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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Israel presses on with bombarding Gaza, including areas it has called safe zones for Palestinians
So, the Israeli regime has already done everything (and more) to the Palestinians that the Ottoman Empire did to Armenians in what is almost universally recognized as a genocide.
Which makes the refusal to recognize that the Israeli regime is committing a genocide now by any country that recognizes the Armenian Genocide a double mark of shame, the first for the present refusal, the second because they stand revealed as only having recognized the past genocide as an act of virtue signaling, not an actual act of morality.
The US government is an outlier not calling for a ceasefire!
Why not?
Is it that American weapons to Israel generate too much money?
Is the Jewish influence in the US too great?
Hsve Americans forgotten the constitutional rules that they themselves live under?
Maybe Americans are content watching degraded Palestinians of all ages being blown apart?
Perhaps they aren't artificially exercised about it for ulterior motives like you are?
UAE (United Arab Emirates), one of non-permanent member of Security Council urgently adopt a draft humanitarian ceasefire resolution, it received support from 13 members but 1 is giving abstain and 1 is giving veto.
Full result:
United States (veto) Continue genocide
United Kingdom (abstain) Pretend genocide doesn't happen
China (support resolution) Stop Genocide
France (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Russia (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Albania (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Brazil (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Ecuador (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Gabon (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Ghana (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Japan (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Malta (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Mozambique (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Switzerland (support resolution) Stop Genocide
United Arab Emirates (support resolution) Stop Genocide
Even countries that usually same voice with US like France and Japan already had enough with genocide.
Because they love double standard.
Can’t believe what they are doing, obviously they are very annoyed with what happened but this is so OTT that it’s vile
We can turn to the UN record, over what happened at the UNSC on Friday on the resolution. As urged by the UNSG in invoking Article 99. For example, in abstaining, the UK's ambassador stated:
And while voting yes for the resolution, the ambassador from France stated:
The positions of the rest of the ambassadors are equally available at:
The problem is who really block humanitarian help to comply with humanitarian law? That just a wishful thinking.
Two states? Just look its progress now. Still believe it will work?
Haaa Nemui
It’s sick what is happening for sure, but these statements hold far more weight coming from anybody but Putin fanboys.
Just like they remembered Israel's dozens of other wars? Just like they fail to do anything about Putin's War in Ukraine?
Politik Kills
America is on the side of a genocidal authoritarian bent on eliminating his ‘Palestinian problem’
Seems like everyone of these nations are perfectly content with genocide of the Jewish nation, they should bow down to all these nations stop the fighting, allow Hamas to regroup and stage another attack like the one on 10/7 damned if they do and even more damned if they don’t. Israel should tell everyone to go fly a kite and do what it needs to do until it feels it it can stop and its people are safe once again.
Biden and his minions support the Palestinian's another reason why his presidency is tanking severely, thankfully, the Israeli government is pushing on despite The US about face on its support for Israel
The world won’t do squat they can quibble all they want, because in the end they need us more than we need them particularly the more questionable nations regarding their history involving supporting radicalism.
Haaa Nemui
Neither side does. Any supporter of what Israel is doing while crying about what Russia is doing is showing hypocrisy, and vice versa. Either criticize both or criticize neither and then you can whine about the hypocrisy of America and the west. I’m absolutely against both operations but I’m sick of hearing about hypocrisy from certain quarters.
Humanity faded away. The world will remember this gen0cide, including countries and people who support it.
The stupidity of People condemning an legitimate race of people and it's warriors that is been fighting apartheid by the occupying Jew since 1945. Who has been hell bent on total ethic cleansing of Arabs of Palestine.
Usually warriors don't engage in rape or abuse of civilians. If they do they lose any honor they may have had by surviving combat.
Honor? Geneva convention doesn't apply at all, especially after women, children and babies are target of genocide.
I, like millions of others around the world must be, am sickened by the pitiless slaughter of 20,000 innocents in Gaza while the American government looks away washing its blood-stained hands in the pretence that the Israelis are doing nothing that would raise an eyebrow. Powerless to help the Palestinians I've been seeking refuge from my despair in books: Henry Miller's 1941 anti-war essay, "Murder the Murderers" expresses exactly the rage I feel when I see the brazen hypocrisy and inhumanity of our so-called Western civilization.
Israel has NEVER obeyed any UN resolutions, therefore the UNSC is a useless tool and in many cased it has been LIED to and DECIEVED by the very same permanent members to Invade, attack, or even kill heads of states.
This world order is getting TOO OLD and becoming OBSOLTETE and must be changed or this aggression and disregard to human lives will continue.
In fact more weaponry are expected to come, look which administration really push those.
Mr Kipling
And all with the express support of the US.
Remember this next time there is a "terror"attack. It's not the awesome variety of breakfast cereal in your supermarkets that drives some "terrorist" organisations to want to kill you.
""Frustration was growing with the United States after it vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, despite wide international support,""
For the people of Gaza, the women, the children, the babies, and the elderly I say this:
This is NOT the America you heard about, this is NOT the Land of the FREE we know, and this is NOT what America wants or stands for.
This is Pres. Biden Administration,
that is heavily influenced by Jewish funds which has already allocated $100,000,000 for the next election to make sure Israel continues to get the support it needs.
So what the Arabs and the Palestinians need to do is to start POURING Cash into the U.S. Elections like what others do to get the people they need in office to stop this GENOCIDE.
Money created Israel and money drives their murderess military.
The nation is currently a sick caricature of what the Jewish aims were when establishing Israel .
As it should be.
So the Israelis just want to commit genocide. Ironic.
Haaa Nemui
Sorry Mark, but it absolutely is America. I'm extremely disappointed by the veto and lack of action, but it wouldn't have mattered who was president at the time. This absolutely is the America we all know. The past has revealed that much to be true time and time again.
The US along with any of its supporters who have remained silent has lost the moral authority to criticize any country about their policies.
There is no genocide of Jews.
Biden is supporting Israel but is concerned about the number of Arab civilians killed.
And there is also no such thing as Antisemitism.
No, Biden is concerned about being re-elected.
Now when Israel ordered the Palestinians to head south, I said the plan was to concentrate them in one compact area for elimination the final solution!
I was told Israel would do that by certain people here!
Well as I and many others predicted, here we are the IDF killing women and children like fish in a barrel and was the genocidal plan!
The Israeli government, led by Nyetenyahoo is basically a criminal organisation and are showing they are orders of magnitude worse than HAMAS. They must be charged with war crimes, tried and put away or there is no justice.
So the so called safe zone is not safe ?
Think Warsaw ghetto!
By their actions the government of Israel has admitted to carrying out genocide.
The world has become a much more dangerous place…
The Zionist that created Israel and run Israel and the IDF today (not the Jewish people these are two very different things) like the post war French government with a load of former "French resistance members learned their methods from the SS and Gestapo, the methods, tortures, collective punishments, etc.. they both said were crimes against humanity then applied them to the Arabs in Palestine and Algeria (French included Berber).
Everything they did and today Israel is doing is textbook SS and Gestapo, right don't to move to a "safe place resettlement" only to eventually kill them all in a final solution to the Arab problem.
Like whack-a-mole except the terrorists are hiding behind, under and amongst civilians.