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© Thomson Reuters 2023.Israel vows 'mighty vengeance' after surprise attack by Hamas kills hundreds
By Maayan Lubell, Nidal al-Mughrabi and Ammar Awad JERUSALEM/GAZA/SDEROT©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Where's the number one ally? Still stuck with budget deadlock?
This looks more and more like yet another Terrorist attack, supported by Russia and Iran!
Hamas themselves would never be able to attack Israel with such an amount of missiles and other military hardware.
Everything going according to PUTAin's plans?
Help Hamas terrorizing Israel, thus making the terror brought upon Ukraine disappear from the main screen?
It won't happen. The free world is strong enough to support both, Ukraine and Israel!
Ukraine and Israel prevail!
And so innocent Israelis and Palestinians die because leaders on both sides refuse to compromise.
Just throwing this out there but Palestine has a much stronger argument saying Israel historically never existed than Russia with Ukraine.
Blood on the dance floor.
It should be remembered that one of the fundamental causes of this violence is religion and the myths spun around them.
God, this really bad.
Israel has been murdering innocent Palestinians for the past 50 years. Do they need an excuse to keep doing it? Its not like the US was going to step in and ask them to stop any time soon. Either way, this is a great tragedy for all of the innocent Palestinians and Israelis who get caught up in it, especially the children.
This is what happen when you make truce and allow your enemy to bid their time. They will just regroup, become stronger, gather intel and hit you when you the least expect it to happen.
This time Israel better finish the job and no more compromises. It was a freaking stupid idea of Israel to withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Abandoning the territory came back to bite them hard till this day. This only bolster the enemies ego and look what happen now.
There is no need to drag God into this...
Seriously? You dont see any similarities between Russia in Ukraine and Israel in Palestine?
Yes, and a 'mighty vengeance' was wrought after Ned Turner's attack, too.
But here's the thing, those committing a Crime Against Humanity (slavery, Holocaust, and the other regime that fit the description in the ICSPCA) may be confident they'll never be prosecuted for it, or shunned for it, or bring shame on their family while alive, but they tend to be wrong about that.
Stephen Chin
Half a century ago Israel captured Palestine leaving only a small piece of land for nearly two million Palestinians to live in. Now fifty years later, Palestinians want their land back. (What's wrong with that?*
What would you like us to do? Although, I could see linking Israel and Ukraine aid to get things past the troglodytes.
The situation in Gaza, West Bank, Israel's security boarder, all in a constant and fast moving stage of development ,,,,
Israel at war: Massive explosions in Gaza as Hamas attack | LiveNOW from FOX
Israel attack: What we know so far
Israel Palestine Conflict Live | IDF Declares ‘Ready For War’ Amid Massive Rocket Barrages
Israel ‘at war and we will win’ says Netanyahu after Hamas launched multi-front attack
The cries of war, of vengeance, retribution, Netanyahu rhetoric insisting no mercy, turning them into rumble gives indication to a rather ominous prolonged war, also an insight to fact that IDF were caught completely by surprise.
Another headache, political/diplomatic for the US administration.
I humbly suggest to view Israel attack: What we know so far link.
Provides a crucial geographical picture of the conflict.
I agree, they need to cut the head off of the serpent, decapitate the senior leadership and all of their capabilities and capacity to strike back at the Israelis.
This looks more and more like yet another Terrorist attack, supported by Russia and Iran!
Biden just sent 6 BILLION dollars to Iran.
It always amazes me how pro-Israel the Western media reports of this ongoing situation are, and how quickly major powers side with Israel. I've read BBC and ABC (Australian, of course) reports this morning, and it's riddled with it.
Having been to Israel and the West Bank in 1997, I quickly realised that the reality on the ground is entirely different to the way it is portrayed in the West. The Palestinians are treated like animals, herded into small areas, contained, repressed, subjugated, their land being stolen on an ongoing basis. This is after their country and ancestral homeland of several thousand years has been invaded and stolen from them and their whole community became displaced and thrown into chaos. If any of us, any of us, and our families were subjected to that on a day to day, week to week, year to year basis, I defy any of you that you that you wouldn't rise up to oppose your oppressor.
But the media ignores all of that, and tries to trivialise the Palestinian plight by calling them terrorists. The US is also entirely complicit in the situation by continually vetoing UN resolutions to address the problems.
And all of this based religious/cultural divisions, because at the end of the day these two groups of people are almost exactly the same genetically, and all descendants of the same people, the Cannanites.
finally rich
WRONG. The whole ME problem is actually very easy to understand.
Look up Prager U - The Middle East Problem on youtube. Even a 10 year old can understand.
Netanyahu thought he could ignore the Palestinian problem declaring that Israel is only for Jewish people. The young Palestinians are no longer waiting for a peaceful solution.
Hamas just secured their own death warrant. And they will try to make innocent civilians pay for their lost for blood.
They deserve the pain.
Recently saw a doco on Palestine at the start of the 20th Century. A peaceful, thriving place with cities that traded by sea to Europe and eastern nations, factories making things such as tiles, and an agricultural sector providing for sale and export a range of produce.
So the Zionist lie that Palestine "didnt exist " and/or the Palestinians were goat herders and nomadic is simply false.
Jews should know something about others demeaning its religion and peoples {Hitler etc } so its a crying shame that one section of Israeli politics and citizens refuse to budge on any justice for a fair solution for the Palestine nation.
I remember a news story from only a few years back when dozens of retired Israeli generals called for a 2 state solution.
Netanyahu has repeatedly said this will never happen while he is in charge.
What happened to the bribery charges he faced recently anyway ?
Israel is one of the biggest buyers of US weapons exports. Everything comes down to money, it has nothing to do with religion, history, or morality.
No, but it is the Jewish state and ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.
Well, now they won’t have anything. They’re about to get lit up like a Christmas tree.
Religious extremism in all its behavioral beliefs are perpetrated by so call scholars extremists always calling for theological, ritual, heavenly intervention, however ultimately derives from a political dimension.
Radicalization/radicalism, in all its bloody forms, goes beyond a focus on violence, but the duty to engage in violent holy war, where the slain/fallen will be revered as martyrs.
Every death is a means to fan the flames of hate, religious extremism cannot be bargained with, will never recognize truce, doesn't follow any convention of human right to exist, just a constant doctrine dogma of violent religious extremism to further an Islamic empire rejecting outright any form of a democratic system.
Netanyahu and his hard right cronies were under serious pressure from their own citizens and Washington with their attempt to subvert democracy in Israel with their so-called legal reforms. Hamas have just saved their skins, big time.
You support giving Israel whatever it needs to repel the Hamas but not Ukraine doing the same against Russia.
Biden said the US supports Israel 100% and will do whatever it takes.
The intelligence failure was probably because the Hamas didn't use digital communications.
Every month there is an Islamic Jihadi terrorist attack somewhere in the world.. what is this religion about? Can’t they learn how to live peacefully and respect other religions too ??
Russia is not an ally of the US.
He also said the withdrawal of Afghanistan was a success.
And yet, they still find various methods of communicating to coordinate these attacks.
The Gaza Strip and the West Bank are two Palestinian territories that make up at least a proportion of Mandate Palestine.
Over 5 million souls resident in both territories.
Retaliation would be region wide, swift and harsh if any move believed to wipe out such communities were perpetrated.
Confused comment.
You don't support your president's stance on Israel.
Yes non-digital and caught out both Israel and the US on the hop.
Haaa Nemui
Agreed. But good luck.
Ukraine, I meant, typo!
If he were competent and capable I would. So far his geopolitical policy history hasn’t been a good one.
Well, Israel won’t make that mistake again, they’re going to go in and clean out this cancer.
Stephen Chin
Palestine just wants Her Land Back.
What's wrong with that?
Well said. And absolutely no lessons have been learned. To learn would mean lower profits.
Sven Asai
The real problem is, that we in the West are always forced by all those wannabe leaders and aggressors to take a side and with massive support expected. That's the neckbreaker for us and the script behind. Let those weird idiots clash, in Russia / Ukraine, in Israel vs Palestine,Iran,Syria, Lebanon, also in Sudanese area, Niger, East and West Libya, and anywhere else they think they should draw attention by mass killing, expecting to be paid for returning to human behavior, but which is not so very intrinsic to them. We have limited resources in the West too. We go under too, if always meddling in, taking side, providing help for something that simply can't be helped there. If now also China / Taiwan conflict starts we get quickly in big trouble when summing up.
Israel certainly has a right to exist and defend itself. At the same time, the Palestinians in WB and Gaza have a right to determine their destinies, but these terrorist thug groups like Hamas are not the answer. And by the way, there is nothing Islamic about them or what they are doing. Zero.
About 30 years ago there was a short temporary peace in the area. There was a 'Palestinian Authority' having a rule in the WB, and the Israeli PM Rabin won a Nobel Peace Prize from this. But in 1995, Rabin was offed - not by a Palestinian or a fanatic Muslim. A fanatic Jew from the terrorist group Kach. There are terrorist groups there who do crimes in the name of religion. But all this crap is politics. Hamas and the like are not Islam and Israel is not Judaism.
The worst thing about all this is Nutty Yahoo. He's been caught with his mitts in the cookie jar so many times, and he's used the scandals as tools to launch missile wars on Gaza in order to divert attention from his misdeeds. But he endangered Israeli citizens during the process because he doesn't give a damn.
And now he's been doing corrupt action again and endangering Israel's democracy lately. And now this crap new war! He doesn't have an excuse to launch a new war, Hamas did the job for him. But Nutty Yahoo might use this as a pretext and a leverage to grab more authoritarian power for himself.
He's probably relishing and gloating inside himself over this right now. This couldn't have come at a better time for him and since Hamas started all this, unprovoked - he'll probably get off the hook for the crap he's been doing this year.
Any justification of this terrorism should make one read a history book.
The question of Palestine
Resolution after resolution has had little effect/affect on any possible short medium term peace initiative.
Two opposing views?
Israel and occupied Palestinian territories 2022….
Israel Has a Right to Exist
How far does both have exercise the right to defend themselves?
The bottom-line is neither Israel or Palestine solemnly believe the other should exist.
Uhh, what does that have to do with anything?
No need to be disrespectful, it’s Netanyahu, come on now, if we did that to any beloved liberal leader our post would get zapped, don’t have to like the guy, but decorum….
Not sure about all that conspiracy hype, but what is real and rooted in reality is that Hamas needs to be rooted out and the IDF needs to go in an take out as much of the senior leadership as they can, casualties or not.
It's like a volcano has erupted.
Haaa Nemui
What does corruption have to do with anything? Interesting.
Desert Tortoise
US forces have never directly participated in any of Israel's many wars. The US has built up a large storage area within Israel, a US controlled facility with warehouses filled with US arms which can be issued to Israel in the even they are needed.
Desert Tortoise
This has been building for a long long time but recent events around Al-Aqsa Mosque by fundamentalist Jewish groups and settlers taking over a Muslim shrine was the final insult. This is what 56 years of harsh military occupation combined with confiscating Arab lands from their long time land owners only to hand the land over to Jewish settlers, settlers who come to Israel from abroad specifically to take land from the Arabs, buys you.
Now we shall see how long other Arab nations sit on their hands and do nothing. I think a lot of Arab governments are going to regret their relations with Israel and many will face protests if they do not renounce them.
Well they better start issuing those USA weapons. 200 Jews killed, By the end of the day that will be 2000 Jews killed. This will not end good for all concerned. Ho Hah Hezbollah.
This looks more and more like yet another Terrorist attack, supported by Russia and Iran!
That had nothing to do with it.
What is Saudi"s position on this which has been trying to forge a new relationship with Israel?
Peter Neil
Look, neither Israel nor the Palestinians have been innocent, gentle neighbors. Israel has been brutal in forcing Palestinians off their land for Israeli “settlements” and the Palestinians have used terror as their strategy of choice.
When the earth is reduced to single-cell organisms again (and it will eventually), the ones in the middle east will still be fighting.
Desert Tortoise
Groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah have credibility where Arab governments do not. Like it or not, three tries by Arab governments to defeat Israel and return lands to the Arab families that was taken from them, 1947, 1967 and 1973 all failed miserably. Those governments are considered corrupt and ineffective. But those "terrorist groups" appear fearless and take the fight to Israel time and time again.
Now while many Arab governments seem content to give up on the Palestinians for business considerations and money, via the Abraham Accords, the Palestinians themselves have now put these greedy Arab dictators on notice by demanding they take sides. If those governments sit on their hands their own people may rise up against them.
Most Europeans and Americans do not read the Arab press and do not understand how popular these groups are. It is of no concern to the Arab street what the US or EU thinks. Likewise most Europeans and Americans are also seemingly unaware that in the Palestinian view their eventual victory is inevitable. They look to the example of how the South Africans, Algerians and Tunisians defeated their colonial masters, who were never able to dilute their population with colonists (which is the whole purpose of the settler movement btw, to dilute the Arab population so it is powerless) . In their view as long as they maintain solidarity and continue to fight never giving your enemy a moment of peace the colonists, which is how Jewish settlers are seen, colonizers, will eventually be forced to give up and leave.
I watch during this week a video of Orthodox Jews spitting of people because they were Christians. That nice of them. The Christains were just go the the Mount for church service as were there Jews with black hat and weird hair styles. Adult and children Jews spat on these Christians. This can not be tolerated by the Palistains. So they attack the Spitting Jews with 5000 rockets killing 200 Jews. Ho Hah Hezbollah.
Desert Tortoise
That money was payment by other nations for oil Iran sold them. Payment was stopped by US sanctions and the money held in several banks. There was no US money involved. The funds were transferred to Qatar and are only available for humanitarian purchases.
Keepyer Internetpoints
Israel murders civilians.
So Palestine murders civilians.
So Israel murders more civilans.
There is no supporting the murder of civilians by a decent people.
However, decent people still support the Palestinian cause, because decent people know its Israel murdering far more civilians, with FAR more capability to do so, and using that capability to murder far more while keeping the Palestinians in a constant state of terror while stealing Palestinian homes and land.
If the murder is ever going to stop, its going to have start stopping from the Israeli side. We can't expect a terrorized and occupied people to just peacefully accept their situtation.
Desert Tortoise
What has angered the Arabs are the Jewish raids on and invasions of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is a sacred Muslim site. How would you feel if Muslims forced you out of your Christian Church to hold Muslim services there? Well that is what Israeli settlers are doing at Al-Aqsa Mosque and it was a very deliberate provocation.
U.S. Security Assistance in a Changing Middle East
In the Middle East, we are working to disrupt international terrorist networks, deter Iranian aggression, and support our partners’ and allies’ territorial defense.
The United States continues to maintain our ironclad commitment to Israel’s security, helping to maintain its qualitative military edge in the region consistent with U.S. legal requirements and long-standing policy. At the same time, we will continue efforts to advance relations between Israel and its neighbors, and we underscore our strong commitment to a negotiated two-state solution as the best path to reach a just and lasting resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
So why was Israel intelligence service so deficient in such a surprise attack?
Hamas invaded on paragliders, inflatables and mopeds.... To then take hostages....
Keepyer Internetpoints
These situtations are NOT equivalent at ALL!
You are attempting to equate an apple with a semi-truck!
The Palestinians can be more fairly equated with the independence minded ethnic Russian separatists of Donbas and Crimea, NOT Russia or Ukraine.
But still, these situations are VERY different, except perhaps to a tribalist, tribalism being a smooth-brained position.
I thought he was talking about his own army which treat the Palestinians like animals!
No mention of the previous days atrocities where 50 Palestinians were injured by Israeli troops while attending a funeral at al Asqa mosque. Biased western reporting yet again remain silent on the continued atrocities committed by Netanyahu and his right wing loony govt!
Tension had long been building among the Arab community under the unrelenting oppression of the Israeli state. This explosion of violence is just the logical result - a lesson that history teaches time and again yet lost on its clueless actors. To be continued...
Mr Kipling
Not exactly, they get loans to buy the weapons, those loans are then forgiven. Most US military aid is paid for by US tax payers. Yes, the US is paying for Zionist apartheid.
Desert Tortoise
Read this. Hamas is a far more sophisticated cyber actor than most of you suspect, creating spyware that loads on Israeli phones though Android apps that bypass Google security protocols, among other exploits.
Perhaps no matter the sophistication of weaponry, next generation Ai intelligence capability, razor wire security,
Against religious fundamentalism/extremism that is prepared to sacrifice not only fighters but the lives of there people cannot simply be reasoned with, overcome by tanks, declarations of war, air strikes.
Why Jews and Muslims Both Have Religious Claims on Jerusalem
Creation of Israel, 1948
Hamas will lose…again, Israel tried really hard not to have this fight, but as casualties mount and Hamas hoping it will win the PR war, but now they have pushed it to the limit, the IDF will systematically take out a lot of these cancerous leadership, there will be casualties on both sides, but they will respond decisively to setback, if not neutralize any Hamas capabilities, and the foreseeable future.
Desert Tortoise
Oh my, not even close. Israel is number 7, and the amount the Saudis spend on US arms is very nearly as much as the combined amount of the next six largest US arms customers.
No fan of the state of Israel, but they are now left with little option - the entire Gaza strip occupied by Palestinians is going to have to be carpet bombed into oblivion.
Hamas - and every person connected to them - need to be rounded up and exterminated. There simply is now no other choice.
Marr Bourdein
Israel will prevail, it's biblical. And for the moderators, I know who you are. We will meet really soon you bastards.
let's say you believe in God...let's say you believe the Jews are God's chosen people. what kind of God would have crafted the disaster of the Holocaust...the disaster that is Israel...Palestine...
What kind of God would put Netenyahu in a position of power in such a world...
an eye for an eye
a tooth for a tooth...
there are no innocent eyes or teeth in the eyes of monsters...Hamas & Netwnyahu both...this will be a sad day forever
Desert Tortoise
If one wishes to point a finger and a single weak western politician the finger must point at Benjamin Netanyahu. He doesn't control his coalition. Rather it is controlled by a small cadre of far right religious extremist like Itamar Ben-Gvir, Aryeh Deri, and Bezalel Smotrich who have used and abused Mr. Netanyahu's political weakness to badger and inflame Arab sensibilities at every opportunity. Benjamin Netanyahu cannot get sidewise with these people or he will see his coalition collapse and that would subject him to likely prosecution for his corruption. The far right has him by the short hairs and everyone in the Arab street recognizes this weakness. But Hamas decided, rightly or wrongly time will tell, to exploit that weakness.
Desert Tortoise
Probably not. Hamas needs hostages to trade for the release of their fighters. Killing them kind of defeats that purpose. Live Israelis in unknown locations in Gaza will restrain the Israeli military from the kind of scorched Earth tactics you seem to advocate, lest they inadvertently kill their own.
Prager U is a scam! It has no education credibility.
Anyone use them is not serious about having an educated conversation.
But that is their paid job on JT!
Any support for the Palestinian cause will be severely tested after seeing footage of what these Hamas murderers have done. Murdering and kidnapping women and children will cost them dearly.
As it should
Desert Tortoise
Perhaps in the west but certainly not in the Arab street. Read some Arab new sites like Al Jazeera, Middle East Eye and AL-Monitor for the alternative view of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The west are widely seen as colonizers.
The Canadian Union of Public Employees has expressed its support for Hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization by Canada. These are the people teaching kids at universities in Canada.
Another symptom of the rot that has taken hold of that country.
PragerU, a right-wing advocacy group long criticized for its content being “misleading” or factually inaccurate. Its videos have prompted even more backlash online since PragerU CEO Marissa Streit announced last month that the group is partnering with the state of Florida as an education vendor to provide supplemental lessons.
We see where DeSantis gets his African American education programs from!
We also see why conservatives do not understand or support Israel's Nazis tactics on the Palestinians. They are using the same tactics used against the Jews in Nazi Germany since most of Israel is composed of German/Russian converts. Of course, they have no sympathy for the indigenous people of the land.
Desert Tortoise
Read the Old Testament. It is a guide book to genocide where the Israelis were commanded to kill every man, woman and child of their enemies who obtw included the Philistines, the modern incarnation of which are the Palestinians. The ancient Israelis never managed to kill off all of the Philistines, but both the Philistines and Israelis were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar. Their lands remained colonies of successive Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Syrian, Ottoman and British empires until 1947.
The UN promised Palestinian nation that was supposed to be formed along with Israel in the partition of the British colony of Palestine was never to be because a Jordanian King decided to invade the West Bank and the Arabs chose to wage war to prevent the formation of Israel.
Those claiming Gaza should be wiped out.
Collective punishment is illegal internationally.
Iran waited until it got its $6 billion before instructing Hamas terrorists to murder innocent Israelis.
Israel will go door to door in Gaza.
Hope they get every last murder.
And this is just another reason why Iran should not be trusted with its nuclear program.
Anyone who believe Iran would only use their nuclear program for energy purposes would believe Hamas wants peace.
Probably not. Hamas needs hostages to trade for the release of their fighters.
What planet are you living on? Hamas will trade the bodies of the hostages for live Palestinians further down the line.
And if Lebanon joins in.
Zero sympathy for Hamas.
Looking at this from another angle I certainly hope Jordan holds strong and does not allow the Taliban to make its way down to Israel. We also must hope that Iran does not get involved.
There are strong opinions by both sides and as a non Israeli and non Palestinian I cannot even begin to claim I understand both points of view, however I do certainly understand the potential global implications of a conflict in this region. The world is very different (much less stable) than it was 50 years ago when the Yom Kippur war occured.
Humanitiy is slowly making its way towards annihilation and our leaders have all seem to have lost their collective minds.
If you are religious pray to your God; if you are not religious meditate or take some mindful action to stop this insanity!
Netanyahu is not in control of his extreme right-wing government with ministers who want to eliminate the Palestinians.
The Arabs living in the Palestine territory at that time rejected the UN decision to divide the area into the states of Israel, and Palestine. The Jews were like, Ok, we'll have our country, and the Arabs will have theirs; sounds cool.
Those Palestinian Arabs rejected the UN offer---because they wanted all the land for themselves and did not want to share with the Jews.
There is no occupation. There is no nation, culture, or language of Palestine.
Well, there is a culture of launching terrorist attacks.
The Taliban are a million miles from Israel.
Not supporting collective punishment does not mean supporting Hamas.
Do you support collective punishment?
This is one of the most challenging opinions I have viewed.
The history of ‘Israel’ and ‘Palestine’: Alternative names, competing claims
Because the history lecture offer little or nothing to present day realities.
And forces a continuous angry confrontation..
More importantly right now is what diplomatic engagement can contain this war escalating beyond any form of containment.
What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
Can any form of containment be presented to the UN security council.
President Biden administration could call present a resolution to call for restraint.
To allow peace keeping.
How that will be enforced is another matter, some form of cease fire resolution might give time to concentrate US government all parties to secure across aisle consensus.
Having been to Israel and the West Bank in 1997, I quickly realised that the reality on the ground is entirely different to the way it is portrayed in the West. The Palestinians are treated like animals..
Nice mis-redirection, failed to mentioned the Palestine split in 2007, the relatively peaceful Fatah are doing fine economically, the Hamas faction is what will never live with peace.. .Hamas and there backers have crossed a line from which they can never go back, Israel will re-capture Gaza permanently, Hamas, Hezbollah and anyone else involved in all probability will cease to exist.
100% agree (yes, there is a first time for everything, I know).
Israel has just ordered all Gazans to evacuate their homes (from BBC).
Imminently, all suburbs of Gaza will be reduced to dust. They have been given fair warning.
Read my comment again. I said "one of". 7th best customer is still a big customer.
Cards fan
PragerU? lol A Youtube channel run by Zionists certainly isn't the place to get informed on this issue.
They certainly have pegged the intellectual ability of their viewership.
Given the dire circumstances, that is changing.
The Canadian Union of Public Employees has expressed its support for Hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization by Canada
Yep, another example of deeply the terrorist types (Jihadi, Khalistani etc) have infiltrated in Canada, and since are mostly left vote banks, the gov hardly does anything..
The Israelis have requested people vacate their homes in the areas where Hamas are. Not the 2 million population who have nowhere to go.
Reports that Israel have now killed around 230-50 Palestinians in Gaza. thats the same number of israelis killed by Hamas. Enough is enough. Call it quits.
More likely will become even more extreme right-wing. Don't forget for many months hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews demonstrated against Netanyahu.
The hamas cockroaches are hiding in the suburbs - even in nondescript houses. Do you think they are all congregated in some central buildings?
As I said, all Gaza homes and suburbs are now fair game. If these people had any sense or value their lives - they'd evacuate. NOW.
What has angered the Arabs are the Jewish raids on and invasions of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is a sacred Muslim site. How would you feel if Muslims forced you out of your Christian Church to hold Muslim services there? Well that is what Israeli settlers are doing at Al-Aqsa Mosque and it was a very deliberate provocation
ok.. valid point.. what do you think the Muslim rules/invaders have done to other places of worship in the last 1000 years, example in India thousands of temples were destroyed and mosques constructed over them...
Ever wonder why totally innocent Israel is actively blocking the ICC, and unquestionably guilty Palestine is actively begging the ICC to enforce international law on EVERYONE in the region?
Hint, it's the same reason totally innocent Trump is trying to block every investigation and attempt to enforce American law.
Another word for genocide.
Cross that bridge later, now it’s time for Bibi to do something and he’s getting ready to, so that’s a good thing.
Call it quits, give Hamas time to torture their captives and rearm for the next time ?
They (Hamas) really have messed up. Netenyahu is a hawk, he's going in guns blazing.
What would you like him to do?
What do you think he should do?
Netanyahu stands to gain from the Hamas attacks by showing he is the only one capable of defending Israel and even more strict laws will be required. Takes the attention off the hundreds of thousands of demonstrators who instantly will unite behind him to defend the country.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
An open admission that the recent Hamas attacks are akin to the historical Japanese attack on the USA:
So, did it fail or was it turned off? If this truly was Israel’s “Pearl Harbor”, then we know it didn’t fail. Remember, the most effective rhetoric points toward the truth…
That said, “There will be a mighty vengeance for this dark day” doesn’t quite live up to the standard set by “a date which will live in infamy,” though.
I think he should get rid of Hamas by any means necessary.
A ceasefire solves nothing and just kicks the can down the road for someone else to deal with later.
A bit vague, isn’t it?
We’ve had talk of turning Gaza to ‘rubble’ or ‘dust’. Sounds like the already mentioned collective punishment to me.
If this is the kind of thing you’d accept, you can say it.
Interesting to see the level of enthusiasm for the very lengthy, ongoing for years and years special military operation by the IDF against Gaza.
Looks like Iron Dome will be needed and won't be given away to you know who.
Rhetorical question?
Quite clear actually.
Targeted assassinations and drone attacks. I'm not a warplanner Jimizo, but you asked me what he should do I said 'get rid of Hamas'.
What about you, what do you think he should do?
Lots of people pointing the finger at Hamas as the problem I see, which is a typically myopic perspective of those who cannot see the forest for the trees in this story.
Hamas is a symptom of the problem, not the cause. Hamas were founded in 1987 - pretty recently, and 39 years after the declaration of independence of Israel. The situation in Israel, and Israeli occupation created Hamas - it's a response by a subjugated and abused people fed up with the inequality and repressive nature of the occupation.
Then you simply don't understand the nature of humanity under extreme repression - you are confusing ideology for an organisation. Even if Israel were able to kill everyone in Hamas, which they obviously can't, the ideology for Palestinian statehood and freedom remains. It's a general population wide sentiment. This is what Israel, and people like you, don't get.
I’d go along with that.
Talk of turning Gaza to rubble from some is idiotic.
No, it wasn’t.
njca4 discusses things in good faith and clarified what he/she meant.
Hamas was formed because Israel demanded elections which they got, and Hamas.
So he should have coffee and cake with the Hamas leaders and discuss this issue?
No, it wasn’t.
I did as well. We all have various degrees of opinions, I’m just more militant about my point of view.
Cards fan
We know. And so is Hamas. This kind of militancy is what makes diplomacy impossible here.
We’ll screenshot it and frame it when it happens.
Desert Tortoise
Fifty years ago to the day the exact same thing happened as Egyptian troops poured across the Sinai and Syrian troops entered the Golan Heights.
TamaramaToday 12:55 pm JST
Excellent point.
The Israeli disengagement from Gaza occurred in 2005 (settlers and occupation forces removed for obvious reasons). The UN considers Tel Aviv the de facto occupying power due to its control of Gaza's borders, air space and territorial waters. The blockade of the strip has been in place since then.
Every IDF ground incursion into Gaza results in huge losses to both sides. International spillover is another issue to keep an eye on.
Questions of the UN, international law and the ICC don't get invoked nearly as much in this issue.
Glad you love the ICC now. When will Putin be turned over?
Well, Hamas will lose, so that goes without saying, so the senior leadership should prepare for martyrdom.
Desert Tortoise
There is more to it than that. They are an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. When Israel occupied the Palestinian territories in 1967, the Muslim Brotherhood members did not take active part in the resistance, preferring to focus on social-religious reform and on restoring Islamic values. This outlook changed in the early 1980s and Islamic organizations became more involved in Palestinian politics. The driving force behind this transformation was Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian refugee from Al-Jura. Of humble origins and quadriplegic, he persevered to become one of the Muslim Brotherhood's leaders in Gaza. His charisma and conviction brought him a loyal group of followers, who he, as a quadriplegic, depended on for everything—from feeding him, to transporting him to and from events, and to communicate his strategy to the public.[
In 1973, Yassin founded the social-religious charity al-Mujama al-Islamiya, "Islamic center", in Gaza as an offshoot to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Israeli authorities encouraged Yassin's charity to expand as they saw it as a useful counterbalance to the secular Palestine Liberation Organization. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor of Gaza at the time, recalled that they even funded his charity. Israel's religious affairs official in Gaza, Avner Cohen, later regretfully concluded that Hamas was created by Israel. He claimed to have warned his superiors not to back the Islamists.[
Biden just sent 6 BILLION dollars to Iran.
TYPICAL maga talking point, totally debunked.
that money is sitting in a QATAR account still unused. its only meant to be spent on medicine food for Irans people, has yet to be used .
got to stop watching right whinger talking heads
He tried that with those missile wars on Gaza during the past few years and it backfired. Now since Hamas started this savage brutality themselves, Israelis' attention will be focused on defending themselves and Nutty Yahoo will use this as leverage to his benefit. And he didn't have to do anything, or lift a finger of his hand.
And now their main priority is to defend themselves and survive.
Now it's Israel vs. Hamas. Hamas may have planned it this way too. Synchronicity.
more GOP disinformation debunked by FOX LOL
Idiots posting this junk
Israel is going to burn Palestine to the ground then it's Iran's turn to be burned! Anyone complaining about innocent women and children, remember in Palestine, they start throwing stones as soon as they are able to pick one up and from then on, it progresses to grenades and so on!
Looking at some of the stuff on Telegram including videos.
There are bands of heavily armed Hamas squads on the loose, street skirmishes. Sredot is a particular hot spot - apparently the police station and other buildings have been seized.
Even paragliders being used to infiltrate.
A rave party was stormed with casualties.
IDF humvees and other vehicles are being driven around in Gaza by Hamas. Looking at a video of a IDF Merkava IV tank burning (appears to be in the buffer-zone) while Gazans rifle through captured material and carry M4 carbines.
I first thought it was exaggerated when I heard thousands of rockets launched, but looking at the dozens impact zones on a map, which run up and down the country, especially dense on the western coastal zone, it's credible.
The IDF has just rushed in an order for tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells.
And you think Qatar will abide and monitor that Iran will not use that money for any terrorist acts whatsoever? No one with any sense of reality believes that.
Desert Tortoise
Sorry but the Palestinians are also a Semitic people like the Israelis.
The original plan under the UN partition of the British territory of Palestine was for there to be an independent Palestinian nation. The then King of Jordan however had other ideas, wanting to get an upper hand with rival Syria, and invaded what was supposed to become an independent Palestinian state.
In any event the Palestinians pre-date the arrival of the Israelis. Historically they are the early Philistines whom the Jewish Torah commanded the Israelites to kill. But before they could the Babylonians invaded, conquered and subjugated both Jews and Philistines. The land has been occupied ever since by a succession of invaders including the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Syrians, Ottomans and the British.
Mr Kipling
No, their support will have risen and rightly too. Israel does this on a regular basis.... maybe you don't read about it. Sorry Zionists, your brutality comes with a price.
They are about 4,000 km or 10-15 days away.
There are numerous scenarios that can play out and the longer this drags on the higher the possibility that some of those scenarios come to fruition.
Time will tell.
Desert Tortoise
Meanwhile the US House of Representatives can't do anything because they do not yet have a speaker, having canned the last one a few days ago. Nice self goal.
There is no doubt the attacks were planned to take place after the release of that $6B. And Qatar is nowhere near a neutral player:
Qatar’s foreign ministry issued a statement on Saturday saying that Israel alone was responsible for the ongoing escalation of violence with the Palestinian people.
Israel will get their revenge. No mercy.
I am very surprised that Israeli intelligence didn't get heads up of the attack!
Also reports of Hezbollah mobilizing and IDF deployments on the border will Lebanon. Mortar fire reported.
According to the latest data, the number of deaths on the Israeli side is more than 300 people, and the number of wounded has increased to 1864. According to unofficial estimates, about 750 more Israelis are still missing.
Palestinian national and Islamic forces announced a general strike day in populated areas of the West Bank on Sunday.
Update on Sredot - after 20 hours of fighting, IDF units, supported by artillery and tanks, managed to take control of the police station in. However, Hamas members still remain in the city.
And you think Qatar will abide and monitor that Iran will not use that money for any terrorist acts whatsoever?
its been monitored by the state dpt, do you think QATAR is going to pee off the USA by releasing those funds,
GOP have got nothing again, just like their Biden impeachment, 0 evidence. LOL
Desert Tortoise
Well they had their head up something .....................
This is a mystery to me as well. Mossad has a tremendous Human Intelligence reach in virtually all Arab states and much more so in Palestinian territories. Considering this is within a day of the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur war it is perplexing that an attack of this magnitude went off in such a way it did.
It was a shock to say the least to wake up this morning to this news.
They will in a week or two.
Oh, dear lord. Now that’s know it’s all a load of BS. The very same people that can’t track a balloon, find a fighter jet, Afghanistan withdrawal and can’t stop the Chinese, Russians and North Koreans from hacking into our computer security systems. You can put your trust in them, but the last years have proven otherwise.
Directly, No.
Indirectly, Yes.
Not sure what that has to do with Israel, but if you needed to get that off your shoulder, I get it.
Desert Tortoise
We won't know the true story for years perhaps but I sense some over confidence combined with people overlooking what in hindsight will be big fat red flags that could have given them some warning that something would happen.
My concern is that Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has been warning for a few years now that upsetting the control of Al-Aqsa Mosque could lead to a Hezbollah-Israeli war. Hezbollah has many tens of thousands of rockets and missiles, some of which can reach as far as Dimona and even Eilat. If they join the war Israel will be in a real bind. The last time Israel fought Hezbollah in southern Lebanon they lost. This has the potential to go very badly for Israel.
I share your concern as well. It is a genuine concern with some potentially dramatic implications. There are so many wild cards with this and coupled with the other global issues which currently exist this can escalate quickly.
This is like the start of a forest fire and if left uncontained it can quickly escalate out of control. I do not want to imagine a Hezbollah-Israeli war.
Desert Tortoise
None of which are functions of the State Department.
The Taliban won't be marching into Israel.
Biden is doing what all politicians do - pulling the wool over our eyes: it's not "terrorism", it's WAR! (I believe my "lying" eyes not the disingenuous gaslighting of the power players).
Biden is doing what all politicians do - pulling the wool over our eyes: it's not "terrorism", it's WAR! (I believe my "lying" eyes not the disingenuous gaslighting of the power players).
The Hamas does not recognize Israel so there can be no solution unless the monster is put back in the box.
The taking of civilians, women and children is a war crime.
Desert Tortoise
So no more US aid to Israel?
Some of us with experience abroad and some first hand experience with the Russians might argue that helping Ukraine defeat the Russians is very much helping the US. If Ukraine falls then you are faced with a NATO-Russia war and that will an order of magnitude more costly, not to mention war mobilization of civil production, rationing and a likely resumption of conscription. If you bother to read the history of the lead up to WWII you would understand the urgency to stop Russia in Ukraine and push it back behind the pre-2014 borders. That is the most economical course of action measured both in blood and treasure.
I hope you are right. The probability of this occuring is low but having experience in the region I would not say this with 100% certainty. There are also numerous other scenarios which can play out if this is not contained quickly. The region is volatile and with the current state of global affairs I would say it is better to keep an open mind.
On the other hand, I fully agree with your stance on taking children, women, and the elderly as prisoners. Considering this Israel has no choice but to act decisively.