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© Thomson Reuters 2023.Israel bombards Gaza, prepares invasion as Biden urges 'path to peace'
By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Emily Rose GAZA/JERUSALEM©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
This is the path to peace.
Defend Israel.
Destroy Hamas.
Mr Kipling
Difficult when the Israelis have deliberately built illegal settlements all over the land they have stolen. All with the blessing of the US.
This war mongering by Israel is disgusting!
A massive disproportionate reaction to Israel’s inability to have prepared for an attack from militants from Palestine.
More and more death and destruction is the only outcome
Palestinian civilians are the casualties of this war, not Hamas.
And what is geriatric Joe talking about with his inane “path to peace” comments?
He is cognizant that it is American made weaponry that is killing the population of Palestine?
Gene Hennigh
Once again with the "their bad", "no, their bad." There is little said on the posts about solutions. The back and forth here is done without considering not only how different the Middle East is or how complicated situations are there. What should be done to end this one? "Kill Hamas", "no kill Israel," aren't solutions, they are opinions that are made by perceptions that are biased and do nothing more than to increase anger and self-righteousness. What can seriously be done to solve the situation? There are options. I don't see them discussed here. Brain storm possible solutions without taking lugubrious sides. As an example, if the US were to enter the area and physically separate the two sides the way a person pulls two people fighting, maybe the conflict would at least decrease. This might not be a viable option, but at least it's an attempt at trying to solve the problem. Solutions. Let's see some attempts at finding a solution.
No, more and more Americans are just tired of this administration just taking our money and not even consulting or explaining to Americans as to why it is in their best interest to get involved and support Ukraine. Personally, more and more Americans have had it and think Europe should play a bigger role financially and militarily. Now with a new speaker that might come to fruition.
Not an excuse- a reason--it doesn't respond to fake news.
Easy when you realize there are no settlements in Gaza.
Looks like the Palestinian supporters of Hamas weren't prepared for the repercussions for the mass murder of civilians.
Let the US' ally make its own decisions as to how to defend itself.
Let's try that out in Russia-Ukraine first.
An open door, however ajar, offering a distant path to peace, firmly slammed shut by Hamas, the slaughtering of 1400, wanton bloodthirsty butchery.
U.S. President Joe Biden, in remarks looking beyond the war that broke out with an Oct 7 attack on Israel by Palestinian Hamas militants, said the future should include a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians.
Until Hamas, Hezbollah are neutralized, extinguished, eradicated out of existence, will the faint opportunity of any semblance for a route to peace, have even the faintest of hope.
I fear a process measured in decades
For now both will wage war.
The Palestinians, what nation they have left will suffer the devastating consequences
Aly Rustom
Well said! Preach on!
Bob Fosse
There is zero connection between the two. A house speaker will have as much influence on Europe as 45 did on Mexico.
Aly, Biden do not know where he is coming or going and the Muslim and Arab voters will send him packing,I will campaign against him early and often as a Democratic supporter
Not when it comes to paying for this.
Infuriatingly intractable. The problem with Hamas is that it is an idea, not simply a group of men. Kill the men and the idea remains. The only solution is to smother the situation that gives life to the idea. This will take cooperation from both sides as well as all players in the ME.
When will it be enough? 6500 Palestinians deaths so far. Thousands of children. No end in sight.
This has gone way beyond an eye for an eye. What Israel is doing, with the blessing of the US and UK, is inhumane. Israel is not defending itself, it is commiting genocide.
As one retired U.S. general recently said (more or less), "Through its bombing campaign, Israel is shaping the battlefield for when it invades." There is a method to the madness. The goal is the destruction of Iran's little hand puppet, Hamas. Nothing good can be done until Hamas is eradicated.
This is the truth. Every innocent man, woman, and child killed, just strengthens support for their cause. Israel would have to kill every last Palestinian to wipe out Hamas. Seems like that is the plan anyway.
Then Hamas should stop
Depends on your point of view
I disagree.
It doesnt. The very definition of an eye for an eye is that the punishment should be equal to the offence. Unless you value a Palestinian life at one quarter of an Israeli life, which you may do, the Israeli has been more than excessive.
What exactly is Israeli defending itself against now? Children buried alive under heaps of rubble? How many more Israelis have been killed since the initial attack by Hamas?
If the guaranteed destruction of Hamas required the death of every Palestinian in the Gaza strip, would that be an acceptable strategy from your point of view?
How about the world find a way to wage peace?
How many retired generals on CNN, MSNBC and Fox have told us over and over again about a sure path to victory in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libiya and Syria?
Even retired, they are in the war racket.
The 'revolving door' between the military and the defence industry.
All of them. What isn't said is that the political leaders control them and limit what they are allowed to do to win. In short, the Generals aren't in control of their troops due to mandated timelines and budgets and "partner force" requirements. That's the problem when you don't live in a dictatorship.
Military people are great at breaking things and killing people. Anything else is really best for other groups.
It does because I disagree with you.
No, I believe that the Israelis have the moral obligation to keep their people safe, people die in war, war is horrible, but if Hamas were real men and real fighters they wouldn't hide among women or children or build bombs and weapons factories in or close to schools and hospitals. Israel will do what it needs to do to keep the Jewish nation safe.
In the process of exterminating senior Hamas leadership within Gaza.
Over 200 innocent civilians have been kidnapped, they won't be forgotten, also, there are Americans within that group. Again, who kidnaps innocent civilians?
I pray that the IDF terminates as many Hamas terrorists as they can.
Hamas barbaric violence of Oct. 7, has brought the prospect of all-out war between Israel and Iran into the full glare of US political sphere of influence.
Polarizing any possible response to bring about a ceasefire, in any form, other than the very faintest show of restraint.
Regardless of political leanings, left/right, the whole region could be heading for a total recalibration of Israeli defence policies toward its enemies.
The notion of humanitarianism will be at the mercy of the overriding need to destroying or permanently weakening Hamas first, then what next?
In doing so, Gaza, its population could face complete destruction/obliteration, where what remains will face a process of rebuild stretching beyond the auspices of any UN resolution, or within the dimension of any foreign policy able to forestall the potential of a direct Israel Iran conflict.
US Government, Joe Biden presidency will need every ounce diplomatic expediency to prevent a catastrophe confrontation on course to spiral out of control.
Blame gaming won't now change hearts and minds, all soon to be hidden in the fog of what could be all out war.
Over 5000 innocent Palestinian civilians have been killed
Yes, we can all read between the lines.
I dont know which is more terrifying, WW3 breaking out in the Middle-East, or Joe Biden and the warmongering democrats being in charge of diplomacy.
Seems netanyahu s hellbent on escalating the war.
"We have already killed thousands of terrorists and this is only the beginning," Netanyahu said
Israel staying with its plan and staying within the limits of international law, as opposed to a terrorist regime and its supports that massacred 1400 civilians, and kidnapped more than 200.
We don't see Israel intentionally targeting civilians, or burning and beheading babies.
It is not even a point of discussion, and ir irrelevant to try and say, But this many of Palestinians have been . . .
As Biden said:
"I'm sure innocents have been killed, and it's the price of waging a war."
You can't bring back the dead, but you can release the hostages.
Iran and Hamas
Oh, yes we can.
Yep so you'll surely be blaming the Israel innocents too for not kicking out netanyahu
Joe Blow
Don't start none, won't be none.
They whacked the hornet's nest and now want the world's sympathy when they get stung.
We do. Every single day with the targeting of housing blocks, supermarkets, and other targets. The only difference is that Israel has weapons that allow them to do it from a computer screen rather than face to face.
It is very much a point of discussion.
Joe Blow
Wah wah wah, Hamas hides behind civilians, they're getting exactly what they want.
Give the Palestinians a stat stop stealing their land and burning their farms and organisations will have no oxygen to survive! Unfortunately the situation on the ground gives. Organisations like Hamas too much oxygen
Free Palestine!
President Joe Biden is in the big chair, the hot seat.
It is becoming increasing clear that the government of Israel, its people solemnly believe their survival is at stake.
Harshly wagging a finger, insisting humanitarianism must prevail, whilst Hamas hostage taking could result in public execution and display of innocent civilians. will just exacerbate Gaza Palestine plight further.
Hamas planned for hell on earth, and Hamas has got it, at the expense of the state of Palestine.
If I killed your child. I am the bad guy, right? Most people would agree.
In response, if you came to my house and killed me, thats understandable. Most people would probably still call you the good guy in the situation.
If you came to my house, killed me, and then killed my wife and kids too. Are you still the good guy?
If you are hiding in your home surrounded by your family to prevent me from any chance to kill you other than blowing up your whole house?
That’s not my fault what happens . Come outside and answer for what you have done.
Mr Kipling
That is the slogan we always hear, but I am still waiting for an explanation of where this "stolen land" is. If you mean Gaza, all Jewish settlements there were removed by Sharon 20 years ago. If you mean the West Bank, that is not Israel.
Biden, like all the rest of his buddies, urges "peace" but won't mention the bombs raining down daily on "Gazanica", as history repeats itself as hypocrisy. Biden, like all the rest of his buddies, urge "peace" but don't mention the bombs raining down daily on "Gazanica", as history repeats itself as hypocrisy.
This is the path to peace.
As in make Gaza a wasteland and call it "peace"?
The moment of truth must come soon for Zionists: the one-state solution for Arabs & Jews or, war without end short of genocide.
Religious extremism, whether it be the long forgotten Spanish galleons carrying deep in the depths of the lower decks, the despicable dark arts of catholic inquisition, or Hamas, Hezbollah rampage of hatred to Jewish civilians has no bounds when called upon, hell bent on destruction.
Reasoning with such extremist religious fervour, finding any form of compromise could just be delaying the outcome for further despair as the bodies mount up.
Gene Hennigh
True. Sadly, there is no real solution to the conflict as it is based on religion. At least Trump kept a lid on the situation by the combination of his policies of energy independence, cutting funds to Hamas and Iran, and the Abraham accords. Biden eliminated all that on the first day in office and thus opened the Pandoras box again. So we will see a slow and bloody Israeli ground offensive which kills a lot of Hamas operatives but does not stop the movement, while the media will flood us with daily images of Arab victims, which is of course exactly what Hamas wants.
Lol. At any cost, right? IDF just as bad as Hamas.
Why should they kick out Bibi?
The IDF beheaded babies? are really trying now
Don't attack, kidnap, rape, mutilate, and murder innocent people at a party based on some BS Jihad grievance then you don't have to worry about retaliation.
Better than using Human shields, that is the main difference.
La vie douce opposed to be in the tender care of Hamas right now? Remember, Hamas can release them any time if the want. The whole business of taking random hostages (in any situation) has never sat well with me.
"Hiding behind civilians" has become the transparent boiler-plate fig leaf "hiding" collective punishment bombings and crimes against humanity by any other name.
Yes at any cost.
you chose to hide in your home amongst your supposed “loved ones”.
Brought this on yourself.
Blood must be spilled
IDF just as bad as Hamas.
Only if you ignore the number of victims or numbers don't count on the scales of justice and humanity.
The behavior of the Hamas terrorists, and the positive reactions in Muslim countries shows that this is not about land or settlements or occupation. It is about slaughter and genocide. An ancient and deep hatred that secular people in western countries cannot understand.
There is no reasoning with people who proudly boast about their rape and murder. Who use Go Pro cameras to record their crimes. The only thing to do is eliminate them.
Already was spilled, didn’t you see?
Cat Stevens
kurisupisuToday 07:09 am JST
This war mongering by Israel is disgusting!
A massive disproportionate reaction to Israel’s inability to have prepared for an attack from militants from Palestine.
No war in the history of the world has been won by being proportionate.
Keepyer Internetpoints
If Israel suffered one 9-11, Palestine has suffered dozens.
And its Israel that ensures all this keeps happening over and over, as it has given Palestine no choice but to commit terrorism in response to the much more frequent and much more brutal Israeli terrorism.
People need to stop falling for the lie that Israel is kind because it does things like roof knocks. Israel knows well that Palestine is one of the most crowded places on Earth and those people have nowhere to go. And it bombs and flattens civilian dwellings anyway, knowing it decapitates babies as it does so.
But it seems the lie about 40 decapitated Israeli babies is a tragedy, but thousands of decapitated Palestinian babies is merely a statistic.
Raw Beer
The occupier cannot claim a right of defense against the occupied.
Biden could immediately put an end to this conflict by stopping all aid to Israel until they move back to their June 1967 border and leave the Palestinians alone. Unfortunately, this will never happen because Israel has bought the US congress.
Already was spilled, didn’t you see?
Yes. The only possible solution is 5 times more blood. Actually maybe 10 times more.
Raw Beer
Yeah, the 40 decapitated Israeli babies story was quickly debunked but is still often repeated. And it seems many of the real Israeli deaths were the result of crossfire (killed by Israeli fire) according to witnesses:
No war in the history of the world has been won by being proportionate.
Yep, as the mortal enemy of the Jews who waged war on them found out in 1945.
Aly Rustom
Well said.
There is nothing more disdainful contemptuous that a lecture about moral decency from murdering sneering terrorists holding a nation to ransom.
Hamas could have thought this through, but chose to condemn every Palestinian to an ideological fundamentalist daily media horror show.
would act as a deterrence to prevent “next time” the terrorists are thinking to do this, wouldn’t it?
If I punch you in the face just cause I don’t like you and all you do is bleed and cry?
I’m surely going to punch you in the face again sometime later.
One commenter wrote here after blaming Hamas and the Palestinians...............The Palestinians, what nation they have left will suffer the devastating consequences.......................................Eer, they did not have a nation, and most of their land was stolen from them by the Israeli's, The West Bank for instance was Palestinian...until Israeli settlers invaded with the help of their brutal armed forces, Israel now occupies over 60% of it and have built settlements with huge walls surrounding them. The UN and most world governments condemned this move illegal against international law, but what did successive Israeli governments do, They just ignored it. And where was the uproar from world bodies when the did this, Nowhere, not a peep, and of course the USA supported them 100% all the way.
So the genocide begins
This dispute is NOT about land. Well, maybe that is not true. The fact that Jews occupy ANY land in the Middle East is enough provocation for the head hackers and rapists to become enraged. There is no "pulling back to the (insert year here) that will solve the problem. The only acceptable solution to Hamas and there many many supporters is the elimination of Israel.
Like I said, we liberal secular pseudo-religious types in decent western countries just don't get it. The visceral hatred built up over generations, fed into children with their mother's milk, and nurtured carefully by evil leaders, can't be bought off or ended by a simple grant of some obscure patch of earth.
No, it already began the moment this terrorist attack plan against Israel moved beyond the “stupid idea” point.
Had Hamas not instigated the 7 Oct atrocities, Gaza would never have been subject to such harsh retribution to rid Palestine of the surge of terrorists.
I agree Palestine must be fully recognized within a two state solution.
Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah is standing in the way.
Aly Rustom
Not true. Ever since 2000 the whole Arab world, including Hamas and Hezbollah agreed to recognize Israel in return for Israel to return to the 1967 borders and allow the right of return of refugees. Hamas agreed. Hezbollah agreed. Iran agreed. That offer has been on the table since the beginning of the second Intifada in 2000. Avigdor Lieberman pushed Netanyahu really hard not to accept it.
Not true.
On this you are right. But I fear the alternative is a regional war that may have consequences we have not even begun to consider.
Aly, if by "return of refugees", you mean that every Palestinian has the right to enter and live within the state of Israel, that is a non starter. They have 55 Muslim countries in the world that should (emphasize "should") welcome them, and in which they would be much more comfortable from a social or cultural perspective. It would mean the death of Israel as a Jewish state.
The second intifada was what hardened many Israelis' hearts. The tragic murder of two lost Israeli men who took a wrong turn on the road and ended up in Ramallah was the turning point. They were beaten, disembowelled, burned alive, and their bodies were torn apart by a raging mob of 1,000 plus Palestinians. Funny this never happens when Palestinians are killed by Israelis. Wonder why...
Aly Rustom
Well then don't claim that Israel desires peace.
Those people are not from those Muslim countries. They are from THAT land. Land that was taken from them. Their ancestors are buried there. By your logic One can make the opposite claim that the Jews should all just move to the US.
Aly Rustom
and ended up at a funeral of 2 palestinians shot and killed by Israeli soldiers. Don't forget that.
I'll tell you why- because Israelis prefer to bomb from the sky where its safe.
By your own logic, killing more innocent civilians in Gaza is just going to create more people looking for revenge. By your own logic that vengeance would be completely justified, no matter what the cost.
Very true.
A lot easier to kill terrorists.