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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.IMF head's hearing delayed in hotel sex assault case
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What a sleazeball. He must have really flipped if he chased the poor woman while naked.
I've heard so many stories about hotel maids being molested, including here in Japan. I heard one account (unpublicized) last year of a high-ranking minister from a Middle Eastern country who tried to have sex with a maid at his Tokyo hotel. She fled and he left Tokyo and the whole thing was hushed up with barely an apology from the government involved.
It's getting so hotel maids will have to work in pairs.
he forced her to perform oral sex on him ........................
she should have biten it off .
Just... why?
I mean: you've got money... go get a hooker or something.
to Triumvere
People with money and/or power - politicians, blue bloods, celebrities - expect freebies.
Stranger than fiction, Sarkozy won't worry anymore then. Shinjirarenai!
Powerful people often lose their grip; this man seems to have done so repeatedly. He'd better be making retirement plans.
That's a wild story ! I don't think I've ever been that "horny" ? I can only wonder if the Maid was beautiful or something ? Maybe she was wearing a tight outfit ? Those French are something else, natural acquaintances must be un-fulfilling.
Strauss-Khan is one of these men whose brains can't keep up with their testicles.
Sadly, this guy will probably 'get off' on some sort of diplomatic immunity or threats by the French government on this or that.
" He sought the Socialist Party’s endorsement in the last elections, in 2007 "
Typical.Always talking about the plight of the poor working people, when they aren't forcing themselves on the same.
NY Post article on this weasel states: "Strauss-Kahn... has a special arrangement with Air France that allows him to get on any flight and sit in first class, the sources said"
They are the same the world over.
Ok, i can't help but stressing the irony... He was staying in a $3000-a-night-suite in Sofitel, while we poor Greeks are expected to impose austerity measures including minimizing the minimum wage close to less than 500 euros per month. (Life can be so unfair sometimes). I know that we scre@ed up, but apparently Mr. Strauss-Kahn did the same. :-)
Seriously though, i am not happy with this incident. Strauss-Kahn was much more moderate and willing to cooperate in order to assist Greece than many of the European leaders. I didn't expect him to be a satyr...
Looks like he will be needing a 4th wife soon. Agree with Antonios, it is disgusting how much politicians spend on hotels. My Greek friends are crying, they can hardly afford to buy a frappe nowadays.
Wow !
There never was any doubt that the guy was a kind of perv, even if he is a millionaire and he could afford more "legal" vice that he can ... ahem... at his age. So, really, that's illogical. Well, some guys seem to have "pulsions", otherwise there wouldn't be so many rapes.
But he was a target of a number of weird attacks -even in recent days. He is a regular target both because of his IMF job and because he is... well, he was, the most popular candidate for French president next year.
In a way, I hope this is truly the fact he has mental issues and he did it. Otherwise, it's very scary to think that kind of plot can be used to bar politics.
If true, not surprising, as this is what the IMF does to other countries on a regular basis.
That's true. That's why i drank one beer, one glass of Jack Daniels and a bottle of Ouzo last night.
And still, i didn't feel like doing what Mr. Strauss-Kahn did to the poor maid. Maybe i should try French wine as well. :-)
post his mug shot here!
He doesn't have diplomatic immunity. Being head of the IMF doesn't confer any special diplomatic privileges. In point of fact, this is likely to cost the French as this was their guy.
What an opening for the FN. Marine Le Pen, the next president of France.
He'll probably claim he was off is meds, or the standard Japanese excuse "I was drunk."
A typical Eurocrat - proposing business for strategies to save money, and staying in a US$3,000/ night hotel site.
Something seems fishy here. I wonder if this maid is looking for a big payout and planned this whole thing. Otherwise, this guy has some serious mental issues.
It's hard to believe this behavior unless the guy has a pathological disease. A man of his rank forcing a random maid of an hotel to perform a sexual act is just unbelievable.
Rank, status, etc mean nothing, zilch, zip, etc same behaviour is common globally across different income groups.
Maybe set up by Sarkozy? Or by some rich speculator who benefits from collapse of Euro? Or maybe just typical senior bureaucrat scumbag who is used to getting his way.
Just as an FYI...YOUR TAX DOLLARS PAID FOR this pigs hotel room. Why is it that all of these Government people feel it's their God given right to spend our tax dollars on expensive rooms and meals??? Why is it that they do not have to live like us? I can see $500 per night but $3000? On MY tax dollars?
A head honcho socialist who knows he deserves a $3,000/night bed and screw the rest of the proletariat.
-With a big heapin' hand of rapin' the hired help whenever the mood strikes.
Heh, I'm hoping none of you lot ever get called up for juror service :)
Being the only serious challenge to Sarko, I'd be suspicious of a frame by the little dictator, especially after all that Clearstream business. Or the maid being a money-grubber.
But in the end, he's probably just guilty of being a dirty old man.
Dream on. Though I'll wager her presence in the second round, and a repeat of the 2002 fiasco.
Why did she think the room was not occupied? Who told her to clean up that room? just curious.
What a creep. Makes the blowhards and incompetents in US politics seem almost respectable. Looks like old Europe veers even harder to the right if this guy is removed from the race in France.Tom Wolfe will again be vindicated:"the dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe."
"Makes the blowhards and incompetents in US politics seem almost respectable."
Since Mark Foley turned over the paige you mean?
Get real, this isn't about nationality.
The Left in disarray all over Europe and France's most poweful socialist is in his 3,000$/night hotel suite in New York, forcing himself on the cleaning girl - - most likely poor, immigrant, non-white and not completely fluent in English.bizarre.
The left are not in disarray throughout Europe, but they most certainly are in France, having by and large bankrupted the country with a ridiculous, un-sustainable welfare state.
You make a lot of assumptions. First, that the man is actually guilty without trial, and secondly, about the alleged victim.
Whilst I'd take a guess at the facts at this date being against DSK, I'd rather let the courts make the judgement.
Hmmm another anti-corporate enemy of the state charged with a sex crime, nothing suspicious there eh?
"anti-corporate enemy of the state"
Heh, mate....he's the head of the IMF.
It would be perhaps suspicious if he hadn't tried to flee the country immediately after the event!
Even if he is innocent, his behaviour hasn't helped his case.
I am not saying he isn't guilty, maybe he is, I just think its fishy considering what he was actually trying to do with the IMF.
Oh don't get me wrong. I live in France and politics is a dirty affair as anywhere so anything goes. Check out the Coluche conspiracy theories for one fine example...
The more details that emerge from this, the more guilty the guy looks. He is in serious trouble.
manta60: "Hmmm another anti-corporate enemy of the state charged with a sex crime, nothing suspicious there eh?"
And one that stays in hotel suites costing $3000 a night. Nothing quite spells "anti-corporate" like that lifestyle, eh. Yes, it was only a matter of time before such a selfless man-of-the-people was brought down by the shadowy forces of "neo-liberalism," or whatever the Conspiracy of the Month is...
"his spacious, $3,000 a night suite"
It's probably a case of a guy successfully living in a bubble to the point where he literally thinks he can get away with doing what he did. Something like this doesn't happen overnight. It comes after a long sting of successes. That's the scary part.
Tedd Cool
Sex assault cases are on a high these days. Especially the ones involved here are prominent people holding great posts. Are they taking advantage of their power? I hope there is no compromise on the punishment that is to be imposed owing to the power and fame of theirs.