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Israel strikes Gaza in 2nd day of attacks; death toll tops 280


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Israel´s excuse to bomb Gaza due to rockets being fired from Gaza is a little thin when you think of this. More than 200 people killed because Hamas called off the seize fire because they had been under a blockade. The media points out that it was mostly millitants but this is hard to believe as Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in this world. You would also have to define what a millitant is. Is every Hamas member a millitant? Hamas might be a millitant organization but not everyone in Hamas is a millitant.

If you drop a bomb and the bomb hits an apartment it will also affect the apartment next to the apartment being hit. If Israel´s point was to not crush Hamas I do not think this is the way to do it because this will give Hamas even more popularity as a resistance movement against Israel. Dropping bombs from F16 jets on a densely populated area is indiscriminate killing. This is also terrorism.

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seems no one calls for calm when rockets are being fired at Israel, but let Israel respond and the they get jumped on...

I was raised under the "don't tease the dog or you might get bit" philosophy, I would think that would be part of islamic culture as there seems to be a real disdain for dogs... I guess not.

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The campaign embarrassed moderate Arab regimes

Where were all these "moderate Arab regimes" while Palestinian militants fired some 300 rockets and mortars at Israeli targets over the past week? Where are the moderate Arabs when Palestinian rockets fall short of their target and kill two Palestinian school girls? If North Korea landed even one rocket on Japanese soil, do you suppose the ASDF would drop flowers on Pyongyang?

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The never-ending cycle of violence in the Middle East.

Israel and its neighbors.

Iraq and sectarian violence.

Afghanistan and its lawless tribal areas and support for terrorists.

Pakistan and its terrorists-stuck between Afghanistan and India.

The list goes on.

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama will very probably find himself caught up in so many conflicts in the region that his plan for a Great Concrete Society may not come to fruition.

One thing is for sure: 2009 will bring more of the same fighting in the ME that we read about in this article.

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Where were all these "moderate Arab regimes" while Palestinian militants fired some 300 rockets and mortars at Israeli targets over the past week?

They weren´t there because they thought Israel should´ve opened up the blockade, Israel has the entire people in Gaza isolated from the world and the humanitarian supplies cut off so it is rich of Olmert to be apologizing to the Palestinian people on TV and telling them that they were only after Hamas.

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100 tons ? Slight overkill isn't it ! Why do we continue to be so tolerant of this little country...c'mon Iran,get involved.

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"This is also terrorism"

What about all the rocket and mortar attacks that have traumatized southern Israel?

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hereandthere: "seems no one calls for calm when rockets are being fired at Israel, but let Israel respond and the they get jumped on..."

Were you on the board a week back when a whole lot of people, myself included, were calling Hamas morons for firing a bunch of rockets in Israel, and saying 'this is going to get ugly', etc.? We also rightly predicted that it would cause an overreaction from Israel, etc., and now we have it.

The thing is, as one person pointed out, not all of Hamas are militants by any means, and Israel doesn't care whom it kills in these kind of attacks.

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Israel and its neighbors

When America are your friends, they'll give you weapons and bombs, when they are not your friends, they will drop bombs on you.

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Brainwashed Americans and Israelis support endless wars because they have been fooled into thinking it is for freedom and democracy. Their media subverted and they have been brainwashed all their lives.They will never be able to wake up to the fact they have been brainwashed. US/Israel war monger policies is making US bankrupt and slowing down the world economy. While firing any type of rockets should be condemned so should the blockade which should not be tolerated. Leaving 1,5 million people to rot in refugee camps. Leading to the rocket attacks and the Israeli retalliation. While both are at fault the biggest problem is the US/Israeli war monger oppression.

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No good will come of this.

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The regime in Tel Aviv can not have it both ways. They want to continue the blockade and expect to have peace at the same time. The Gaza strip is reminiscent of the systematic isolation of the Warsar ghetto during the 2 World War.

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Wait! Israel says they are not in the business of assassinations. hahhahah

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This has gone on for decades. I remeber this when i was a young man.

The Israelis killing en mass with the full support of America (lots of influencial Jews in high places).

This is a disgrace, and i reckon the crafty buggers done it over the festive period, so there wouldn't be so much attention and that.

Why so many deaths? This is mass slaughter. The world should not ask for blooming restraint but impose sanctions now!!

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What about all the rocket and mortar attacks that have traumatized southern Israel?

Most of these rockets fell in the desert. Not one person was killed because of these rocket attacks- these attacks which were a response to Gaza being closed off again by Israel.

Israel is getting what it wants. It controls Gaza completely and these little attacks by Hamas give it reason to tighten the stranglehold further on these poor people.

Hamas on the other hand are also feeding off of these Israeli attacks as now they have further reason for existing. They are feeding off of each other with no end in sight.

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"This is also terrorism"

What about all the rocket and mortar attacks that have traumatized southern Israel?

Sarge: All the rocket and mortar attacks are Chritmas presents from Palestinian Santa Claus to Israel. They are not meant to harm or kill anybody.

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Israel has every right to respond to 3,000 rockets being fired at their civilians in the last year. I don't even think their response was an overreaction. Using minimal force is just another way to give Hamas a greater opportunity to continue attacking. They targeted Hamas' compounds to minimize civilian casualties, although I do understand that some people will ignore that.

But there's a difference between having the right to do something and deciding that you should do something. I'm not sold on the idea that Israel should have done this. If their goal is to stop the rocket attacks then this isn't the step to take unless it will stop the rocket attacks, which we know it won't. This was more about punishment or responding in kind, not about actually stopping rockets. Hamas needs to be punished, but I believe you need to approach problems and decide your actions based on getting what it is that you want. Any steps that you take that don't get what you want aren't the right steps to take.

Adding another "but" to the long list of "buts" in this situation....giving Hamas and the militants impunity on attacking Israel obviously isn't the answer. Not responding isn't going to stop the rocket attacks. I can't say I really know what the answer is, probably because I'm not sold on the idea that Hamas has any intention of ever stopping the rockets. If you look at it from that point of view then a military response is really the only option they're giving Israel.

In reality you have to return to the same spot you start at which is to say that both sides need to stop with the military approach so there can be a transition into dialogue. In my opinion, that starts with Hamas. Some might disagree with that, but I do think that the daily rocket attacks are what got us into this situation to begin with. Over the past 6 months the rocket attacks decreased (but didn't stop) and the borders were opened a few times (but not consistently) but it was still an improvement that they could have built upon. By returning to rocket fire the militants said that they were returning to the military approach and this was the response from Israel.

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Rational, sane observers don't call this a vicious cycle; it is all too clear that the Arabs in "Palestine" enjoy their misery.

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"We need to finish this once and for all"

Well, if that is what you want to do this certainly isn't the way to go about it. It hasb't worked for the past sixty years and it isn't going to work now.

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Hamas deserves everything it gets!

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How long before Hezbollah steps in from the north and the West Bank goes up ? Win or lose this round Israel is sowing the seeds of its own destruction, probably in a way they do not foresee. The moderate Israelis need the Palestinians, without an external enemy the extremists within Israel will begin to target those who do not conform, the justification of the use of violence to suppress dissent will be used in ways they do not expect, by people they do not suspect.


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:Shrug: I suspected something like this as soon as Gaza elected Hamas. I'm just surprised Israel waited as long as they did given the number of rocket attacks.

If I were the leader of Israel, I'd pass on the ground assault and park artillery on the Gaza boarder then for every subsequent rocket attack I'd lob 50 rounds of 155mm back.

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The never-ending cycle of violence in the Middle East. Israel and its neighbors. Iraq and sectarian violence. Afghanistan and its lawless tribal areas and support for terrorists. Pakistan and its terrorists-stuck between Afghanistan and India. The list goes on.

How true. And what's common to all of them is Islam. Yet people still don't get it.

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The Palastinians and Isrealis have been lobbing their crap at each other for a long time. The only difference is one side crap is brand name and the other side is thrift.

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Hamas had its chance. They reject Israel's right to exist and call for Israel's destruction. They have isolated themselves. Did Hamas think they could lob rockets at Israel night and day with impunity? This is what they want; to radicalize the rest of the Arab world with Palestinian blood and create a larger conflict. Israel has every right to defend itself against the same vermin who danced in the street and handed out candy on 911.

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The regime in Tel Aviv can not have it both ways.

Yes, they have to choose. Either they can allow Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas, who seek Israel's destruction per their charter, to continuously launch rockets into their country targeting civilians, or they can't fight back. I believe the latter is the best choice and hope they succeed. Unfortunately, first-world leftists have been duped into believing this war, like every other war with Muslims, is about something other than Jihad.

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A country that never existed can not be occupied.

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Territories were taken in 1967

There are consequences, as there should be, for the Muslim Arabs who have sought the destruction of the "Infidel" Jewish state since its creation by the UN in 1948. Israel has already given back huge amounts of land after defensive wars and still there is no peace. Nor will there peace if it goes back to the pre-1967 borders. The left is completely delusional believing that this about a tiny piece of land. This war is about Islam, and it's the same holy war being played all over the world. But alas, first-world leftists continue to show us how much they crave dhimmitude.

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The people voted in radical Hamas??? Then the people are getting what they deserve/ No and's, if's, or but's!!

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I guess this is the icing on the cake for George Bush's foreign policy.

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And Hamas are thugs????

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Then the people are getting what they deserve/ No and's, if's, or but's!!

this comment and the others lack this lack intelligence. They are, however, full of ignorance and hate. Killing hundreds of innocent people is evil, pure and simple.

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The latest murderous onslaught will, in all probability, lead to all-out war and a new wave of suicide bombings.

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Hundreds of dead Hamas terrorists?

Good. I have no problem whatsoever with that.

It's win-win. They want martyrdumb; Israel and the rest of us want these orcs off the planet.

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Mr. Smash, have you been followin' this story?

The action was hardly "indisciminate" or unprovoked.

The main target was a "Hamas graduation ceremony". The Israelis bagged a number of Hamas leaders and terrorists.


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The action was hardly "indisciminate" or unprovoked. The main target was a "Hamas graduation ceremony". The Israelis bagged a number of Hamas leaders and terrorists. Bravo.

The action was indiscriminate. It was a bloodbath. It was an attack on the entire population of Gaza. You have to have a sick mind to be celebrating a blood bath. Israel and their supporters must acknowledge the crime committed against the Palestinian people. 60 years of oppression and disposession from their lands. Israel is committing memorycide.

Palestinians have been resisting the Zionist occupation for 60 years so despite the massacres and the indiscriminate killings the resistance will just take a new shape and Hamas´popularity will simply rise.

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Looks like Hamas brought a knife to a gun fight... guess that old adage still rings ture.

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I can't believe people could ever stoop to such a sickening massacre and support it. It's like caging an animal, beating it continually until it bites back, and then using this as an excuse to kill it.

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I may not support Israel's action here, but the Palestinians ceeded the moral high ground with me when they decided that blowing up children (both the Israelis' and their own) was a legitimate resistance strategy. Curiously enough, Israel does not seem to be bombing the s***t out of the West Bank right now; equally curious is the fact that Fatah does not seem to be lobbing rockets indiscriminately across southern Israel...

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"the death of hundreds of innocent people"


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The debate of this issue can last another half century without conclusion but the problem is that the " Terrorists problem" won't be solved before this issue settle down. 280 dead people can caused 2800 people become new terrorists and we all know that! Can the whole world keep pouring money/soldiers/... to the middle east for another 50 years? if the answer is 'no' then we should stop debating about who's right and begin to find some way to solve problem!

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Seems alliances in the region have been altered.

The BBC reports:

"...The Egyptian foreign minister has accused Hamas of not allowing injured Palestinians to leave Gaza to seek treatment, even though much-needed medical supplies are waiting at the nearby El-Arish airport."

A video on YouTube confirms it; the Egyptian Foreign Minister blames Hamas.


"I guess this is the icing on the cake for George Bush's foreign policy."

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The attacks by the so-called state of israel can be summed up in one word: "Genocidal." They are a crime against humanity.

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Have you guys been watching the Pallywood videos?

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As soon as Isreal gets done with the unabated killing there will never ever be peace. So Isreal better kill all they can, because the killing we've seen by Hamas so far will pale in comparison to what is to come. < :-)

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Mister Libertas and Mister Dream, just don't get a rental near a Hamas command post (or graduation ceremony as of this incident) and you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

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just don't get a rental near a Hamas command post (or graduation ceremony as of this incident) and you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I guess that legitimizes the massacre of school children going home from school.

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Mister 74, the Hamas cowards need to stop usin' women and children as shields.

The Israelis try their best to minimize civilian casualties in raids like this.

If you keep makin' excuses for these murderin', war-provokin' cowards, Israel may wanna canel your Al Jazeera press pass. What a non-problemo.

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USARonin - >you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

That's like saying we had nothing to worry about the US's actions in Iraq.

WRONG!! < :-)

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Mister Dream, what's wrong with what's goin' on in Iraq?

Your nation's there, isn't it? Along with many, many others.

-And why are you yellin' at me?

No matter how grim the article, how messy the murder, you sign off with a smiley face. Reminds me of a BBC anchor...

Moderator: Please refer to other users by their correct user names. Skip the "Mister."

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Staying focused on the topic is difficult it appears. The response by Israel is, as always, over the top. There is nothing to be gained by making Gaza more miserable a place and by taking life in such a callous manner. This back and forth, tit for tat, eye for a scar has been going on since I can remember. It will not stop unless the leaders of the two factions seriously work on a peaceful solution. Israel will do what it wants on it's own terms and call any criticism of its actions anti-semetic, and the US will always side with Israel, and the UN will condemn lightly whatever hardship and suffering is brought upon the Palastinians. I believe the tide of support will eventually turn and thus shape the future into a more hopeful and bearable one for the people involved, because all life is valuable and it's loss should not be met with cheers by anyone-especially those typing their 'thoughts' into message boards from the comfort of their safe warm homes in nice war free zones.

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Not so much fun being on the receiving end, is it Gaza? Perhaps you should have thought of that before letting Hamas launch thousands of rockets into Israeli cities.

As I noted above, if I were in charge of Israel, I'd skip the land operation and just park artillery on the boarder. Why bother trying to avoid civilian casualties with pinpoint air-strikes when the Arab world and their apologists are just going to accuse you of targeting civilians anyway?

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Have you guys been watching the Pallywood videos?

(mods....Pallywood is the name given to the videos that the Palestinians release showing the carnage of an attack. It's in no way off-topic.)

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The irony here is that the democratically elected resistance Hamas was originally given aid and support by Israel in the 1980s. Yes Israel. And the reason was that they wanted a counter to PLO. But now once Hamas becmae the most popular Israel want the puppets in Fatah.

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This was so predictable. 8000 quassam rockets from Gazah into Israel, and nobody says a peep, not the international media, and most certainly not governments in islamic countries. The moment that Israel´s government has enough and responds, the sh1tstorm breaks loose, and we see daily screaming headines about Israels "attack". Where were the same writers when Quassam missiles landed in Sideroth and Ashkelon on a daily basis? Fast asleep. Talk about double standards.

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WilliB, a goodly number of folks on these kinds of threads actually have to work hard at it not to acknowledge and admit what's really been goin' on... for decades.

It's so simple, even a caveman would see it. (A tip o' the hat to GEICO.)

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" This back and forth, tit for tat, eye for a scar has been going on since I can remember. "

There is no "tit for tat". Israel´s government is wasting ressources and risking personnel by trying to pinpoint Hamas operatives and avoiding hitting civilians; almost impossible in such an area, and especially since Hamas loves to build their rocket factories right in the middle of residentials homes. If there was "tit for tat", Israel would just fire rockets nilly-willy into Gazah -- 8000 in this year alone. I´d like to see your analysis then.

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atleast some can understand who has done what and can look past the end of their noses.. Those that can not should be reminded by all that Hamas are the guilty party that has continually lobbed rockets into isreal non-stop.. Do not talk as being a sool on the subject at hand...

Try and put the blame on Isreal and trying to say Isreal has no right in this is just stupid and ignorant and very hypacritical. The people of palistine voted these terroists into power so let them suffer from their own stupidity and hate.

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TonyUS- What a surprise dear, an American with that opinion!!!!

The media has brain washed Americans in to beleieving Israeli is downtrodden and the victim, it is not.

It is a ghastly regime , that massacres its neighbours and forces them to live in poverty.

The reasoj their neighbouring countries don't like them is not because of their religion, but due to their brutality, which they are continuing now.

GOd, this terrorism at this time of year makes me so cross, i want to stamp my feet and scream!!!

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Gawd the American come out en mass with their blind support of the Israelis.

As a well informed chap, let me enlighten you that Israel attacks Arabs daily , through "settler" attacks. The Palestinians want freedom and the rights to make an economy. Israeli policy is to take all these lands it "good book" says belongs to them.

Israel will continue to kill at will until teh West demonises and bans imports and trade with them.

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etrewth, here we go again. Kill, kill, kill!!!

Can't they sort them selves out?

Maybe they should take over the region and get the oil, on teh other hand they'd probably chrage more than the Arabs would.

Israel sort it out!! This is our Christian holiday, show some respect to them countries you call your allies.

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Mike, and where do you get your information that you deny Hamas does not continually fire missiles into Israel?

It is funny you would try and say different than what is the truth. Israel is not firing missiles into civilian population indiscriminately when there are no escalations from Hamas of doing such low life actions again and again and agian. This is Hamas, the leaders Palestinians elected as their voice and leaders. If this is the type life they want to commit to, then they got it. There has been many tries by everyone to settle the differences and Israel has given up land to try and settle a peace deal, which had come close in the past, but who soured the deals???????? Yeah we know.. Hamas is a radical terrorist group that is supported by the Palestinians by voting them in as their leaders. They deserve what they get. They are the aggressors and then want to cry about their plight when tables are turned where they are finally the receivers of military action after they continually have been the ones to continually fire upon others that are innocent civilians at random.. Give me a break and then take another look at what the Palestinians and Hamas is doing and has done for as long as I remember. If I was Israel I would at this time take back Gaza strip , just for added security of Israel and less reach into Isreal from the continual firing of missiles Hamas seems to never stop doing against civilian population of the Israelis. Israel gave them their chance at reclaiming some of the land and all they have done is used it against them as a launching site. I would tell them they had , had their chance, now get the hell out!

You do not see Israelis out in the streets chanting and all that bullshit and telling , trying to convince one another to go blow themselves up.. Again we now who has given in, in recent years trying to settle the situation peacefully and we know who has not.

There will be no peace until Palestinians and radical Muslims can think responsibly and civil, and I do not restrict this just to this situation or this group of people of Palestine, but this is the problem around the world of those that know no better and can easily be guided by radical people and put no emphasis on life and its value. Someone says all they want is a country and an economy.. That is like a joke, because they have not proven that at all throughout history, All radical beliefs and actions that has kept that from being.

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An interesting opinion. Thank you for sharing. But I disagree with you on a number of points.

Israel do fire missiles into densely populated areas if you look at the recent 2006 Lebanon war and the use of cluster bombs as one example. Secondly, methods such as starvation and denial of medical equipment into the Gaza area incur the same result as bombings...civilian deaths. It is just more slow. Israel do not hold any moral high ground in regard to disregard for the well being of civilian life in my opinion.

In regard to the Gaza strip. If you look at reports from Israel human rights groups and statements from Israel journalists and politicians, etc we know that the Gaza was never given to the Palestinians in the form of free land, it was given to them in the form of a prison. This is pure Israel propaganda.

You say that it is the radicalization of Muslims (through anti-Israel education?) that is to blame for the violence. While I feel this is true to an extent. I do not think this is the primary cause. You only need to live in deep poverty, brutal occupation or in a prison like situation and look around you for a short while to form a hatred that spawns extremist reactions.

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As the days go by and Israel keeps the media out of Gaza the more opposition to this attack will mount. Israel is starting to look like the aggressor and not the victim. Whoever planned this needs to be removed.

TonyUS at 06:55 PM JST - 31st December There will be no peace until Palestinians and radical Muslims can think responsibly and civil

TonyUS, this civil unrest has it's roots in a small town called Deir Yassin. In this conflict there are no good guys nor are there bad guys. There is only shadows and lies and they are coming from both sides.

Be it from the pictures coming out of Gaza showing all the casualties. But the funny thing a majority of those filmed Hamas casualties are wearing fatigues. Or Israel claiming that they are doing this in response to rocket attacks. With elections looming and the sting of the resent Lebanon invasion defeat. The current administration needs a victory and what could be easier than to hit Hamas in Gaza?

But Hamas is using the media and they are winning that side of the war.

This war will end and Israel will again look bad in the eyes of most of the world. This little attacks reminds one of David and the giant, now what was his name?

Israel is losing this war and the fault of this loss lies with the politicians.

To be honest I for one hope that Olmert and his wing wins the coming election. I am glad that Bibi Netanyahu is not the pm, if he were the IDF ground forces would have begun the offensive days ago.

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I donot see Isreal being looked at negatively by the majority of the world because the majority sees Hamas the main culprit of evil in the region. That statement about isreal is just a dream. All sees Hamas as a major problem and untrusted group of leaders in any area of the world, unless you want to speak of the radical muslims that support Hamas and then we are speaking of those that voted these radicals into office,, the palistinians. As I stated before... who are the guys that has stopped all agreements and dealings that stopped any peace agreements in the area?????? Not Isreal, but Palitinians and their radical leadership.

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also , we see who is calling for UN monitors to monitor any ceasefire.. Isreal! Why is that? Because of hamas has always never stopped their missel attacks on them and Isreal is wanting guarantees and someone there to monitor the conditions and events.

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