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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Kerry: U.S. to accept 85,000 refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017
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Let the BOMBINGS begin:
Just what we need......
True Okinawa
The US cannot even properly handle it's military veterans, 11 million ILLEGAL immigrants, Black Lives, Matter, etc. so now we take in refugees? This has Obama's stupidity written all over it......
True Okinawa. I assuming you are American. Unless you are 100 percent native american, you or your ancestors immigrated to the U.S. too. What gives with the selfishness? Was taking immigrants after WW2 and the Viet Nam war stupidity?
Any one AGAINST admitting 20k refugees (15 plus the other committed to before), please click 'Good' button.
Peace Out
For all the chaos the U.S. has created in the M.E., its not nearly enough. The U.S. is responsible for massive state terrorism and outright murder across the M.E. and support of same, but has a panic attack thinking that an underwear bomber wannabe might slip in among some refugees.
36,000 people died in traffic accidents in 2012. You would think Americans would be petrified at the thought of getting into an automobile. Especially considering the recent situation with the guy shooting at cars in Arizona. But no. They are terrified that some dark skinned Muslim might move into the neighborhood and knock on their door to ask for a cup of sugar.
Great news. Can some Japanophile tell me how many times 11 goes into 85,000?
WA4TKG, Ossan, and True Okinawa -- you must mistake this site for FOX News. JT posters don't hate people simply because they are from the Mid-east, or black.
Actually, what it has is Obama correctly recognizing that the "stupidity" of George W. and his fellow neo-cons, who wanted to over throw dictators they did not like because he tried to kill "Daddy', set the whole chain of events in motion that created this nightmare, and the U.S. has a responsibility to help these victims, just like it did after Nam. You guys keep wanting to forget Colin Powell's immortal words: "If you break it, you own it", and this is exactly what he meant.
How far back in history shall we go Onniyama? World population, globalization, and easier mobility has opened the whole world for resettlement. The America's, Australia, New Zealand, thousands of small islands all over the world are open borders in your analogy. Either we end the madness or remove national recognition and we call ourselves 'Earthlings'....
I just may try the former New Zealand, it's got almost everything I need. Where would you like to reside? It's now now a no border world now. Oh and bring you culture with you. Her in USA I can't wait to see a live demonstration with PROTESTERS yelling Alah Akbar! And a working class refusing to serve my wine at dinner.
Some states are reluctant, Some states with shortage in workable people are eager to accept them than so called illegals. About custom change, there are turkey bacons and turkey hams ec. Beside that, you hardly see people wearing acarf in hot area in Southern states. Maybe too hot to wear scarf?
How many people are the Russians willing to let in to their country?
Terrible idea.
I have a feeling that Kerry isn't going to screen their backgrounds for terrorist ties until years after they are settled in at tax payers expense.
Kerry: U.S. to accept 85,000 refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017 - Japan,11.
Gimme a break. The Syrian war is a direct result of the "Arab Spring" movement, a grassroots regional movement, which spread into Syria, via domestic dissent among local -- and mainly Islamic -- factions. The US had basically nothing to do with it.
Assad was originally a Soviet client, back when the Syrians were trying to annihilate Israel.
As long as it's handled appropriately I think this is a good idea. America is very good at assimilating immigrants (usually second generation immigrants are just flat out Americanized). And if you don't know, Syrian food is amazing. Actually that entire area of the world has amazing food and that will be the first thing to come with them. My best friend since I was a kid was a refugee from Croatia (shes half-muslim, though now an atheist) during the Kosovo crisis in the late 90's. Now she's married to an awesome guy who's in the Navy, she's a huge fan of the Colts and she loves a good pot of Chili. Some of my favorite memories growing up were going to her house and having her grandmother (who didn't speak English at all but damned if she didn't try) feed me Croatian food, tell me which of her grandsons back at home I was going to marry, and how stupid their dog was. A lot of people back then didn't want to take in immigrants from Yugoslavia but my life was made immeasurably better because of it. Even if there are some problems in the beginning (as there are with any situation like this) the good will heavily outweigh the bad and we as a people will be made better by it. America has a lot of internal problems and of course we make mistakes but c'mon......... assimilating immigrants is something we're very good at. If we push them away it will only isolate them from our culture and create bitterness among the next generation which won't lead to anything good. Embrace it. Make some Syrian refugee friends, take them to a basketball game... they're just people, and people are mostly good.
I liked in a post on another news story saying the Christian societies have thrived and the Muslim societies haven't aside from oil. We are very different peoples.
OBAMA making another attempt to destroy America from within. He's America's Frankenstein!
jerseyboy: "WA4TKG, Ossan, and True Okinawa -- you must mistake this site for FOX News. JT posters don't hate people simply because they are from the Mid-east, or black"
Exactly. The paranoia and fear show who the REAL extremists are. There are so many bigots in or from the US saying, "Let the bombings begin!" over this, or something as equally inane when they fail to take into account that SOME of the refugees fleeing Syria and the ME in general are fleeing from ISIS! Why? Because they want nothing to do with them or their brand of extremism. And yet, while these bigots will try and cover up their bigotry with attempted defense like, "Well, not ALL Muslims are bad," or, "I have Muslim friends. They're great!", they still lump refugees trying to escape persecution FROM RADICAL ISLAMISTS as... well... radical Islamists.
Wc626: "Kerry & obama are superb idiots."
Yeah, as opposed to a guy who says:
"This is a bad idea, muslims do not belong in the US." or, "Let the BOMBINGS begin:"
You do realize you are WORSE than the people you hate, right?
The U.S. is already doing enough. Let other countries pitch in and have that be their contribution to the problem.
Joshua Degreiff
Wow cool....more unemployment....and pay more taxes.....we have enough with illegals work undertable and now refugees living monetary assistance.....Whoopee Hurray Dooo!
The key issue is not just how many refugees the US will accept but how many the US will create with its over-exploitation of the world's natural resources and labour and aggressive military involvement in other societies directly or through weapons sales.
So how did Obama correct this so called lunacy diatribe you limbs are always on? How are these refugees going to benefit America? Why doesn't Obama push the other Arab nations to take in more refugees and why isn't the Muslim community taking in millions of refugees the same way the Europeans are doing? How is Obama stopping ISIS, Assad and Putin? This the most idiotic president this country has ever known. But we'll get through the last 15 months. Keep hope alive!
So why isn't the current president not owning up to it. Why is he just indiscriminately letting anyone in without properly vetting them?
Spread them out through the entire 50 states. They will assimilate quickly and do great things for the US as almost all of the immigrants before them that came to the states as immigrants.
Why do you come here every day and ask people about Saudi Arabia? Go research the information yourself if you want to know. Then report about your own country. Then collect your check and go home.
I grew up in the US with children from the urban areas moving to the suburban areas, and our area becoming mixed race and culture. Hispanic, Italian and German descendants were there from early on after the Native American population was removed. People from Vietnam, Laos came as well. Later, more children from Korea came. Most of the average Caucasian kids were from families who moved from neighboring rural states for job opportunities. Homes were bought, sold, rented, regularly. My neighboring homes there now have had well over 6 inhabitants over the centuries. Honestly, one of the hardest parts about raising kids in Japan is that there is very little casual interaction with various cultures outside of the core urban areas. I am sure the empty homes and rural areas in Japan could handle and thrive with more people of different cultures. The schools are getting more students from various backgrounds. They are growing up and entering the work force. The face of Japan is changing, little by little. But, still have not met one Japanese who is supportive of accepting refugees.
->do great things for the US as almost all of the immigrants before them that came to the states as immigrants.
Yeah, worked so well for Europe as well.
The Saudis, although they are supposedly our allies, No one is mentioning the fact that they are equally as guilty for supplying Al Qaida and ISIS as Iran is supplying Hezbollah, the Palestinians and their biggest weapons sponsor-Russia. Did the White House not know this or dis it conveniently slip their minds?
Some think Assad and Putin started this mess. What has Russia donated and how many refugees have they taken in?
Supposedly? They are super allies as big US weapons consumers and oil suppliers.
Coming from the guy who just a week or so ago said JT is full of nothing but "haters". WOW.
bass -- regular posters here have come to expect you to spew nothing but anti-Obama nonsense -- ripped straight from FOX News, but why do you continue to just ignore reality? Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq are housing millions of these refugees. And have been since 2011. Besides, why do you keep critisizing Obama for not forcing "Arab nations" to clean up the mess your neo-con heroes created? If Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. had just left Iraq/the Middle East alone, this wouldn't even be an issue. "Mission Accomplished" -- yea, right!
"How many people are the Russians willing to let in to their country?"
How about the Chinese?
These are humans looking for a better life. Economic migrants should get in line. War refugees move to the front. It saddens me to read so many negative comments aimed at 1 group here. Sure, care should be taken on background checks, but we don't convict an entire group based on the actions of a few people. My parents taught me that lesson.
The USA is a nation of immigrants. My family (both sides) came from Russia around 1900. They made a life, raised their kids, integrated into the American culture, while keeping some of our German roots (pre-Russia lives). That is all these refugees want - to get away from the war and build a better life for their families. That is fairly universal in my world travels for all humans.
1st and 2 generation immigrants work very hard. They don't have any other choice. I see lots of families here from the 1700s who are very poor - it is called "feeling entitled." That isn't good for anyone.
I'm amazed at how mean these posters can be. I bet most claim to be Christians too. Nice. Glad that hate lesson didn't rub off on me.
why would they?
Like I said in a previous post, no country wants to be burdened with this refugee crisis. However, since the US played a key role in causing this, then if there's any country that "deserves" this, it's them and the Gulf States.c This is why countries shouldn't start wars.
Bartholomew Harte
From what i've seen on various news reports i would say the Peoples of the E.U. ,their heritages as well as their cultures are going out the window & no matter what Kerry & co. spin on this there will be blood down the line perpetrated by some disgruntled muslim who was given a second chance - Remember Boston!
Black Sabbath
One, the Nazarene would say "take them in." Not "start the bombing"
Two: We are not "Christian societies." We are secular. Our power comes from breaking the chains of Christianity. The Islamic world has largely not.
It is the power of religion in society, the power of religion over the state, that stifles.
Less than 1,000, about the same amount as Saudi Arabia.
Last report was There are more than 2 million tent people refugees from other countries in Saudi Arabia.