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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Islamic law to be imposed in parts of northwest Pakistan
PESHAWAR, Pakistan©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Pakistan caves and cedes another large chunk of territory to the jihadists. The idea that this will appease the jihadists and they will stop at the Swat valley is, of course, laughable. It is only encouragement to demand more. Allah Akbar!
And the Western countries, as usual, close their eyes and pretend nothing is happening.
This is why Isalmic countries should never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
Yeah - and the growing popularity of the BNP is scary" why are you referring to a bank here? Did they start complying with shariha lending?
Looks like the dry timber is in place for the second atomic war. Just need a spark. The only question is how many devices will be used and by whom and when. India is going to protect itself from these fanatics. They will not stay in their tiny part of the world but go out and continue the slaughter!
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
Haha,every day the world seems to creep closer and closer to a world spanning occurance (what that will be I'm still wondering about), and every day I seem a little bit more willing to sit back and watch the world burn.
"there has been a lot of calls for this law even in London."
Yeah - and the growing popularity of the BNP is scary, setting an ominous presence in the current British social and economic climate....let alone those red-eyed fundies still residing in the Pakistani motherland that would prefer to sleep with their goats than have technology.
well, from all these posts, let's just hope it doesn't spread because what williamsmith says "Sharia law is the wave if the future", there has been a lot of calls for this law even in London.
I can't understand why anyone want such strict laws imposed on themselves.
A little. It's an area that the Pakistani government already has no control over anyway. They're just saying that they're going to stop fighting to gain control over it. Long term, tho, it can be a problem. It will give the Taliban a safe haven to plan attacks if they so choose, and at some point that could reach all the way to Islamabad.
But like I said on the plus side having an area controlled by the Taliban would also give the US more opportunities to strike without having the legitimate Pakistani government have to worry about opinion polls as much.
Get used to it, Sharia law is the wave if the future. Oh Woe to all ye women.
“Our whole struggle is for the enforcement of Shariah (Islamic) law,” Swat Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan said. “If this really brings us the implementation of Shariah, we will fully cooperate with it.”
Backwards idiots.
This only goes to show how little the human race has evolved over the last 10,000 years.
Well, we now know what tactics work if we want governments to change the laws in our favour...
Appeasement sows the seeds of despotism. Tyranny once appeased, is never satisfied.
NW Pakistan is enough to give up. If it goes, it will be a stepping stone to the rest of this already fundamentalist leaning country to go down the same patch.
Regardless, I am convinced that a nuclear Pakistan in even 20% fundamentalist hands will cause panic in India, Europe and the US. If Pakistan cannot get a grip on her people and promise 100% security for their weapons, then these nations will feel compelled to take them out.
Mark my words, this move on Pakistan's part are a dangerous surrender to growing fundamentalist pressure and an even more dangerous step toward an unacceptable reality of nukes in fundamentalist hands.
We should be very worried.
Islamic law allows only 3 festivals.Mothersday or valentine day,newyears day etc are prohibited s per Sharia.I am quoting a renowned Islamic Fatwa expert "Shaykh Muhamamd ibn Saalih ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about celebrating Mother’s Day and he replied:
All celebrations which differ from the Eids prescribed in Islam are innovated festivals which were not known at the time of the righteous salaf, and may also have come from the non-Muslims, in which case as well as being an innovation (bid’ah) they are also an imitation of the enemies of Allaah. The festivals which are prescribed in Islam are well known to the Muslims: they are Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and the weekly “Eid” of Jumu’ah. There is no other festival in Islam apart from these three. All the festivals that have been invented apart from these are to be rejected because they are innovations and are false according to the laws of Allaah, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever introduces anything into this matter of ours that is not part of it will have it rejected,” i.e., it will be thrown back at him and will not be accepted by Allaah. According to another version: “Whoever does any deed that is not part of this matter of ours will have it rejected.” All other religions are called enemies of Allah. Jews and Christians are given higher pedestal while Hindus and Budhist Idol worshipers are way below and fit for Jihad.
Pakistani Law, Tribal Law, Shariah Law - all three applied randomly, depending on who is in charge of the village/ town/ region. Probably starting to make a good case for Pakistan to allocate their whole NW region to the Taliban, and let them live out their own lives in religious fervour, but surround it with barbed wire and fences to that they cannot get out and make trouble elsewhere - a single gate with a metal and explosives detector should be enough. From interviews with them in the region; they don't want electricity, TV, cinema, the internet, mobile phones, or any of the other items of modern life that were not around 1,000 years ago; let them go back to a simple life in the sand and mountains with their goats, and leave the rest of the world alone....
You, there have been calls by many people of Pakistani decent in London calling for parts of it to also adopt shariah law as well. Can this be the start of something?
are we over reacting? It says NW Pakistan.
What, is that it? In return for the introduction of Shariah Law, Pakistan gets peace in the region? The fighters all drop their weapons and go back to work?
Signs of becoming a failed state, and the country would disintegrate, which is a major threat to world and especially to the subcontinent region.
This bodes ill.
This is a major victory for the Taliban and a major loss for Pakistan and Afghaninstan.
We have seen the repressive and often corrupt nature of Sharia law around the world. The law is most often applied with favoritism and lacks any substatial protections of human rights. Women will see their hopes for education and rights lost in this decision.
If Pakistan continues to fall into fundamentalist hands it will be inevitable that the US will feel the need to take out Pakistan's nuclear weapons rather than risk having them in the hands of these 1st century thinking fundamentalists.
The seeds of an inevitable war with Pakistan have been laid with this treaty and if Taliban rule continues to spread in Pakistan, we will soon be talking about war there. It is hard to imagine any other outcome in light of Pakistans nuclear capability.
And I am sure India is watching this will fear as well.
This was also the reason sharia law was adopted by popular vote in northern Nigeria; it was seen as the best means to deter lawlessness and thuggery. But the sharia police (hisbah) lack the authority of the federal government which really doesn't have much interest in prosecuting people engaged in offenses that do not violate civil law.
In Pakistan, by contrast, there won't be any federal oversight.
Here's the legacy Bush was looking for.
This is shocking, no matter what kind of agreement. This just opens one more door to the Nukes. < :-)
A big step backwards for society. The next step will be Islamic enclaves in major European cities with their own laws.
That's like trying to pacify lung cancer by stopping medical treatment and taking up smoking.
Is it Work-Sharing between Pak Military and Militants or FTA Free Terror Agreement between Civilian Govt and the Militants? Whatever it is, poses a great challenge to Obama admn.