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Israeli strikes kill 21 in Lebanon


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Its over for Israel. A clear shift in media reporting has become apparent. If they want to self-destruct then they can keep up what they are doing. Hopefully they dont.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Israel has complete control over water and food entering Gaza.The supply of which has been used to starve and ‘punish’ the people there.

Repeated warnings by the US over inhumane treatment have forced Israel to allow aid in recently.


3 ( +7 / -4 )

The United States has the perfect opportunity to make itself extremely popular all over the world. How? Simple. Just keep applying pressure on the israeli leadership to follow international humanitarian laws. And start winding down the supply of weapons. Brokering a ceasefire. Come on America, let's do this!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Why don’t we have peace?

The simple reason is money.

The vast amounts of money for arms companies and the sharp rises in stock prices when there are conflicts generates a vicious cycle of mayhem and profit.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Its over for Israel. A clear shift in media reporting has become apparent.

Really? Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have gone even more berserk recently in censoring any criticism of Israel and it's US-sponsored genocide. If it weren't for X and tiktok most people would have no idea what's actually happening in Gaza and Lebanon.

It's over for Israel, totally. It has been supported by the US for 75 years, a country also in rapid decline now.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Genocidal zionists monters..

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

In 1996, Israeli artillery shelling on a United Nations compound housing hundreds of displaced people in Qana killed at least 100 civilians and wounded scores more people, including four U.N. peacekeepers. During the 2006 war, an Israeli strike on a residential building killed nearly three dozen people, a third of them children. Israel said at the time that it struck a Hezbollah rocket launcher behind the building.

These events are known as the first and second Qana massacres. The latest being the third.

But just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the history of Israeli war crimes commited in Lebanon. For example Israel's role in the Sabra and Shatila massacres.

Much like Hamas, Hezbollah are the product of Israeli beligerence. Not the cause of.

In the words of former Israeli PM, defence minister and IDF general Ehud Barak "When we entered Lebanon … there was no Hezbollah. We were accepted with perfumed rice and flowers by the Shia in the south. It was our presence there that created Hezbollah."

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The United States has the perfect opportunity to make itself extremely popular all over the world. How? Simple. Just keep applying pressure on the israeli leadership to follow international humanitarian laws. And start winding down the supply of weapons. Brokering a ceasefire. Come on America, let's do this!

Whichever side committed to this resolution would win the election in my opinion. War is not popular.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Really? Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have gone even more berserk recently in censoring any criticism of Israel and it's US-sponsored genocide. If it weren't for X and tiktok most people would have no idea what's actually happening in Gaza and Lebanon.

I dont use facebook or instagram, so I wouldnt know about that. As for Youtube, I think thats total nonsense, there are plenty of media outlets reporting on the current sitation with a lot less bias than they have previously held.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Daily war crimesarhely under tepotedby western media for fear of angering the Jewish lobbies supporting Zionism.

Zionism is a sick religious cult that needs to be eradicated!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Try again...

Daily war crimes largely under reported by western media for fear of angering the Jewish lobbies supporting Zionism.

Zionism is a sick religious cult that needs to be eradicated!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The solution for the Middle East conflict is coexistence of the two nations.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The solution for the Middle East conflict is coexistence of the two nations.

This is one solution. The coexistence of the two people in one secular nation is another.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The coexistence of the two people in one secular nation is another.

Are the nations of the Middle East secular?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

More success by Israel.

It looks like the pager game really took its toll on Hezbollah.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Why don’t we have peace? The simple reason is money.

It is not so simple.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Its over for Israel. A clear shift in media reporting has become apparent. If they want to self-destruct then they can keep up what they are doing.

Yes, I see the clear shift in the media, too. I remember how, when I was young, the media supported the young Israeli state, which was under constant attack from its islamic neighbours, how young people went to kibbuzes, and how Lebanon, prior to opening its demographic shift, was Christian nation that was not hostile to Israel. Today, the media seem populated by journalists who have no clue about the history of the region and are more sympathetic to Hamas and Hizballah than to the only democracy in the region.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Zionism is a sick religious cult that needs to be eradicated!

I thought the definion of "zionism" is simply the right for a Jewish state to exist. How do you define the word?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Yes, I see the clear shift in the media, too

Im talking about the last month. Until very lately there has been an undeniable bias in favour of Israel.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Are the nations of the Middle East secular?

You dont have a 75 year old problem like this in any of the other middle-eastern countires. But, for what its worth, I think that all nations should be secular. Religion should be personal, and have no bearing on how non-believers live their lives. Anyway, the reason why I believe a single state should be secular is because with two states the current problems just continue. Palestinians want to return to their homeland in Israel, and Israeli settler want to return to the promised land in Judea and Samaria.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

with two states the current problems just continue.

A comprehensive solution based on two states, the Jewish-Arabic Israel, and the Arabic Palestine, has never been implemented. The extremist Palestinian leadership has always claimed the entire land to itself. They have always demanded, and still demand today, that the other ethnic group would be wiped out, or at least subjugated.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think that all nations should be secular. Religion should be personal, and have no bearing on how non-believers live their lives.

Tell this to Khemenai.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A comprehensive solution based on two states, the Jewish-Arabic Israel, and the Arabic Palestine, has never been implemented. The extremist Palestinian leadership has always claimed the entire land to itself. They have always demanded, and still demand today, that the other ethnic group would be wiped out, or at least subjugated.

Look at a map of Israeli territorial expansion since 1948, and tell me who is insincere about a two-state solution. Regardless, Im not saying either solution is better than the other, im simply highlighting that a one-state, secular solution is also a possibility. And based on the extremists on both sides who will never accept two-states, it is just as likely.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Tell this to Khemenai.

Send me his email

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Look at a map of Israeli territorial expansion since 1948, and tell me who is insincere about a two-state solution.

The Israeli nation extended its hand three times to the Palestinian nation, in a bid to settle the conflict and to establish peace based on two states coexisting side by side, with the state of Israel being a partnership of Jews and Arabs. The Palestinians, inspired by their extremist leadership, responded three times with a refusal, and with an attempt to wipe out the Jews from the land.

The first such cycle: The Palestinian rejection of the UN General Assembly resolution from 1947 to establish two states, A Jewish-Arabic state and an Arabic state, and the launching of the disastrous 1948 war.

The second cycle: The two nations embarked on the Oslo path in the 1990s. But then, in the year 2000, Arafat changed his mind, made a U-turn and launched a campaign of terror, wherein buses exploded in the streets, cafes and restaurants were exploded, and a massacre was committed in a hotel where elderly people gathered for the holiday.

The third cycle: Israel applied for Saudi mediation in the 2020s. Hamas decided to thwart the mediation effort made by Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Hamas launched a large-scale massacre and a war on October 7 2023. Lebanon joined the next day. All of this was done with the support and under the control of the Mullah regime of Iran.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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