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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president's backers say he shares faith, values
I guess they share his faith of keeping multiple mistresses.
I guess for people lacking any historical context to their religion, it doesn't matter too much if you don't know which end of the bible is up.
These are the same people who characterized Obama as an Islamacist Anti-Christ just for his skin color.
They are largely fanatical bigots with a sinister agenda.
I have trouble believing that Trump hasn't violated EVER one of the 10 Commandments. I'm not joking. He constantly violates most of them, in public, every day. The only one he may not have violated was the 9th (covet thy neighbor's wife).
How can a good Christian possibly vote for someone like that is beyond me. In the last 7 days, we have sworn testimony about him violating 4 commandments.
Trump is so wrong on so many levels that he shouldn't be allowed to hold any public office anywhere.
I wouldn't know, but Trump doesn't strike me as very Christian.
While I would disagree with evangelical on most things, this is a fair assessment.
Trump has never been a regular church attender and there is no evidence he has any real faith. He uses religion as a tool to attract brainwashed evangelicals into his cult.
What a truly intellectually devoid following. Nothing about Trump is "Christian". I'd say more like the exact opposite.
No one cared about his skin color, but when pictures came up of him and Farrakhan people were concerned and rightfully so at the time.
No, but what they are against and what angers them are radical leftist progressive policies, and with valid reason, but when you disagree with anyone on the left, they throw in the typical race cards, hyperbole and continuous empty platitudes.
And it’s dismissive comments like this that aggravate religious people, it’s basically saying: as a worshipper you can’t make up your own decision, so Trump has to make it for you. Absolute nonsense and condescending. But, “one man’s loss is another man’s gain.” Trump continues to pull in people from evangelicals to rappers, minorities and the left just mock him, not paying attention to one of their voting block constituents.
Simon Foston
Are they insane?
i think it’s more about who can win over Biden who seems to be leading the world into world war 3. At least with Trump, no missiles were flying over Japan, peace treaty with saudis. I don’t think that Afghanistan, Ukraine and Israel would have happened under trump.
No, because they’re right. Take away the religious component Trump believes in the same thing and worry about the same issues as they do: open borders, religious freedoms, out of control crime, 2nd amendment, attacks on our police, right to life, economy, energy independence, unnecessary wars, so in that sense they share a lot of deep similarities.
Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president's backers say he shares faith, values
Finally Americans are returning to healthy values.
Why? They’re not taking over colleges, they’re not chanting death to the Jews. How about the Amish, they’re some of the most deeply religious people as are the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses as well, so who are they bothering and threatening?
When Christians start blowing themselves up in record numbers I’ll agree with you.
As in leftist liberal ideology…
And this is why you are seeing these college kids go nuts, and the sad thing is many don’t even know why, thank their radical liberal educators.
Bob Fosse
“Make America Godly Again,”
The founding fathers wanted to distance themselves from religion and start anew.
The US has never been a christian nation and never should be.
Platitudes and hyperbole like "radical leftist progressive policies", "far left" , "radical Marxist"?
One of the things lacking from MAGA and the evangelicals is introspection and self-reflection and awareness.
I guess that is why they accept someone like Trump as their Lord and savior.
God, Guns & Trump!
3 things we’d all be better off with less of.
Bob Fosse
lol if you ‘take away the religious component’ evangelical christians and 45 are the same? Priceless.
No, they wanted to distance themselves to be able to worship as they pleased without the threat of political persecution.
It has always been and its basic law foundation was rooted and based on Christian-Judea laws.
Not really, they’re spot on observations of how the left has always been in the mainstream debate of religion.
Opposite, that is one of the main tenets and teachings of evangelicals.
No, they accept him because he would protect their religious freedoms.
Bob Fosse
Jesus would have preferred liberal socialists to gun totin’ conservatives
Have you actually read the Bible? It’s actually not a bad book in itself, just a shame so many people twist it to suit their selfish agendas.
Gene Hennigh
Religion and policy should never mix. The US is 68% christian. And what of the 32% who aren't? The christians are forcing them to bow to christian beliefs. Pray to Jesus all you want but don't make those of us who aren't have to do the same. If 1/2 of a billion people in the world believe in a higher being? That's what, 8 1/2 billion who don't. There are actually billions who do but the don't believe in the christian higher being. Pray all you want to but ask yourself this: What would Jesus do? (Hint: it's not what you're doing.)
Bob Fosse
Sadly the Constitution, much like the Bible gets twisted to suit personal agendas.
Have you read it? It’s really very clear that the US was not intended to be a Christian nation.
The 1797 Treaty of Tripoli ratified unanimously in the Senate and signed by George Washington couldn’t be clearer. Here’s a quote from it you should read:
“the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
Liberals say this all the time. In other words, the founding fathers were just too dumb to understand what they were doing.
Have you had a glass of water before?
But the laws were base on Christian-Judea laws by people that worshipped and wanting to worship without the fear of religious and political persecution.
Well, because Washington signing it doesn’t mean he spoke for all Americans whose entire outlook and teachings were deeply rooted in religion.
A cult...
The truth...
Trump is no different than any of the other cheap, faux religious hucksters like Jimmy Swaggert, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland that have for ages preyed on the lower-educated and easily manipulated to buy their mega-churches, mansions and private jets...
Trump combines their fake religiousness with victimization, white supremacy, and clear political fascism and authoritarianism...
He and his cult are a deadly threat to our democracy....
Bob Fosse
It takes a man to admit when he’s wrong. But when he’s been wrong his whole life it might be a little difficult to admit it.
Trump is worried about religious freedom for the church he never attends and out of control crime on the streets he never visits? And Trump is going to trigger unnecessary wars with his weakness.
Those groups are educated and/or have a backing in nonviolence. The MAGA not so much.
They clearly were about removing mysticism from your holy book.
The US is based on English Common Law and owes precious little to desert religions.
All that means is that a bunch of smart people can't remove ignorance from the masses.
Peter Neil
religion has always been used to control and foment wars ever since it was invented by humans.
You can apply that same ideology analysis to atheism, authoritarianism in the same way, you are essentially submitting to a higher power of control. I personally don’t want to submit the any government thinks it knows what’s best for me.
I honestly don’t care whether Trump goes to church or not or if he believes or not, I care that he will protect religious freedoms, good enough for me.
He didn’t last time, so I doubt it this time.
I’m MAGA my family and many of my friends as well, I don’t know a single person that did anything wrong. Relax, J6 was one day only.
I disagree.
Which the laws and values were based on Christian-judea laws.
Keep trying, you just might hit something. Lol
The religion is only Christianity. What of all the other religions and whose God is it? Trump selling his Bible shows which one he supports.
A religion supporting Guns.
God, guns, and Trump is a very dangerous mixture.
When did Trump last attend Sunday church? Too busy selling Bibles and golden sneakers.
He does have a lot in common with religious rip-off artists.
Been lying to and scamming people all his life.
I care about a guy trying to make a profit from selling his Bible but does not attend church.
Republican primary voters still overwhelmingly chose Trump.
Trump is the savior,
Doesn't concern anyone who does not have a vote in the election, or isn't from the US.
I care about a guy trying to make a profit from selling his Bible but does not attend church.
Your Jesus cared about all people and didn't ask anyone for a passport. This is a discussion forum not an election in the US. The article concerns all JT posters.
There's a powerful contradiction and hypocrisy in this faux religious embrace of Trump....
While most Christian religions depict Jesus as a white Caucasian, he was in fact Egyptian and a person of color...
A person exactly like those currently persecuted and demonized by Trump and his supporters who adhere to the racist "Great Replacement Theory" that people of color will replace and subvert White America...
It gives the phrase "What would Jesus do" a whole new meaning...
And shows that Trump is not the religious apostle his supporters believe but is in fact a false prophet - the kind the Bible clearly warned against...
Be careful of proven pathological liars like Trump stating anything - even down to their nationality or religion.
The only reason serious people accept Trump is American and eligible to be president is that it can be independently verified.
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 07:48 am JST
The "religious component" is what this is all about.
Not all the stuff you're always harping on about. That's co-incidental.
I'm off to do something useful with my day. I imagine this thread will have been shut down by the time I think about looking at it again.
All this shows that the human brain is a "piece of work", but not in the laudatory Shakespearean sense. History amply proves that "ordinary", "normal" folk are truly scary, who besides worshipping their gods, will also vote for tyrants. The sooner Trump is locked up for his serial lawbreaking, the safer the future of American democracy.
There's one born every minute ... Looks like more than that though.
Seems like Christianity and Judaism are constantly under attack. Islam not so much, at least not to their faces, wonder why……
All religions with the exception of the Amish in the U.S. except guns.
And the liberals have big government, which is scarier.
Billions, but that’s ok, people can believe what they like.
Seems liberals want to make it about that.
You think so???
Good for you.
I support Trump but I hardly believe he shares much, if any, Christian values. The point is that he is promising to fight for Christian values. He could live an exemplary life but if he did not fight for those values, to Christians, he would be worthless as any kind of political representative.
Voting for Trump over Biden is like deciding to cut off your leg because you have necrosis in your foot and it's spreading. Nobody wants to lose a leg, but it beats dying.
So I’m told.
Failed liberal humor attempt??
Very different. Wanting to protect your religious freedom and hoping to exterminate all infidels from the face of the earth, very, very different.
Rightfully so.
In that case then we really should be pessimistically careful about our government and this administration
No, it’s because people are getting tired of this dictatorship that is destroying the country, put religion aside first and go from there. The religious component factors in much later.
You mean Judeo-Christian values. This assertion is only correct insofar as the founding fathers lived in a society steeped in this tradition. However, the founders saw the dangers of mixing religion and government, and went out of their way to prevent that.
Anyone who says they are a Christian Nationalist is doing a 180 on the founding principles of a healthy democracy.
And anyone who thinks Trump and Jesus are on the same page is out of their mind.
Christians are not persecuted in America. Neither is Trump.
Bob Fosse
If you haven’t read the article yet at least look at the banner photo. This isn’t about ‘liberals’.
This syncretism of extreme nationalistic far-right and white protestantism is one of the most ridiculously hypocritical and sick things about the toxic culture of good old US..
The only positive side of Trump is not having faith. Everything else about him is negative.
Out of their mind as in associating Jesus with a false prophet and sinner that violated the 10th Commandment by having a fling with a porn star who he said "reminded him of his daughter"...
MAGA family values...
Vert true, but they also knew how important religion was and the overall guidance and direction of honoring the laws and rules of God.
That would be the liberals leftist skewed viewpoint of looking at it
No one thinks that.
Christianity and weapons have many hundreds of years of violent history.
And yet the left always make it about religion. Not sure why, live and let live.
They are absolutely without a doubt being persecuted, even Wray admitted to that shockingly!
If you haven’t read the article yet at least look at the banner photo. This isn’t about ‘liberals’.
Did you miss the headline?
Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president's backers say he shares faith, values
What is wrong with being White or proud? Wait, Blacks, Latinos can be proud and Whites cannot? I would call that the very definition of racism. You think the Chinese are proud to be Chinese, they scream it all the time, but if Whites do it’s now racist? This is why people don’t take the left seriously anymore. That thought process from the left in itself is toxic, forget. I feel if you are an atheist and believe in whatever they believe in, good for you. Just don’t tell me I’m wrong and we are good to go.
They certainly didn't make any of the ten commandments laws except murder, theft, perjury, and adultery for a time. That's like 3/10.
Trump is the candidate, yes.
Maybe he does, so who are liberals to say otherwise? I don’t know or care what he believes, if he says he does, good for him. I’m just happy he would protect religious freedoms. Libs need to relax.