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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Israel says it will keep parts of West Bank forever
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This is no surprise. Israel has long since claimed Jerusalem, and some surrounding areas as well. What is surprising is that they are offering to bend a bit, in giving up some land, they were previously going to keep. The Pals of course are not willing to bend at all. To them settlement must include part of Jerusalem, which is not, and never has been up for negotiation.
There is no negotiating with the palestinians...
Obama is too weak to help his Palestinian pals. Israel knows it. And now the PLO and Hamas know it.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments will anger many Jewish Americans who accept the UN borders.
There is nothing new there. This was acknowled in the UN resolution 242, which expressly states that Israel will "withdraw from territories" gained in the 6-day war, and not from "the territories".
Israel has always stated that Jerusalem will be part of Israel, and that is not an unreasonable request. Likewise is it not unreasonable that Israel intents to keep some border areas near Jerusalem in order to make its state viable. This has always been a consistent policy; the only surprise is that the article writer is apparently unaware of this.
The Arab muslim countries have always refused this and demanded that Jerusalem, the holy city of the Jews, be placed under muslim Arab control -- for no other reason than the hatred of Israel.
The "UN borders", which are entirely arbitrary, do not make for a viable state. In addition, the Arab muslim demands do not stop with the "UN borders". They also want a right of residents for 5 million so-called "refugees", which would mean the demographic end of Isreal.
Which is of course the purpose.
Hasn't been a good year for Axelrod, Emmanuel, Soros and company, has it.
If following international laws means that Israel will end, maybe Israel was never meant to exist.
Thumbs up!
So if I have a legit claim to none, and try to take it all, then give up 50 percent, 50 percent is now legit? Israel is taking by force. Its nice to see they are taking it all, but what they are taking by force against agreements is still wrong. If this were anyone but Israel and a few others, the U.S. would take the opposite stance. Imagine if it were North Korea doing this to South Korea.
Or are you referring to the trade of land in the article? Sounds real fair, until you realize that knowing the Israelis, the land is probably in the middle of the Negev desert where even a Bedouin would not and could not live.
The Israelis are playing games again to inflame the Palestinians and stop any real progress toward peace. Well, it's working. About the only solution is for the US to come out and declare non-assistance for both sides. Basically, pull back our funding, our logistics, our help, and our material aid to both sides. We screwed it all up when we continued the error the British made in the early part of the last century... unfortunately, Obama's hands are tied by his need for fundraising from the Jewish community. There will be no peace deal until we stop backing one side over the other (it would be equally disastrous if we switched to supporting the Palestinians) and get our hands out of the pie.
Nonsense. Israel wants nothing more than to exist, and at least in minimally defensible borders. The muslim world wants none of it; they want the hated Jewish state to go away. And so the problem persists.
And Israel wonders why it has no friends...
You would think people who have been treated like crap and run off land many times wouldn't turn around and do the same to others but...
I find it really very interesting how so many seem to forget that it has been Israel that has been attacked by Arab Muslims far more often that Israel have attacked. This is not to say that Israel’s hands are clean, when they have had to fight they have done and they have not always been politically correct in how they went about it. But then they know their enemy far better than anybody else, they know what the outcome of losing to the Arabs would be. The Arabs claim that Israel mistreats their people, and if you fall for the propaganda coming out of Gaza you would believe this. The same set of half-truth half lie is being pushed again here. Israel is saying that they will keep these lands and give others in exchange, basically redrawing the frontiers in such a way that Israel can defend itself from the predictable future attacks. The Palestinians now believe they have world opinion on their side so they don’t have to agree to anything and they will be as intransigent as only an Arab can be. Little is anything said by an Israeli will be acceptable so why shouldn’t Netanyahu say what he thinks? After all he’s damned whatever he says, or doesn’t say. The Palestinians have 60 years of receiving aid from the world and they have always turned that aid into weapons. What would their lands be like today if that money had been used to actually help their own people? You cannot say that the land is no good because the Israelis farmed that same land successfully. If it is no good today it might just be because the Palestinians would rather play the role of puppets for the rest of the Arabs. Fools that are paid to fight the terrible Jew while the others just talk about how cruel the Israelis are to the Palestinians. Israel exists so think very carefully about what the alternative would be, do you really believe the Arabs would treat the Jews as well as the Jews have treated them? What Germany did would be nothing by comparison. We have all seen how the religion of peace treats its own people and how it treats prisoners, can you imagine that on a country wide scale? Be careful what you wish, saying sorry I didn’t think they would do that will be a bit late for the people of Israel.
Any land confiscated during war time must be returned back to its owners IAW International Law & UN Resolutions. The US blindly supports Israel regardless of their action, and as long as this continues, we will constantly be at war with the Arab world.
If there was no such place as Israel it would need to be invented, because whatever you think of Israel the Arabs are at war with the West and they will always find an excuse, Israel is a good stick to beat the West with, but it is only the most convenient one today, they have so many others.
Shouldn't they be in Jordan? Nah, what the Palestinians want is for the Israelis to all die so they can move into that little sliver of land and fight amongst themselves over it.
grafton; I uggest you watch last weeks Panorama love. It shows leading Israelis stating they want to cleanse East Jeruselem of Arabs and make sure Jews are the majority. Israel are terribly beastly and the government is extremely xenaphobic and vulgar. Israel has the intention of removing all Arabs from where they want regardless of UN Resolutions or world opinion.
Obama needs Jewish money and support, so shall wrongly side with Israel at all times. I think the bloodshed and genocide is because of both US and Israeli policies.
Typical, Israel says they want a negotiated settlement and then say things that derails any chance of negotiating.
When the Muslim Arabs controlled East Jerusalem, Jews were forbidden from visiting the Western Wall and other religious holy sites, which was in violation of previous agreements. So Israel is rightly not giving up East Jerusalem. Best deal with it.
Why should U.S. taxpayers be funding this?
Better question. Why should the U.S. taxpayers be funding Islamic countries, which receive more U.S. aid than Israel and hate America?
Answer. Because Socialists hate Israel and are allied with the Muslims.
Forever is a long time. What about when the Messiah comes, will they keep them then?
Seriously though, on the bright side the muslims will never give up on that land either, so you know um...we can always count on fighting in the West Bank...
For the last forty years, Israel has made it clear they would never give up control of East Jerusalem. This isn't something new. Everyone, but you apparently, knows this.
Israel is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. Take a visit sometime and you'll see Muslims praying in the streets of Tel Aviv. However, if it's xenophobia you want, go to any Muslim country, or Japan. :-)
Many Jewish Americans are leftists so don't know any better.
The whole territory from Egypt to Lebanon and from the sea to the river Jordan has always been Israel, from time immemorial. There is no such nation as "Palestinians"; it is a part of Jihad against the Jews.
I just don't see how these statements can be seen as productive at a time when people are trying to get the two sides to at least start talking again. Overall I don't think Netanyahu has been an asset to the peace process.
That is exactly why I have stated many times that the last thing Israel wants is peace. They (Israeli leaders) have never wanted it.
Why should U.S. taxpayers fund any of them?
Agreed. The U.S. should end all foreign aid.
What baloney. The Muslim Arabs have been given opportunity after opportunity to live in peace with Israel. They've always sabotaged it. Muslim Arabs will never accept peace with Israel because it would mean accepting the existence of Israel. What would the Muslim Arab world do if they didn't have Israel to blame for their failed culture?
I am sure that you might be able to score a propaganda coup with that hogwash among ignorant Americans blindly supporting Israel. That bull is right up there with the "made the desert bloom" lies. The area has had many names since the Kingdom of Israel disappeared 2000 years ago. It had many names, including Palestina when the Byzantines ruled it, and the British Mandate of Palestine when the British ruled it. Palestine is a legit name for the area, yet here you are acting like it was invented yesterday!
Israel's multiculturalism is predated by Muslim Ottoman multiculturalism. But the trouble with Israeli multiculturalism is that most Arab Palestinians were stripped of their lands and shipped to either East Jerusalem or the open air prison called Gaza. In fact, calling Israel multicultural with respect to Arabs while looking only at Tel Aviv is like calling America of the 1830s a wonderful place for blacks but only looking at New Hampshire.
The lengths some people go to accomodate Israel are astounding. And unless they make money off the Israelis or are Israeli themselves, it is not easy to understand why. Is it some sort of primate psychology regarding powerful friends of powerful friends? Fear of upsetting the status quo? Because it is not justice or a fair accounting of history, that is for sure.
Nothing compared to the lengths the Muslums and Socialists go to destroying it.
Well, when one has so thoroughly bought into the "Palestinian" lie, as your brief distorted history of the region demonstrates, it must be difficult to understand. Perhaps someday you'll figure out it's not about a tiny strip of land the Muslim Arabs couldn't have cared less about 60 years ago. You'll realize Israel is just another front in Islam's war against civilization.
You need to snap out of this crazy little dream world you live in. Better yet, JT could just erase these insane hate comments. If one sixth of the world were at war with civilization, we would not be discussing the matter, we would be literally fighting that war. You really need to can these exaggerations and promotions of hate. In fact, you should be totally shut down if you don't.
The war is being fought all over the world. Shall I list the dozens of countries battling Islam? How can you be so myopic?
The truth stings, don't it.