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© 2015 AFPIraq lost 2,300 Humvee armoured vehicles in Mosul: PM
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........and 2,300 Humvee's for the ISIS scum. Retreating is one issue. Retreating leaving valuable equipment is just stupid or aiding the "enemy". Honestly, I suspect the latter.
Bringing valuable equipment to Iraq is just stupid, or aiding the enemy.
The west needs to get out of there. The sooner the better.
And the gifts to our enemies just keep on rolling thanks to the disaster invasion by bush and the republicans. As many have stated the Iraq invasion was one if not the biggest strategic blunder in US history. At least with Vietnam there was an enemy who could unite the country after the US lost there. But Iraq, the war will go on for decades. Thanks bush for being such a complete fool. And Cheney and Rumsfeld too for putting money before country. All are war criminals.
Living Memory
Not if your strategy was to simply get rich by robbing the American people blind!
One thing is for sure: Saddam never would have let this happen!
You mean the "retreat" from Mosul. So, assuming that there are 125 million U.S. taxpayers, and these 2,300 Humvees were worth at least $1 billion, the Iraq's threw away about $10 of every taxpayer's contribution. How much more money are we going to piss away there, when their army won't fight ISIS?
Exactly. Seal the borders, nobody in or out and leave them to fight it out among themselves; it's their fight. Anyone from any other country wishing to go and join them, fine, no problem, go but your passport / visa will be immediately revoked. When you people have formed your Caliphate government then apply for a nice shiny new Caliphate passport and go to the local consulate of your country of choice and apply for a visa. It might take a while.
And don't forget the formation and the growth of ISIS under the Obama admin. And continuing to do so.
No thanks to the dividing and wearing sectarian violence.
As well as the incompetent Obama and his bungling cronies.
As many have stated the Iraq invasion was one if not the biggest strategic blunder in US history.
All politicians do that to an extent.
And that's another reason why he's not there anymore.
Once again fact free comments. Bush created ISIS by invading Iraq and destroying it. From the ashes arose ISIS. Obama has done the best he could given the mess he inherited, wars and economic, from the failure that was the bush reign of disaster. 7 years on now, no stupid wars based on lies, no letting terrorists attack the USA like bush let OBL do on 9-11, and the economy is finally back on track. Facts, stubborn things they are.
bass4funk: "As many have stated the Iraq invasion was one if not the biggest strategic blunder in US history."
You have bush to thank for that. As for ISIS, a bush creation through and through.
Do not sell or supply the Iraqi government anything! It just winds up in the hands of ISIS.
Has anyone noticed that the vehicles are newer than on in the garage? Cut and run. The USA needs to leave both countries and let them fight it out to the last person. The USA is not the "cop of the world" including Asia.
Everything about this is wrong. The U.S. Needs to clean up its own mess at home before trying to save the world, as they would like us to think. But in actuality, they need these conflicts to feed their war machine and keep the world at a stage of conflict. The U.S. cant afford to have the masses thinking too much. And as we can see from the sanctions on Russia, North Korea and the heated discussions with China, the lines have been drawn, and alliances are forming for the next conflict, WWIII. It just a matter of time.
'Humvees were worth at least $1 billion, the Iraq's threw away about $10 of every taxpayer's contribution. How much more money are we going to piss away there, when their army won't fight ISIS?'
The US right are fiscal conservatives apart from when the military and most exciting of all, war, enter the equation. Then they are happy to throw cash around like coke heads in a casino.
Twelve years after the invasion began, Iraq continues to remain a sore for the US. Bush's myopic endeavor to crack some skulls and finish what daddy started has left the US with the unenviable position of being between a proxy-war between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran. Either empower the militants to support Riyadh, bomb ISIS to assist Iran, or do nothing and watch the region burn. Bush's legacy continues to hamper US efforts to engage Asia and bring stability to the Middle East. The Bush legacy in Iraq is sickening.
Yeah, it's messed up that they'll freak out about spending $1 billion on taking care of their own people (obamacare), but spend $500 billion on their military, to the point that they force the pentagon to receive tanks even though the pentagon is saying they don't even want them anymore ( If they even just stopped this one wasteful practice, they would have more than enough to pay for obamacare.
Wouldn't want to spend it on socialist ideas like decent education and universal healthcare!
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING... and they only dare mention these Humvees, 2,300 of them!
No mention of the elephants, the other unmentionable weapons left behind.
Obama created ISIS by invading Libya and supporting the Arab Spring. Libya is is now a state of perpetual civil war and a fertile ground for extremists. Egypt would be no better, but fortunately they were able to throw out the Islamic Brotherhood. Obama also enabled ISIS by supporting the Syrian civil war against Assad. Finally, Obama enabled ISIS by withdrawing completely from Iraq. Bush may have invaded Iraq, an absolutely terrible decision, but you're 100% blind if you can't see how Obama has made the situation worse than it should be. Libya, Syria, supporting the Arab Spring which was spearheaded by Muslim Brotherhood types --- explain how any of these are Bush's fault.
As for the rest of that paragraph. Boston Bombers injured several hundred people in an indisputable terrorist attack, so "no letting terrorists attack the USA like bush let OBL do on 9-11" is objectively false.
And as for the economy, while the unemployment rate has steadily come down, the labor force participation rate, which indicates what % of the population is actually working, hasn't budged. In other words, millions have simply stopped looking for work as opposed to finding jobs. Remember, the unemployment rate is (number employed) / (number seeking work). Effectively bragging that Obama decreased the denominator is nothing to hang your hat on.
Only 11 years after millions of people worldwide protested against the oncoming Iraq invasion, bass4funk is finally seeing the light as to the epic screw-up the bush-GOP invasion was.
Saddam knew the cultural, ethnic and tribal differences and boundaries between his country's tribes, and while not respecting all of them, he knew how to keep them apart.
In contrast, bush, cheney and co. rampaged in and shredded everything, unleashing hell that now conservatives like bass still blame Obama for, a president who didn't even vote for the war and who campaigned to get out, which he's almost done, except now, folks like John McCain - who supported the war - now want to exacerbate by sending more troops back in !!
How insane are conservatives going to get??
One of Obama's greatest legacies is (as mentioned above) what he hasn't done: -
No. New. Idiot. Wars.
That is absolutely awesome.
And Obamacare, or "Giving a toss about Americans" - is also good, and yet conservatives criticize the president for both.
The real terrorists in America are conservatives - socially, fiscally and militarily.
Can you say cut and run?
The West goes in and gets rid of a dictator, somebody who gassed his own people, waged war on his neighbors and was generally a douche. However, it is obvious that there was and is no long-term plan to fill the void that was created. The "leadership" of Iraq doesn't exist. The army (well the Sunnis) don't have the morale to stand up to Isis. The militias (the Shiites) definitely do but their motivations in kicking the crazies are not what they seem. Moreover, the Gulf States aren't really imbued with any form of Shiite ascendency, even if it were to overcome ISIS. Meanwhile, over the border in Syria you have a whole different kettle of fish. What is the West to do? Either it admits defeat (like Vietnam) and lets the region fall to the radicals (because the Iraqis cannot defend themselves), or it redeploys ground troops to the region and starts confronting ISIS head on. I realize that is not a very palatable solution in these days where more than a couple of casualties is blown up to be a national disaster, but isn't it time that the West realize that as the people who created this quagmire, there is a certain moral responsibility to see that the problems are solved, once and for all?
'Obama created ISIS by invading Libya and supporting the Arab Spring. Libya is is now a state of perpetual civil war and a fertile ground for extremists. Egypt would be no better, but fortunately they were able to throw out the Islamic Brotherhood. Obama also enabled ISIS by supporting the Syrian civil war against Assad. Finally, Obama enabled ISIS by withdrawing completely from Iraq. Bush may have invaded Iraq, an absolutely terrible decision, but you're 100% blind if you can't see how Obama has made the situation worse than it should be. Libya, Syria, supporting the Arab Spring which was spearheaded by Muslim Brotherhood types --- explain how any of these are Bush's fault.'
So, you accept that the Iraq invasion was disastrous and believe Obama has added to the problem. For me, that seems to indicate that the best policy would be to get out and stay out of this region seeing that every intervention we have seen is a disaster.
Get out and stay out. No good?
1) The west didn't create the quagmire, the Middle East has always been a quagmire. The West (well, America) just stepped in and exasperated things.
2) The idea that that a solution for this can come from outside (from the West) is wishful thinking. There is nothing the west can do to solve this, the solution, if one exists, has to come from within the Middle East.
Whoa, where did that lie come from? Fox news? That is a far as I got in our post as clearly you are watching fox news way to much or you are simply confused. And did Saddam Hussain fly the planes on 9-11 too?
Brian Wheway
It makes me wonder if we should have left Sadam H in power, because he had all of this supprest, there were very few militants, it was relatively calm and stable, but we had to take out a so called dictator and now look whats happened.
I think we need to start calling it Fox News-based Entertainment.
Saddam would probably have been taken out another way by someone else, by assassination for example.
The Middle East is an alluring quagmire, the vortex strong and deep enough to suck in any proud so-called world power.
My father used to tell me that as long as Iran and Iraq were going hammer and tongs at each other, the rest of the world could breathe easily. (*Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988, "Ira Ira Senso" in Japanese, the 20th century's longest conventional war).
The causes always lie further back than these recent shallow political posturings...
No. Obama directly created ISIS by his ill-advised support for Al Quaeda in Libya and Syria, plus the hasty withdrawal from Iraq. You can you repeat your party-political slogans as much as you want, that is the reality.
Yes, GWB`s invasion of Iraq was badly mishandled, but at least he kept a lid on the situation in Iraq, and he did not overthrow the secular regimes in Libay and Syria.
Fact: Obama inherited a bad but stable situation and turned it into a disaster.
Don't put me in the war camp, however, if the West had no idea how to fix the problems of the Middle East (Israel and the Arabs, Shiites vs. Sunnis, oppressive dictatorships, etc.), then why the hell did we get rid of Saddam? He might have been an extremely troublesome individual, however, at least he managed to keep a lid on many of the issues that now confront us. Moreover, although the whole region has been an accident waiting to happen for many years, the folly that was the war of Busch and Blair did nothing to stabilize the situation, it made it a whole lot worse. And now we want to cut and run? Just because we leave the region will not mean that the West will no longer be the target of radical Islam. Such a mentality is lunacy. Then again, what should we do? What is the moral responsibility of the West in this total disaster? Do we simply destabilize the region and then leave the totally ill-prepared locals to get shafted by a bunch of extremists? Anyone got some practical alternatives because the current strategy ain't working.
Because he had WMDs! Oh wait, no, it was because Little Bush wanted to finish the job Big Bush didn't.
That's correct, the West will still likely be a target, but with less families and innocents being killed by the west, and less interference from the west, you will see less terrorists who are focused on attacking the west. The terrorists will never go away completely, but that doesn't mean that they can't be reduced.
Anything else is throwing good money after bad. Unfortunately, there is no clean solution. If there was, then the right thing would be to implement it. But there isn't, and right now, the only good solution is to get out of there and let it fix itself.
There is no clean solution, but there are some sensible things we could and should do: --> Support Assad in order to get rid of ISIS in Syria and preserve secularity (and the lives of the remaining Christians, Yazidis, Druzes and Shiites) --> Support the separation of Sunni Eastern Iraq from Shiite Western Iraq, in the same way that Kurdistan has achieved de-facto independence. Obviously, there are Sunnis who don´t want to live under ISIS; but just as obviously they prefer ISIS to the Shia regime.
If the West`s disastrous creation of the Al Quaeda state of Libya can be reversed, we have to see. It is difficult to put Humpty Dumpty back together after Obama and Cameron destroyed it.
I've got to stop you right there - supporting a dictator? This is the whole problem with the mess in the middle east - the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy. Or if they are my friend, they may be my enemy tomorrow.
"Humpty Dumpty" was already a mess before Bush and co. smashed it. Now it's just more of a mess.
Everything you've described is just what I said before - throwing good money after bad. It's time to stop.
No, ISIS was a direct result that birthed out of the Obama administration. In 2007 A functioning first time democratically governed Iraq was handed over to Obama. The man wanted to leave and get the troops out ASAP, didn't even with the advice of his generals didn't establish a SOFA agreement, didn't want to leave a small sizable backup force as well. Wasn't trying to work with Maliki. Obama has been president since 2008, happened on his watch, therefore he owns it, pure and simple.
If the last 6 years were his best, then it definitely wasn't good enough. With the sagging economy, more people NOT spending money, failed foreign policy, question is, who is going to clean Obama's mess when he's gone.
Benghazi was a lie, stabbing our Sunni and Israeli allies in the back, lying to them. Lying to our military and the American people that ISIS and Al Qaida are on the run and that they are a VJ team. Swapping a soldier that wanted to take arms with the jihadists, all lies or for libs, half truths?
Indeed, so what does Obama TRY to do, ignore it, but a band aid and maybe it'll somehow heal itself and the Jihadists will get tired and go away. You bought that line???
Besides the obvious sectarian conflict And Obama's inability and unwillingness to deal with Iraq, Syria and Assad and the growing threat of ISIS now in Lybia and by the way, whatever happened with that RED LINE threat again he never followed up on?
And yet, Obama THINKS all is well in Iraq, moral is beyond low with our military, for the first time, we have a president who's favorite color seems to be yellow. Either completely and unconditionally take EVER soldier and advisor out of Iraq or keep a sizable contingency force, don't half a** it! Obama wants to look strong to the people, but looks week to his military. The man is beyond incompetent and horrible.
Obama created ISIS by invading Libya
Not only Fox News, but EVERY news outlet except for the far, far left progressive sights.
Again, if you open your eyes, pretty much all of the networks state this fact. So if you want to hate the truth, just deal with it. I do.
I think we need to start calling it Fox News-based Entertainment.
Why, because progressives hate the truth??? ROFL
Those Humvees are real diesel guzzlers, they get less than 12 miles per gallon, it must be costing IS a fortune to run them, brilliant play by the Iraqis.
Frederic Bastiat
How about a few facts about who voted FOR the Iraq Invasion? Yes, Bush gets much blame, and very deservedly, but so do ALL who voted to support it. Read the names.
'How about a few facts about who voted FOR the Iraq Invasion? Yes, Bush gets much blame, and very deservedly, but so do ALL who voted to support it. Read the names.'
Any idiotic or plain vicious politician who voted in favour of that disgusting bloodbath is unfit for office. Republican or Democrat.
I totally agree, everyone should read it.
That would disqualify Hilary Clinton.
'Any idiotic or plain vicious politician who voted in favour of that disgusting bloodbath is unfit for office. Republican or Democrat.
That would disqualify Hilary Clinton.'
She's the main reason I wrote that final sentence. I'm sure you with your non-partisan approach to these things would agree with the final sentence I wrote.
I do agree, that's why I wrote for all the other partisan libs to recognize that serious and undisputed FACT!
'I do agree, that's why I wrote for all the other partisan libs to recognize that serious and undisputed FACT!'
You do agree? Romney supported the Iraq invasion. I don't remember you saying he was unfit for political office.
Wow, the shock and awe crowd is really pumping out the smoke on this one. They want to forget their cheering for the invasion of Iraq based on lies they believed about WMD. Now they believe another set of lies so they can blame Obama for getting the USA out of Iraq, out of a no win situation their boy bush created to made Dad happy. Fact is boys that if Saddam were alive he would still be ruling Iraq and there would be no ISIS. None. Zero. But please check in with the real world, not fox news propaganda rewrites of history they created, and accept the truth. It is tough medicine but if you can handle it you will stop being wrong all the time. As you have been for the last ten years plus on Iraq. And just about everything else for that matter. Regarding Hillary supporting the war, she played politics as the bush/fox news war machine duped most Americans on the WMD issue and the fake fact that Saddam was involved in 9-11. She lost the Presidency in 2008 for that as liberals held her accountable, something you conservatives never do with your leaders. Like right now republicans are letting terrorist operate without any security oversight, party politics first and country second, eh boys? Always the same story with the right wing folks. The USA comes last.
(about Iraq)
Well, yes. Like Saddam Hussein ... is the Bush-bashing crowd not constantly going on about how Saddam should have been left in power? What is up with these double standards? And Assad has never been as brutal as Saddam; in fact, he has always protected the minorities in Syria.
(about Libya)
Nope. Libya was stable, Gaddafi was in power, and would have quite effectively dealt with the the Jihadis in Bengazi, if Obama had not jumped in and played airforce for Al Quaeda. And now you see the result.
Again, what is up with these double standards? People lambast Bush for something he did, and then turn around and have a giant blind spot when Obama does the same, only worse?
Why is it, you guys have this time machine syndrome? Romney is NOT running, if he were, it'd be a different story and a different argument.
At the time, based on the international intelligence that is what everyone thought.
How can it be a lie, if it's the truth? That's like saying OBL wasn't a terrorist, but decent law abiding citizen.
But he'd be slaughtering the Shia, the Kurds, both of his sons would be murdering and raping women and then disposing them like dish rags doesn't bother you in the least. I see.
IF it were a lie Fox would have made a news RETRACTION and since there was none means that their reporting was accurate. If you say, you personally opposed the war, I got it, but if you think you can prove and discredit Fox, please try and if you can factually prove it to be, then I will apologize. But I already know what the result will be.
Zurc, do you have any animosity or hatred to the radical Islamic terrorists that have caused the overwhelming majority of sectarian violence or do you just want to cherry pick?
No, Hilary lost the race because Obama was a young, handsome, Black man, the FIRST to come on the scene, young energetic and campaigned on ending the war, the people wanted to tryout something different, that's basically it.
You meant Obama and his liberal cronies, I think that's what you really were trying to say. The only difference is, the Obama admin. believes in appeasement, backing down, giving up and giving in and capitulate to the enemy and making cozy relationships with with people that want to kill us. For the libs, those are TOP priorities
If they want to fight ISIS, the US either arms Iraq or send their own soldiers
Just a bunch of Bush bashing here. Yes, Bush invaded Iraq. Yes, he had support. Yes, support was international and bipartisan. No, not unanimous. The Iraqi's were celebrating after the removal of the brutal dictator. When Bush left office Iraq was nearly stable. It's done! Over with. Let's move on.
Obama has his hands on ISIS simply because against advice from his advisors to attempt to satisfy a campaign promise which proved a catastrophe.
Well, Bush's gift of 2000 armoured vehicles to ISIS accounts for some of George W. Bush's fifteen trillion dollar war for nothing. Here we read AWOL Bush makes it clear it was all a lie:
"In the run up to the war," he continued, "my administration made claims that turned out not to be factual. Personally, I truly believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. But when we couldn't find the evidence, we fabricated it." George W. AWOL Bush, President
Some will forever hold on to the belief that when AWOL Bush lied that was OK because so many made so much from the deaths and destruction of BushWars. Why look a gift horse in the mouth is their conclusion.
What fair minded people see is a deranged obsession with robbing the US Treasury and saddling the United States with a moral, financial and global disaster that Bush lied his way to.
IF that is "bashing" it is also known as the Truth. A Truth the party of personal responsibility still cannot admit because they are still counting their profits and have little time to do anything else. A good war, a damn good war, so far at leaste.
And the Comedy Gold prize goes to:
Keep adding value, Funkster. We love it.
But Obama adding $18 Trillion to the deficit doesn't phase you, huh?
As bad as that was, Bush at admitted the intelligence was in many ways faulty and took responsibility for it. Now when has Obama EVER took responsibility for ANYTHING?
I understand, it equally makes people angry that Obama has the tip of his foot in Iraq, but doesn't want to commit, but doesn't want to do a 100% withdrawal either. Either we're completely in or NOT, add to that his Bergdahl trade for some of the worst Jihadists was a complete shameful embarrassment to lie to the American people that the man served honorable when the WH knew it was a lie and still tried to sell that BS to the American people, he's lies about Syria removing Assad, the lies about Iran and on and on... Now if you're not partisan, that will equally enrage you or it doesn't?
Then if that's the case, you really must hate Obama with every fiber of your being
But only if it's partially the truth or the truth seen through partisan eyes.
That means, both parties be damned then.
No problem, sometimes there are people that just can't accept the truth and the only way they can handle it is to dismiss it as fabrication.
'You do agree? Romney supported the Iraq invasion. I don't remember you saying he was unfit for political office.
Why is it, you guys have this time machine syndrome? Romney is NOT running, if he were, it'd be a different story and a different argument.'
'Unfit for political office' means 'unfit for political office', not just the presidency. I'm talking very much in the here and now. Do you still agree with me or does it only apply to those running for president?
'Wow, the shock and awe crowd is really pumping out the smoke on this one. They want to forget their cheering for the invasion of Iraq based on lies they believed about WMD.
At the time, based on the international intelligence that is what everyone thought.'
Not everyone. Only the bloodthirsty/stupid/easily-led, those unfit for political office, as you agreed. There were those thinking clearly and saw this crap for what it was. I'm glad you agree the US needs a serious cull of those who were responsible for the foul bloodbath in Iraq. Perhaps then we'll be able to avoid thousands coming home in body bags, unleashing hell and flushing billions upon billions down the toilet.
How about people who were responsible for the fould bloodbath in Libya and Syria?
The blind spot continues.
'How about people who were responsible for the fould bloodbath in Libya and Syria?
The blind spot continues.'
Not at all. I'm consistent in saying the west should stop interfering in this region completely whereas you seen to think you know the answers. Then again, a person posting on JT has about as much chance of being right as any politician. I just regard the Iraq invasion as the most foul and dishonest to the point of criminal episode in living memory. That's what sets it apart.
More foul than aiding Al Quaeda in Libya and turning Libya into an ISIS state? How do decide such things? The Iraq invasion, by the way, did not happen in a vacuum. By the tiime it rolled around, with constant ceasefire violations and Saddam genociding the Kurds and the marsh Shia, threatening to attack Saudi, I frankly don´t see how it could have been avoided.
Maybe on MSNBC the story was presented as GWB incarnate one fine day attacking Iraq out of nowhere without any reason.... that, however is not reality. It takes determined tunnel vision to blank out the context.
The same can not be said for Obamas illegal attack on Libya and the stupid, stupid aid to Jihadis in Syra. There was NO justification for that, and we see the results.
Try to see the whole picture and not just the liberal talking points.
'>You do agree? Romney supported the Iraq invasion. I don't remember you saying he was unfit for political office.
Yes, but at the time, I would have voted for Mickey Mouse if that would have ousted Obama from office.
I agree, but the way the country is being run into the ground, I can be patient.
But we need to get beyond that, No one is going to ever arrest Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld, get it out of your heads and move on. I think Obama should equally stand trial myself, but that's for another entirely different discussion.
Believe me, NO one wants a war on either side of the political aisle. At the same time, you can't dismiss the threat of the jihadists, whether we agree or not, they are coming, the attacks will come, the question is, how will they come to us?
'You do agree? Romney supported the Iraq invasion. I don't remember you saying he was unfit for political office.
Yes, but at the time, I would have voted for Mickey Mouse if that would have ousted Obama from office.'
I can imagine you voted for the McCain/Palin ticket in the 2008 rout. I can well believe you'd vote for anything. Minnie Mouse is an intellectual heavyweight compared to those clowns.
Like Fox?
I doubt if they dared renew their passports.
Hey, at least I vote.
No, 93 million people can't be wrong, try again. More like progressive libs that just can't accept the truth. And you're quoting an outfit run by Bill Adair, who is a leftist partisan? So we have AN opinionated opinion. Lol
Does anyone really believe they Lost them? Really Now are we all children or down right dumb. Do we look that Dumb? The Iraqi Muslims gave them away to the Isis, In America many people talked about this one issue, they were all against the I dear as we have seen the Military had hid so many terrorist we were looking for Look at where Bin Laden was hiding, Less then One (1) mile from the biggest arm base in the country, So Ladies and Gentle Men, The real truth is clear. Isis wanted them and the Government gave them to Isis! This report is true but it is sick it shows how responsible this government is and How their Solders really are. Afraid to stand in arms way.
'Hey, at least I vote.'
That's good. Given the absolutely pitiful turnouts in the US you deserve credit. Perhaps the ticket of Mickey and Minnie against Donald and Daisy would get more people off the couch rather than Goldman Sachs v erm....Goldman Sachs?
Tony Blair (the US's B*tch, at that time) also supported an invasion? Were YOU old enough to vote then?
'Romney supported the Iraq invasion. I don't remember you saying he was unfit for political office.
Tony Blair (the US's B*tch, at that time) also supported an invasion? Were YOU old enough to vote then?'
I voted for Blair in 1997 and 2001. I couldn't bring myself to vote for that man in 2005 after his complicity in that sickening bloodbath.
RIP Charles Kennedy who died yesterday - I'm not a Lib Dem supporter but his stand against that disgrace in 2003 defying Labour and the Tories should be remembered by all morally decent people. A decent man.
Not only is Obama's policy to fight ISIS a failure, he is supplying them with arms as well.
Due to their size weight carrying ratio they apparrently make excellent vechiles for suicide bombs.
The US adminstrations approach: IS isn't going beyond Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the US isn't payin for the totally FUBAR situation it's left in the ME all the while getting rid of a Russian proxy, Syria. Geopolitics, The Game. All there for the vieiwng. Keeps Saudi nervous, oil higher than it would be too. Protects fracking.
Can't hold on to the equipment they're given, do they want more?
They didn't retreat. They ran away! Left everything for the enemy!
This is shaping up to be worse than Vietnam.
On the bright side, the Humvees were equipped with Takata airbags so we can hopefully get most back as ISIS brings them in for recall.
Iraqi security forces lost/abandoned/donated 2,300 Humvee armoured vehicles to ISIS. Plus other heavy armored vehicles, and weapons. What an incredibile fighting force the Iraqi security forces have turned out to be.
Plus, WOW - Senate Democratic votes for the Iraq War:
YEAs — 77 Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE), Breaux (D-LA), Cantwell (D-WA), Carnahan (D-MO), Carper (D-DE), Cleland (D-GA),CLINTON (D-NY), Daschle (D-SD), Dodd (D-CT), Dorgan (D-ND), Edwards (D-NC), Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Hollings (D-SC), Johnson (D-SD), Kerry (D-MA), Kohl (D-WI), Landrieu (D-LA), Lieberman (D-CT), Lincoln (D-AR), Miller (D-GA), Nelson (D-FL), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Rockefeller (D-WV), Schumer (D-NY), Torricelli (D-NJ)
That's a lot of Democrats who were in favor of the war before they remembered it could be politically advantageous to be against it.
OR they made the fatal mistake of assuming that Rumsfeld and the others had a clue about what they were doing.
"We know where they are" -- Donald Rumsfeld, 2003, commenting on the location of Saddam's WMD stocks.
But yeah, I would never vote for anyone that voted to return to Iraq.
A bipartisan group consisting of four high ranking members of the U.S. Congress are briefed by the CIA on a regular basis. Democrats, and Republicans, were aware of the intelligence being fed to Rumsfeld, and Bush.
If the Democrats made the fatal mistake of assuming, or preferred to remain ignorant of the available intelligence, that certainly wouldn't enhance their image as actual elected leaders of the U.S.A..
Democrats voted for it before they decided it was politically expedient to be against it.
So what? The "intelligence" had been filtered through cherry-picker Cheney, who made regular trips to CIA HQ, which was unprecedented. CIA officers complained that the VP intensely pressured them to shape their intelligence reports to fit the White House line. Sorry, that ain't "intelligence."