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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Iranian president urges girls to marry at 16
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Italian President will be the first to welcome this idea, rest of the world leaders may have their some reservations for now !
How about personal choice?
Elbuda Mexicano
Personal choice in a Muslim dictatorship? They just do not go hand in hand. What a mess! First the kill the university students for protesting against their rigged elections and now they want to have the girls barefoot and pregnant by sweet 16? More morons living in the stone ages along with the Taliban etc...
Personal choice for girls in a Sharia country? You must be joking. Actually, the legal limit for marrying off girls is set to 9 years old in Iran; one of the first things that Khomeini passed. (Based on the Sharia, which is based on the life of the prophet).
Women have the right to choose; but let us compare Iran and Japan? Maybe Iranian women have more job opportunities and respect than women in Japan. Japanese women at 16 are already in the adult indsustry.
What a dubious claim. In addition, the Japanese government has made no announcement pushing for such a concept. Anyway, do you think Iran should be pushing girls to marry so young? That is the question. I think it is not something that needs to be pushed. You obviously think more lightly about it.
No, they don´t. Take a look at Iranian law.
That is a ludicrious claim.
You seriously are joking.If you have some good friends from Iran who are educated and holding good jobs, then ask them how you feel.
i meant how they feel.
Imagine a Japanese girl getting married at 16? Crazy thought. They might look really cute, but they act like 4 year olds. Don`t Iranian girls go to High School?
Doesn't Mahmoud realize that the more babies, the younger the population of Iran is, the more liberal anti-establishment it would be?
Obviously you don't live in the countryside in Japan. I was at the local woman's clinic because my kid had a cold and I ran into 3 senior high girls there to visit their friend... who was 17 and upstairs in the maternity ward.
It happens, not sure how common it is and whether I just ran into a single isolated case, but it does happen in Japan.
"The prophet" married his first(of many) wives when she was 6 years old, and consummated the marriage when she was 9 (as far as history tells us).
Frungy, but is/will she married or slam-bam-thank you ma'am?
Or the more young, energetic, jihadist martyrs he has, willing to kill and to die for their 72 virgins. It all depends how they are indoctrinated. And you can bet the islamic republic takes care of the indoctrination bit.
If you have well educated female friends in Japan, then ask them how they feel. Japan is at the bottom of the list for equal rights of the women, have to research about Iran.
Yes I am, but I am sure Iran has more women in high positions than Japan and Iranian women are more intellectual.
FYI girls can legally get married at 16 with parental consent in Japan, United States, Canada and most of European countries.
Well, maybe he did. But is there any special reason why the fact that the man wants to increase the birth rate now was not placed in this paragraph at the beginning? Oh, that have negated the spin. I see.
Not only should girls marry at the age of 16 or 17, they should clean the house and cook the meals whilst they're looking after the kids, lol.
Hell girls can marry at 9 in the Islamic Republic why wait until 16? This guy is such a nutjob, everything is a Western plot.
"they should clean the house and cook the meals whilst they're looking after the kids, lol."
What is wrong with that part??
LOL! And you would have some documentation for backing up this thought of yours, would you? .... no, I didn´t think so either.
Iranian women actually outnumber men in universities.
However, when it comes to job equalities.....I think it maybe the same as Japan (Japan is among the lowest out of all developed countries when it comes to gender equality in the workforce).
Truong Le
That's a good thing for men in Iran.