mexicano
Thanks Zichi, but now Norway is doing this too?? Poor whales!!
@ zichi
As I pointed out earlier the high mercury levels may be in Dolphin meat - not whale meat.
Incidentally you need to name your source so that readers can judge for themselves the likley validity of the source )
Bacterial contamination
Myklebust Trading shipped another 14 tons this year
@ Zichi
Business 101 - when you have a monopoly, you can pretty much charge what you like. When a second player comes into the market, they`ll undercut the monopoly = sell cheaper.
This isnt rocket science - its simple business ...
@ zichi
Please back up that statement with facts ( links ) There was concern about toxicity levels in Blubber as far back as 2001 & concern about Dioxin levels in 2004. You state though that Mercury levels are higher than 10-12 times the allowable limit and then state that Norways whale meat is even more toxic, thus insinuating that the Mercury levels are even higher in Norwegian Whale meat. Which is, of course, verifiable as being a load of old rubbish - instead of making wild claims, back up your statements with verifiable studies please.
Truth: To keep the prices as low as possible and try and maintain some kind of market demand, the prices of whale meat are subsidized by the taxpayers living in the country.
vs. Lie: You should be honest. It is not tax payer operation, as you claim. It is commercial operation.
It's sad when the debate becomes this obvious.
@ Zichi
The reason being they decided that direct actions in the North were counterproductive ( coincidentally enough, just after they had boats confisticated and sold and were fined a six figure sum )
Didn`stop them from continuing actions in the South though, I also had to laugh at that one - if anti whaling actions in the North were counterproductive, then what made them think that actions at the other end of the planet would be productive?
@ zichi
Absolute scare mongering rubbish - the minke meat in Norway is regularly tested by the Mattilsynet & NIFES. Mercury concentrations are below recommended limits.
Even a Greenpeace independant study a few years back showed the same.
I really suggest you do some research on the subject
Then you should be happy that Iceland is exporting to Japan as it`s a purely commercial operation without your taxes paying for any of it.
Yes, you would waste your time, as I am not gullible fool, thank you.
I do not eat liver, am not pregnant, and am not a child, either. Thank you.
It's a relief. WHO is not a crazy anti-whaling organization, I suppose.
It is more off-topic anti-whaler's propaganda. Iceland is conducting the commercial whaling. You pay nothing, only I.
All the better for Iceland and Norways commercial hunts to export to Japan then. Norways on track to take around 5-600 minkies this season and of course, Iceland have a max quota of 185 fins.
@ zichi
Must be rather dissapointing then to realise that being against whaling all those years has been for nothing as it`s still going on. My sympathies..
Meanwhile, Iceland`s taken another couple of fins, so it seems like they are on schedule for taking a fair part of their quota.
There are some anti-whalers even in Japan, no surprise.
They just quit if they are unhappy. Then no whale meat would be supplied.
It is off-topic. But I know nothing of such details, but I do know not to trust anything anti-whalers say.
Iceland whalers who have jobs are all thankful. They are not slaves. Iceland had big financial crisis. Whaling is one of the good opportunities for them now, it is sustainable economic development. This can not be denied, only by the anti-whaler who is dishonest.
I would change my name to youdonthave2eatwhales-butwewill And I need not get permission from arrogance intolerant anti-whalers to do it.
Ihope2eatwhales, "Iceland's sustainable whaling is model whaling for the rest of the world".
That's your opinion. Even Icelands own people dont believe that. Hvalur exports the vast majority of its catch to Japan....for dog treats.
Precisely, so what has the workers comments got to do with the sunject? Nothing,
By hunting up to 185 Non endangered Northern Fin whales in Iceland´s own territorial waters legally
Do try and keep on subject please.
So all Iceland should do is just unilaterally expand their EEZ several fold and name it the Icelandic Arctic Territory so they'd be free to do as they please there, you know like the (similarly unilaterally claimed and internationally unrecognized) Australian Antarctic Territory which you and other anti-whalers continue to invoke as a basis for your accusations that the Japanese research whaling in the Southern Ocean is in violation of sovereign Australian territory and therefore "illegal".
You should move to Iceland and start a union. I think you'll have better luck with that than trying to convince Icelanders to give up whale meat.
Whaling in Iceland help to employ Icelanders, and also help to satisfy demands in Japan. Well done to Iceland whalers. Icelanders are part of international trade. I am happy to pay for their whale meat, so they may enjoy nicer life in their homes in Iceland. We are both happy for it, I am sure. It is culture in Japan to eat whale meat, and fin whale is popular. Iceland's whalers are very welcome to become richer by providing service. It is the sustainable economic development.
I think you do not have a point. You just show that you are anti-whaling. What is the point of it? Who do you write it for? Only yourself, I think.
Since 2001, S.Korea captured ''accidentally'' 4700 of whales till this year. I heard no S.S. story with them either. I am sure they are not as nice as Japan how Japan put up with their non-sense.
People eat whale meat just as you eat cows. People look at whales as food. It is a part of the culinary culture to eat whale meat.
In a world where trade has become dependent on the exchange of money, there are also commercial aspects to whalers’ lives. In Greenland, Japan and Norway whale meat is sold in supermarkets, in Alaska baleen handicrafts from bowheads are sold to tourists. Until such time as electronics stores accept sides of whale bacon as currency, whalers will have to acquire their televisions the same way as the rest of us - with cash.
Thunderbirds, if it depresses you that Sea Shepherd does not commit piracy against Iceland's whalers, I do not think it helps you to write anti-whaling comments on Japan Today.
zichi, Iceland does not claim ownership of fin whales. They are free animals swimming in ocean, and they hunt some, by rules of sustainable whaling. You post many anti-whaling propaganda points, but I do not think you have a logical reason to oppose Iceland's sustainable whaling, and import of it by Japanese interests. It has nothing to do with you.
Sustainable whaling is whaling forever. Infinite whales can be taken, no problem. 750,000 whales killed in past was problem, because western nations took too many at once for industrial purpose. They should have learned sustainable whaling from whale eaters first.
We have agreed that the use of renewable natural resources is acceptable, provided rates of usage are within the resources’ capacity for renewal. Yet the cultural imperialists would have whales exempted from the sustainable use principle - an exemption that would, quite simply, place them above and apart from the animal kingdom to which they obviously belong.
Intolerant culture imperialists can worship their sacred cow as much as they want. They can put up posters of them in their rooms. But don't shove their religion onto other cultures.
@ zichi
Yes? so did large swathes of the rest of the world - your point being?
and? if they are in Icelands EEZ they can be taken.
@ zichi
Icelands EEZ ( Exclusive Economic zone ) extends 200NM from their coastline - they can hunt whatever they want within their EEZ. Iceland is harvesting the Fin whales in their EEZ - as they do with Mackrel ( which migrate in and out of their EEZ as well as Atlanto scandic Herring ) As long as they are within their international agreements and whaling license, they can take the full Quota if they feel it makes economic sense.
@ Zichi
Once again, Fin whales in the Northern hemisphere are not endangered
The Fin whale classification regionally ( where they are being hunted incidentally classifies them as being near threatened and not endangered.)
As for the rest, it`s legal trade under CITES
A Realist
crampJun. 20, 2013 - 06:56PM JST
its apparent that common sense and civilities cannot be understood by japan or iceland, very real sanctions need to be in place so as to inconvenience them enough to make them stick out like a painful wart
if they're looked upon universally as pariahs, soon enough they'll comply"
Don't know about Iceland, but surely you must perceive that Japan is already universally regarded as a "pariah" by many people, especially by the nations of China, South and North Korea, and a great number of ignorant Westerners. It doesn't matter if the reason is whaling, nuclear power, "Abenomics" or old grievances over historical issues, or something else. If it wasn't any of those things they would invent something else. Some people were born to hate, and they seem to get some kind of vicarious thrill from Japan-bashing.
Where's SeaShepherd? .....
And where is the Sea Shepard?
Why do the likes of Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd only operate in the Pacific? Are there no anti-whaling vessels in the North Atlantic? We need someone up here to get between the whales and the harpoons... very depressing.
No thanks. I've seen some and they definitely don't look appetizing. Besides, I'm sure their husbands would object... ; )
Thunderbirds, whales are a type of animal. They are not aliens.
Iceland quit the IWC in 1992 due to the moratorium on whaling, but was allowed to rejoin in 2002 with a "reservation" to the moratorium, which meant that the IWC recognized that Iceland could hunt whales. Japan on the other hand, withdrew it's objection to the moratorium after it was threatened with reduced fishing quotas in US waters. However, just two years later in 1988, Japan's quotas in US waters were reduced to zero anyway. It was after this which Japan started scientific whaling. (, "Did Greens help to kill the whale?" 1997-5-16).
@ Cramp
Whaling Countries
Iceland, Japan, Norway, Russia, USA, Greenland, Indonesia, St Vincent and Grenadines, Canada, etc etc etc
Do you suggest sanctioning them all and making those pariahs as well? If you want to be consistant - you`ll need to
its apparent that common sense and civilities cannot be understood by japan or iceland, very real sanctions need to be in place so as to inconvenience them enough to make them stick out like a painful wart
if they're looked upon universally as pariahs, soon enough they'll comply
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.
Who has more legal power CITES or the IWC.
Eat as many as you like, just don't torture them to death. Whales occasionally get washed up on beaches and cannot be saved. Eat those.
@ zichi
The Fin whale classification regionally ( where they are being hunted classifies them as being near threatened and not endangered.
The trade is legal because Japan and Iceland have registered exemptions to rules banning international trade in Fin whale products.
Nothing illegal in the slightest about it - those are the rules
Whales aren't just another animal... why can't pro-whalers see that?
Other animals are not relevant to this discussion.
Ron Barnes
Ok........ All countries Should Stop Whaling ,......... Is it not time to stop pretending people Love Whale meat....... It Main use Is Pet food , Perfumes , Oils and Fertiliser. All of these can be sourced in other ways. Just leave These Magnificent Mammals alone please.
I do not accept to be said such a thing by an anti-whaler. It is always anti-whalers who incite arguments and are insensitive.
I don't acknowledge it.
Many animals that are eaten in Japan and abroad are sentient, of course I accept it.
Do you not acknowledge the fact that people of different cultures each different type of food? Do you even accept that whale eaters deserve same tolerance as eaters of other animals?
New fin whales are born each year. The number is enough to replace those caught by sustainable whaling operation by Iceland.
At least they are honest enough not to call it "research".
This is just as disgusting as the Japanese whale hunts... why aren't Sea Shepherd up here in the Northern Hemisphere doing their job?
ihope2eatwhales - I don't know if you are trying to incite arguments or are just insensitive, but how can you just brush off the fact that intelligent mammals are being murdered for the sake of a few people. Do you not acknowledge the fact that whales as intelligent life forms deserve to be left alone, or do you just not care? Do you even accept that they are sentient?
US may decide the law for it's people.
As for Iceland, it is 100% legal for Iceland's commercial whalers to catch these whales, which are not endangered in Iceland's waters.
Less than 1% a year is sustainable.
Some people who think it is cruel have their opinion, however, Iceland should not pay for unsustainable whaling of centuries past by the other nations.
Iceland's sustainable whaling is model whaling for the rest of the world.
So do not catch any whales yourself, then, if you think it is ridiculous.
All Fin whale populations worldwide remain listed as endangered species by the US National Marine Fisheries Service and the International Conservation Union Red List.
Actually, factually incorrect. THe IUCN European regional assessment classifies them as Near threatened
Justification: European regional assessment: Near Threatened (approaching A1d). The population and range are large enough that Criteria B and D do not apply. Does not meet Criterion C (even at Near Threatened) because although the number of mature individuals is fairly low, there is no evidence of continuing decline. Generally in the North Atlantic populations are either stable or increasing, or there is no quantitative data.
The Fin whales being hunted by Iceland are not classified as endangered by the IUCN regionally
Where in the hell is sea shepard? From this standpoint alone it's a double standard. The world has known for years that both Japan and Iceland continue to hunt whales but SS only goes after the Japanese?
Or did they go after these guys too and it not get reported?
Ultrdarkmelvin, It's hardly cultural imperialism when icelands own tourist association reins criticism on Hvalur. Iceland has had huge pressure applied to it, including threatened trade sanctions. To infer this is a racist issue is a red herring (geddit?) designed to play upon westerners sensitivities to its imperialist past.
The fact is that whaling is protested globally, not just by white Anglo-Saxons, because its a cruel practice, that brought the populations of these creatures to near collapse. It's simply ridiculous to treat any creature to this much fear and pain so some dogs and few selfish people can get their expensive treats.
There are 20,000 whales in North Atlantic. Anti-whalers say it is "endangered", but 20,000 whales in North Atlantic is not the endangered one. It is the one which can be hunted sustainably, for economic development of Iceland.
It is important point for you to understand.
Such decline would mean strong demand, or weak supply. Important point is commercial whalers of Iceland see economic benefit by exporting whale for sale to Japan. It shows there is a demand, although you deny it.
Thank you. It shows how tight supply of whale in Japan is, against what anti-whalers claim.
Iceland's commercial whaling is not public funds. It is commercial activity, in response to the demand.
A Realist
Paul Watson and the Sea Shepard Society and Greenpeace don't bother with Iceland or Norway. They reserve their hatred for Japan.
Well... Iceland left the IWC in 1992, so it doesn't have to give any reasons for whaling. It has commercial and scientific whaling programs. The government sets the quotas.
Japan should do the same and leave the IWC. At least the would shut the "research whaling?!?! LOL" crowd up.
Hey Paul Watson! Where are ya?
For all the whiners out there claiming hypocrisy, rest assured each and every poster who is against Japan's whaling programme is against what Finland and Iceland do as well. There ARE, two distinct differences between what the latter two nations do and what Japan does: 1) they do not lie about it being for science, 2) they do it in their own waters. Doesn't excuse them doing what they do in any way, but you have to admit the differences at least.
Maybe some of these culture imperialists know something the IWC Scientific Committee doesn´t. Namely how if Iceland hunts 1% of the population that would pose a threat to the overall population. If IWC Scientific Committee agrees that fin whales can be hunted sustainably according to RMP why is it that culture imperialists have a hard time understanding marine management based on science?
Culture imperialists are confusing ‘sustainable use’ with ‘no use’. If sustainable use is the goal, culture imperialists would ban all utilisation of renewable resources also on land. Speaking of the global environment. Hunting whales is far more environmental friendly as the energy is low in relation to yield and the natural habitat does not have to be turned into agricultural land.
Furthermore, the country which is about to drive a whale species to extinction is Canada and USA. Not Iceland or Japan. USA is driving the Right Whale to extinction because they are hit by huge tankers. Also, the countries which hunt the most endangered whales are USA and Canada. The bowhead whales. Hitting the right whale is not sustainable unlike the Icelandic hunt.
If these people want to save the whales because they think of them as cute and divine why are they not focusing on whales which really needs to be saved? Where is Watson saving the RIght Whale? WHy is he focusing on Japan hunting whales sustainably?
Indeed and those acting in that direction should NOT be sorry for trying to take care of the "ecosystem" on this planet. Personally I had like my next-next-next-next children to know what is a real "whale" and not read it from an history book become some are just thinking with their stomach today or let be more realistic ... are simply lurking for tax money compensation. As usual, "money" is the common denominator of all those problems, I hope mankind will one day get over that stupid and selfish concept of "money" so we can finally start our real evolution.
60,000 large fin whales is very big number. Of them, there are 20,000 in oceans around Iceland. Such number is similar to historical number around Iceland.
Iceland would catch less than 1% of them each year.
There is no problem with it.
Make-believe. Iceland catches whales in Iceland's waters.
What is wrong with international trade? It is beneficial to people of Iceland and Japan, and less than 1% of Iceland's fin whales is sustainable number.
Geez, now they will say serve us their usual rhetoric "look others are doing the same , so why is it bad ?"
Yeah, because the saver of whales, Sea Shepherd is nowhere to be seen and does nothing because they know the Icelanders aren't as nice as the Japanese and would board their ships and kick their arses.
"This season’s quota for fin whales is set at 154 whales, with the possible addition of some 20 percent from last year that were never hunted."
174 Whales, and next year another quota, who's gonna eat all that meat? It sounds ridiculous...
Elbuda Mexicano
Stupid Greepeace! Easy to go after Japanese whalers, now get going after these low down whale baby killers in Iceland!! Let us all protect the pretty innocent baby whales!! DOWN WITH ICELAND!!
Wheer are the anti-whalers and their speedboat now? i like how Iceland even calls its whale hunting "commercial"
I have to agree it's unnecessary but where is Watson and SS now? The silence sounds a little like bigotry against the Japanese.
Elbuda Mexicano
Never ever trust these low down Icelanders! NEVER! Boycott everything from that corrupt, 3rd world whale killing country NOW!! Geez! Now I feel a whole lot better! Thanks JT!
Maybe there's more agitation over on the Iceland Today site where for a start the time difference means more people are awake and staring at their computer screens, and where more people are concerned about what happens in Iceland.
A third whale was also being hunted on Wednesday means one specific terrified whale is being chased around the ocean until it's exhausted and easier to shoot? Like the pro-whalers like to tell us doesn't happen? I hope the whaling ships Hvalur 8 and Hvalur 9 develop engine trouble forcing them to return to port, and that the company Hvalur goes bankrupt. (The Japanese whaling industry is already bankrupt, only our tax yen keep it going).
The story has only just been put on the site a few minutes ago. You have to give readers time to post.
Interesting. Another nation is busted for hunting whales, and nobody on this site says a word. The Japanese do the same and the whole site gets agitated. Double standards?