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© 2015 AFPIS executes Chinese, Norwegian hostages as bastion pounded
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Black Sabbath
These two appear to have been kidnapped solely for the purpose of ransom. No one paid up, so ISIS murdered them. As a message to those who won't pay.
IOW, ISIS -- at least this branch of it -- are just common criminals.
And adding more countries to the list that hate them to boot.
Wow they're really trying to make enemies out of everyone, while everyone else becomes angrier.
Doing anything that might piss off China is beyond foolish, IMO:
1: Due to the one-child policy, they've got "excess military manpower" in the tens of millions. That's a LOT of pissed off men that they can effectively afford to lose in a war.
2: With the shaky economy, it's always useful to have an external enemy to rally against.
3: Joining the fight against terror would boost China's international influence without requiring a direct confrontation with the US.
4: Like the Russians, the Chinese probably don't give two cow patties about collateral damage.
So someone in Daesh is seriously dropping the ball to hand the Chinese a casus belli on a silver platter.
The sooner we get rid of them, the better.
There's a rich assumption.
The mere use of this ghoulish, inhuman euphemism for civilian fatalities suggests the writer doesn't give two cow patties for it either.
Can we stop objectifying human lives? It's just as repugnant as Daesh.
@Noble137 I still think China still won't go in Syria despite this. They are already aware of the dangers of ISIS, seeing that they recruit Uyghurs. The leader of ISIS already threatened China, among other countries, several months ago (maybe late last year). However, for everything else you's pretty much on point. They'll use politics and play this out.
Yeah, I agree, dragging the Chinese into this is a big mistake by IS. Like Nobel says the Chinese can only gain by hitting IS now. Plus they'll get a chance to see how their hardware works compared with the US and Russia so that is an advantage the probably won't Pass up. Especially if that aircraft carrier is ready to go.
I'd read that, at the suggestion of the US, pamphlets are dropped near fuel truck depots about 30 minutes before bombing begins warning the civilian drivers to get out. This reduces civilian casualties. Eliminating their ability to produce, transport and refine oil would be a good idea.
@Noble 713 and gelendestrasse
This won't necessarily drag the Chinese into armed conflict. They have already endured worse by Islamic militants even in the last year and did not respond militarily.
Yeah, we'll see if the Chinese are stupid enough to get themselves into this.
Less likely. Syria is too far away. I think they'd prefer having their hardware in and around their nearby seas. Speaking of "testing their hardware", they technically are already. The conflict in Syria has brought out some Chinese-made weapons used by both Assad's forces and the rebels/Islamist, although I doubt the weapons were sold directly to the rebels by China. But they will definitely up the rhetoric against radical Islam.
China won't respond militarily.
This is an excellent opportunity for Muslims who claim that Islam is a peaceful religion and that IS and the like are the exceptions to publicly rally against Islamic extremism and to disavow IS. This would be a good step in improving Islam's image in the world...assuming, of course, that Islam does not support IS.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
I know it's fun to think of scenarios of China coming in and cleaning these guys' clocks and all, but it's not gonna happen.
Considering the number of Muslim groups that condemned ISIS after last week's attacks, I think it's safe to say that Islam doesn't support them.
A.N. Other
Too busy pouring concrete into the South China Sea and flipping off Vietnamese and Filipinos.
PIssing off China? Hmmmm... China, Russia AND the US? Not exactly a smart move.
How many "countries" since the Cold War started have pissed of Russia, China and the States at the same time. Can't be too many,
Not that the US will do anything without permission from their Sheik overlords in Saudi Arabia. Hopefully China Will do the right thing and wipe these scum off the earth so the world can go on without fear of ISIS.
I don't support any of them (meaning any group in the Middle East, including Assad)
But that said, just to be clear, there are two major group of Syrian rebels - the anti-Assad rebels, and ISIS. ISIS isn't fighting Assad, but the other Rebels are.
So which rebels are you speaking of? All of them, or only ISIS?
About Assad, I think it is quite clear by now to everyone that the West's desire to get rid of Assad is not based on humanitarian reasons. There are certainly ulterior motives to getting rid of him. I keep hearing so many lies about him, for example they keep on throwing around the "he gassed his own people" lie. I wonder to what extent the anti-Assad claims are lies. Assad might in fact be a really swell guy!
Enough with the flamebaiting. Mainstream Muslims do not support ISIL, any more than mainstream Catholics support the Irish Republican Army, or mainstream Protestants support the Ku Klux Klan, or mainstream new-born Christians support the Lord's Resistance Army of Uganda. But I suspect you already know this.
There is nothing here to support. ISIL is no more or less than an organized gang of socially maladjusted thugs who use and abuse to justify horrific, savage behavior that defies belief. Even the Taliban and al-Qaeda want nothing to do with this group, which speaks volumes.
ISIL executed a Chinese and Norwegian hostage, for Pete's sake. These were citizens from countries that have about as little to do with "persecuting Muslims" as one can get without going to, say, North Korea or Peru. We’re talking about an enemy that does not hesitate to use innocents as human shields or blow up airliners full of civilians as payback for the deaths of comrades in arms. That’s not Islam. That’s anti-social lunacy. None of ISIL's behavior to date fits into the typical al-Qaeda/Taliban "We Hate the West" narrative. None of it. These animals are an inner city drug gang with better weapons. They are a vile, corrosive cancer in a category all their own and they need to be wiped out of existence to the last adherent.
The sooner the world reaches this inevitable consensus, the better.
@Burning Bush,
Could you possibly be any more simplistic? This isn't even reomotely the case, and you know it.
Joshua Degreiff
Ohh boy....ISIS you shouldn't have been mess up with China, well IS your days are over!
I think their big mistake has been to mess with the Vikings.
@LFRAgain. "Enough with the flamebaiting" No flamebaiting going on here. I'm simply stating the obvious; this is is a great opportunity for Islam to break ranks with an image of violence and further isolate ISIS/IS. Check my past comments and you will see at least one post where I express appreciation for one imam doing just that.
"Mainstream Muslims do not support ISIL, any more than mainstream Catholics support the Irish Republican Army.." I cannot comment on the KKK or Lord's Army but as I former Catholic/now atheist living in Detroit I saw many a hat (both metaphorically and literally) being passed around for the IRA. Don't assume you know what all Muslims are thinking. Now you will probably retort by saying something along the lines of "the majority of Muslims are peaceful..." I know that; the majority are peaceful. No, that's not good enough; the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people. But you know what? So were the majority of Germans in the 1930's and we still had the Holocaust. So were the majority of the Japanese in the 1940's and we still had Nankin. It is the radicals that move society and with over a billion followers of Islam even if only 1% qualify as radicals or supports IS then that means they are 10 million people who want those not following Allah to be killed.
The world is always "reactionary." Tell the media, tourists, and who knows who else to stay out of those countries. Again, it is not their job to get the "story of the century" on the world's media and to put their lives in danger.
I don't make assumptions. I generally like to go with evidence.
French & Russian bombers should blow em' up anyways. The blood is alraedy on ISIS hands. The pilots are just completing their "mission" and achieving their objectives.
The percent of nations with significant Muslim populations that view IS favorably according the poll cited by LFRAgain.
Lebanon Sunnis = 1% Israel Arabs = 4% Patestinians (Gaza) = 5% Palestinians (Westbank) = 8% Burkina Faso (Christians) = 5% Burkina Faso (Muslims) = 9% Nigeria (Christians) = 7% Nigeria (Muslims) = 20% Malayasia (Muslims) = 12% Malayasia (Buddhists) = 6%
Now I don't like this poll a whole lot for 3 reasons; (1) it doesn't define what "unfavorable" means; are we talking about "unfavorable" in the way I find a barking dog annoying or are we talking about "unfavorable" in the way I find having cancer being dangerous to my life, (2) it doesn't ask the question in places like Saudia Arabia, Iran, Iraq, etc. and (3) it doesn't ask the question of Muslims living in non-Muslim countries. Either way, this poll does suggest a rather high level of support for IS.
That makes total sense. Selling stolen Syrian oil to Turkey is one of basic pillars of the ISIS economy. Funny that our fabolous NATO with all their technology never thought of that. Erdogan must be mightily upset!
Clearly a response to Norwegian imperialism in the Levant.
The Black Daesh ("IS") needs to get the whole world against them, or at least create that impression. Persecution is what justifies and triggers jihad. This is not stupid, but an attempt to pre-empt the hearts and minds of young uneducated Muslims from around the world. Welcome to the recruitment drive.
Nope, taking the Koran and haddith literally is what triggers Jihad. Do you think the thousands young Western converts joining ISIS were "persecuted" back home?
I'm pretty sure this attack was very much condemned by the vast majority of Muslims throughout the world. I am confused as to why you try to support your argument by providing poll results showing that only a small minority of Muslims expressed favorable sentiment towards IS; including the 5% from Gaza, who has been subjected to much worse than what IS has subjected the Syrians.
Firstly, it is literal fundamentalist sunni islam down to the letter. There is nothing that ISIS does that you can not justify with the Koran and the Haddith. Note that the Caliph has a doctorate in islamic studies; I think he knows a tad more about the ideology than you do.
Secondly, everything that ISIL does fits the "typical" Al Quaeda/Taliban. The one fundamental difference is that the unlike Al Quaeda/Taliban, ISIS has actually decided to hold and govern territory. Other than that, NO difference.
So the opposite of your claims is true.
WilliB, watch a recruitment DVD. Scenes of battles all over the world 'proving' that Islam itself is being attacked. The Prophet PBUH said the peace-loving disciples would be justified in fighting back if they were attacked by enemy tribes. Persecution complex is the catalyst. Propagation 1.1
No argument there. You are quite correct that jihad is always justified as a response to some perceived attack. Still, my statement is true: aking the Koran and haddith literally is what triggers Jihad. Because it gives you the religious justification to attack,kill, and submit the infidels because you feel they "attacked" you.
And an "attack" in that mindset is already a Charlie Hedbo cartoon, or the simple existance of a secular state that does not recognize Shariah.
Those who do not take the Koran and Haddith literally do not have that mindset.
Why do I think this caliphate has seen its last days?
And Obama is often referred to as a Constitutional law professor, and he sure ain't following the constitution. IS leaders use the Quran to manipulate simple minded members to do the dirty work, but their real god is cash.
In this case "execution" for me has the wrong feeling to it. This is simple petty-minded murder.
Could you provide some examples of how President Obama isn't following the US Constitution and then explain why the courts have failed to stop him?
These events reported by media go out of their way to turn it into disaster porn. It terrible for the hostages and even more terrible for those families directly involve for the media to act in this way.
Caliphaters gonna caliphate.
Because you have vivid imagination. Considering the continued cluless fumbling of our politicians, it is safe to say that ISIS will be with us for quite a while.