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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Israel strikes Gaza, Syria and West Bank as war against Hamas threatens to ignite other fronts
The Israelis are going to bring about a world war with their continued violence-killing civilians is not the way to win hearts and minds!
The people of Israel ought make their government accept responsibility,instead of supporting the bombing and killing of innocence people especially children,that by itself will get earn you a special place in hell,they have surpassed what Hamas did ,it will not garner world support
Hervé L'Eisa
Hamas and Hezbolla terrorists have brought the retaliation upon themselves by the unprovocted MURDERS of the many peaceful Israeli CHILDREN, BABIES, & ELDERLY in the attacks on ACTUALLY innocent, UNARMED people in the kibbutzs!
Not ONE member of Hamas/Hezbolla is innocent, nor should be spared the just recompense!
The world is the judge of that,it not trending Israel way, world wide
Israel, another proud member of the rules based international order.
The US could,nt beat the Taliban in Afghanistan...what makes people think the IDF will "win "" this war...and what comes after for Gazans. ?
In the sixth photo, the victim was a Liverpool supporter.
A Bibi Conspiracy more political correct ,Bibi conspired with Hamas ,so the Palestinian Authority would have no legitimate power in Gaza,and Israel would not have worry about a two state solution Google Bibi Hamas Mutual Relationship
Alfie Noakes
Israel is now bombing:
Civilians in besieged Gaza
Syrian cities of Damascus and Aleppo
Southern Lebanon
Palestinians in the West Bank
These crimes (ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, genocide) are being supported by western governments and the EU.
Aly Rustom
Israel has gone insane.
Yes. I think so too.
No, but give it a few more days and I would not want to be a Hamas fighter because they will get the chance to witness insane before reaching martyrdom.
Yes, if you think the Israelis will allow a bunch of racist antisemitic drug-induced murderers kill their people and try to drive them off their land, then it might just turn into a hit bed that the region will remember for generations. If they want to take Israel there, then that’s the last thing these people will see. They started, Israel will finish it.
Wick's pencil
In other words, a typical day for these terrorists.
Aly Rustom
It has gone insane. And its not just Hamas but other regional players that are going to get in on the action.
Well, if they are THAT stupid, so be it.
Aly Rustom
They're not stupid. Its Israel that's stupid because its bitten off more than it can chew.
Israel’s military has said it is striking Hamas fighters and installations, and does not target civilians.
Perfectly legal. Keep it up Israel.
They are very stupid. They know that they’re playing roulette, not to mention the nukes Israel has and the US to reckon with.
That’s been said over 70 years, if there is a full on flare-up it would create millions of Palestinian refugees that NO ONE WANTS, I repeat NO ONE, they know it and they’re not stupid, Hamas started something they’ll never be able to finish and regardless how bloody this campaign will get.
NCIS Reruns
Tell that to the military commanders of Egypt, Jordan and Syria, which after 1973 completely gave up on the notion of any military victory over Israel and have been taken off the board.
I do not support Hamas and terrorism so I disagree with these acts by the Arabs.
Joe Blow
The buzzwords of the week!
Meanwhile, Hamas dreams of doing all of those to Israel and made its move on 10/7.
“It knew that in Israel’s necessary response, civilians would be caught in that crossfire,”
Blinken comes across as the most humane of a US Secretary of State...yet if we pay careful attention to his words above, the cold, unemotional word "necessary" sends chills down the spine, "caught" suggests "oops, we didn't mean to kill yous while enclosed in the harmless little demonstrative adjective "that", qualifying the secretary's mendacious employment of the noun "crossfire", is the unspoken enormity and obscenity of thousands of bombs raining down on a terrified innocent men, women and children.
“This (emphasis mine) is on Hamas.”, another demonstrative adjective used to avoid mentioning the killing of 5,000 human beings and injuring the bodies and minds of many more thousands. And this is not the end yet before the Israeli desire for revenge is disproportionately satiated. But Blinken is right to identify the intention of Hamas, a resistance movement unable to directly take on the military might of Israel: to get Netanyahu to sow a hundred seeds of hate with every bomb dropped.
Send Bibi and the other war criminals in the IDF to the Hague!
Sorry, but Hamas shouldn't have gone into Israel and murdered over a thousand people and taken over two hundred hostage.
They brought this on themselves and all the poor people surrounding them.
Palestinians need to rid themselves of this extremist group or peace will never prevail.
Israel needs to negotiate in good faith for the Palestinian people when and if this war ever ends.
Israel gas gone beyond revenge into Genocide, this is the Holocaust of the Arabs in Gaza.
I was once somewhat a Pro Israel, but with the current government and it's action it is extremely hard to ignore the fact that this is a Genocide.
Aly Rustom
Its Israel who is stupid. Really? Nukes? Ok. Use them. Let's see Israel or the US use them. They won't. The fallout will be enough to kill the miniscule Israeli population over there
If there is a regional war, then EVERYONE will get into it and this time the Israelis will not win.
Tell that to the Israeli commanders who got their butts handed to them by Hezbollah in 2006-7
So then why doesn't Hamas look after its own people?
Why won't Hamas allow their people to leave knowing what's coming for them?
Why did Hamas build bomb-making factories in schools and hospitals?
Seems to me that Hamas is committing purpose genocide against their own people.
Well, I think you are right, they actually don't need to unless the Arab nations are really suicidal.
As well as the tear-drop territory of Gaza.
Yeah, we heard that before so many times, especially with the most technologically advanced military in the ME, good luck with that if you think that.
Because they were restrained, not now and not ever this time.
Aly Rustom
If they do that will be the end of Israel.
Maybe but at least the Arab world will be rid of the murderous Israelis
How did that technology help them 2 weeks ago? How did it help them against Hezbollah in 2006-7? Nobody is falling for the invincibility MYTH of Israel anymore. Keep peddling it though. Makes for good comedy.
HAH! When has that murderous entity ever been restrained?
Oops! THIS is demonstrably not an adjective but a pronoun, a useful little word to avoid having to mention unpleasant things like "revenge" or "genocide" etc.
The Arabs have been saying that for 75 years.
You mean the other way around--Hamas murdered 1400 civilians in Israel two weeks ago.
If you call Israel's elimination of Hamas techniques in Gaza comedy, I guess you'll be laughing for a long time.
So a Hamas supporter is playing victim now?
Aly Rustom
Then its about time
I don't at all
Israel has been murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians for over half a century.
History didn't begin 2 weeks ago
Of course I will. Cause the Israelis have no chance of doing that. Especially if this becomes a regional war, which it looks like it will
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
You know the satrapies of the vassal states have gone too far in their slavish obedience to the neoclowns in Washington when even EU bureaucrats are openly criticizing its unelected leadership’s overt hypocrisies with regards to Ukraine and Gaza.
The recent observations by the Financial Times were dead-on, except it’s not just the Global South that is being lost by the USA. There are massive demonstrations in support of Palestine all across Europe, from the UK to Spain, and no, it isn’t just the Muslim migrants taking part either. Only the controlled corporate media and the fully-owned politicians are supporting Israel now, and Israel hasn’t even entered Gaza in force yet. EU staffers are the most genuinely true-believing of all the various WEF clowns around the world, and yet the complete 180 that has been performed regarding their most strongly-held principles is proving too much even for them.
There is absolutely no support for the USA’s rush to war anywhere in Europe, and it won’t surprise me if the situation has a significant effect on the next round of elections. No one wants war in the Middle East, but if it comes, the Europeans will be heavily in favor of Iran and the Palestinians. So much so, in fact, that might even serve to effect a rapprochement with Russia.
One factor of which most Americans are unaware is that the Europeans will not break economic ties with China. They simply can’t afford to do so, and they know that following the USA’s lead on Russia has harmed their economies more than they ever imagined possible. So it appears various forces are gathering for a crisis in US-European relations.
Aly Rustom
Ego Sum Lux Mundi- Agree with your assessment 100%
Like how? Lol, sending in more fighters, good luck with that.
They won't, they know what would be in store for them and if they did, they would have done so by now.
I agree, no arguments here, they were caught off guard, but that won't happen again.
2006, but not anymore.
They said that for 75 years.
Well, that's what it is.
Then the people of Gaza should have never voted for a terrorist organization to represent them.
No, but you would think Hamas would learn, but they are about to get a crash course in martyrdom.
With older weapons, good, ok...
Well, let them meet new technology then
Cat Stevens
As usual, the Israel haters come out in droves.
First off, Israel is bombing Syria and Lebanon because there has been rockets fired from those countries. What do you want them to do? Ask for another?
Secondly, stop using the word Genocide. If the Israelis are committing genocide, then they are really bad at it, considering the population of Palestine keeps growing.
Thirdly, stop using the phrase “proportional response”. No war in the history of the world has been won by being proportional.
Oh, and the hospital bombing…funny how that hospital is still standing. And it was a misfired rocket on the Gaza side. And the death toll was no where near the toll reported by the Hamas government. Yet the damage has been done. People around the world still believe it was an Israeli rocket. And the media is very complicit in this. They should be ashamed of themselves.
The thing with Israel is that they are damned if they do, and damned if they don’t
Accept a land deal in 1948 from the UN. How dare you.
Fight and win a war that they didn’t start, then take some land. How dare you.
Pull out of Gaza completely. Let them self govern. Hamas get elected and starts attacking them. Impose a weapons blockade because they are being attacked…you’re an apartheid state.
Offer 95% of lands back to Palestinians at Camp David. Not good enough.
Have their women and children raped, murdered, tortured and kidnapped. When they respond…it’s genocide. If they don’t respond, they get attacked more.
Hezbollah launches missiles at them, they respond, it’s war crimes. If they don’t respond, their own people get killed.
No matter what they do, it’s wrong in the eyes of many.
Israel is the only country in the world where people think it shouldn’t exist. Why is that? Hamas does not want a two state solution. They want to wipe Israel from the face of the world. It’s in their charter.
Aly Rustom
By escalating it into a regional conflict that opens up more than 1 front. Israel doesn't have the manpower.
In store for them? How about a better future?
They can be in favor but they will act in their best interests, which is not having the US abandon the NATO protection provided to them.
No. The Palestinians shoot and bomb themselves. We just saw recent evidence when they tried to bomb their own hospital, missed, and killed 10-20 of their own people.
So then there is no more reason for you to complain about Israel is the war is going so well for the Arab terrorist groups.
Israel, by itself, defeated Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Palestinian Arabs, Yemen, Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria.
Now with the US backing up Israel in case Iran tries to enter the war, Israel is the most powerful nation in any war in that region.
The Israeli regime's government seems determined to set off the War to End Apartheid before America's pet ICC Prosecutor is replaced by someone actually interested in human rights as a concept, rather than a tool.
The problem with the supremacist mindset is that those infected with it can't recognize when they are in a lose-lose situation, like choosing between slowly losing foreign backing and starting a losing war that might bring down their foreign backers too.
And to think, if the Hamas slaughter and butchery of women, babies, children, etc., hadn’t happened, everything would be more peaceful.
Also, a couple hundred hostages of mostly women and children taken by these cruel animals is difficult for anyone or country to ignore.
How are all those things that are in support of human rights “interesting” to you?
Yes, they have the US.
I wouldn't call decimation a better future...
Aly Rustom
Really? That's the best you can come up with? You really think people are going to believe that BS??
Nobody believes that BS.
Huh??? Israel, Israel has NEVER fought Yemen, Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria. What are you talking about???
As for Lebanon and Hezbollah, well, Israel got its butt whooped in the 2006-7 war.
Keep telling yourself that. Its good for a laugh.
Well we saw how effective the US was in Afghanistan and Iraq. Smeh.
It is if its Israel.
No bombs dropped by the US on Gaza, but thanks for the tune. It surely didn't cause me any distress.
Aly Rustom
No only IDIOTS would believe that.
Israel has never been restraine- but hey if that's the excuse, OK. Looking forward to the next excuse when Israel gets its butt kicked again.
Nothing worked. The Taliban was back in power even before the US left. Fat lot of good the US did.
A hundred years from now, there will be new names in the history books added to the list with Stalin, Hitler and all the rest. Names of people who now claim to act for the "good".
Keepyer Internetpoints
The press still treats this at face value.
The calls to leave are worthy of a Nazi. They sound nice to an untrained ear, but people who know, know its an insult to your intelligence. Why doesn't the press point out that Gaza is tiny and overpopulated, and that Israel has locked the people in Gaza and will not let them leave by land, sea or air?
Its also just logically impossible for so many people to move so fast. Plus the people leaving the north of Gaza are getting attacked!
This is EXACTLY what Israel wants. It wants the Palestinians to die of disease so it does not need to construct any gas chambers or do other direct executions that will threaten their supply of foreign military support. November 1st is the day.
So that means you won't be complaining here anymore, because Israel is getting its butt kicked, in your eyes.
The antisemitism soundbyte.
The press does point that out--how else would you know? But you forgot to mention Egypt's blockade.
Another antisemitic reference.
Well, as Israel has allowed Palestinian Arabs to live in lands that don't belong to them for 56 years, I'm guessing Israel has knowledge of a disease that takes 6 decades for its victims to succumb to,
Like OBL, El Baghdadi, Soleimani, they did and where are they now?
They have because of the US, they always have. Not anymore
How? The thugs caught them off guard, not anymore.
A lot worked
Well, that’s due to this administrations weakness, that won’t happen with a Republican President.
This is about Israel...
Cut the whine, LOL !!..
Aly Rustom
I'm not complaining- just here to refute your Zionist propaganda
They've never been restrained. they never miss a chance to kill innocent Palestinians
Ok, let's just see what happens when 2 fronts open up
By turning this into a regional conflict- one that Israel can't win.
You are allowed to your opinion but to your own facts. The Taliban were in power in most of the country during your beloved Trump's presidency.
Nothing to do with Zionism, but everything to do with technology, something the Israel and the US invest in heavily.
They have been, not anymore, and never will be
Does that include the 1.2 million Palestinians that have Israeli citizenship?
Then the US comes in with their combined modern weaponry.
With the help of the US they will.
That’s not an opinion, modern weapons will overpower anything relic Hamas has
Yes, Kabul was safe and most of the Taliban didn’t go after US troops during his presidency
Aly Rustom
Not going to do any good.
No they haven't. And this conflict may spell the end of the Jewish state if its not careful.
And leave with their tails between their legs.
See above comment
Lets see how that's going to work on 2 or more fronts.
Most of Afghanistan, including Kandahar, were already under Taliban rule under Trump.
Aly Rustom
They want us to take the side of israel | yanis varoufakis - YouTube
Most of the Middle East with maybe the exception of Iran would maybe join and that’s a huge maybe.
Yes, they have been.
They never left Israel, and never will.
With the fire power the US is sending, if others have a death wish, get some.
Yes, and the deal was they weren’t to be engaged unless American troops were fired upon and then all bets of a ceasefire were off and surprisingly, they abided by that.
You can take whichever side you want, but it’s not going to help Hamas
I can’t really see how bombing airports regularly in Syria is going to defeat Hamas?
If I were a Syrian, I would see it as a provocative action which would spark an offensive action in return.
Do the Israeli rightist government really want to fight wars on multiple fronts?
Aly Rustom
Oh Iran will be there.
No they have constantly killed innocent people and that is why we have the situation that we are in.
They will.
Not going to do them any good. Get some? Oh they'll come and give ALOT.
Doesn't matter. Fact is the US failed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Aly Rustom
Its a link to a youtube video
Keepyer Internetpoints
Where I take issue with Varoufakis is his idea of collective responsibility for humanity. Hell no to that. Its corrupt and evil forces in control of our information supply and in control of arms corporations and in control of our governments making these terrible things happen. We ordinary people have an enemy and its THEM, the one percenters, and every time we see a mass conflict we do not want, we must remember its ALWAYS them or some group of THEM who do want it and so, make it happen.
Even the scumbag Israeli settlers only play a bit part in the continued conflict in the Holy Land. Lots of money is being made right now and the fists grabbing it need to have handcuffs put on.