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Israeli president: Iran threatens whole world


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summary: Local events in Israel and Iran, nothing doing with world danger !

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Israel, again, is trying to kill the messenger...

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I am by far a supporter of the Iranian regime but I find it cynical if not hypocritical that Israel can criticize anyone on the nuclear issue.

If Israel wants to say anything then it should first joint the NNP treaty and come clean on its nuclear program, only then would then have any moral standing to criticize others.

Also "22,684 soldiers and civilians have been killed since 1860" and "The figure includes soldiers killed in training and traffic accidents."

Why not go all the way back to the time of the Romans or even further?

Israel as it stand was founded in 1948 and many people have died for it but I have to ask why they feel the need to inflate the numbers.

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That should be "by far NOT a Supporter" Sorry Monday morning.

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Israel, the U.S. and others


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“A threat to the peace of the Jewish people always carries the danger of turning into a threat to the civilized world as a whole.”

The unlawful taking of land from the Palestinians currently taking place and ethnic repositioning by the Israelis is not very civilised and threatens world peace. The Israelis are hypocrites.

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Israel as it stand was founded in 1948 and many people have died for it but I have to ask why they feel the need to inflate the numbers.

Yeah, they have a history of inflating the number of Jewish victims (and deflating the number of their victims).

Anyway, many in the world have realized that it is Israel that threatens the whole world, and that the problem is not Iran. I'm confident that the number of people waking up is increasing rapidly.

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Such anti-semitism....Why is that? It is probably nothing but flagrant bigotry

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The unlawful taking of land from the Palestinians currently taking place and ethnic repositioning by the Israelis is not very civilised and threatens world peace. The Israelis are hypocrites.

Hardly. The settlements are lawful. As is their defense against hostile Muslim nations who have attacked them and who continue to harbor terrorists.

They have a history of inflating the number of Jewish victims

Um, what does this have to do with anything? Plus, it's an absurd statement.

Anyway, many in the world have realized that it is Israel that threatens the whole world, and that the problem is not Iran. I'm confident that the number of people waking up is increasing rapidly.

LOL! Really?? How has Israel threatened anyone? Except for "I will fight you if you attack me" - oh wait, that's self defense.

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Such anti-semitism....Why is that? It is probably nothing but flagrant bigotry

Nobody here has used racist language. I think that most people have wised-up to Israel's sympathy-seeking tactics when Israel themselves are guilty of war crimes in modern times. The term anti-semitism has been thought up by those wanting to seek sympathy for Israel. There have been no bigoted comments here. When you see Israel herding the Palestinians into their cramped caged zone whilst reclaiming Palestinian land for themselves, unlawfully, then you don't need to be bigoted to comment that this recent speech is hypocritical. Remember, it wasn't so long ago that a Mossad hit squad murdered a Palestinian target in another country whilst stealing another nations passport identities and then they talk about threats to the civilised world ??

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Israel themselves are guilty of war crimes in modern times.


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Remember, it wasn't so long ago that a Mossad hit squad murdered a Palestinian target in another country whilst stealing another nations passport identities and then they talk about threats to the civilised world ??

Yes, I and everyone else I know are constantly in fear of being assassinated by the Mossad. LOL...

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I read above that "it wasn't so long ago that a Mossad hit squad murdered a Palestinian target in another country." Until that the points being made were fairly legitimate, but when you omit that the man that Mossad is alleged to have assassinated was a known arms dealer and a terrorist the argument lost all credibility.

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a Palestinian target

by "target" I assume you mean "terrorist".

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Israel themselves are guilty of war crimes in modern times.


So, over 200 little children murdered by Israeli airstrikes on their homes does not consitute as a crime in your book ?

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Until that the points being made were fairly legitimate, but when you omit that the man that Mossad is alleged to have assassinated was a known arms dealer and a terrorist the argument lost all credibility.

Whether this guy was a terrorist or not is way besides the point. Mossad does not have permission to execute anyone they wish in another jurisdiction. And certainly not when they steal passport identities from their very own border control information. And then preach on to the rest of us about the civilised world being threatened.

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northlondon -

There is nothing that Israel is doing that would even remotely constitute "war crimes". Further, they are no threat to anyone.

When the Muslim nations and the Palestinians stop sponsoring terrorist strikes in Israel, then the Palestinians can be taken seriously.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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Hamas "security" forces in Palestine kill Fatah leaders and their children, execution style, and Israel's enemies start barking about Mossad killing terrorists on weapon-buying sprees. Nothing ever changes...

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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I am not asking for Palestinian terrorists to be taken seriously. I am merely ridiculing Israel's speech about security for the civilised world, when they are the harbourers of their own insecurity. As long as Israel continues to ethnically cleanse Palestine of it's land, then the Muslim world will continue terrorist activity. By the way, in my world, the murder of over 200 innocent little children by Israeli airstrikes does count as a war crime and nothing less.

Moderator: Back on topic please. The subject is Israel's views on Iran.

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Israel's enemies start barking about Mossad killing terrorists on weapon-buying sprees. Nothing ever changes...

But you just don't get the point. Whether that guy was buying weapons or not, Mossad did not have permission to execute anyone in another country. And Israel did not have permission to use other peoples passport identities. And then talk about the civilised world ! Israel's enemy ?? I'm just a bloke on an internet chat site !

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djuice;"Such anti-semitism....Why is that? It is probably nothing but flagrant bigotry"

I do not see why not agreeing with Israel on something equals antisemitism, I have and still do work and have friends that are Jewish and Arabic (both are Semitic BTW) and I have no problems with them at all.

But that does not mean that I agree with the position of each of their country of birth or citizenship.

Not agreeing with the governments position of Israel, USA, Iran or Syria, etc.. does not make me or anyone else anti-Jewish, anti-Arabic, anti-Persian or anti-American.

The facts are as much as I also don't trust the Iranian regime (again not the people but the regime) I also cannot agree with Israel seeing they (again not the people but the government) have ignored UN resolutions and refuse to disclose their own nuclear program or join the NNP treaty while calling for more UN sanctions on others and complaining about others nuclear programs.

These are the fact and not hyperbole.

Moderator: Readers, please refrain from using words like "bigotry" on this thread and focus your comments on what is in the story.

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The anti-Israel lobby is really intent on finding anything that they can warp as an excuse use to show "Israeli atrocities".

Sorry guys, but whatever unfortunate accidents Israel has done pales in comparison to what everyone else is doing.

What Israel is doing is legal and right, settlements and all.

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I do not see why not agreeing with Israel on something equals antisemitism

Totally agree. Let's not confuse anti-Semitism with being anti-Israel.

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Israel is completely correct about Iran. Iraq proved to be a threat to them, and Iran is even more so. Unfortunately the UN and most countries will choose ignore the warnings.

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Iran does indeed threaten the whole world. Their own citizens admit this. And before the current religious nutjob was Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, who is on record stating that "If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world."

Palestine, which would obviously not escape any of the horrors a nuclear bomb would bring to Israel, is a completely expendable pawn to Iran, just as it was to Nasser, and to Saddam Hussein, and to every Muslim leader who claims to represent the poor Palestinians.

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manfromamerica;"Totally agree. Let's not confuse anti-Semitism with being anti-Israel."

I guess my point on this was not clear! Not agreeing with every position of any government does not make someone anti anything it just mean they do not agree on that particular point.

Why must everyone try and polarize any thing or everything having to do with that region.

I happen to agree with many position of the Israeli government as well as that of the Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese and even some positions of the Iranians.

But on this issue even if I have my own doubts about the present Iranian regimes nuclear goals. I feel that Israel is not in a position on this issue to claim the high ground.

And on the terrorism issue: Terrorist are just that "terrorist" and when a country lowers it self to their level then that government looses credibility.

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What Israel is doing is legal and right, settlements and all.

That's just your single totally biased opinion. What you will find is that the rest of the world, US government and all, is saying that Israel's land snatching and child killing is illegal and very wrong.

Moderator: Readers, from here on, posts that do not focus on Israel's comments on Iran will be removed.

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Good to see Israel speaking against Iran. Some big changes need to happen there.

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What could possibly go wrong with a fundamentalist Islamic nation like Iran, which holds government-sponsored holocaust-denial meetings and supplies weapons to terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, obtaining nuclear weapons? Relax, it's all good.

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Sabiwabi: many in the world have realized that it is Israel that threatens the whole world, and that the problem is not Iran.

Probably not many. I'd say people like you are pretty far on the fringe. That's why you're on the internet every day trying to spread the message....because so far you've been mostly ignored. Must be frustrating at times.

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I'm not in agreement with Northlondon that often, but I am here; Israel really doesn't have much credibility when it comes to screaming about threats to world peace and a 'civilized world'.

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Firstly, this misleading piece of crap:

Israel considers Iran a strategic threat because of its nuclear program, long-range missiles and frequent references by its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to Israel’s destruction.

Peres should hire a new Farsi translator. To quote the exact words in farsi: "Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad." The full quote translated directly to English: "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

And from The Times, London April 18:

"Israel has delivered a secret warning to Syrian President Bashar Assad that it will respond to missile attacks from Hezbollah, the militant Lebanese-based Islamist group, by launching immediate retaliation against Syria itself.

In a message, sent earlier this month, Israel made it clear that it now regards Hezbollah as a division of the Syrian army and that reprisals against Syria will be fast and devastating.

It follows the discovery by Israeli intelligence that Syria has recently supplied long-range ballistic missiles and advanced anti-aircraft systems to Hezbollah.

“We’ll return Syria to the Stone Age by crippling its power stations, ports, fuel storage and every bit of strategic infrastructure if Hezbollah dare to launch ballistic missiles against us,” said an Israeli minister, who who was speaking off-the-record, last week."

So, no, Iran is a threat to nobody. Only israel is a threat to the whole world. As Lenin said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." The rest of the world can see through israel's lies and won't be taken in by such crapola.

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Would have meant more before Israel pissed away any credibility it had.

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Iran may be a threat to the whole world.

With Israel's having nuclear weapons, I consider Israel no better than Iran. < :-)

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adaydream: With Israel's having nuclear weapons, I consider Israel no better than Iran

It's a bit more complex than that, but I give you credit for trying.

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oh man. You know what, just blow Israel away. Then we can find out if Israel has been the lone culprit of all the world's problems. Big price to pay though.

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Why didn't Israel attend Obama's nuclear conference. Is their non-attendance supposed to convince the world that they don't have nukes.

Israel has threatened that they will bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. Their threats are no different then the threats from any other country. They have shown in the past that they will attack without and if it takes they will lure their enemies into a war, by attacking and then denying it.

Israel needs to try to honor their agreements and UN resolutions just like they demand from their neighbors. < :-)

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adaydream: Israel has threatened

Iran has killed. If you're big on fairness then I'm surprised you don't support a situation where Israel gets their rockets launched into Iran on a daily basis. Because, ya know, that would be fair.

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Why didn't Israel attend Obama's nuclear conference. Is their non-attendance supposed to convince the world that they don't have nukes.

It's an anti-Obama response that kinda backfired. Mr Bibi apparently was upset with the so-called Washington reception. (Seating arrangements?!)

Israel needs to try to honor their agreements and UN resolutions just like they demand from their neighbors.

OBAMA prefers Israel to sign the NPT and be open to scrutiny-- much like everyone else. Preferably, for Israel, they wanted special treatment-- not like everyone else. It's a deadly paradox.

If Israel doesn’t want to prescribe to international norms on the issue of nuclear arms, then shouldn’t they be more consistent with its message when it comes to accusing countries of so-called 'threats'. And Iran happens to be a signatory of NPT.

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So, no, Iran is a threat to nobody. Only israel is a threat to the whole world. As Lenin said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

Ah, but we've been told IRAN is a threat and that the world has been underestimating the IRANIAN threat. Which part of the IRANIAN threat are you disbelieving?!

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SuperLib, I don't care for Israel or Iran. But question, when did Iran attack Israel? Did I miss something? When was the last time Iran attacked anybody?

Israel has nukes. Iran wants nukes. < :-)

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adaydream: when did Iran attack Israel?

When it supplied Iranian-made rockets to its terrorist proxy groups Hamas and Hezbollah. So Israel has every right to defend itself against Iran. I hope they take out Iran's nuclear facilities soon so Iran can return to irrelevancy.

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When did Iran attack another country?

We sell weapons to damn every country, so we, by your definition, attack lots of countries.

When did Iran take an offensive action, by use of their forces, against another country? Simple question. < :-)

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When it supplied Iranian-made rockets to its terrorist proxy groups Hamas and Hezbollah. So Israel has every right to defend itself against Iran.

The pretext of the Hezbollah v Israel offensive (2006) was the militant group's kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. Israel launched its military offensive against the group and more than 1000 Lebanese civilians were killed. Common sense would tell you that Israel miscalculated its move.

As for Hamas, good grip, why'd you even bother bringing up the question of who's sustaining them. (Some would argue Egypt, some Iran and then others would bring up Gaddafi's Libya) But on the question of military budget and capabilities and intelligence network, the answer is pretty bland. Whose legs are you really trying to pull?

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Since you can't come up with an incident in recent history where Iran has outright attacked another nation and we know Israel has... there seems to be a bit of Iran-phobia.

I don't particularly want to see Iran with nukes, but we know Israel has nukes. As far as I'm concerned, they are both full of cabbage. And they love to use their rhetoric to get attention and flex their muscles, like anyone is really scared. < :-)

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Peres should hire a new Farsi translator. To quote the exact words in farsi: "Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad." The full quote translated directly to English: "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

Ohhh! That's TOTALLY different! LOL!! Good thing you know Farsi.

Israel's statement is totally correct, and the lift-wing here willingly distort it to advance their neocommunist agenda.

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adaydream: Since you can't come up with an incident in recent history where Iran has outright attacked another nation and we know Israel has... there seems to be a bit of Iran-phobia.

I'm sorry, but the situation is just beyond your ability to grasp. Your logic is better suited for playground arguments. Let me put it to you like this....just about everyone in the world, including other Middle Eastern countries, is against Iran getting nukes. Either they know something you don't know or even Arabs are being racist against Iran.

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I thoroughly understand the situation. They have been thumbed at by the Obama administration. It's another case where Israel cries for attention.

The world is currently working on the Iran situation and it's like Israel has to say, "Iran threatens the world", like this makes it more dramatic. I do understand SuperLib. I just don't buy Israel's whining again. < :-)

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The world is currently working on the Iran situation

Just like they worked on the Iraq situation? What exactly is the "world" doing?

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adaydream: I thoroughly understand the situation.

Doubtful. You still haven't answered my point about the rest of the world, including the other countries in the Middle East, agreeing that Iran is a threat. You keep hiding behind Israel's comments because you hate Israel but you can't erase the fact that Israel is just one piece of an entire international coalition that does not want to see Iran to get nuclear weapons. Everyone from Canada to China to Europe to Russia to the Middle East is against Iran getting nukes, so balling up your fists and saying, "Shucks, it's not fair that Israel has nukes and Iran doesn't" is mostly meaningless. You just want Israel to feel threatened because it would make you feel good and that, not logic, motivates your position. It's reckless, irresponsible, and selfish. Just the kind of supporters Tehran needs.

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manfromamerica: Just like they worked on the Iraq situation? What exactly is the "world" doing?

Mostly it looks like they are working on the same solution used with North Korea, meaning guaranteed nukes for the bad guys.

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I just don't buy Israel's whining again.

Whining? An Islamic terrorist-exporting nation like Iran obtaining nukes is a threat to the world. Israel's just stating the obvious.

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To read that " you can't come up with an incident in recent history where Iran has outright attacked another nation... " is to see some people here have never heard of proxy war or are so clueless they can not even add 2 plus 2 when looking at the region and the players.

Hezbollah is funded by Iran and admits it.

Hamas operatives train in Iran.

There is ample proof that Iran trains and supplies the 'insurgents' killing US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan - - the same troops that American leftists and pacifists (cough) try to tell us they weep for.

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Israel has nukes. Even if they don't declare them or come to Obama's nuclear conference, Israel has nukes. I'm as much or more worried about Israel as I am Iran. < :-)

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adaydream - how is the world "working on the Iran situation"? And how is it going?

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It is a constant work in progress.

I'd like to see something resolved, but here's the problem. What if they decide that the sanctions are so that Iran gets no gasoline, no machine parts for anything and if they continue progress on their nuclear plans we put all options on the table.

You ready to attack Iran on your (US) own? We're involved in two wars. We have used, repaired and are reusing all our existing military vehicles and weaponry. We have a worn out military and a country tired of our country at war.

Are we going to go to war? Are we going to bomb Iran? Is this nation ready to go to war again, especially in the middle east? How soon should we get these resolutions finished and enacted? If Iran continues, are we as a nation ready to go to war again?

OR... should we talk... and talk... and talk and draw our efforts out for years.

I really don't think any country, especially coalition countries, are ready to see a resolution, ready for signature. If they had one, they would have to act on it and we're in no position to act on it. < :-)

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jruaustralia at 06:05 AM JST - 20th Apri. Ah, but we've been told IRAN is a threat and that the world has been underestimating the IRANIAN threat. Which part of the IRANIAN threat are you disbelieving?!

Huhh? Didn't U.S. say the same thing about Iraq and what happened? Did U.S. find WMD? Now it's changed from Iraq to Iran as a main target? Iran is probably the country that is most misunderstood by Amercian people. The vast majority of whom write it off as simply another crazy dictatorship. Iran is more concerned about regaining its lost influence than about developing nuclear weapons and most Americans overreact about an Iranian nuclear program. Iran is not a crazy dictatorship raising conflict on American and European destruction. It actually has one of the most pro-American populations in the Middle East. They might talk crazy but there is little action.

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adaydream at 12:35 PM JST - 21st April. What if they decide that the sanctions are so that Iran gets no gasoline, no machine parts for anything and if they continue progress on their nuclear plans we put all options on the table.

Gasoline?, Your kidding? Where do you think gasoline comes from? What leverage does U.S. have? Hardly any. Oil reserves in Iran rank third largest in the world at approximately 136 billion barrels. China and Iran has agreement with $120 billion to which China will purchase Iranian oil and gas and help develop Iran's oil field. Also, Japan is also a major purchaser of Iranian oil. In turn, China has become a major exporter of manufactured goods to Iran, including computer systems, household appliances and cars. Reality is China's trade and investment with Iran is weakening the impact on Iranian policy of various U.S. economic embargoes and probably cannot due much. Can U.S. tell China not to do business in Iran with all the Chinese investment in U.S. Treasury? No way.

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sfjp330, please go off on my post. The gasoline reference was an example, only an example.

The point of my post was that this country and none other really are ready to go into another war anywhere, Iran or anywhere.

Are you ready to go to war? < :-)

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Actually adaydream was initially correct whether he knew it or not. Iran imports gasoline. Google "Iran import gasoline" and you will find the answers. No point in posting a single reference myself when the evidence is overwhelming.

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Thanks NoAmericanIdiot, You're correct. But that was just a minor point in my post. Some people just go off. < :-)

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adaydream at 04:48 AM JST - 22nd Applease go off on my post. The gasoline reference was an example, only an example. The point of my post was that this country and none other really are ready to go into another war anywhere, Iran or anywhere. Are you ready to go to war? < :-)

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NoAmericanIdiot at 04:57 AM JST - 22nd April. Actually adaydream was initially correct whether he knew it or not. Iran imports gasoline. Google "Iran import gasoline" and you will find the answers. No point in posting a single reference myself when the evidence is overwhelming.

What evidence? What does it matter? Iran imports much of its refined gasoline from China purchased from Iran. This is another example of why a gasoline embargo is unlikely to change the regime's behavior.

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Ah, but we've been told IRAN is a threat and that the world has been underestimating the IRANIAN threat. Which part of the IRANIAN threat are you disbelieving?!

Huhh? Didn't U.S. say the same thing about Iraq and what happened? Did U.S. find WMD? Now it's changed from Iraq to Iran as a main target?

Very true. The US was lead by a pack of lies into wars that resulted in the invasion and destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan. Everyone should ask themselves who lied, and why. What puzzles me is that some people continue to listen to these liars.

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adaydream - you didn't answer how the world was working on the Iran situation. What is the "work in progress"? Obama has been in office and using "diplomacy" for over 1 year now, what has changed?

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I wonder if one reason for Israel warning us about the Iranian threat might be to shift the world's attention away from Israel's continued expansion of illegal settlements and the Goldstone report accusing it of numerous war crimes. Nothing to see here, look over there!

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Afghanistan attacked America they deserved to get bombed back in to the stone ages.

Why is the world obsessed with Israel building houses on land owned by Jews plain and simple but couldnt care less about Iran building nukes and ICBM's?

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manfromamerica, I answered you on post adaydream at 12:35 PM JST - 21st April

You just didn't like the answer. Want more detailed information, look it up or wait till JT feeds it to you. < :-)

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Iran isnt such the enemy we are led to believe.....

Israel and Iranian military even have jointly developed military technology before Khomeini took over, and one of the biggest petroleum companies on the planet began in........Iran....its called BP!

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adaydream - sorry, you did not answer. You only offered an opinion about making a decision of war or not.

Why don't you say what exactly the world has been doing about the Iran situation that makes Israel's warnings irrelevant?

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why is he worrying, israel has had nukes for decades. And is more likely to use them than Iran would be.

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zurc - Har! If Israel was more likely to use nukes than Iran, Iran wouldn't exist.

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Israel and Iranian military even have jointly developed military technology before Khomeini took over, and one of the biggest petroleum companies on the planet began in........Iran....its called BP!

Indeed and just last month Hassan NEMAZEE-- a close friend of the ousted Shah, with intricate political connections in the US-- admitted to a multi-mil. dollar fraud.

Perhaps, someone should start calling (again!) for greater transparency when it comes to mystery donors. The public really wanted to know what goes behind closed doors :-)



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