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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Jet flyover for photo ops in lower Manhattan sets off panic
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A country that lives on fear. It provides great fuel for war.
Yeah I bet they are now going to have a war now between New Yorkers and the Pentagon. Watch out Obama Administration. Your bad judgement calls could get you into some trouble.
a photo op? going to great lengths just for a photo op aren't they?
They could have asked me to photoshop it for them. What a stupid move on their part to do this.
Imagine the head-exploding hysteria from the Left if this had happened a year ago.
That's crap. You'd maybe have a point had this been any other city. You 're telling me that you would have thought/felt nothing had you been in lower Manhattan and seen these two jets flying around unnaturally at such a low altitude. Right.
why don't they just use google earth?
teleprmpter, you read my mind!
Somebody needs to get the chop for this.
What does one expect from a bunch of amateurs?
at least this got the white house to apologize to Americans instead of everyone else. Yeah, a lot of my friends back in NY have told me about this. It did get many concerned.
Dennis Bauer
Smart move secretary of the army.
dumb, dumb, dumb.
But that does not tell us who the idiot is that made that decision. As if that just NEEDS to be done.
Spending 100 thousand dollars on something useless instead of 150 thousand dollars is NOT SAVING MONEY. Its known as THROWING OUR TAX MONEY DOWN A HOLE.
And to think that without mass panic this crap would never come to light.
Here we a large commercial jet possibly being pursued over New York by a fighter & nobody thinks that this might upset the locals who know nothing about it except what they see from the ground? This sounds almost deliberate because only a total idiot would fail to realise the effect this was going to have. The NY police knew in advance & didn’t object to it being kept secret, isn’t the job of the police to keep the peace? Not in this case it seems. What total stupidity.
In Obama's America it is OK for aircraft to buzz NYC.
This administration is beyond moronic.
So you are blaming the whole admin for a decision the President himself did not know about?
Flying over New York was not the core problem. So I suggest you go lightly with the word "moronic".
Moronic works just fine. Texas can say what they want. Its called free speech.
This was wrong on so many levels and only goes to show it doesn't matter what moron is installed as president, the government treats its citizens like a bunch of dopes. Change we can believe in, yeah right.
Translation: The U.S. military is not under Obama's command.
In Obama's America, any mid-level bureaucrat just can decide to take Air Force One -- complete with an armed F-16 fighter jet escort -- out for a spin and buzz NYC.
The public could easily been warned by a press release that would have then been widely disseminated though television, radio and print media. I do not think it was an error in judgment to get a current set of photos.
It takes real idiots to claim Obama does not have control over the military if he does not know what every jet is doing in the military's arsenal at any given time. So, sorry boys but maybe you can stretch it into 2 news cycles if you continue to whine long enough. Be sure to tell us what Rush Limbaugh says or tells you to say; whatever the case.
I do feel bad for anyone who understandably felt panic because they had endured the 09.11.2009 attack after being at that location. I think that was definitely a mistake. But it is ludicrous for people to claim, Obama is/was not in control of the military or that it was throwing money down a hole. Many Americans will request these photos and it will give them a sense of nostalgic patriotism. The only mistake was not to properly disseminate a notification of the event.
TexasAggie at 02:32 AM JST - 29th April
Not being an American I might have got things a little mixed here, or maybe you did.
“What happened in NYC was a disgrace.”
“Obama: Worst. President. Ever.”
But wasn’t 9.11 on Bushes watch?
Moderator: All readers, stay on topic please.
This stuff did happen on Obama's watch and you know that if it happened on Bush's then there'd be a reason to post 100s of posts decrying how bad it was but when it was on Obama's watch well there are excuses galore.
Obama is clearly an amateur and this episode is just the latest example of that. The man can barely express a thought without prepared text.
Obama: Worst. President. Ever.
I didn't think anyone could be worse than Jimmy Carter - but BO has him beat by a mile. Bush could only get us into debt by billions while fighting two wars, recovering from a recession and tech bubble that he inherited, and of course 9/11. BO has us in debt by trillions for as far as the eye can see and he has only been in office for 100 days. Definately, worst president ever!
bushlover said:
Come on, tell the truth.
In the article above here is what the Obama administration said:
Maybe you missed the fact that neither plane crashed into a building??? Perhaps also the fact that none were piloted by terrorists??? By the way, nobody died.
The only way I can see to blame Obama here is for appointing the person that approved this mission. He probably did not appoint the genius that actually came up with the idea. But lacking details of those, its hard to get too upset at the person who approved it (and did not notify Obama incidently). It almost sounds like this was a fairly routine thing done every ten years or so. The "approval" might have been just signing a piece of paper that an aide assured was routine. Further, officials, the ones who take care of the details, WERE notified. The problem is that those officials DID NOT notify the public. And we still do not know why.
If a pic from the government is necessary to instill patriotism in them, we do not need their patriotism.
This is the core problem as I hinted at earlier, but certainly not the only problem in my opinion.