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Iran says it 'unintentionally' shot down Ukrainian jetliner


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Sad indeed. All blame aside, a very sad event for the poor crew and passengers and relatives involved.

20 ( +20 / -0 )

No surprise here!!!

My sympathies for the families of the innocents losing life to this madness.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Like anyone was buying their lies for two days. Still sucks for the victims none the less.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Wait - didn’t Iran initially deny they shot down the plane? So with undeniable video evidence they fessed up to the crime. The Obama administration said Iran was honest and wouldn’t deceive - even after many previous administrations found Iran to be deceptive. They have always said they are pursuing peaceful nuclear power. Democrats still believe.

-5 ( +17 / -22 )

The Obama administration said Iran was honest and wouldn’t deceive

Yeah, just the government to blindly trust with a nuclear "deal", with loopholes wide enough to drive a uranium centrifuge through!

Looks like the much hated Donny was right once again.

-8 ( +14 / -22 )

Why so many Canadians are on board?

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Why so many Canadians are on board?

Visiting family and friends, I imagine. The Iranian diaspora is vast and is good at maintaining family contact.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

So what happens next? Remember the US has also shot down an Passenger airliner by mistake.

4 ( +14 / -10 )

It was still Trump's fault no matter what he does or doesn't do according to the Trump haters. At least Iran stepped up and manned up to it, though the evidence is heavily against them. Perhaps an apology for saying Trump was lying and the rest of America?

3 ( +16 / -13 )

Before it had even left the Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport's air space it was hit by an Iranian missile. And they've confirmed it as "human error".

It crashed only 15km away from the airport and it was hit as it was climbing.


8 ( +11 / -3 )

Perhaps an apology for saying Trump was lying and the rest of America?

Trump is lying. It's his natural state. There was no imminent attack. There was no justification for the ratcheting up of combat and belligerent rhetoric.

American administrations have lied to the rest of the world before.

And when people turn a blind eye to it, they're lying to themselves.

0 ( +16 / -16 )

'Good' job Donnie.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Another “conspiracy theory” proven true. Exactly as Trump told us, they did it.

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

Well, at least they admitted they they made a mistake, which is more than can be said for Trump.

9 ( +20 / -11 )

Exactly as Trump told us, they did it.


The downing of the jet was because of the situation. This horrific tragedy happened because Iran was on high alert and nervous after the warmongering and illegal act that Trump unleashed upon the country.

The blame is with the Trump administration.

And the sons and daughters of those murdered will not forget.

8 ( +18 / -10 )

I was thinking some more...”human error” this one is baffling, how utterly incompetent were the radar operators? Not knowing what civilian flights were in the area, and not being able to tell the profile of civilian jet liner taking off as opposing to an incoming missile or war plane? These fears of Iran having nukes is actually more real than it initially appeared. If ill trained, incompetent negligence from a bunch of cowboys is par for Iran’s course, then these clowns definitely should have their learner nuke card revoked. Russia is has nukes, I at least give them credit for having some skilled well trained people overseeing them. Iran, not so much.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

A tragic loss of life, regardless of the cause...

Why so many Canadians are on board?

The BBC had an article on that question:


3 ( +3 / -0 )

Odd how pointing out that the Canadians of Iranian heritage were probably visiting friends and families got two downvotes.

I suppose it could have been that they were all attending work-related meetings instead, if that helps?

But most Iranians and people of that heritage that I know, adhere to strong family ties in the old country.

Anyway, regardless of whatever reason - RIP.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The Obama administration said Iran was honest and wouldn’t deceive - even after many previous administrations found Iran to be deceptive.


They have always said they are pursuing peaceful nuclear power. Democrats still believe.

And it was verified by the inspectors under the nuke deal.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )


So what happens next? Remember the US has also shot down an Passenger airliner by mistake.

Nothing happens next. The rethorical chess game continues.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Chip Star:

And it was verified by the inspectors under the nuke deal.

You mean the inspectors which were not allowed to inspect the most relevant sites under the "deal"?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Another “conspiracy theory” proven true.

how was it a conspiracy theory , there was video evidence of the missile hitting the plane and satellite tracking and intelligence from the US and Canada also shows it was highly probable a missile strike.

the thing you have to ask yourself is would Trump be so forthcoming if it was a US missile that shot down the plane and whether he would call that conspiracy theory or actually own up right of the bat for the mistake!?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The real question here isn't how incompetent or stupid Iran's radar operators are, no. The real question is why the hell did Iran allow airplanes to even take off during an time where they launching missiles?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

last I checked the last 3 wars were started on Republican watch

So Clinton/Obama did not destroy Libya and support the terrorists in Syria? You call that checking?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

You wonder why the Iranians did not lock down their airspace from commercial aircraft once they launched the first missile attack on the US/Iraqi base? If they even thought the US might launch air strikes you would think they would want clear air space.  

God rest those souls on the Ukrainian airliner.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Rough start to the new year. Surely a world without such destructive weapons can prevail. Condolences to all those who lost their life.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


The Iranians owned up very quickly unlike when America downed an Iranian airliner.

....after strongly denying it initially, when inconvently video surfaced that showed the event.

The admission of guilt has nothing to do with trump

It shows the government that Donnie is supposed to be so wrong about when he says you should not trust them with unmonitored promises.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Yes they totally denied for the first days. iand the majority of liberals and Dems believed it and attacked Trump and his “conspiracy theory” when he said they did it.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Yes they totally denied for the first days. iand the majority of liberals and Dems believed it and attacked Trump and his “conspiracy theory” when he said they did it.

Indeed, but you know what? It is orange man bad, no matter what. This is about perception, not facts.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Nice try but the military operation was in Iraq, not Iran. The country of Iran was not attacked.

the only way Iran could be attacked is if they retaliated. they foolishly launched missiles from Iran to our bases in Iraq.

they nervously expected to have retaliation but our benevolent president chose not to. Expecting to be attacked after they attacked someone else, they blew a plane full of innocents out of the sky.

This horrific tragedy happened because Iran was on high alert and nervous after the warmongering and illegal act that Trump unleashed upon the country.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Dems and liberals just claim everything not true in the first 5 mins. Anything that is anti Trump however- immediately and irrefutably true. Orangemanbad

ever heard of critical thinking and waiting to see what is found during the first 48 hours or so? That would save all of you Jussie Smollett level embarrassment. Trump just proves you wrong over and over again.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

And another perfect example that when you unleash the dogs of war, all kinds of unintended consequences occur.

But that doesn't matter to NEOCONs like Trump and Pompeo - they love war...

And so we're left with Sulemanei and eight others in the convoy dead, a US contractor, several US members in Kenya, 50 Iranians in the funeral stampede, and 176 Ukrainians and Ukrainian-Canadians on the plane...

You can't trust these NEOCON imbeciles. They haven't learned in Afghanistan in 28 years, in Iraq in 16 years, and now they want to start a third Middle East war with Iran...

Just like we did before, clean out all the Repub NEOCONs and send them packing...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There are no dogs, war or wagging.

it’s that simple. Repeating NEOCON every single post does make it so.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I am no fan of Trump but blaming this on him is a bit farfetch. Yes. He did escalate the situation but it was the incompetent Irian military that could not tell the difference between a civilian plane which had a transpointer so flight radar could read its information and a hostile plane. Iran initially blamed it on mechanical failure and when the west said it was a missile they kept dening it until all the video evidence has surfaced. It is still blaming the US.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

it’s that simple. Repeating NEOCON every single post does make it so.

LOL, yeah. Screaming "NEOCON" in capital letters over and over again seems to be seen as a convicing argument by someone here.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

It also undermines the credibility of information provided by senior Iranian officials. As recently as Friday, Ali Abedzadeh, the head of the national aviation department, had told reporters “with certainty” that a missile had not caused the crash.

"Scientifically impossible" huh? Now who was the one that's quick to judge

No wonder they initially didn't want to share the black box, and then cleaned up the crash site rather quickly

The other countries' intelligence reports and spy satellites tracking heat signatures turned out to be correct

The Iran military heads must've known early on that it's their missile system that brought the plane down (how could they not?) But once the government had no choice but to invite other nations that are party to the incident (specifically France, Canada, US/Boeing), they realized they won't be able to hide it forever.

Now how is Iran going to compensate the victims

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Oh No, this is too bad, Iran. You lost my sympathies. Why did it take this long to acknowledge a mistake that the West knew you have committed? You strenuously denied this and refused to had over the plane's blackbox. This is a very sad day for international commercial aviation.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There are no dogs, war or wagging.

Sure, and the UK had airfields in the US in 1776...

it’s that simple. Repeating NEOCON every single post does make it so.

Screaming "NEOCON" in capital letters over and over again seems to be seen as a convicing argument by someone here.

Tell your fellow Trumper - he was the one that fessed up to Trump being a proud NEOCON the other day...

You know, those that don't want to bring the troops home or stop endless wars...

So, you disagree with him?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

About Iran Air Flight 655 shot down by the US military in July 1988. Below are from Wikipedia:

In 1996, the governments of the United States and Iran reached a settlement at the International Court of Justice which included the statement "...the United States recognized the aerial incident of 3 July 1988 as a terrible human tragedy and expressed deep regret over the loss of lives caused by the incident..."[12] As part of the settlement, even though the U.S. government did not admit legal liability or formally apologize to Iran, it still agreed to pay US$61.8 million on an ex gratia basis in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.

The U.S. government issued notes of regret for the loss of human lives, but never formally apologized or acknowledged wrongdoing.

Maybe years later Iran will do something for this tragic event.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And so we're left with Sulemanei and eight others in the convoy dead, a US contractor, several US members in Kenya, 50 Iranians in the funeral stampede, and 176 Ukrainians and Ukrainian-Canadians on the plane...

Err... what? Iran shoots down a plane over Teheran, and TRUMP is responsible? In what world?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

After the US killed their general, Iran retaliating by attacking the US bases is understandable

But the fault of this accident is Iran's own doing

So now both the US (Persian Gulf 1988) and Iran have shot down civilian airliners

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The downing of the jet was because of the situation.

Regardless, they’re not little kids, that’s just another liberal excuse. The Iranians have regular commercial flights and they knew that and should have turned off their missile defense system, but they didn’t and that’s on them knowing that a commercial airliner will be flying through their airspace.

This horrific tragedy happened because Iran was on high alert and nervous after the warmongering and illegal act that Trump unleashed upon the country.

There fault, I mean what were they thinking that Trump wouldn’t try to take the terrorist Solimani out? The Iranians got way too comfortable as well as Solimani and in the end, he met his just fate at the firepower of a drone strike.

The blame is with the Iranians and to expand on that, it happened in their airspace and their territory.

And the sons and daughters of those murdered will not forget.

No, they won’t. Thank God Trump hit them with more crippling sanctions. Gee, Kim Jong Un is awfully quiet these days. Not talking smack now.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

To bring peace in the world, let the world divide into three groups each under strong leaders. Leader of the western democratic world will be Trump, Islamic world and Russia under Putin and China and Africa under Xi. Strong power is necessary to hold down endless strifes. If problems happen, three powerful kingpins gather and discuss solutions. In Arab world, they do not have a fixer and fighting each other. U.S. do not get involved in their troubles.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Iranian authorities should not had even let commercial planes to fly while their air defense is on high alert

But what's even more stupid about this was that the Ukraine plane was not even the first commercial jetliner to take off

A Turkey-bound jetliner took off before, following the same route - and it was not shot down

That's why the airport administrators thought it's then ok to allow planes to fly

But then, why was the Ukraine plane shot down when the Turkey-bound plane that took off earlier had no problem

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Honestly is the best policy.

after the government had repeatedly denied Western accusations that it was responsible.

of course you can count on the MSM to keep the fires burnin. 3 day investigation is not uncalled for.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

No, they won’t. Thank God Trump hit them with more crippling sanctions.

Must have a very poor grasp of history and the region if you think sanctions will stop an ideology from forming.

Gee, Kim Jong Un is awfully quiet these days. Not talking smack now.

Why would he be talking about heroin? He's probably enjoying the birthday wishes that Trump sent him.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

If they were on high alert (permission to fire without authorization from high command), an operator with a twitchy finger could very easily mistake a taking off aircraft that would “suddenly appear” in its screen for a US stealth bomber preparing to drop its payload.

Stealth bombers are only visible on FC radar during the brief period when they open the bomb bays. With a limited time to acquire target, an eager operator would most likely take that shot, and under the circumstances it would only have to be authorized by the commander present, rather than go all the way to the top.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Regardless, they’re not little kids, that’s just another liberal excuse.

I'm not a liberal and its tedious to read your "waah, liberals" response to anyone who criticizes or goes against the infantile Trump narrative.

Amazed you get away with it, post after post, day after day.

The Iranians have regular commercial flights and they knew that and should have turned off their missile defense system, but they didn’t and that’s on them knowing that a commercial airliner will be flying through their airspace.

You're the very person who has said mistakes happen in war. Odd you're changing your stance now.

There fault, I mean what were they thinking that Trump wouldn’t try to take the terrorist Solimani out? The Iranians got way too comfortable as well as Solimani and in the end, he met his just fate at the firepower of a drone strike.

Soleimani. I wish Trump enablers would 'fess up to the fact that they never heard of the guy until he was killed.

As regards his terrorist credentials, what do you think of his alliance with the Kurds and his fighting ISIS?

Hawks and PNAC types are always quick to turn on allies. And of course, the Americans were quite happy to tolerate the brutal Pahlavi regime and the actions of Savak.

Then they wonder why the revolution came about.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

There goes the Iranian governments credibility, “its all lies and western propaganda, we didn’t shoot it down.....ummmm well actually we did.”

”highest level of readiness” and highest level of incompetence as well it would seem

Lets not forget they have just murdered nearly 200 innocent people, many their own people.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I'm wary of Trump's "intelligence" claims. Because he seems to cherry pick, when it comes to what he sees will suit him or not.

And of course Trump lies all the time, about everything. He specifically lies about the U.S. intelligence community, the conclusions of which he habitually disregards when it suits his purpose. Last year, he dismissed U.S. intelligence that found Iran was abiding the terms of the nuclear deal. So the notion Trump would mislead the country about Iran-related intelligence again hardly seems far-fetched.


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Mistake? OK... Crazy world though, not 100% certain that there was not someone on that plane that powerful forces in Tehran wanted dead.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Mistake? OK... Crazy world though, not 100% certain that there was not someone on that plane that powerful forces in Tehran wanted dead.

Possibly. Or possibly Washington or Moscow.

Pretty sure it was just that, though. A tragic mistake - which wouldn't have happened if the US hadn't attacked Soleimani based on a lie.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I'm really confused by Tehran's actions: 1) Inflame the passion of the masses and create riot like hysteria that results in Iranian deaths as people are trampled. 2) Waste a few missiles that you fire into Iraq's airspace, hitting nothing. 3) Blow up a private commercial airline filled with Iranian family members that live abroad.

How many more Iranian people must die for the government to be satisfied with it's revenge on the devil. Good grief...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Must have a very poor grasp of history and the region if you think sanctions will stop an ideology from forming.

No, but even with that ideology, difficult to feed it, supply it or utilize it, it’ll be harder to implement it.

He's probably enjoying the birthday wishes that Trump sent him.

Yes, with a P.S. if you have any ideas thinking about doing something radical. think about Solimani and marinade on that for a moment.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

It's amazing how so many folks have difficulty connecting the dots (it ain't rocket science) from Trump's murder of Soleimani and eight others in the convoy, to a US contractor, then to several US members in Kenya, then another 70 Iranians in the funeral stampede, and now 176 innocent passengers on the plane (and more victims are likely to follow). "Obtuse" doesn't even begin to describe the willful blindness in the face of this chain of events..

1 ( +3 / -2 )

You're the very person who has said mistakes happen in war. Odd you're changing your stance now.

No, been pretty consistent with the exception of keeping the troops in the ME. Now liberals want to stay in the ME, funny.

Soleimani. I wish Trump enablers would 'fess up to the fact that they never heard of the guy until he was killed.

Every single person I know in the media and in the military and average person knew who Solimani was, every single one of them and they’re all glad his gone.

As regards his terrorist credentials, what do you think of his alliance with the Kurds and his fighting ISIS?

Ever Heard of a double agent? How about a Christopher Steele?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

This again highlights the horrible unintended, unplanned consequences of war...

Repub NEOCONs can't even finish the wars they've started before they begin another one.

Every Repub NEOCON administration forgets this truism, and launches another war - they did it in 1991 and in 2003...

Notice that everything I said above was also said by Trump and the Trumpers from 2016 - 2019...

Now, ITS CHANGED. Welcome to 2020 - the Year of the NEOCON...

Now, its all war all the time...fire and fury...52 sites obliterated...

And what's worse is not only are the NEOCONs, they're imbeciles...they don't have the slightest ability to make critical judgments on what could occur when they launch these wars...

So now there are more than 200 people dead on both sides - with 190 of them just innocent victims.

I wonder if Trump would have authorized the strike on Sulemani if he knew the consequences...

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Mind-boggling attempt at rebuttal.

I vehemently disagree.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The U.S. government issued notes of regret for the loss of human lives, but never formally apologized or acknowledged wrongdoing.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Repub NEOCONs can't even finish the wars they've started before they begin another one.

Obama said, we should continue the focus in Afghanistan, guess he was a Neocon as well.

Every Repub NEOCON administration forgets this truism, and launches another war - they did it in 1991 and in 2003...

Your point?

And what's worse is not only are the NEOCONs, they're imbeciles...they don't have the slightest ability to make critical judgments on what could occur when they launch these wars...

Lol, Democrats said, they wouldn’t have taken out Solimani, no wonder they won’t win the WH.

So now there are more than 200 people dead on both sides - with 190 of them just innocent victims.

The Iranians should have thought about that before they decided to idiotically take on the US.

I wonder if Trump would have authorized the strike on Sulemani if he knew the consequences..

Trump has no way of knowing the Iranians were that careless.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The U.S. government issued notes of regret for the loss of human lives, but never formally apologized or acknowledged wrongdoing.

IIRC, weren't they also given multiple warnings to change course, the last one being mere minutes before the US firing ?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Were it not for the accidental shooting down of a Civilian plane , I wonder where things may have escalated to at present ?

Do you think it made any difference ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In light of recent events, of course Iran would initially deny that the plane was brought down by its own missiles, especially when hostile nations immediately accused Iran of doing so. It's a perfectly natural defense mechanism and reaction.

But at least the Iranian government owned up to it and took immediate responsibility.

That's more than can be said for the U.S. government, that to this day still lies about why we invaded Iraq and why we continue to stay in Afghanistan and Iraq. There has been NO definitive proof that Soleimani was even planning on attacking Americans or American interests in Iraq despite what the pro-war crowd have been spouting off the past week.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I don't understand why they say "unintentionally". Don't they mean "mistakenly"?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Repub NEOCONs can't even finish the wars they've started before they begin another one.

Obama said, we should continue the focus in Afghanistan, guess he was a Neocon as well.

Well, sorry - you guessed wrong...

Every Repub NEOCON administration forgets this truism, and launches another war - they did it in 1991 and in 2003...

Your point?

Self evident - to those not wearing MAGA-vision googles...

And what's worse is not only are the NEOCONs, they're imbeciles...they don't have the slightest ability to make critical judgments on what could occur when they launch these wars...

Lol, Democrats said, they wouldn’t have taken out Solimani, no wonder they won’t win the WH.

Thanks for proving my point - NEOCONs don't think, they just act - recklessly - and over 200 innocent people are dead...

So now there are more than 200 people dead on both sides - with 190 of them just innocent victims.

The Iranians should have thought about that before they decided to idiotically take on the US.

Wouldn't have happened if Donnie didn't start the chain of consequences...

I wonder if Trump would have authorized the strike on Sulemani if he knew the consequences..

Trump has no way of knowing the Iranians were that careless.

Agree - in his state of dementia, he couldn't have figured that out - like remembering where his father was born...

Trumpers putin neocons oh my. Trumpers putin neocons oh my.

Trumpers putin neocons oh my.

As many times as this Trumper posts this, it must be sinking in - another convert!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

He didn’t start it, he finished it though. No something a NEOCON would do. You didn’t convert anyone, just laughing because you use that term over and over but not know who it applies to. It’s like calling a dancer a singer.

Wouldn't have happened if Donnie didn't start the chain of consequences...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wouldn't have happened if Donnie didn't start the chain of consequences...

He didn’t start it, he finished it though.

Yep, once again, wonder if he would have started it knowing the consequences? What do you think?

No something a NEOCON would do.

Other Trumpers here disagree with you - can't you all get on the same page?

You didn’t convert anyone, just laughing because you use that term over and over but not know who it applies to.


bass4funkJan. 9  07:29 pm JST

And now the Great Orange Emperor in the White House has disrobed and shown us that he's just as big a NEOCON

If so, good!

It’s like calling a dancer a singer.

More like calling Mike Pence Mike Pounce...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trumpers putin neocons oh my. Trumpers putin neocons oh my.

Trumpers putin neocons oh my.

Once again, thanks for posting this - but we all know Trumpers are just bots repeating what Donnie said robot-like...we don't need anymore examples.

But we appreciate your effort...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well, sorry - you guessed wrong...

No, because on Obama’s orders we’re still there at last count.

Thanks for proving my point - NEOCONs don't think, they just act - recklessly

And liberals are appeasers, No wonder the country is falling apart.

and over 200 innocent people are dead...*

Thanks to the Iranians.


Just hot off the press.

Wouldn't have happened if Donnie didn't start the chain of consequences...

Wouldn't have happened if Solimani wouldn’t have tried to kill Americans.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Yep, once again, wonder if he would have started it knowing the consequences? What do you think?

I think if Carter wouldn't have been so irresponsible to allow our people to be held by Iran for 444 days, none of this would have happened, but liberals have always been weak when it comes to appeasement.

Other Trumpers here disagree with you - can't you all get on the same page?

And be a monolithic lemmings group like the liberals, doubt it.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Unlike liberals we don’t have to wait to get the talking points and (gasp!) sometimes we think differently. we don’t have a “same page” like you guys and your everything being Orangemanbad

You certain are hung up on people misspeaking or mispronouncing one thing every 10s of thousands of public words they speak. even more strange that you never apply the same standards to Biden or Pelosi.

Other Trumpers here disagree with you - can't you all get on the same page?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Other Trumpers here disagree with you - can't you all get on the same page?

Unlike liberals we don’t have to wait to get the talking points and (gasp!) sometimes we think differently. we don’t have a “same page” like you guys and your everything being Orangemanbad

Sure - "Bring the troops home" and "Stop endless wars" overnight goes to "Send 22K more troops" and "Let's bomb 52 sites in Iran"....

You certain are hung up on people misspeaking or mispronouncing one thing every 10s of thousands of public words they speak. even more strange that you never apply the same standards to Biden or Pelosi.

I'd reply to that but it seems like you may be misspeaking or mispronouncing...

Yep, once again, wonder if he would have started it knowing the consequences? What do you think?

I think if Carter wouldn't have been so irresponsible to allow our people to be held by Iran for 444 days, none of this would have happened, but liberals have always been weak when it comes to appeasement.

Wow, a 40 year old dodge...and speaking of appeasement, how'd you like Donnie's Red Line dodge and blink?

Other Trumpers here disagree with you - can't you all get on the same page?

And be a monolithic lemmings group like the liberals, doubt it.

I see you've never been to or seen a Trump rally..."Bring the troops home" - YEA! "Let's bomb Iran" - YEA!

So, is Trump a NEOCON or are you going to flip back now?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Sure - "Bring the troops home" and "Stop endless wars" overnight goes to "Send 22K more troops" and "Let's bomb 52 sites in Iran"....

there is our goal and our required response to the daily actions of others in the world.

I'd reply to that but it seems like you may be misspeaking or mispronouncing...

no you wouldn’t, as it was perfectly clear what I said.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

America Persia/Iran conflicts date all the way back to about 1950.

But no one stormed our embassy and took our people hostage.

Sure - "Bring the troops home" and "Stop endless wars"

Ok, in other words, let’s just allow the terrorists do what they want with us, because we don’t want; to make them angry

Wow, a 40 year old dodge...and speaking of appeasement, how'd you like Donnie's Red Line dodge and blink?

Ask Solimani. Lol

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Well, at least they admitted they they made a mistake, which is more than can be said for Trump.

Trump hasn't made any mistakes relative to Iran that come to mind.

Iran is a danger in the region.

Iran is a danger to the USA and our allies.

Trump didn't order the Ground-to-Air controllers to shoot at the airplane.

Trump is far from perfect and does lots of really dumb, bad, stupid things, but not related to Iran. Iran shot 15+ missiles into Iraq and apparently targeted just outside each base housing American military on purpose.

They killed 186 people. Most were Iranian. That is on Iran and the team who didn't get the flight plan information entered, passed on, correctly.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Lying to the enemy is called "military strategy", BTW. Happens all the time.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sure - "Bring the troops home" and "Stop endless wars" overnight goes to "Send 22K more troops" and "Let's bomb 52 sites in Iran"....

there is our goal and our required response to the daily actions of others in the world.

Or, all that stuff we told you during the campaign and for the past three years - all BS - just a con...like Mexico paying for the wall...

I'd reply to that but it seems like you may be misspeaking or mispronouncing...

no you wouldn’t, as it was perfectly clear what I said.

To you maybe - I don't wear MAGA-vision googles...

Sure - "Bring the troops home" and "Stop endless wars"

Ok, in other words, let’s just allow the terrorists do what they want with us, because we don’t want; to make them angry

Or in other words, everything we told you about hating NEOCONs, bringing the troops home, ending endless were all lies - we just told you what you wanted to hear - we conned you...

Wow, a 40 year old dodge...and speaking of appeasement, how'd you like Donnie's Red Line dodge and blink?

Ask Solimani. Lol

Donnie: We have a Red Line - if you retaliate, we attack. Iran launches 22 missiles at US bases....Donnie: All is well... Lol....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Or, all that stuff we told you during the campaign and for the past three years - all BS - just a con...like Mexico paying for the wall...

Getting built, so it’s all good and when he slides into his second term, it’s full steam ahead with the rest.

Or in other words, everything we told you about hating NEOCONs, bringing the troops home, ending endless were all lies - we just told you what you wanted to hear - we conned you...

In other words, the typical liberal run and seek shelter, if the radicals kill Americans, don’t do anything, we don’t want to go to war, but on the other hand, if you don’t do anything then you’re an idiot for not trying to do anything, you weakling. ROFL. Oh, liberal hysteria.

Donnie: We have a Red Line - if you retaliate, we attack. Iran launches 22 missiles at US bases....Donnie: All is well... Lol....

Like Iran said, we don’t want a war. Wise words, wise words Ayatollah.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Or, all that stuff we told you during the campaign and for the past three years - all BS - just a con...like Mexico paying for the wall...

Getting built, so it’s all good and when he slides into his second term, it’s full steam ahead with the rest.

Three years and no new wall built - just replaced - and with one an 8 year old can climb over - and paid by Mexico?

Or in other words, everything we told you about hating NEOCONs, bringing the troops home, ending endless were all lies - we just told you what you wanted to hear - we conned you...

In other words, the typical liberal run and seek shelter, if the radicals kill Americans, don’t do anything, we don’t want to go to war, but on the other hand, if you don’t do anything then you’re an idiot for not trying to do anything, you weakling. ROFL. Oh, liberal hysteria.

Hysteria? NEOCONs are scum - NEOCONs are heroes. The intel community is the Deep State - they're heroes... Flip-flop, flip-flop...

Donnie: We have a Red Line - if you retaliate, we attack. Iran launches 22 missiles at US bases....Donnie: All is well... Lol....

Like Iran said, we don’t want a war. Wise words, wise words Ayatollah.

Donnie's great disappearing Red Line.... And now Trumpers are praising the Ayatollah - guess we'll be seeing love letters and hugs next...

2 ( +2 / -0 )


I wonder if Trump would have authorized the strike on Sulemani if he knew the consequences...

The consequences being that Iran shoots down civilian planes over Teheran?? I am pretty sure he would simply point out that he is not in charge of Irans missile batteries. What other wondrous things are you wondering about?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


And now Trumpers are praising the Ayatollah - guess we'll be seeing love letters and hugs next...

Is that a prediction? I predict there will be no love letters and hugs, only more symbolic posturing and rethoric. Lets see who is right. Can you give us a time frame on those love letters and hugs?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I wonder if Trump would have authorized the strike on Sulemani if he knew the consequences...

The consequences being that Iran shoots down civilian planes over Teheran?? I am pretty sure he would simply point out that he is not in charge of Irans missile batteries. What other wondrous things are you wondering about?

So, he'd go ahead anyway and start the chain that results in over 200 people being killed. Yep, I agree, he's that much of an imbecile..

Is that a prediction? I predict there will be no love letters and hugs, only more symbolic posturing and rethoric. Lets see who is right. Can you give us a time frame on those love letters and hugs?

Tell you what - I don't gamble, but why don't you ask Kim Jong Un - I'm certain he'd take your bet...

He might even send you a copy of Donnie's love letter if you ask nicely...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

So, he'd go ahead anyway and start the chain that results in over 200 people being killed.

I do not get the logic here. How is shooting down a plane over ones own airport part of a "chain"? The Iranian government now says it was a mistake. Are you saying they did on purpose and are now lying??

Yep, I agree, he's that much of an imbecile..

How do get from A to B? Trump is an imbecile because Iran shoots down a Ukranian plane over Teheran?? Come again??

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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