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Trump revises Comey firing; Giuliani blasts 'lynching mob'


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Let’s just call a spade a spade. Trump began his day with another lie. It’s a whopper. Here is what Trump said to the Russians in the Oval Office:

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”


11 ( +11 / -0 )

Elderly chancers, lying through their teeth.

So, when will we learn that it was Trump who impregnated Shera Bechard and the $1.6m Cohen paid her to have an abortion was from President Pørnø McMafia , not Elliot Broidy?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Trump getting more and more nervous if he feels he has still tweet about it! He is what the legal profession would call an unreliable witness because his story changes every day! It really does point to mental health issues in that he seems to actually believe what he says each time he contradicts himself. This embarrassment for normal Americans continues.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

"Not that it matters but I never fired James Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt Mainstream Media loves to keep pushing that narrative, but they know it is not true!"

You said it was the reason, in front of a camera.

"So, you got a group there, a lynching mob, so let them do their job and, boy, we're ready to knock the heck out of you with our report, which will be authoritative," Giuliani said. "It will be backed up. It will be backed up with law and facts. And we'll let the American people decide this."

It's the little dogs that bark the loudest.

Trump's team must really be pooping their pants if they have to attack the investigation like this all the time !

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I'm just glad he fired Comey, what a mess that guy turned out to be.

-17 ( +0 / -17 )

Trump revises Comey firing . . .

In other words, Trump is going to change the reason for one of the few things truthfully admitted to and did with a blatant yet convenient lie.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I'm just glad he fired Comey, what a mess that guy turned out to be.

Trump's lying to the people again. How do you feel about that?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

He’s such an idiot heh. He’s being investigated for obstruction of justice and he just directly contradicted himself, which confirms that he was either lying then or lying now.

Probably related to McCabe’s memo?

Anyway, what happens next? Does he insist that his previous comments didn’t happen? How do his supporters explain this away? Distraction? Conspiracy?

Is he mentally stable?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Trump and team are getting more worried about obstruction of justice investigation.

Trump is also issuing pardons for people convicted by Comey.

One person was convicted of campaign finance violations. The guy is a full on racist and right wing conspiracy nut. His pardon sends a clear message that if someone is also convicted of say campaign finance violations (ahem, Cohen), then Trump will pardon them. So, don't flip.

No obstruction there, right? It smells like crap, but whatever, the GoP has lost its sense of smell.

These pardons point to intent though, and a jury (the legislature and public at large) would consider this additional information when determining whether the President is guilty of obstruction.

we're ready to knock the heck out of you with our report

Yea, just like the house intelligence committee's unbiased report that was immediately sunk by the Senate report?

These are all statements made for public consumption and have no bearing on an investigation conducted by professional prosecutors and professional investigators.

Trump has a reason to be worried.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

The best US president. Why? No previous presidents ever have constant inconsistencies, when speaking looks like he is on drugs (watch his facial expression), make personal business deal on his presidency. What else, oh, primary school knowledge of how world economy works.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

What else, oh, primary school knowledge of how world economy works.


His knowledge of all things is unpresidented.

FLOTUS han't been see in public for 21 days?

But she sent a Tweet recently!!! Coincidentally, the tweet uses phrases commonly used by Donald, someone who has impersonated others as having inside information. I figure she is having a hard time (who wouldn't), recovering from some elective surgery, or a prisoner....

6 ( +6 / -0 )

FLOTUS han't been see in public for 21 days?

She escaped via the sinkhole on the White House lawn. Good luck to her!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

When will this nightmare end?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

So he admits he lied. So what else did he also lie about?

Pretty much everything. Having tapes of the Comey conversation etc etc.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Trump is so dumb he thinks people believe him.

Normal people, I mean. Of course there are those who make a career out of claiming to believe him, but that's a different matter.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Pretty much everything. Having tapes of the Comey conversation etc etc.

Comey did lie, that's an indisputable fact, no arguments about it. His fault, he lied like a sieve, he was a subordinate, he works at the pleasure of the President, the same as Mueller, NOT the other way around. Had Comey not lied and been an obstructionist, he might still have his job. We don't know if there are any tapes, I believe they do have them, Trump does have access to the highest classified secrets. so we don't need to know, but these people need to stop, he's not going to get convicted, the Dems will once again have eggs on their face sooner than later. I sure hope these guys have their own lawyers, I know Comey does, the smartest thing he's ever done.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Trump very often doesn’t even bother to concoct a thoughtful lie.

It’s because his supporters don’t seem to care.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trump is so dumb he thinks people believe him. 

They do, checks are coming in by the thousands. 

Normal people, I mean.

The people that woke up and realized that the country is being run by corrupt Washington career establishment politicians.

Of course there are those who make a career out of claiming to believe him, but that's a different matter.

There are also the idiots on TV that suffer stage 4 of mental Trump deranged syndrome.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Toasted Heretic: "Trump's lying to the people again. How do you feel about that?"

You know better than to ask him a question that exposes his hypocrisy. We know full well the answer is, "Well, it's Trump, so it's okay. If it's 'Crooked/Lyin' Hilary', that's diffr'nt". Doesn't matter that he supported Trump's first reason, then supported Trump back tracking and doing a 180, then supporting Trump doing another; now he's "just glad he fired Comey". You could ask him why and he wouldn't know, or at least wouldn't know more than FOX has told him, or Trump has told him after watching FOX.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump and team are getting more worried about obstruction of justice investigation.

You spoke to him?

Trump is also issuing pardons for people convicted by Comey.

Now that should tell you something. Hey, Mueller, Comey, eat this......!

One person was convicted of campaign finance violations. The guy is a full on racist and right wing conspiracy nut. His pardon sends a clear message that if someone is also convicted of say campaign finance violations (ahem, Cohen), then Trump will pardon them. So, don't flip.

No, it sends a clear message that Trump is not going to stand for injustice and phony liberal hypocrisy. When you have racists like Olbermann, Reid, Maher, Sharpton, Baldwin and allow them to spew their filth on TV.

These pardons point to intent though, and a jury (the legislature and public at large) would consider this additional information when determining whether the President is guilty of obstruction.

But you guys are ok if the intelligence agency oversteps their legal authority. Hmmm....ever wondered that Trump maybe just might be throwing this all in the lefts face taunting them and letting them know. “I’m the boss!” Brilliant!

Yea, just like the house intelligence committee's unbiased report that was immediately sunk by the Senate report?

Well, this one will be a lot different because quite simply, if Giuliani doesn’t get those documents, Trump won’t sit with Mueller, that’s it and good luck trying to make him talk, won’t happen.

These are all statements made for public consumption and have no bearing on an investigation conducted by professional prosecutors and professional investigators.

Trump has a reason to be worried.

You mean sleazy Democratic witch hunting lawyers, bias as can be, but he does have Giuliani and even Mueller knows his old friend is going to be a formidable opponent, he has zero reason to be worried, annoyed yes, but worried? Naw....

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

he works at the pleasure of the President, the same as Mueller, NOT the other way around.

Wrong. All of them work at the pleasure of the American public. Otherwise the presidency is a dictatorship, which some posters here seem to have no problem with.

Comey, despite his flaws, has expressed and demonstrated at countless times during his career his dedication to procedure, rule of law, and the American public. Mueller has an even more impeccable career, and has done a great service to justice under the mechanisms that keep American democracy and civil society alive.

Trump has built his political career on an open disdain for such mechanisms, and for professionals who know better than him, or for those who do not kiss his backside. Trump has also built his lifetime brand on screwing people over, playing loose with the law and ethical behavior, and for demanding loyalty over all else.

The contrast is so night and day obvious I can't believe I even have to spell it out.

Even though Trump is the lawfully elected POTUS, no one should serve at his "pleasure". Even his most zealous fans. That is fundamentally against the spirit of the country that Trump so disingenuously wants to "make great again".

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Now that should tell you something. Hey, Mueller, Comey, eat this......!

Classy. So presidential.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

you guys are ok if the intelligence agency oversteps their legal authority

No evidence? Of course. Fake news.

Evidence against team Trump keeps building.

Your disrespect for the institutions that keep the U.S. running is pretty shocking. Protecting the president at all costs?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Wrong. All of them work at the pleasure of the American public.

But they they can’t fire or hire the Presidents cabinet, so you’re wrong, Trump can’t cut their chain anytime he wants to, they work for him, it’s his FBI and his DOJ.

Otherwise the presidency is a dictatorship, which some posters here seem to have no problem with.

If that’s true, then No President can hire, fire or appoint a person to anything or any position. A dictatorship is well, NK, Cuba, Valenzuela...

Comey, despite his flaws, has expressed and demonstrated at countless times during his career his dedication to procedure, rule of law, and the American public. Mueller has an even more impeccable career, and has done a great service to justice under the mechanisms that keep American democracy and civil society alive.

Uh-huh, well, if that were the case, Comey would have his job, but he lied, leaked, lied about being a conservative, the man doesn’t have a pebble to stand on when he criticizes Trump on lying, he’s worse, sneakier and to top it all off, he carrries a badge and a gun, freaky!

Trump has built his political career on an open disdain for such mechanisms, and for professionals who know better than him, or for those who do not kiss his backside. Trump has also built his lifetime brand on screwing people over, playing loose with the law and ethical behavior, and for demanding loyalty over all else.

Trump isn’t doing anything other Presidents haven’t done, except kept most of his promises and is more direct, obnoxious and rude, often, but at least the man tells it like it is and he plays the media and the left the same way they play him and he loves it. And I have to admit, so do I. ROFL!

The contrast is so night and day obvious I can't believe I even have to spell it out.

Liberals say a lot of things, a lot, a lot, that’s the problem. ROFL.

Even though Trump is the lawfully elected POTUS, no one should serve at his "pleasure".

Yes, but they do and if they don’t like it, they can always quit.

Even his most zealous fans. That is fundamentally against the spirit of the country that Trump so disingenuously wants to "make great again".

Gee, where were you the last 8 years? Dear lord.....

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Otherwise the presidency is a dictatorship, which some posters here seem to have no problem with.

If that’s true, then No President can hire, fire or appoint a person to anything or any position.

What are you talking about? If that's true, it most definitely does not mean that no president can hire, fire or appoint anyone to anything. In fact, it most definitely does not mean that at all. The entire preposition of your response is incorrect.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

But they they can’t fire or hire the Presidents cabinet, so you’re wrong, Trump can’t cut their chain anytime he wants to, they work for him, it’s his FBI and his DOJ.

I'll parse that weird grammar as you saying you have no problem with unethical presidential behavior as long as said president (your guy, your team) can get away with it.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Love that American spirit.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Gee, where were you the last 8 years? Dear lord.....

Right. The desperate last gasp of a Trumpist's argument: What about you guys. With no evidence supplied. You really think Obama used the office of the presidency to feed his own fragile ego? Like Trump? Nice one. Enjoy your Cheerios.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What are you talking about? If that's true, it most definitely does not mean that no president can hire, fire or appoint anyone to anything.

Yes, he can. By the way, where’s Comey? Oh Coooomey......where you at?

Right. The desperate last gasp of a Trumpist's argument: What about you guys. With no evidence supplied.

Ahhhh, so that’s why Nunes and Giuliani can’t get those documents because it doesn’t exist....ahhhh, ok...lol

Well, as Giuliani said, if they can’t back up their claims about a spy, informant, all the same thing, No interview with Mueller and onto the Supreme Court. Bring it on!

You really think Obama used the office of the presidency to feed his own fragile ego?

Yup and more.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Hey bass4funk

I can't count the number of times you've said "the last 8 years" when you are praising Trump over Obama. Therefore, since you have said it so many times, I can only conclude that what you really mean is that the last year under Trump has been a disaster, plus the previous seven years under Obama.

I'm pleased that you are finally acknowledging that Trumps's first year (the last of the 8 you keep referring to) has been a train wreck.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I can't count the number of times you've said "the last 8 years"

Guess what? I still have 7 to go.

when you are praising Trump over Obama.

That’s why I voted for him. The last 8 years were a deafening migraine.

Therefore, since you have said it so many times, I can only conclude that what you really mean is that the last year under Trump has been a disaster, plus the previous seven years under Obama.

That’s not what I meant at all. But I appreciate the contortion. Keep trying.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Yes, he can. By the way, where’s Comey? Oh Coooomey......where you at?

An article about Trump lying has really set off a storm in you about....Comey?

Is there any chance we can claw you away from your safe space to talk about the fact Trump just lied to you? You don’t have to; feel free to continue to talk about Comey and liberals if you need to. But at some point, when you can muster the courage, I’d love to hear your direct thoughts on Trump’s reversal.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Try again. You wrote "the last 8 years were a deafening migraine." That includes the last year (Trump) and seven years of Obama. Sooner or later, it will get through to you.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Jobs up, unemployment down again. That’s all people care about. Not this 17 million dollars wasted on Mueller

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Jobs up, unemployment down again. That’s all people care about.

So you keep saying. Kind of not entirely true, though.


3 ( +3 / -0 )

”Comey's firing led to the appointment of Robert Mueller as the Justice Department's special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election as well as possible ties between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia.”

Nothing burger, anyone?  Oh my...

Gowdy faces backlash over remarks about FBI, Trump campaign


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Not this 17 million dollars wasted on Mueller

Oh, we still have at least 7-8 more inquiries banked after your multiple-investigation Hillary witch hunt.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Let's get some pillows and maybe some pizza and beer for Trump fans. Looks like they are going to ride this thread out in their safe space.

So what should we talk about instead? Comey? Obama? The economy? Liberals? You guys should pick the one you are most comfortable with.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

By the way, where’s Comey? Oh Coooomey......where you at?

Looming large in the sublimated guilty consciences of Trump’s fan base. Stalking them in their fever swamp dreams.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

That goes for both sides.

What? I was commenting on Serrano's habit of posting up Fox rubbish when he clearly hasn't had the time to watch them.

Whereas, if I'm commenting, I take the time to watch or read the links I'm commenting on and posting up. You should try that, sometime.

And I ought to get a medal for every one of his bloke-in-mom's-basement and Fox conspiracy video I've sat through.

The left are doing the same...Mueller went on a wild geese state.

You're simultaneously not making any sense and being repetitive, at that.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Earlier this month, Giuliani told Fox News that Trump felt he was treated worse by the FBI than Clinton, who was publicly cleared of criminal wrongdoing at an unusual FBI headquarters news conference in July 2016.

Yet more evidence of Trump's authoritarian mindset. In his deluded view, the purpose of FBI investigations is not to discover the truth related to crimes committed, but to support powerful political figures. That the FBI found no criminal wrongdoing on behalf of Clinton, in Trump's twisted mind, can only be interpreted as a statement of political allegiance, not a statement of legal facts.

And the scary thing is, he's trying to convince the public to follow along with his fascist fantasies. He doesn't want rule of law, he wants the rule of his personal whim. And the truly scary thing is that there are right wingers detached enough from reality to fall for it. They want a dictator. They want a big daddy. They want an all-powerful figure above to spare them from having to think about difficult things.

Moderator: See? See?! I banned you! Now respect my authority! You foolish liberals need to learn not to laugh at our favorite poster!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

To date, the investigation has spent $16.7 million. About $1.7 million/month.

Cost one Trump Mar-a-Logo trip $1-$3 million. He has made 17 trips. The Trumps will be the most expensive first family in history.

@zichi--Bravo! This is a perfect encapsulation of the Trump presidency. This is what it's really all about. An egomaniacal nutcase/ignoramus vs. whatever dignity/integrity remains of American democracy as well as the office of presidency he unfortunately now occupies. And the entire world that has to endure this man child.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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