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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.WikiLeaks founder denied bail; jailed on Swedish sex crime charge
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Denied bail? He never should have turned himself in to America's lapdog. I wonder what kind of doggie treats Britian gets for rolling over?
So many people get caught with their pants down, and he has been jailed for not using a condom? How ironic. And the world becomes Stalin.
I was totally against this guy at first...but now not quite sure. Even website poles seem to be right down the middle 50/50 and to me thats what makes this whole thing quite amazing.
Good,at least he will be safe there for a while.Far away from the CIA,who wants a hit on him.
I am glad,there are still people around who want to continue this.
OK. Now you can see that it is blown out of proportion. Private companies are caving in. They accepted all money from WikiLeaks or donations for WikiLeaks for how many years? Tell me that they didn't know what WikiLeaks was about. Hypocrites. He maybe did rape, coerced, forced or asked women to have sex with him but the whole "hunt" is a joke. Still, I believe Assange should face the Swedish court for the allegation but then continue to release information.
Of course! Luggage of cash, collateral deaths should remain a secret. BS...
The world media's insistence on calling this an allegation of rape is a bit, uh, troubling. What it is is an allegation of rape as rape is defined in Sweden but not as it is defined in other countries, in particular in the country where Assange is being held, the UK. Other people might know more about the legality of extraditing people for things that are not offenses in the country doing the extraditing (seems pretty dodgy). But this is pretty sloppy journalism in any case, and that is putting the best possible spin on it. It may be more than just that of course, and the misrepresentation is intentional.
I still think this all might all be about the banking document release and not the diplomatic stuff, and that they have to get this stuff shut down quick. We shall see.
Took the words out and put something else back in. You might want to note that this man was arrested by Brits based on a warrant issued by Swedes. Oh how the Swedes must be lap dogs of Obama. After all since his election all the Liberal Euros can't get enough of the USA.
Manhunt all across the continent cuz he didn't use a condom while in Sweden?
Europeans are such uptight, pc-obsessed prudes.
Are people supposed to believe this ruse?
The idiocity of the British.The rest of the world are seeing how backward the West is turning into.
In a commnetary yesterday,It said there is no statute(law) that prohibits the leaking of sensitive info thats why the Justice Dept are finding it hard to prosecute him.
So they resort to this loose "rape" charge.
Wikileaks and its followers will prevail.
bigmouth - I want him apprehended for the crime of releasing classified documents, stolen property. The actual circumstances of his arrest I find pretty shocking, pretty depressing. Behold the the long reach of the Euro-nanny socialist state, and beware.
"A second woman accused Assange of having sex with her without a condom while he was a guest at her Stockholm home and she was asleep."
She must have been dreaming.
tumble dry, that's a good point. And they made money off of it too.. But this just goes to show, when you want to expose someone, you ought to be careful
As I said,I listened to a commentary yesday,it said there is no statute(law) in the US that says that,u can prosecute anyone for releasing classified info.
Can u specify what law he broke and for that matter shd be prosecuted?
This guy is a terrorist, he is blackmailing the government with a timebomb of encrypted information they released... this guy is nothing more than a common nerd.
Assange is a terrorist? For releasing information? Does information explode? I don't think so. However, your heart might if continue to entertain this level a drama queenery for too long.
Nerd? Ok. Nice ad hominem and non-sequitor.
One might think you would label the U.S. government a terrorist organization with all they have done. You would certainly have a better case. Wikileaks is fighting state terrorism with kid gloves, and whine that their methods are too harsh! Are you for real gogogo?
Bail or no bail, there's a good chance Assange won't make it out of encarceration alive. Fine by me.
We'll let him go through the legal process and see what the result is. If he's guilty then he should be put away. If he's innocent then his name will be cleared and he can move on with his life.
Tim: Hold on man, I said this yesterday and I am sure the guy above feels the same way I do and its not about the average anglo. It is however about rich over educated whites who constantly feel they and only they have the proper perspective on things. Oh, btw, I have Anglos in my family) Now check this guy out, he feels that America and America alone is the devil of the world and black mails us. Ok, but what if he tried that with say China (of course China has a real military filled with real military people - not over paid fatty civilians so this is kind of moot). You know damn well he wouldn't be getting far Neither myself nor the guy above have anything against Anglos
I wonder, if the extradition to Sweden is denied by the UK, will there be a jay-walking charge they can incarcerate him on?...not using a condom, hey?, Come on, give me a break. Is this the best the US can do? Lean on Sweden to get this stupid charge enforced?
Watching Assange's fans deal with their disappointment is some good entertainment.
he is now being flown in a "black" plane to a "black" site in a foreign country with mideavil laws. so the american government thugs can threaten him and torture him for actually being democratic . exposing overly secretive documents . promoting transparency !
SuperLib /news /uk-11944645
I disagree. I think he will end up no worse off than Daniel Ellsberg.
What superlib fails to appreciate is that the majority of judges are as crooked as corkscrews! They are being told by the puppeteers in Washington just what verdict they have to hand down...... Personally I find the majority of the leaks Ive read very entertaining, especially the one about Australias ex-prime minister Rudd being described as a "control freak who does not have the staff or the experience for the job" Right on the money there!
These wikileaks are having a heck of a time exposing the weaknesses of the Commonwealth. Julian may face home charges of espionage in his native Australia.
There is a nice article in the washington Post captured by the Yomuiri Shimbun today on the topic,"Prosecuting Wikileaks?Goodluck".
TheAnti-Assange guys talking abt Espanioge laws,pls read it.The writer is a lawyer that has gone handled such a case before.And what will hurt the more is that, you will get Assange on your soil and he will walk free.
Free Press will prevail in the land of the free.
I suspect that the real reason they finally went after him was not the diplomatic cables he is releasing now but rather the email leaked from banks that he is planning to release later. I think those will be much more interesting than the diplomatic cables and the "powers that be" will find them to be much more, shall we say, annoying.
Whoops indeed. That might be the biggest leak yet if the dots connect to Scotland, although it is what was suspected.
Looking over some website article on the charges, this is pretty bizarre stuff what with the sequence of events and the identity of the accusers. But whether or not some kind of sex offenses were really committed or this was entrapment and a set-up, there is one thing I do know. That is that as somebody who has known two women who were victims of violent rape and sexual assault, one of whom did not survive, I am starting to find the casual way the word "rape" is being thrown around so casually in relation to this case very offensive.
Why would someone want sex with someone that can't participate? Boring.
The dark arts alive and well. CIA written all over these allegations.....
his leaky wick may loose him his wikileak
i hope millions march to protest his release ...for our freedoms sake!
It's pretty common practice to deny bail to someone accused of rape. He won't be in a cell like most 'criminals' and will be allowed to move relatively freely in the prison, with more phone calls and visitors than a regular con is permitted. This is because he has yet to be formally charged. As there is no evidence of the accusations against him - it's just a 'she said, he said' pile of crap at the moment - then he hasn't been convicted of rape.
As for releasing the documents - to all you bleeding heart liberals out there that think he's a terrorist, a traitor and so-forth, get a clue! The New York Post; The Times; The Guardian and The Herald are just a handful of other media outlets that have also published the documents prior to Wikileaks! But no-one is going after them, and why? Because they are part of the 'old-boys network' whereas Wikileaks and Assange is not. And shame on the Australian PM for not protecting one of her citizens. Instead she chooses to kowtow to the pressure of the paranoid US government! At the end of the day, Assange is a bloody hero!!
Well, this destruction of what was sacred has brought a sense of release, I suppose, even if he is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Still, if he creeps into women's beds in the dead of night, some might call him creepy.
Read about the guy. The interview I read had the reporter speculating that Assange may be a bit autistic. Maybe it's Aspberger Syndrome.
Or, more likely, he's a just creep with no conscience and a huge ego...
A responsible journalist, even if prosecuted, would not retaliate in such a way that would endanger innocent lives. A true professional would stick to their professional code even in their toughest of times. Many journalists have gone to jail trying to expose the facts, but none of them retaliate by getting people killed (if they do, they're not journalists).
This current situation could decide which side Assange truly toes the line.
Wow. Assange's plight - his own doing - brings all the conspiracy gnomes off the lawn and into your living room.
"...the email leaked from banks that he is planning to release later. I think those will be much more interesting than the diplomatic cables and the "powers that be" will find them to be much more, shall we say, annoying."
Bingooooo. If that release of banking operations is coming, it would be a significant break of govt. info. If it is not confined to the Treasury Dept., but involves "Banks", the database allegedly pilfered by Pfc. Manning would be a database that goes into the private sector. That "database" would oversee both the US Govt. AND the private sector. That database would be from an overarching surveillance of the US - I can guess, but I'll wait for the actual release.
Seems like they got him on a leaky condom. Kind of like getting Al Capone on tax evasion...
I suggest you start reading something useful.
I read that he might be the devil himself come back in disguise. How about that?
Hope he gets released quickly if he didn't do anything naughty with those two Swedish ladies so we can get back to reading some more of these fascinating leaks.
At least the rape charges should't affect the running of his organization.
There will be no bank infos release me think. Many people are going to be disappointed. The cable leaks will continue though.
my post came up funny due to my less than savvy computer skills. no quote. should read as one post.
TimRussert: In an another newspaper, it seems his right leg is slightly shorter than his left one. In an another newspaper is seems his is allergic to cactus milk. I think we got it. You hate the guy, the leaks and the left.
hottomales: Read the news, that is what wikileaks called it, they released a new encrypted bunch of information calling it a nuclear device of information and threatened to release the encryption key to it if the founder was jailed.
I still think he is throwing the baby out with the bathwater...
Gigolo: the key should be leaked. What a irony...
Sorry... Gigolo -> gogogo
I can say this... the info on the Wikileaks site is very high quality info. The quality is sufficient to effect change.
Why are Europeans so weird? So the guy didn't wear a condom. So What? Sweden sounds like a police state.
Since when does Sweden constitute the whole of europe?
Being middle european such a law would be laughed out of court.
It must be. They are jailing a guy because either Hillary or the CIA has asked them to go after him. If found guilty he could face execution. We'll find out just how evil this lap dog state is in a future leak.
This guy isn't wikileaks, he's the public face of wikileaks. Jailing him on trumped up charges will only result in more damage to the US.
A dog doesn't demand treats. The master gives treats if the master is in a generous mood. Maybe the US will throw the UK a bone, maybe they won't.
The Brits will protect him well regardless of CIA demands that he be executed while in British custody. The UK is a sovereign nation and they make their own decisions regardless of what the arrogant Americans want.
I'm inclined to believe that if the information is that important it would have been released first. Information that can bring down banks and crash the financial system would probably be the lead leak, because it makes all of the other leaks mostly irrelevant. But I could be wrong.
I think inside each individual it's a 50/50 split. You have the obvious radicals on both sides, half of them saying he's the new Jesus and half of them saying he's the new Osama Bin Laden, but most moderates probably see good and bad in the document release. Most people want to know if they are being lied to, but most people probably are struggling to understand the need to include so much collateral damage created by the non-whistleblowing releases that just serve to embarrass people and make life more difficult between nations.
Take the release about China accepting a unified Korea. It's mind-blowing after so much support over the years. It was completely fascinating and shocking to read and it was a relief to know that there was a chance to actually make a unification possible and end the hostilities. But since I know the information the north Koreans do, too. That's the wild card where NK could see themselves are truly being alone and decide to ramp up the nuclear production. To me, releasing information that might increase the chances of a Korean war if just too much collateral damage and it outweighs the benefit of the information being released.
This kind of reminds me of the Sarah Palin hack into her private email account. I challenge anyone to find a single kind work I've said about the woman. But that doesn't mean I supported hacking into her account and making the information public. It seems that people are just hacking into anything they can find and then finding incriminating information after the fact to justify the hack in the first palce. If that's the way you want thing to be handled, then expect other entities to be hacked with information released on the off-chance that something illegal can be found. It's the equivalent of the police randomly searching your house without probable cause then just justifying the action if they do eventually turn up something through the search.
Chatting with some Japanese university faculty today and one opinion was that Assange seems to be politically naive. He cannot see the wood for the trees. He's very straight and believes 100% that he is right, but he is like a child: unaware of how the real world around him operates.
I wonder how Assange's supporters would feel if he released their private correspondence~
LOL, I just made the same point in another thread. Ironically, Assange started his carreer by writing encryption software. Split mind?
lol, imagine how he would feel if his own was released. He's such a pussy, he wants everyone elses secrets out in the open, but is terrified of revealing his own.
So if he had worn a condom, would it have mattered?
I guess if Sweden outlaws all sex without a condom, we are going to see fewer and fewer Sweds in years to come.
Sweden has some very radical sex laws. You almost need a signed affidavid from the woman. Thier laws are aimed at criminalizing all men and making the women victims regardless of thier participation. This was the intent of the radical feminism that influence the law development.
In Sweden, they blame prostitution solely on men. The women, who advertize themselves for sex, are considered "victims" after they are busted.
Do you really want a run down of history that far surpasses Jet minds? Should we get into mineral rights dealt off to China, Sogo shams in beef industries, feed operations down under, MI-shit brits....... the shut out of the U.S. beef industry due to a poor Mex getting fat on his bank account by parking gut and back into a shipment while everyone smiles pretty? Someone mentioned WikiLeaks…what a dweeb org…Fry their ass!!!!!!!!!! Your right Wiki-op’s, you hurt your organization in more ways than paid the defense of a convicted traitor to the United States of America that had previously swore and took oath to uphold all confidentiality that pertained to his duties…you all will find the same clause in your own surprise. That in you, makes the whole wiki-leaks organization responsible for adding and abetting to treason of each and every foreign entity. What? Are you stupid? You want the list? Saudi Arabia…Russia........