Japan Today

Both parties claim to be ahead in Iraqi election


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The usual riff-raff with post 'freedumbized' countries; they'll both claim to be ahead, the US favoured party will win, but then will come proof of tampering and coercion, etc. Hope they can clear it up without too much bloodshed and fighting after.

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The usual riff-raff with post 'freedumbized' countries;

Would that include parties in 'freedumbized' Japan? What does that say about ppl like you ?

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Nothing like half arsed democracy where they apparantly don't know about how to NOT count your chickens before they hatch. They should keep their mouths shut until after the results.

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USA ,UN , EU and Iraqis,can help winners take up their seats, and elect a new PM or re-elect Malliki for new govt .

All politically elected leaders, should put interest of Iraq's nation building , in front.

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This is a good thing.

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The only thing worse than telling some people the results are a landslide against them, is to tell all the people that their side is ahead. It makes it even uglier when one side loses. Fasten your seatbelts.

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"freedumbized countries"

Yes, it was a big mistake to freedumbize Iraq. Iraq and the world was much better off and safer before the freedumbization than now.

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Sarge said: Iraq and the world was much better off and safer before the freedumbization than now.

You are finally starting to get it Sarge! Especially the point about Iraq being safer before freedumbization. They could not vote, but at least they were not dead! One is a temporary condition and the other is not. Can you spot which is which?

But I can't agree about the world Sarge. The only countries Iraq ever bothered were Iran and Kuwait. The world was not in danger from Iraq, ever.

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Japan and Iraq are different. You are comparing Apples with Oranges here. Forget Japanese by culture, heritage, tradition and even genetic makeup are totally the opposite of the Iraqi people, but Japan was under the supervision, guidance and control of the visionary and great Gen. Douglas MacAurthur.

Who's in charge of Iraq? Maliki? Don't make me laugh.

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"They could not vote but at least they were not dead"

You mean the ones that survived?

"The only countries Iraq ever bothered were Iran and Kuwait."

Yes, they are insignificant countries, not worth worrying about, lol.

"Who's in charge of Iraq? Maliki? Don't make me laugh"

Then please tell us who's in charge of Iraq.

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Then please tell us who's in charge of Iraq.

A whole bundle of local warlords, divvying up the country between them into local feudal territories. And being paid off by the states who removed the controls over their influence.


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"A whole bundle of local warlords, divvying up the country between them"

You could say that about virtually every country in the world. But assuming you are right, at least the local warlords aren't threatening neighboring countries.

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Your point being?

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