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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Jeb Bush joins Republican race for U.S. president
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Black Sabbath
Bush formally joins the Republican Clown Car.
Oh what fun.
From Fl Rubio and Bush came to do fund rqising. Rubio got one pawn ship owner. Bush is not active so we are waiting what Sands Owner will do. None of jewish people supported Rubio.
Or Obama since he outspent every other president in History.
Once you quoted Shark Tank you lost the debate. So he made a lot of cash, great for him. That's what capitalism is all about.
Documented proof please.
So why is there NO investigation going on from the liberal media?
If that is true, then that means virtually every politician has a bone or two in the closet. But he still left office with an over 80% approval rating.
Do you want a litany list of the things Obama, Hilary and Reid have done? On par it's equally as bad.
So now we have to go back and blame or prosecute Bush over something his grandfather allegedly did. Is it that bad with you libs??? The other day, the libs tried to dig up dirt on Marco Rubio and all they found was a bunch of traffic tickets...and now you want to talk about Prescott Bush? Seriously? Why don't we also talk about Billy the Kid as well while we're on the topic of past discretions.
As Barbara Bush has clearly stated “We’ve Had Enough Bushes”. Maybe Americans will finally come to their senses and see the disasters of Bush can't be ended with another Bush.
No more Bush's and no more Clinton's. Let's have a general election with Marco Rubio against avowed socialist Bernie Sanders. At least the people would have a real choice.
Americans may be singing The Who's anthem or they may just want to get fooled again into another fifteen trillion dollar endless war of profiteers. That wouldn't be anything new for family Bush however.
"Jeb Bush joined InnoVida in 2007 as a $15,000 a month consultant . . . The company was involved in lawsuits, they were getting bad headlines and some of their top businessmen were convicted drug dealers. . . . Bush was never accused of any wrongdoing, he did take away more then half the $470,000 InnoVida paid him and was a consultant for the company for three years."
Jeb Bush, who helped deliver a corrupt Florida voting process for his brother, AWOL Bush in 2000, is very far from the moral or ethical paragon the GOP-Tea will market him as.
One look into the resume from three years with InnoVida presented above and even the fair minded will see one glaring issue. Corruption is a personality trait sometimes shared within families.
Clearly, evidence of corruption in the Bush clan is reported in The Guardian.
"George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy."
As Barbara Bush has clearly stated “We’ve Had Enough Bushes”. Maybe Americans will finally come to their senses and see the disasters of Bush can't be ended with another Bush.
Po;itical Analysts in USA media are not competing Hillary and Bill. Also not Jeb and George.
Oh, it's very true.
But when they voted for Obama twice, they were the smartest then, right? ROFL
IF there WERE true, then you wouldn't this positive poll, always the ME wasn't unstable in 2007 when it was handed over to Obama, we wouldn't have had the crisis with Russia or most likely with Syria, because like him or not, Bush would have never tolerated Russia going into Crimea or allow China to build these artificial Islands. You may not like conflict, but Bush would have used might, from that point, most historians and military strategists would vehemently disagree with you. None of our allies respect Obama, our enemies absolutely don't fear him. The man is not respected and is taken as a huge Chups sucker! The ME is a mess, Ukraine is a mess, our allies don't trust us, Obama makes deals with our enemies, they in turn are laughing behind this presidents back. The guy is an embarrassment. But in another 520 days, that'll come to a joyous end.
But you do have the absolute right to your personal opinion.
And Obama made it worse and we've never been financially down in the dump in our nations history as bad as now. $18Trillion and counting.
I think you mean "Wars"
If that's true, it's just further evidence that the American public are collectively as dumb as a pile of rocks. He was the worst president the US has ever had. A yahoo cowboy who put his country into two un-winnable wards, paid for on the country credit card, driving his country into the biggest recession in almost 100 years.
Didn't they also say his ratings are above Obama's?
Meanwhile CNN says that a majority of Americans now have a positive view of George W. Bush...
Actually, nothing at all.
When Dems make a gaffe it's ok, but if conservatives make a gaffe it disqualifies them from the discussion. You guys are something else.
From his reputation and record, he is a good guy. Wanna try again?
Thank God!
Now you know why NO American would ever really vote for this guy. If he were really a viable candidate, he'd be president by now.
What on Earth are you talking about??!
Ralph Nader is not available to run, but if he were, he would have more mental fortitude than to praise the Iraq war in hindsight one week and diss it as a mistake based on falsehoods the next. Even the few diehard Iraq war supporters on JT do not change their tune like Jeb just did. If pathetic pandering is your thing, Jeb's looking pretty good.
"his flip-flopping"
So Jeb's a flip-flopper! Oh well, count him out then. Is Ralph Nader running again?
If you mean jailable crimes, maybe not much, but in terms of appealing to voters, his flip flopping on whether he thinks big bro's Iraq adventure has been good for America doesn't seem to be winning many fans. He could try taking a firm position and sticking with it instead of trying to seem like the good guy to too many constituencies.
"If Bush is the favorite for the GOP nomination then that is the end of them for another few terms"
What has Jeb Bush done wrong, and why wouldn't he be a good president?
MarkG said: All this and paying off the debt which swelled quite a bit in the last several years.
So that would mean another Obama term would be unrecoverable and unbearable and destructive.
So you need Obama part 2
With the claim that Bush left office with a support rate of 80 %, I will have to remember to automatically deduct 50 basis points from any stats you give us from now on.
He's 64 years old, I think at this point, he can probably make that decision for himself.
Hmmm, he's record as governor and politician States otherwise. What was Hilary's record and accomplishments again as a NY Senator?
ONLY if people are ignorant, dumb and separate one individual from another and judge a person by their accomplishments and merit, not by the actions of other individuals, people like that should entirely remove themselves from the political voting process or take an educational course on voting and the consequences of a vote or NON-vote.
Don't think GW cares one iota what people think of him, he's not thin skinned like Obama, remember, Obama likes to cozy up to the public and Hollywood and be in the spotlight, Bush to his credit NEVER cared about his critics, Hollywood or his enemies and now 52% of the public view Bush favorably compared to Obama 49% that do and do not. Looks like, if this keeps up, the person that will really be humiliated is Obama.
Jeb Bush's mommy doesn't want Jebby to run: Barbara Bush Says “We’ve Had Enough Bushes”
Jebby is a loser from jump street.
Everything he says and does will carry the taint of George AWOL Bush's multiple disasters and the malignant cancer of BushWars.
Jebby, listen to your mommy and same your family further shame. George H.W. Bush certainly doesn't deserve further humiliation from another dimwit.
We need a progessive thinking president although not the conventional sence. In the rebuilding credibility and strength of USA. All this and paying off the debt which swelled quite a bit in the last several years.
We need another Bush like we need another Clinton.
My guess is Clinton get Dem primary and Bush get GOP primary . Rand disappeared.
Not really, he's moved up in the polls, gaining slowly on Bush, but it's too early to tell. When Obama first came on the scene unknown, funny sounding name, NO ONE thought he could ever beat Hilary, let alone be a threat to her. But he is becoming more popular and the best thing about Carson is, he is not a Washington elite career politician.
Or a Clinton as well.
Leaving office with an over 80% approval rating, I'd say, he did something right. Now compare that to Obama's record. One thing is for certain, Obama will not leave the WH with probably even a 50% approval rating at this point.
Now we have 47 million people on food stamps for over 38 months now, Blacks have an over 10.3% unemployment, wages are down, median household income is down by over 3K, University tuitions are through the roof, PUBLIC schools are way out of control, virtually most of the major Liberally run BLUE states have out of control crime, Obamacare was supposed to be affordable, but for the majority of Americans, it's not. So you want to say, these are the good days? We are so much better off now, so what happened to all that hope and change BS?
Based primarily on tussles between two political organizations and their media toadies. Why should be we feel embarrassed?
@Torafusu: write write federal campaign laws different you claimed, especially their campaign fund begging activities in Vegas.
Sorry Toshiko, but undeclared candidates have different rules for fundraising than official candidates and still raise buckets of money. Do a little reading on McCain-Feingold, Citizens United, and dark money.
@Patrick, sounds like you are pining for the bad old days of Bush, Chaney, and Hastert as America's top three pols. What a swell lineup.
I think Clinton will be Dem and Bush will be GOP candidate. Both are popular with women and Hispanic. //////////////bush did not rush like others. Others want to collect campaign fund so earlier they declared.
Patrick Hattman
Jeb Bush will be the 45th President of the United States of America.
Hillary's multitude of scandals like the destruction of official e-mails, lies about Benghazi, corruption in the Clinton Foundation etc. will seriously damage her run for the presidency.
She is the same uninspiring candidate that she was eight years ago, just an older version with more baggage to lug around. And the tired inevitability of her candidacy will turn off some voters in 2016, too.
So mark it down now: President Jeb Bush!
If Bush is the favorite for the GOP nomination then that is the end of them for another few terms. If Bush somehow does get elected President, it really will prove the theory that just over half of all Americans are a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
He will lose. Nobody wants any more Bushes, ever again.
A black, two Hispanics, a woman, an Indian, and a gay walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, "What is this - a GOP primary?!"
That would be a good example if you disregard Obama's winning state and US Senate offices before becoming president. That's usually the way it works.
So if Carson is a completely untested entity at any level of politics, then his campaigns are merely symbolic. Doesn't it say something when GOP voters have never gotten off their butts to vote him into to ANY position.
We elected Obama, right?
@Bass, Dr. Ben Carson has never held elected office in his life. What makes you think he is ready for the presidency?
So how do you explain the Dems losing the House and the Senate? You said the EXACT same thing and where are the Dems now?
Dr. Ben Carson is Black. Ted Cruz and Rubio are Hispanic, Carly Fiorino is a Woman, Bobby Jindal is Indian, Tammy Bruce is gay. So what on Earth are you talking about??
They didn't alienate anyone, they just chose to vote for Obama and McCain wouldn't have won anyway, the country wanted change and boy did they get it, that's why Dems and especially Hilary are really hurting now.
But they took the House in 2010 and the Senate last November, so the Dems got beat. Again, what is your point?
So that's why Hilary's numbers are so God awful.
Your predictions are pretty much always off.
And then you have on the Dems side, a habitual liar and a communist socialist. Nice line up...
Well, now that is something we can both agree on!!
That's like saying "Donald Trump" will be the definite GOP nominee
Tell that to Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal and Fiorino.
Your record is wrong, but we know libs only care about bloviating the airwaves.
Actually, it's quite sad.
"With any bad luck, Americans will get to choose between a Clinton and Bush for president. Nobody feels a tad embarrassed`?"
You just dissed everyone named Clinton and Bush.
While the economy isn't burning gangbusters, it is recovering - and the palliatives prescribed by GOP candidates would make things worse. Thus, the GOP gang has been focusing on foreign policy. Look for more whinging about ISIS and Russia and Libya and whatever else they can come up with.
This will work against Bush. It's one thing for that Wisconsin Governor, Walker, to act tough by claiming he'd face down ISIS with the same steely determination he did with the pro-labor protesters in Madison; it's another for Bush to do so, with the disastrous results of his brother's antics still reverberating.
He's toast.
It's hilarious watching bush make a total fool of himself like the 100 or so other Republican candidates. I mean, the guy is only NOW formally in the race and ALREADY he's flip-flopping as though he were his brother! His handling of the "Was going into Iraq the right thing to do?" question has been classic! How on earth are they going to have debates between all the Republican candidates? They going to hold it in a stadium? we already know they're only going to field questions by chosen republicans this time around and not have any honest debate, but I think it'll still be pretty hilarious.
WilliB, you think Clinton's going to win? Good luck with that.
No, after the entire GOP line-up do what they do best and implode one-by-one like fireworks, Hillary is likely to have been attacked by her rivals even while each of them is slowly sinking beneath the waves of failure.
If she goes down with the ship, Elizabeth Warren will be ready and waiting to become the first female president of the United States.
As I said above, the GOP just never learns. They also never adapt, and are always boxed in by their own corrupt Christian-based ideology that doesn't tolerate the LGBT community, rejects Latino immigrants, marginalizes women, and ignores blacks.
They defeat themselves.
Every time.
It's hilarious. :-)
Wrong word/words
Tad?....more like strongly
Embarrassed?....more like pissed off!
Our Kleptocracy is fully reinforced by the MSM. No chance in hell of any challenger to the kleptocrats will succeed. But, just like in Japan, it's the voters who decide. So we only have ourselves to blame. Flip over their American flag pins they all wear and you will find a swastika, they're all hell bent on hegemony, because it makes them rich, and that's they way the dumbass voters like it because they never have given an outsider a chance. Jimmy Carter was the last one.
No vision, just war and weapons sales for the next century.
Why is it that every time another clown joins the circus that is the race for the GOP nomination for president, that the first thing out of their mouth is "Hillary this, Hillary that." ? Not a word about their other nine or ten candidates ! Madame President boys, get used to it !
Well, there is another way to phrase that: With the democratic party having decided that the way to win is to ever increased the part of the population that is dependent on government handouts and gullible for cheap propaganda, your country is moving forword to a third-world type one-party system, solidly based on corruption and bribes.
Hope you are happy with that. And enjoy the great novelty of a ..... Clinton presidency.
Jeb Bush ....yawn.....he will fail like all GOP candidates will in 2016.
It doesn't matter who they are - if the party continues to alienate blacks, women, Latinos and LGBT voters they will continue their losing streak.
The GOP alienated blacks, women, Latinos and LGBT voters in 2008 and got beat. They had a sit down, pumped out some reports and said they would do it differently in 2012 - and guess what? - they learned nothing and got beat again in 2012.
At present, there's no indication they won't make exactly the same mistake in 2016.
Some people just never learn.
I thank them for that. :-)
With any bad luck, Americans will get to choose between a Clinton and Bush for president. Nobody feels a tad embarrassed`?
I'm waiting for the Dems to come up with a least some sort of quote besides talking about: race, war on women and.....that's about it.
You guys are really reaching now.
You are funny, the libs have Bernie Saunders running, talk about a Clown fest! ROFLPIP
"Jeb Bush will be the next U.S. president. He will have the money to defeat the Clintons. He will be able to win the all-important electoral votes from Florida and Texas."
Maybe. But Hillary has the all-important electoral votes from Calyfornia and New York locked up!
The republican clown car just became a clown bus. At least this time they are limited the debates so the stupid quotes are reduced.
When is Palin going to announce, speaking of dumb quotes? What is the 999 man Cain doing, he can run again too. He and Fiorina are about the same, empty suit types.
The republican party has become on big reality show, who will get voted off Crazy Island first?
@Patrick, in the Spanish skills department, do you think Ted Cruz's dad trumps Jeb's wife? They should set up debates between family members of the candidates. Hearing from family might give us more insight into personal nuances. It sure has done wonders for the political career of Josh Duggar.
As far as Mitt Romney goes, too bad there aren't more French speaking Americans or he would have stood a chance.
This is very interesting. At the same time, if the race is between Clinton and Bush (provided he is the nominee) most conservatives are in panic if Hilary would become president, but many conservatives won't vote for Bush because he's to moderate, they are idiots! A NON-vote for Bush is a VOTE for Clinton. People don't get that. You don't vote, stay at home, you are voting for the other candidate. There going to make the same mistake as with Romney. Some people never learn.
My conservative co-workers (and they're pretty hard core) refuse to vote for this guy. As far as they're concerned they'll actually vote for the "other" if he shows up as the main choice on the repub side.
It's within easy driving distance of NYC, where resides the center of the universe for journalism. That's the important thing.
Patrick Hattman
Jeb Bush will be the next U.S. president. He will have the money to defeat the Clintons. He will be able to win the all-important electoral votes from Florida and Texas.
His choice for vice president should be John Kasich, the governor of Ohio, which would help him win that critical state in the electoral vote tally.
Jeb Bush has a Mexican wife and speaks a good bit of Spanish. He will be able to get many more Hispanic votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
More is not always good. It is beginning to look like a high school election for a class president. The blah, blah, blah is stated over and over. Rhode Island's governor for president. Absurd. Less than 1.1 million people live in the state. The only way to do this is to put all the names on the primary election, then allow the top 4 in each party to debate. If the Giants are on tv, forget the debate.
Bush hadn't wanted to jump in so early; as long as he was "undeclared," he was unable to solicit directly for contributions to his PAC. Others felt that was against the spirit (if not the letter) of the law, and two lawsuits had already been filed against him. As the premise behind these suits is now null, probably they will be dropped. I hope not; this point of law needs clarification.
Anyway, my guess is that 2016 Bush will be much like 2012 Perry.
You nominate this RINO and the base stays home. No more Clintons or Bushes.
So the possibility of another Bush in the White House - a case of dumb, dumber and the dumbest ???