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Kaine attacks, Pence fights back in U.S. vice presidential debate


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Pence absolutely destroyed Kaine. Hillary is toast.

I didn't watch this debate, but after the fiasco where the alt-right and 4-channers inundated the internet and hit every poll they could find trying to convince the world that Trump won, I take your comment with a pound of salt.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

serrano, about time to wake up and face the fact.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

When Pence was asked about North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons he responded that the U.S. needs to strengthen its military.

So does this mean that a country that spends nearly as much as the next 7 highest spending countries combined in military need to strengthen more and North Korea will magically be intimidated to the ground? Or did he meant that the U.S. needs to directly intervene in North Korea, which undoubtedly will lead to war ? Do you realize how crazy this is? It will be the beginning of nuclear war and the end of humanity.

Come this November, my vote will not be for the "toughest " candidate. Kaine was right when he said that Trump and his minions admire "toughness" when in reality they are looking at dictators. I want a leader who will take a diplomatic approach in the interest of not only Americans but human civilization. Someone that will keep us out of future wars. Trump is simply not the right person.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Nothing really special about this debate. Pence started in a pretty deep hole dug by construction genius Donald Trump and pretty much held his position there. Little or no impact on the poll numbers.

I don't like questions about religious faith, but Pence seemed particularly proud about his "going to his knees" for Jesus. Pence is the last one to understand a proper separation between church and state -- and the right of an individual to make his/her own choices without government interference. All the more reason to vote against Trump-Pence.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Hey isn't Pence that bigot from Indiana?

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Pence absolutely destroyed Kaine.

Not in this universe. You must have watched an alternative universe version of the debate. I think the debate was a fair draw for the two of them. Although Caine effectively drove home the point that Pence wouldn't defend many of trump's more controversial statements, other than to adopt the Trump approach by flat-out lying ("No, he never said that."), I think Caine erred in taking the approach of inserting snarky comments when Pence was speaking.

On the other hand, while Pence was calm, measured, and courteous, he didn't bring anything new to the table, and what he did bring was reiterations of long-debunked Trump falsehoods and bombastic tabloid-level claims of malfeasance on the part of Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

At one point, Pence even nodded in thoughtful agreement with Caine that Clinton was part of the process of getting the China to match US efforts to level comprehensive sanction packages against North Korea.

That's not a good thing to have on tape for a ticket that -is running on the assertion that Clinton has "failed at everything she's ever done."

Hillary is toast.

I understand your frustration with the untenable candidate you've opted to back. It compels you to use exaggeration and bombast to hide your discomfort with the obvious weaknesses in Trump. I sympathize with you. I really do. You backed the wrong horse.

But everyone knows vice-presidential debates have very little impact on election outcomes, even an election as polarized as this one.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

I just voted in the Fox online poll, which has Pence winning the debate 77.71% to Kaine's 22.29%.

Fox isn't that where Roger Ailes used to work as Chairman and CEO before he quit because he was getting sued for sexual harassment, then he joined team Trump as a debate consultant? I'd take those poll numbers with a grain of salt, if I were you.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Both guys agree that cops are great. Pence: Enough with all this institutional racism crap. Kaine: We can't be afraid to bring up issues of bias.

Pence rather obviously refused to say the word "wall" when talking about Trump's immigration plan. Interesting.

Pence tried to make case that "basket of deplorables" is equivalent to all of Trump's insults. Fail.

Kaine dis a pretty good job of running down why Trump is dangerous on foreign affairs.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

@serrano oh dear I think your in denial, all major polls put Clinton 3~6 points in front and growing.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Pence was like the Manchurian candidate up there. He did a great job at deflecting the moderators questions and not even acknowledging all the stupid things Trump has said. I don't even know how he and the Trump surrogates find the energy to get out of bed each morning. Trump is indefensible and all Pence did was to lay the foundation of his own campaign in 2020.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

It's interesting that "debate" has a different meaning in American English and British English.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

And what about the silent majority that didn't vote or were not polled? Hmmmmm.....

Well, if the poll was conducted correctly, then the "silent majority" as you term it, would feel the same way. That's how polls work, it's a sample of the population.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Sen. Tim Kaine: “If you mistake leadership for dictatorship you can’t be commander in chief.”

Excellent comment!!!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Serrano: "Smith, apparently you are not aware that you sometimes lose money when doing business."

That's not an answer. I asked you what you thought about Trump losing nearly A BILLION DOLLARS IN ONE YEAR and claiming to be an excellent businessman, and the fact that YOU must pay taxes but he does not have to when he loses other people's money. I also asked you if that makes him someone who would be a good president, given that he'd have no problem bankrupting the nation if it meant him profiting.

"Trump has, over the years, employed tens of thousands of people, and paid millions of dollars in taxes over the decades of his business."

What do you think about him not paying taxes because his businesses failed, and you having to pay taxes, and him stating that you are stupid as a result? Because that's what he's done, and that's what he said. Don't deny it. Don't deflect.

Like I said, though, Serrano -- keep up the predictions! They have worked oh so well for you in the past. :)

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The person that Pence actually out-shined by a large margin was: Donald Trump.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The Same thing happened in 1980 and liberals were so overly sure of themselves. What was even more amazing was the fact, they were actually amazed that Reagan won.

Totally incorrect. I personally recall that election very well. Reagan had pulled even or ahead of Carter in most polls by August. (Especially after their single debate.) Most polls showed Reagan with a 3-5 point lead on election day. The only surprise was that Reagan's ultimate margin of victory was larger. He ended up pulling away more support from former Republican, third-party candidate John Anderson than was expected.

I have always been a liberal and was not amazed by the results. You can't find ONE liberal publication of that time that expressed amazement that Reagan won. I wish you would stop concocting phony stories about liberals from your imagination.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Trump can keep up the attacks on minorities which should free up Pence to go after the gays.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I know liberals could care less if the country is attacked

You know nothing. Please stop thinking that you do.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The Mount Rushmore zinger was pretty good.

Kaine tried to hard. Pence did well remaining cool but naturally failed trying to defend the indefensible which is Trump.

Substance vs. Style. That's the plastic world we sadly live in in 2016.

Back to the next showdown - I'm looking forward to seeing the screaming Donald in Meltdown once again.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


One thing that give me solace is that, even if Hillary wins the presidency, the House and Senate should still be in the hands of the GOP...

You know, this is where you and I can agree on something. I've got very little problem with a bipartisan government. It's the best way to serve the greatest number of Americans by having the greatest number of voices represented and precisely what democracy should entail.

...so it will be a long 4 years, so dig in your heels and prepare for more back and forth.

And this is where you and are fundamentally different. The very fact that "digging in your heels," otherwise known as "poisoning the well" is the automatic go-to for conservatives at the mere prospect of a Democratic president speaks volumes about how truly skewed your understanding is of what a healthy democracy should entail. If conservatives can't have the White House, then, by god, no one will see any actually governance? Is that it? That gives you solace?!

Do I really need to point out the blinding hypocrisy in your position, not to mention the irony? You claim to support Trump because he's a so-called political outsider, the embodiment of a needed shift from politics-as-usual, the voice of the Common Man, sick of career politicians crippling the efficacy of our government.

And yet -- and I can't believe I have to actually spell this out for you, a self-professed "journalist" knowledgeable in the ways of the world -- and yet here you are advocating -- no, scratch that. Here your are trumpeting from the mountaintop" a continuation of the same sort of immature, recalcitrant, tax-payer shafting gridlock that compelled Trump supporters to back his insane candidacy in the first place.

It's the same childish approach that plagued Obama throughout his two terms, culminating in an override of his absolutely correct veto of the feel-good 9/11 lawsuit bill that made GOP leaders look around the Senate chamber like imbeciles after the full horror of what they had done finally settled in. Immature. Recalcitrant. Screwing real Americans. That's what "digging your heels in" really means, Bass.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

79 percent of Americans polled say [Trump] doesn't show enough respect for people he disagrees with 70 percent express anxiety about a Trump presidency 67 percent think he lacks the personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively 64 percent doubt his understanding of world affairs 63 percent see him unfavorably overall 62 percent say he's not honest and trustworthy 61 percent think he's unqualified for office 60 percent think he's biased against women and minorities

And this is based almost entirely on the foot he has put forward almost every step of the way during this very campaign. And he isn't even finished yet demonstrating how little regard he has for dissenting opinion, facts, or the truth.

3 ( +7 / -4 )


RNC prematurely declares Mike Pence debate winner

Heh....sez it all. I guess they wanted to get the talking points out for the Beliebers in advance this time.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

bass4funk, if the CNN poll was conducted scientifically as was their poll after the first presidential debate - which Hillary plainly won - then it's not a matter of CNN being "partisan" is it? More a matter of them being accurate within a published margin of error. "Partisan" is voting hundreds of times for Trump in an unrepresentative "poll" online and then convincing yourself that the result has any meaning at all.

Trump made himself look even more stupid claiming he won the debate when any unbiased observer clearly says that he didn't, and the polls he cited were open to anyone. The real polls, those conducted on a balanced and representative sample of the electorate and which reflect the truth, are of no interest to a man who has built his entire campaign on misquotes, exaggeration and plain outright lies.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

And what about the silent majority that didn't vote or were not polled? Hmmmmm.....

I'm not going to waste my time explaining to a so-called journalist the science behind statistics and modern, scientific polling, but suffice to say that one glance at the polarization of this election should be enough to tell any reasonably well educated person that a "silent majority" is already accounted for with a large enough sample size.

Also, it stands to reason that any "silent majority" you speak of would be equally divided into both the Trump and Clinton camps, effectively cancelling out any unvoiced support for either candidate. Of course, the key factor here is whether or not there will be an application of reason.

I'm betting no.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Serrano: You didn't answer my question about Trump (for the eighth time). Is the need to deflect and deny THAT deep that you can't even answer such an easy question? Oh wait, I'm talking to a guy who repeatedly said "eight years of McCain" before he lost in a landslide, and "8 years of Romney" before he did, too! :) Keep up the 'predictions', Serrano!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@Serrano Trump tweets during the VP debate: "Kaine looks like an evil crook out of the Batman movies."

High brow, great and really really classy humor from Trump who's convinced his minions he's really really smart because he got a college degree (but then so did the scarecrow in Wizard of Oz)!

No doubt many 8 year olds would say "that's interesting." (Foxentertainment) ha ha ha rofl Trump'staxesdoesheowePutinbuysoffattorneygenerals LOL ha ha ha ha

Release your tax info great and dear Wizard of Bait and Switch!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The vitriol towards Trump and the intolerance tolwards him . . .

. . . is fueledentirely by the vitriol, intolerance, and immaturity Trump has brought to this campaign from Day One.

Sorry, but there is no room in America for a polite acceptance of the bigotry, misogyny, and racism that Trump has mainstreamed in his egotistical, opportunistic, absolutely destructive romp towards the presidency.

. . . is so frightening to a lot of supporters, they fear of reprisals, attacks, vilified, so yes, you do have more Trump supporters that are keeping their mouths shut unlike people that vote for Hillary, the repercussions aren't as dire.

I desperately wish there was a way to post a mp3 file to this thread of me laughing off my chair at this absurdity. "Reprisals?" "Attacks?" "Vilification?" "Dire repercussions?" You've got to be freakin' kidding me. :-)

Trump supporters cowering in fear somewhere, avoiding anonymous telephone pollsters, and thus skewing final poll results?! My god, man, you have truly, truly lost it.

The science and art of opinion polling has come light years from where it was in the 80s, or even the 90s.

No, there is no silent majority that, on election day, will magically find the stones to leave their safe havens to descend upon polling places in hordes and ultimately carry Trump to glorious victory.

Not happening, Bass. All the people who are ever going to vote for Trumo have made themselves heard. And that number is dropping daily with every petty, snarky, adolescent outburst Trump makes.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I have always been a liberal and was not amazed by the results. You can't find ONE liberal publication of that time that expressed amazement that Reagan won. I wish you would stop concocting phony stories about liberals from your imagination.

I remember that election as well. It was really the first time I became political are, I have to say. It was when my grandmother, a staunch Republican, stunned me by saying that she always voted the party ticket anytime there was an election, no matter who the candidate was. I asked her how she could do that and she said it was because she trusted the GOP as it had represented her values for the better part of 50 years. She spun in her grave the day Sarah Palin was chosen as a VP candidate. Then she spun again when Trump reared his ignorant, egocentric noggin.

But I digress. It was no secret to any Democrat that Carter was going to lose that election going into November. This fantasy that it was something more akin to "Dewey Defeats Truman!" snafu of the Republican-leaning Chicago Daily Tribune in 1948 is ridiculous.

At that time, all pundits and polling evidence indicated a Dewey win on the immediate horizon, so the Tribune went ahead and sent the set plates to the printers, making history as Truman jubilantly held up a copy of the notoriously wrong headline and said, "That ain't the way I heard it!"

Hey, wait a sec. Come to think of it, there was another instance recently when a Republican-leaning group jumped the gun with a wildly optimistic re-envisioning of reality. Oh, yeah! Yesterday, when the GOP said Mike Pence was the "clear winner" of this debate and then listed a "pre-done" list of Pence's supposed "top moments," including highlighting Clinton scandals (he tried and failed) and discussing the economy (he barely touched it) one hour before the actual debate.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

keep on doing what you do and give people more entitlements and create a bigger, lazier and socially dependent nation. But package it well and call it caring instead of racism.

durrrr...So, Trump makes billions by not paying taxes and receiving grant (taxpayer money), and he is brilliant, but when poor folks need a bit of government assistance, they are living "lazy and socially dependant?" My god was Hillary right, you Trumpsters really are deplorable.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I know liberals could care less if the country is attacked

What a ridiculous comment. You criticize liberals so much, then make a statement that is well worth criticizing. Do you not see the hypocrisy?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

he spoke like a little kid

Heh, considering quality of your post, that comment is ironic.

Strangerland wrote: "Then tell us, what did he mean? Because his words definitely inferred that action needs to be taken against North Korea." ... ... It's the job of a free press to follow up questionable statements with questions. Not enough of that lately.

We're not the free press, we're posters on a news site.

So again, tell us what did he mean? Because as chicanoinjapan said:

When Pence was asked about North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons he responded that the U.S. needs to strengthen its military.

So does this mean that a country that spends nearly as much as the next 7 highest spending countries combined in military need to strengthen more and North Korea will magically be intimidated to the ground? Or did he meant that the U.S. needs to directly intervene in North Korea, which undoubtedly will lead to war ?

Is NK supposed to suddenly be intimidated when they haven't been already, or does Pence think that NK should be invaded by the US? I don't see any other options as to what his comments meant.

Trumpence - warmongers alike.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Pence sounded he was a. Presidential candidate in 2020. He should concentrate on some good side of Trump such as he only married three times.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Serrano: "Pence absolutely destroyed Kaine. Hillary is toast."

I SOOOOO love that your 'proof' of this is that you "just voted in the FOX poll that puts Pence ahead of Kaine..."!! TOOO funny, young man!

In fact, Pence is suffering huge backlash of that "whip out the Mexican thing" comment, and the fact that he could not justify Trump's Mexicans are rapists comment (which he then lied about in trying!). And yes, Pence is the LGBT bigot who had to reverse his legislature because businesses were moving out -- more proof that these two make up the worst combination of businessmen in the nation.

Or... do you think Trump losing a billion dollars in one year and dodging taxes for another 20 is an example of a good businessman, Serrano, especially given his staff and the nation all paid for it?

Oh, and by the way, Trump slid in the polls again today. But please feel free and tell us how the opposite is happening again, and make your predictions.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

BBC analyst said Pence did a good job, was calm and measured. Said Kaine came across as "over-caffeinated".

2 ( +5 / -3 )

It's funny how when liberals do polling, we HAVE to take them seriously without EVER the benefit of a doubt

I don't know where you got that from. The CNN poll after the Clinton/Trump debate was released with the CNN announcers themselves saying that it should be taken with a grain of salt, as it was a biased poll. And as has been mentioned countless times on this board, all online polls should be taken with a grain of salt, as they are not scientifically accurate.

If Hillary is elected I think Kaine is likely to become president cos Hillary is probably not gonna make it thru her first term due to health reasons. Kaine is much too excitable and jittery to be president, IMO.

Conversely, if Trump is elected, Pence is likely to become president, because Trump will likely end up in jail for various fraud convictions. Pence is way too extremist to be president IMO.

did Pence SAY that the US needs to directly intervene in North Korea? No. You suggested that that's what he meant.

Then tell us, what did he mean? Because his words definitely inferred that action needs to be taken against North Korea.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Best headline I've seen:


2 ( +6 / -4 )

lol. Funny add. Pence looks so smug. But what a liar!


2 ( +2 / -0 )

dharmadanOCT. 05, 2016 - 05:09PM JST

Haha, BBC just admitted Pence came off much better and Kaine was annoying with his frequent interruptions! Hillary is going down to defeat!

You really think? Because of a VP debate? Familiar with Tim Stanley? Not a man I'd describe as liberal, here's what he had to say:

Pence, undeniably effective, won in large part by not being as bizarre as his running mate. Any momentum gained will doubtless be squandered by Trump himself.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Was Pence denigrating Mexicans when referring to them as 'things', or was he simply referencing his belief that Mexicans are rapists and using some sort of phallic reference in saying "whipping out that Mexican thing". In either case, it's pretty disturbing how Trump and Pence think about Americans.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

chicanoinjapan wrote: "... Or did he (Pence - mine) meant that the U.S. needs to directly intervene in North Korea, which undoubtedly will lead to war ? Do you realize how crazy this is? It will be the beginning of nuclear war and the end of humanity."

Chicanoinjapan, my friend, did Pence SAY that the US needs to directly intervene in North Korea? No. You suggested that that's what he meant. Repeat: You suggested that that's what he meant. Nice try, guy. Stick to what was actually said.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Fox notes "Another debate, another biased moderator: Quijano dumps on Trump, Pence ... By a factor of 8-to-1, Quijano peppered Pence with tough question after tough question. She reserved just one for Kaine."

And supplies a link from NewsDiff, diffing a NY Times article on the debate, showing the NYT criticizing Quijano and Kaine in one version and posting a paragraph on Hillary's email server in the version of the article from 10:34pm EDT, and deleting those items 19 minutes later, in favor of paragraphs supporting their usually slanted viewpoints. One can only imagine the hail of approbation cast at the author by his readers and NYT peers upon posting the original version.


Pink: Archived October 04, 2016 at 10:34pm EDT Green: Archived October 04, 2016 at 10:53pm EDT

(deleted in 10:53pm version) Mr. Kaine — who earlier in the debate seemed to have trouble nailing his attacks — ...

(deleted in 10:53pm version) Elaine Quijano, the moderator, helped Mr. Kaine along, opening one question with a recitation of Mr. Trump’s statements. ...

(deleted in 10:53pm version) Mr. Pence criticized Mrs. Clinton for using a private email server as secretary of state. After Mr. Kaine said that Mrs. Clinton had been cleared by “a Republican F.B.I. director,” Mr. Pence fired back. “If your son or my son handled classified information the way Hillary Clinton did, they’d be court-martialed,” he said. ...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I literally fell asleep.

What a boring, uninspired 'debate,' much like this entire general election.

What a low point for American politics.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Kaine clearly won the debate. Pence could not defend all of Trump's misdeeds and lies. It's delight to see both of them were gentle and well-behaved.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

"Here's the difference though, the vitriol towards Trump and the intolerance tolwards him is so frightening to a lot of supporters, they fear of reprisals, attacks, vilified, so yes, you do have more Trump supporters that are keeping their mouths shut unlike people that vote for Hillary, the repercussions aren't as dire."

Imagine the courage it took to vote for a Kenyan Muslim communist who was also the anti-Christ in environments where people think the abolition of slavery was a mistake and the rapture is due any day.

That takes guts.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


You are exactly correct. The Democrats, especially liberals, were disappointed with Carter -- which is why Ted Kennedy challenged the sitting president in the primaries. I was going to mention the "Dewey-Truman" scenario too -- recalling it well as "praying for a miracle." Nobody, but nobody, was amazed by Reagan's victory.

I have been toying with a new theory regarding Pence. How do you get a hard-line right-winger into the presidency? Answer: Select him as a running mate to a candidate whose legal and ethics issues might not allow him to finish his first term. Trump does not care about the day to day grind of governing. Winning the office for the sake of the Trump "brand" is why he's in this. Like Palin, he could simply resign his elected office and walk away to the cheers of his admiring minions.

They would end up with Tea Party, knees-to-Jesus President Pence -- which I think they would be fine with. Let us pray this does not happen.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

bass4funkOCT. 05, 2016 - 09:49PM JST

One thing that give me solace is that, even if Hillary wins the presidency, the House and Senate should still be in the hands of the GOP, so it will be a long 4 years, so dig in your heels and prepare for more back and forth.

Haven't you agreed that both parties were as bad as each other and that both need to be destroyed? And there you are calling liberals hypocrites and liars.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I am watching the debate on youtube right now. Pence is behaving presidential, and Kaine comes across as a juvenile, arrogant, aggressive twit who can not help himself interrupting every sentence his opponent speaks. Truly pathetic.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Strangerland wrote: "Then tell us, what did he mean? Because his words definitely inferred that action needs to be taken against North Korea." ... ... It's the job of a free press to follow up questionable statements with questions. Not enough of that lately.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kaine looked like he grabbed some of Hillarys uppers just before the debate. Note to staffers - don't let Timmy near Hillarys meds!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

If even CNN admits Pence won, then obviously he did.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

cane sounded like a whinny little 3 yo candy cane. he spoke like a little kid and did not speak about the issues. he severely lost the debate. considering Hillarys ill health its another huge problem for the dems. no one wants hillary and for sure now they dont want the candy cane.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

And with the VP debate out of the way, both men can comfortably put their feet back up on the desk and resume watching the MLB playoffs. Whoever is on the winning ticket won't be needed until this same time 4 years from now.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Snooze fest for people that have nothing better to do.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Yeah let drone Assange?

But once again Hillary "doesnt recall" something. Yet she also says IF she had said it, it was a joke. If you didnt say something why would you qualify that with an "if I said it...."??? If you didnt say it and you should stick with you didnt say it, there should be no "but if I did...."

Remember last time Trump said it was a joke what he said, and how people didnt accept it. Yet when Hillary says it was a "joke" I'm supposed to accept it? Oh yeah Hillary is a known joker, well known for her sense of humor in all situations. NOPE

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Is NK supposed to suddenly be intimidated when they haven't been already, or does Pence think that NK should be invaded by the US? I don't see any other options as to what his comments meant.

If they keep acting stupid and have it in them to pursue their nuclear ambitions and threatening to take out Japan, Hawaii and the West Coast of the US, yes, we should do a preemptive strike.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Kaine and Clinton use the same style of attack ie. Trump is a racist, only cares about himself, hates Mexicans etc. It`s now to point of overkill and desperation. People want some ideas about policy. Thankfully, Trump is pushing them. Kaine sounded like a spoiled brat.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Gotta agree with BBC that Kaine IS jittery and over-caffeinated. If Hillary is elected I think Kaine is likely to become president cos Hillary is probably not gonna make it thru her first term due to health reasons. Kaine is much too excitable and jittery to be president, IMO.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Pence calmly neutralized Kermit the frog.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

if the CNN poll was conducted scientifically as was their poll after the first presidential debate - which Hillary plainly won - then it's not a matter of CNN being "partisan" is it?

I never said, Hillary didn't win the debate, I personally think she did, however, in the minds of millions of voters, they thought Trump won.

More a matter of them being accurate within a published margin of error. "Partisan" is voting hundreds of times for Trump in an unrepresentative "poll" online and then convincing yourself that the result has any meaning at all.

Just remember that when I put up a FOX news poll as well.

Trump made himself look even more stupid claiming he won the debate when any unbiased observer clearly says that he didn't, and the polls he cited were open to anyone. The real polls, those conducted on a balanced and representative sample of the electorate and which reflect the truth, are of no interest to a man who has built his entire campaign on misquotes, exaggeration and plain outright lies.

It's funny how when liberals do polling, we HAVE to take them seriously without EVER the benefit of a doubt, Conservatives come out with a poll, we just have to take it with a grain of salt. I'll say this, my life without liberals giving me day to day laughs would be completely meaningless. LOL

I'm not going to waste my time explaining to a so-called journalist the science behind statistics and modern, scientific polling, but suffice to say that one glance at the polarization of this election should be enough to tell any reasonably well educated person that a "silent majority" is already accounted for with a large enough sample size.

Exactly, you don't need to. I covered the 2nd term of Clinton and the Bush/Gore debacle, but NO, sorry, not buying that. The Same thing happened in 1980 and liberals were so overly sure of themselves. What was even more amazing was the fact, they were actually amazed that Reagan won. Heck, Mickey Mouse would have won in 1980 if he had been running. Carter was a hopeless disaster.

Also, it stands to reason that any "silent majority" you speak of would be equally divided into both the Trump and Clinton camps, effectively cancelling out any unvoiced support for either candidate. Of course, the key factor here is whether or not there will be an application of reason.

Here's the difference though, the vitriol towards Trump and the intolerance tolwards him is so frightening to a lot of supporters, they fear of reprisals, attacks, vilified, so yes, you do have more Trump supporters that are keeping their mouths shut unlike people that vote for Hillary, the repercussions aren't as dire.

I'm betting, Yes.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Trump tweets during the VP debate:

"Kaine looks like an evil crook out of the Batman movies."

"Kaine says he and Hillary have plans. She could care less what Kaine thinks."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, lol, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I have been toying with a new theory regarding Kaine. How do you get a politician who was for the TPP before he was against it into the presidency? Select him as the running mate to a candidate who has more baggage than Delta Airlines and whose lying and corruption will not let her finish her term.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Haha, BBC just admitted Pence came off much better and Kaine was annoying with his frequent interruptions! Hillary is going down to defeat!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

One thing that give me solace is that, even if Hillary wins the presidency, the House and Senate should still be in the hands of the GOP, so it will be a long 4 years, so dig in your heels and prepare for more back and forth.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Sorry, but there is no room in America for a polite acceptance of the bigotry, misogyny, and racism that Trump has mainstreamed in his egotistical, opportunistic, absolutely destructive romp towards the presidency.

You pretty much summed up Hillary in a nutshell, but replace misogyny with opportunistic, underhandedly sly.

I desperately wish there was a way to post a mp3 file to this thread of me laughing off my chair at this absurdity. "Reprisals?" "Attacks?" "Vilification?" "Dire repercussions?" You've got to be freakin' kidding me. :-)

Trump supporters cowering in fear somewhere, avoiding anonymous telephone pollsters, and thus skewing final poll results?! My god, man, you have truly, truly lost it.

So is that what the Daily Kos is putting out now? They were already done in the abyss of sliming people, but now....

No, there is no silent majority that, on election day, will magically find the stones to leave their safe havens to descend upon polling places in hordes and ultimately carry Trump to glorious victory.

If you want to think that go ahead, but I remember back in 1979 a friend of my fathers was saying something similar about Reagan.We didn't see too much of him after the following year. Still wondered what happened to that guy.

Not happening, Bass. All the people who are ever going to vote for Trumo have made themselves heard. And that number is dropping daily with every petty, snarky, adolescent outburst Trump makes.

Lol, that's like saying Hillary is THE most honest and trustworthy politician ever to have grace the halls of Washington! LMAO

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

As if there weren't enough reasons not to vote for Clinton, giving Tim Kaine a chance to be president is one more.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Mike Pence: "Senator, do you take all the deductions you're entitled to? I do!"

Excellent comment!!!!!!!!!!

It must be really disheartening for the Hillary supporters here to see that even CNN has Pence winning the debate 48% to 42%.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

smith: "You didn't answer my question about Trump (for the eighth time). "

smith...I'm not requited to answer every one of your questions, but... this question?

"do you think Trump losing a billion dollars in one year and dodging taxes for another 20 is an example of a good businessman, Serrano, especially given his staff and the nation all paid for it?"

Smith, apparently you are not aware that you sometimes lose money when doing business. His staff and the nation paid for it, eh? Smith, listen very carefully... Trump has, over the years, employed tens of thousands of people, and paid millions of dollars in taxes over the decades of his business.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

durrrr...So, Trump makes billions by not paying taxes and receiving grant (taxpayer money), and he is brilliant, but when poor folks need a bit of government assistance, they are living "lazy and socially dependant?" My god was Hillary right, you Trumpsters really are deplorable.

Yeah, it's just so very horrible to work, be self-independent and self-reliant, if that makes me a deplorable person, I wear that like a badge of honor any day of the week. Liberals and their hypocrisy. LOL

If even CNN admits Pence won, then obviously he did.

Which must have been a very daunting and frustrating task to get on TV and mention it.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Haven't you agreed that both parties were as bad as each other and that both need to be destroyed? And there you are calling liberals hypocrites and liars.

I sure did, but if Hillary wins, then it's just going to me more liberal failures after another and if the House and Senate can make it more difficult for Hillary to ruin the country and drag it further down the abyss, that's good enough for me.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

48% of the latest CNN poll said, Pence did a better overall. For once CNN can stay out of the partisan realm. Kudos to them for being honest.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Clear KO win by Pence. Trump will be President on November 9.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

It's interesting that "debate" has a different meaning in American English and British English.

I think the same goes for Democracy and socialism

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

"serrano, about time to wake up and face the fact."

Heck, I could just say "mtuffizi, about time to wake up and face the fact," but let me ask you a question - What fact? let me guess - Kaine demolished Pence, right?

"Kaine clearly won the debate"

Really? Even CNN says Pence won 48% to Kaine's 42%.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

79 percent of Americans polled say [Trump] doesn't show enough respect for people he disagrees with 70 percent express anxiety about a Trump presidency 67 percent think he lacks the personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively 64 percent doubt his understanding of world affairs 63 percent see him unfavorably overall 62 percent say he's not honest and trustworthy 61 percent think he's unqualified for office 60 percent think he's biased against women and minorities

And what about the silent majority that didn't vote or were not polled? Hmmmmm.....

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Trump can keep up the attacks on minorities which should free up Pence to go after the gays.

Naw, libs are doing a fantastic job at it, just keep on doing what you do and give people more entitlements and create a bigger, lazier and socially dependent nation. But package it well and call it caring instead of racism.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Thank God that Pence pulled this off and Thank God the man worked for years on the radio and saw that sly attack that Kaine tried to do and not get suckered into a verbal fracas of Hillary talking points, focused and calm, best strategy.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

"You backed the wrong horse."

I think you backed the wrong horse. Question: Why do the majority of Americans, including the majority of women, distrust Hillary Clinton?

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

I just voted in the Fox online poll, which has Pence winning the debate 77.71% to Kaine's 22.29%.

"Hey isn't Pence that bigot from Indiana?"

Stay classy, Super.

-17 ( +3 / -20 )

Not in this universe. You must have watched an alternative universe version of the debate.

I pretty much stay in this Universe, can't recall ever dabbling into the liberal Unicornverse.

I think the debate was a fair draw for the two of them.

Not even close. The biggest loser was the moderator without a question, but Kaine was hot, bothered and interrupting constantly and refused to engage on any of the issues.

Although Caine effectively drove home the point that Pence wouldn't defend many of trump's more controversial statements, other than to adopt the Trump approach by flat-out lying ("No, he never said that."), I think Caine erred in taking the approach of inserting snarky comments when Pence was speaking.

Ok, so what about terrorism, I know liberals could care less if the country is attacked, but the continuing focus on none of the policies, but keeping the focus on Trump, classic liberal deflection. Any talk about taxes and debts> Nope! Trump and his taxes, Yup. Hillary and her speeches and questions to how she made billions, what are you talking about. LMAO.

On the other hand, while Pence was calm, measured, and courteous.

Kaine had nothing to bring. Liberals aren't really used to dealing with issues, lies, shouts and defections, they have mastered that to fine art.

At one point, Pence even nodded in thoughtful agreement with Caine that Clinton was part of the process of getting the China to match US efforts to level comprehensive sanction packages against North Korea.

He did not and the only thing the deals did was legitimized it and legalized it. Nothing more.

That's not a good thing to have on tape for a ticket that -is running on the assertion that Clinton has "failed at everything she's ever done."

Pretty much.

I understand your frustration with the untenable candidate you've opted to back. It compels you to use exaggeration and bombast to hide your discomfort with the obvious weaknesses in Trump. I sympathize with you. I really do. You backed the wrong horse.

The only big frustration is that Trump needs to stay away from Twitter. But unlike Trump, Kaine tried to do a Hillary style attack. Pence, was poised, calm, took every blow, allowed it to bounce off him and deliver a counter-punch, which put Kaine on his heels, that's how you do it. Trump could learn from this and try harder to ignore Hillary, steamroll over her and stay on course.

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

Pence absolutely destroyed Kaine. Hillary is toast.

-20 ( +6 / -26 )

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