Japan Today

Iran, Hezbollah aim to bolster Assad as rebels bear down on Homs

By Maya Gebeily, Suleiman Al-Khalidi and Parisa Hafezi

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told CNN that his group - a former al-Qaida affiliate now known as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) - aimed to "build Syria" and bring Syrian refugees back home from Lebanon and Europe.

told CNN that his group - a former al-Qaida affiliate now known as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) - aimed to "build Syria, rape all the Christian women and kill all the Christian men and bring Syrian refugees back home from Lebanon and Europe.


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So, helping a legitimate, internationally recognized government is good, when the US and EU do it, and bad, when Iran does it.

Forty years have passed since 1984, and yet it seems like it's 1984

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

RichardPearceToday 12:21 pm JST

So, helping a legitimate, internationally recognized government is good, when the US and EU do it, and bad, when Iran does it.

Forty years have passed since 1984, and yet it seems like it's 1984

Nothing illegal about supporting an internationally recognized government but there is about using its territory to attack other internationally recognized governments.

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Both sides, HTS and SNA on the one side and Assad, Hezbollah, the Iranians and Russia on the other are all so vile one almost wishes neither side ever wins and they fight each other till the end of time.

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